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Ares January 9th, 2014 00:44

Revolution Airsoft = Utterly Rediculous
I was in the market for a full wood stock version of the WE M14 (which my family was giving me funds to purchase for a Chrsitmas gift) and the only place in Canada that I could find that had it in stock was Revolution Airsoft. I set them a message through there site to confirm it was the one I was looking for and with in two days I got the response "yes its the full wood and metal version".

It was coming up to Black Friday/Cyber Monday sale so i figured I would wait and see what sort of sale they were going to put on. Cyber Monday rolls around and Revolution put on some nice sales so I ordered the gun.

I receive the gun with in a few days and when I open the box low and behold its the plastic stock version (which they don't even stock). I immediately send them a message through their site and literally within 2 minutes I get a response (I was impressed), They asked for photos of the gun, the box and the shipping label, which I send off immediately. It took 4 days for them to response even after I messaged them again confirming if they received the pics.

They requested that I repack up the gun and ship it back to them, I inform them that is was purchased as a Christmas gift and with December 25 rolling up fast I was concerned with the time frame to ship the gun back, them to looking it over and even decide if they would replace it and plus by this time their site said they were out of stock.

I requested that they just re-imburse me the amount of the stock and I would order one somewhere else or if they wanted to bring one in and mail it to me. They decided to re-imburse me the purchase price of a stock and they linked one from ehobby (a low end one for $100) so I shot back a link for the actual WE stock from ehobby for $130. They agreed upon the $130 and that was Dec 12th.

After several messages to Revolution I still had not received the refunds. It took me starting a dispute through Paypal at the beginning of this week for them to finally send me the refund.

After this experience I would highly advise anyone who asks to NEVER order from Revolution Airsoft.

Sorry for the rant.

j_march January 9th, 2014 01:13

They had the most ridiculous sale at Christmas and were friggin busy. They sold out all there stock basically. Just saying they might have been busy.

Adamlxlx January 9th, 2014 03:51

Busy is no excuse. If you cant handle busy dont run a "business".

Gish January 9th, 2014 05:11

So they agreed to your terms and did there best effort to accommodate you?

THe_Silencer January 9th, 2014 05:54

So busy that they couldn't spare the 2 minutes to send the funds electronically? Just saying.

ts10z January 9th, 2014 10:18

I wouldn't call waiting till a Paypal dispute was started best efforts. Its great they honored their word, but waiting until legal action is taken isn't really acting in good faith.

Ares January 9th, 2014 10:53

Almost a full month from the time they agreed to the re-embursement till when I started the dispute and I didn't start the dispute until sever messages to them went unanswered and time was closing to the point where I wouldn't have been able to dispute it through Paypal.

I feel I gave them more then ample time to do what should have taken no more then 2-3 minutes at a computer to complete. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't an online business run on computers.

BioRage January 9th, 2014 11:13


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1858866)

It's been 11 business days (excluding holidays) since my purchase *almost 3 weeks*, and items still haven't been shipped for me. :(

Got my item yesterday.

Ordered it on the Dec 23rd, was supposed to come on the 6th, but due to weather conditions I suppose Canada Post took the extra two days to ship it out.

BioRage January 9th, 2014 11:35


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1858879)
Does yours say processing without a tracking number?

Still shows processing for mine, ordered Dec. 21. Waiting on reply atm from contact us form thinger.


December 23 - Ordered.
January 1 - E-mail - "Your order is in processing."
January 3 - E-mail - "Shipping Confirmation + Tracking Number."
January 6 - Canada Post - ETA Delivery.
January 8 - Canada Post - Leaves it outside my front door.

Funny how I got mine before yours, lol. Maybe your order was bigger then mine? Luck of the draw it seems.

Chotto January 9th, 2014 14:25

Didn't they post that due to the large demand from their sale they are behind in shipping? I agree though when you offer the sale they did they should have expected the response they got and planned for extra staff help.

boren93 January 9th, 2014 17:02

I had 3 orders, 20, 23, 25 all shipped to me a week after ordering.

beta678 January 9th, 2014 20:10

Seems like they're just swamped with orders and can't process them quick enough, wasn't a big deal for me since the stuff I got wasn't urgently needed.

I put in an order for a AI Gas Can and a NPAS on Christmas and it just shipped out today. Was a sub $50 order, though price of shipping sucked considering it was domestic shipping vs. a few international orders I have coming from the States.

I did send them a message asking about my order earlier this week and got a prompt reply, so that's a small plus for them.

gear January 9th, 2014 20:50

Thanks for the heads up ill make sure i don't buy anything from them. I think people are forgetting 1 half of the story. he called to make sure it was the real wood version he wanted. They told him they had it then billed/shipped him the cheaper knock off.... sounds like a scam.

Turd January 9th, 2014 22:49

I think what this has boiled down to is a mere miscommunication. Yes, Revolution does have an inaccurate/misleading product page for the M14 (it says metal/wood as build material, not metal/IMITATION wood) Also note, many other retailers also state metal/wood on their pages.

However, a 2 minute Google search reveals that WE does not release a full metal/REAL wood M14, only the imitation wood with the option to buy a wood stock as well (correct me if I'm wrong here). The only contingency to this is to buy the WE wood stock (RA-Tech or some other alternative). And, as far as I can see, Revolution offered to pay for in recognizing the screw up on their product page. Yes it was a lengthy process to settle, but they have attempted to compensate. I'm having a hard time seeing a big problem here short of some tardiness. Tardiness amidst a busy Christmas season for one of the cheapest and most highly demanded airsoft retailers in Canada.

As for those with their orders still in a "processing" status, Revolution had this to say on their Facebook page: "If you havent received notification of shipping on your order(s) from our 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS SALE yet, do not worry.

It is on the way and a tracking number will be sent to you shortly.


Ares January 9th, 2014 23:09

It wouldn't have been so bad if when you (Revolution Airsoft) replied to my very first message saying it was to wood version. If I knew better I would have gone to my local Airsoft provider and purchased the same gun for less money and not had to pay for shipping.

Also I know it was a Christmas rush but to take almost a month to do the re-imbursement was unacceptable.

RA you yourself said in one of the messages that only the owner had the ability to do the refund so this entire situation in my opinion is solely lies on his shoulders.

j_march January 9th, 2014 23:28

Are you guys using these guns anytime soon? It's winter here where I am so it's not urgent to recieve them. It's nice to but I have patience to wait. Especially when I got the deal of a lifetime. It sucks that there wasn't good communication tho.

Turd January 10th, 2014 01:16


Originally Posted by Ares (Post 1859001)
It wouldn't have been so bad if when you (Revolution Airsoft) replied to my very first message saying it was to wood version. If I knew better I would have gone to my local Airsoft provider and purchased the same gun for less money and not had to pay for shipping.

Also I know it was a Christmas rush but to take almost a month to do the re-imbursement was unacceptable.

RA you yourself said in one of the messages that only the owner had the ability to do the refund so this entire situation in my opinion is solely lies on his shoulders.

By "you" to whom are you referring?

THe_Silencer January 10th, 2014 05:49


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1858940)
I expected delays, but this is getting kind of ridiculous considering its almost 3 weeks now *slower than out of country* and that's not even including the four items being shipped yet.

Especially considering even stuff ordered from Japan and the US after Christmas and even after New Years, have all already arrived.

If it makes you feel better I got my order (a KWA USP Match mag) Yesterday! :p I order on DEc 24th but they didn't ship until Jan 7th, so shipping shouldn't take long at all assuming that the will ship it soon. As for the folks defending Rev b/c they have low prices, and its the busy season or w/e, keep in mind that it's the 21st century and sending money electronically doesn't take any longer than it does to read and reply to an email. There's no excuse for the shit service the OP has been receiving.

ts10z January 10th, 2014 10:45

Not only that he had to start legal proceedings to get it. Its great they agreed to give him some money back, but it only means something if they ACTUALLY give the money back, preferably without Paypal forcing them to.

Ricochet January 10th, 2014 13:36

I have dealt with Revolution before myself, and everything was fine. I have however heard a lot of reviews about "B" grade service from them. Not that they are a bad company, but things take longer, are not 100% smooth, and things of that nature. That just means they are not choice número uno. That being said, they do move a mass amount of volume, and have been pivotal in helping to drop Canadian airsoft prices. Add on top of that the rush of the holiday season, and you'll have your answer. Your likely a victim of disorganization, and/or mediocrity. I will say this, when they offer a reasonable reprieve after they make a mistake, you're still likely to get the same lack of celerity, as when you initially made the purchase. Just don't deal with then again, but posting an honest review is a good idea.

pestobanana January 10th, 2014 15:06

At least they offered to compensate you for being mislead by their product page. Happened to my friend with a "reputable" Canadian retailer. He just said you got a boxing day discount so no I won't do anything about it.

kullwarrior January 10th, 2014 22:49

just FYI, as a customer you should research the product you are getting as well.
WE does not make WE m14 with wood. It's only simulated wood. WE SVD is offered in black polymer, wood, and wood with steel receiver.

Darklen January 10th, 2014 23:29


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 1859235)
just FYI, as a customer you should research the product you are getting as well.
WE does not make WE m14 with wood. It's only simulated wood. WE SVD is offered in black polymer, wood, and wood with steel receiver.

Odd you should mention that. I had a customer using my range this week who had a WE M14 with a full real wood stock. Says he bought it like that.

redneck12 January 11th, 2014 00:44

The RA-Tech WE M14 can be purchased with the real wood stock.

Shell Shock January 11th, 2014 01:07

Just got my 2 mags in the mail on the 9th. Got in on their WE Ak mags for 19$. My dealings with RA have been smooth. Sorry to hear your luck OP

kullwarrior January 11th, 2014 15:06


Originally Posted by Darklen (Post 1859248)
Odd you should mention that. I had a customer using my range this week who had a WE M14 with a full real wood stock. Says he bought it like that.

I never said you can't have a wood stock on it. WE does NOT make authentic wood stock. You can fit a RA-Tech or a Real M14 stock on it.


Originally Posted by redneck12 (Post 1859269)
The RA-Tech WE M14 can be purchased with the real wood stock.

Ares January 11th, 2014 15:16

WE wood stock

kullwarrior January 12th, 2014 02:10


Originally Posted by Ares (Post 1859351)

I can't say for certain, but the price point strongly suggest that was a mislabelled WE one (should be RA-Tech). I check on WE's website and it fails to list the wood stock you mentioned.
Officially WE only offers Rifle, Magazine, Flash hider, and scope mount on the M14 series.

Fireboy January 14th, 2014 01:36

I struggle to comprehend the excuse that they are very busy. As they are an e-commerce only retailer one should expect & accept no less than a smooth electronic transaction. That's what they are supposed to do.

When you have a brick and mortar store as well as an online business there are more distractions. Ask any one of those type of retailers active on here and they will likely concurr it can be a challenge but their hasnt been one that ive dealt with over the years where I've had any issues. My problems have always been when ive dealt with these type of fly by night outfits that don't have a location you can drive to and complain face to face. It's so much easier for them to blow customers off when they can ignore your emails for days. If you really want customer service stick with those retailers who run a brick and mortar store as well as online business. Those type of businesses understand customer service. And before you flip out....YES...their are exceptions to this...I am well aware of some of the amazing online only retailers...but those are least that's been my experience over the years.

Oh...and I musta missed something in regards to moving a ton a of product...they never seem to have anything in stock.....

Chiba January 14th, 2014 20:34

I'm surprised. My friends and I bought 5 guns during their Christmas sale.

It arrive in first week of January.

mrfister January 14th, 2014 23:12

maybe they don't know the difference between wood and plastic

mrfister January 14th, 2014 23:16


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1859699)
It's now been over 3 weeks and still nothing shipped, still processing, no replies... It's like I'm buying from overseas, but slower now! (Not to mention $$$ already paid during check out)

*They finally replied today... Saying "I have informed the shipping department. I am still awaiting a response from them. Thanks for your patience,"* I guess this means another few days of no response...

"I have informed the shipping dept"??? Hey mom did you ship that gun?

and I am going to suggest that this was not in stock. it never was in stock they are waiting to get it in from the states if orange tip or overseas if black tip.

sale ends when its in stock

j_march January 15th, 2014 00:36

Don't buy from revolution anymore if you guys are having that much problems.

redneck12 January 15th, 2014 13:27

Chances are your order was out of stock and they just don't want to admit it while they wait for their shipment to come in.

mrfister January 18th, 2014 07:39

waiting for their shipping department to respond I would suggest is a line of crap. How big of a company are they claiming to be? I remember when they first opened I read somewhere that they claimed to be so cheap because they sold thousands of guns every month. Really? Thousands and you just opened. So I think you have to take what they say with a grain of salt. It seems if there is no issue with purchase then they are fine. But its when there is an issue and how they respond that defines a company. I am sure Revolution is reading this thread, maybe even posting on it, so hopefully they take the feedback left here and improve. But for now with all the other retailers to choose from I would say the revolution is over

SuperHog January 20th, 2014 08:27


Originally Posted by mrfister (Post 1860813)
waiting for their shipping department to respond I would suggest is a line of crap. How big of a company are they claiming to be? I remember when they first opened I read somewhere that they claimed to be so cheap because they sold thousands of guns every month. Really? Thousands and you just opened. So I think you have to take what they say with a grain of salt. It seems if there is no issue with purchase then they are fine. But its when there is an issue and how they respond that defines a company. I am sure Revolution is reading this thread, maybe even posting on it, so hopefully they take the feedback left here and improve. But for now with all the other retailers to choose from I would say the revolution is over

I doubt any Canadian dealer sold thousands/month unless they sold to under aged customers to make up that sales number.

e-luder January 20th, 2014 11:10

There is of course some over-exaggeration of any business type, small or big.
Every retailer has something to boast about. It's called marketing.

Thousands is hardly believable. True. Considering they are always out of stock of everything. But you never know. They do have cheaper prices than everyone else.

Being something of a store that has high traffic (or at least they claim to be), there are bound to be hicupps. It's like buying something from Best Buy online on Boxing Week and expecting to get it before New Years. EVERY business has a few "lemon" transactions". MacDonald's, Wal-Mart, everyone. It just sucks that you got the receiving end of that spectrum.

Three weeks is a long time. I get it. You want your gun and you want it NOW! I understand and I totally agree with every frustration the OP is experiencing.

But calling them "over" is the biggest over-exaggeration i found on this thread....

BloodSport January 20th, 2014 11:40


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1861079)
I doubt any Canadian dealer sold thousands/month unless they sold to under aged customers to make up that sales number.

They probably wholesale to some of the smaller retailler's aka share importation with them to bring more in for lower prices and count those as their sales as well.

Fireboy January 21st, 2014 04:36

Where Are You Located? *by* RA
The answer to this question is put best as “Canada”. Here’s why: As an online business, we are free of the usual shackles of “geographic region” and are able to choose the best solution to everything we need. We have warehouses in Ontario and BC because that’s where we found the best value. We have employees in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario because that’s where we found the right people. So, our location is: Canada.

Call it what you want but this bit of malarkey sorta sums up this organization.
Clearly the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing especially when the hands are located on opposite sides of the country...and the fingers are located in other various parts of the country. And to consider them big without having a brick and mortar store is really just plain unrealistic. Without such a store they are blowing smoke up yer arse...

BloodSport January 23rd, 2014 11:06


Originally Posted by Fireboy (Post 1861247)
Where Are You Located? *by* RA
The answer to this question is put best as “Canada”. Here’s why: As an online business, we are free of the usual shackles of “geographic region” and are able to choose the best solution to everything we need. We have warehouses in Ontario and BC because that’s where we found the best value. We have employees in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario because that’s where we found the right people. So, our location is: Canada.

Call it what you want but this bit of malarkey sorta sums up this organization.
Clearly the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing especially when the hands are located on opposite sides of the country...and the fingers are located in other various parts of the country. And to consider them big without having a brick and mortar store is really just plain unrealistic. Without such a store they are blowing smoke up yer arse...

I'm still trying to figure out who the local Saskatchewan employee is.... they never advertise/sponsor any of the local games here which you think being a province in which they employee staff they would...... plus when I've asked at games no one has heard of them/work for them....... we have a very small player base in this province, lucky if we could field 100 players if everyone and their cousins were dragged out to play........

Fireboy January 25th, 2014 03:32

I think this sums it up...maybe...

mrfister January 29th, 2014 11:05


Originally Posted by Fireboy (Post 1862129)


yep. I think so. I don't think they where wholesale to anyone when they first opened up. they where buying off US distributors.

Dan11311 January 30th, 2014 10:07

Is it possible that the item was backordered for some of the orders?

BioRage January 30th, 2014 10:17


Originally Posted by Dan11311 (Post 1863296)
Is it possible that the item was backordered for some of the orders?

Truthfully for the sale they did, I think they just wanted to clear out ASAP.

Have a good feeling they are going to close, but I could be highly wrong.

Just not sure how they could do a 5-60% off deal during Christmas. There prices are already quite low, not like MilSig, who still profit $$$ from "up to 40-60% off."

So.. in regards to customer service.. This is how I see their response to everyone.

Fireboy January 30th, 2014 10:22

Stick to the stores that have brick and mortar as well as an online business. That way you know they should have posted hours of operation, a contact phone number, and a place you can walk into if your "deal" goes sideways.

kaiu January 30th, 2014 10:27

I made two purchases in the past successfully without issue, it's mainly this Christmas sale, I'm getting terrible service with my items not even shipped yet... (40 days so far, Paypal allows up to 45 days so I'm gonna have to make my dispute tonight probably)

I recall them being a hobby store in Saskatoon when they first started with warehouses in Mississauga for the East coast as that was where my previous shipments came from.

*I honestly REALLY wished/hoped they could have fulfilled my order as I bought it because of the deal, but no response for a week, and their promise to ship it by Jan. 23 obviously hasn't happened.*

*EDIT: Filed my Paypal claim now, if after 3 weeks of communication (after waiting 3 weeks already) didn't resolve my issue, I doubt it will ever be resolved in a timely manner now. Hopefully should be approved since I screenshotted everything just in case.*

Sucks, could have spent my money elsewhere during the Christmas season, and will do so in the future now.

kaiu February 3rd, 2014 14:42

My end result is I will never deal with this company again I guess...
At least don't trust their sales, because if they can't own up to it, they just put you on the backburner, and ignore you.
Could have spent the money on the zillion other deals going on during Christmas/Boxing week period.

6 weeks with the last 3 weeks communicating with them and being told it was being shipped out, and that promise being broken ended up with completely no communication with them afterwards.

My Paypal dispute limit was pretty much up, so I had to file one and submit my claim last week. Fifth day now, Revolution has cancelled the order.

Have not received a refund for almost $350, have not received a reply on their ticket system nor their Facebook.

Hopefully the Paypal claim goes through, will probably get my money in 2 weeks if it does... But basically my money is technically gonna be held hostage by Revolution Airsoft for 8-9 weeks? (OVER 2 MONTHS).

Buying in stock, in country should normally means you get it within a week. I can only guess it was supposed to be in stock as 4 weeks after not shipping it, they told me they just finished processing it and I will have a tracking number next day, which also did not surface after a week hence my Paypal dispute. (combined with 100% no longer responding, they did post on their Facebook during this time too!).

Ares February 3rd, 2014 14:50

I hope the administers of ASC are reading these posts and seriously consider revoking their retailer status.

Just my 2 cents.

gear February 4th, 2014 18:31

shocked they didn't comment on this post. you do a great job for a customer and you get a customer for life, but you do wrong by someone and you loose 10 customers. i really think it would be worth there time to comment on what happened.

Deadpool February 4th, 2014 18:40

Harras their Facebook page. They usually respond quite fast to their facebook page.

kaiu February 5th, 2014 08:53


Originally Posted by Deadpool (Post 1864948)
Harras their Facebook page. They usually respond quite fast to their facebook page.

I did post on their Facebook Wall unfortunately with no response. Also messaged them directly on Facebook and no answer.

As of right now the order is cancelled but no refund, and not even one response. Have to hope my Paypal Claim comes through soon.

medhatboy February 5th, 2014 11:44

They keep sending me emails asking to review the pistol I got from them. I cant really do that seeing as I didn't notice till after I removed that gay orange tip that the gun was damaged. The rear sight has a dent on the left side like as if it was dropped and landed on the sight then painted to cover it, and the little tab on the slide locking lever/take down pin that locks it into the gun was snapped off so the pin can be removed no matter if the slide is all the way forward, back, or half way. And the gas system in it sucks, I cant get all the bb's out of the mag with one fill and that's even using a brand new propane tank.

pestobanana February 5th, 2014 11:46


Originally Posted by medhatboy (Post 1865175)
They keep sending me emails asking to review the pistol I got from them. I cant really do that seeing as I didn't notice till after I removed that gay orange tip that the gun was damaged. The rear sight has a dent on the left side like as if it was dropped and landed on the sight then painted to cover it, and the little tab on the slide locking lever/take down pin that locks it into the gun was snapped off so the pin can be removed no matter if the slide is all the way forward, back, or half way. And the gas system in it sucks, I cant get all the bb's out of the mag with one fill and that's even using a brand new propane tank.

I submitted a 4/5 Review on the VFC Mk.16. Since it wasn't a 5/5 it wasn't posted.

redzaku February 5th, 2014 12:18

either that revolution airsoft is changing its name or that it has died

DrunkenTeddy February 5th, 2014 12:19


Originally Posted by redzaku (Post 1865181)
either that revolution airsoft is changing its name or that it has died

I thought that was coming after the christmas sell-off sales.

redzaku February 5th, 2014 12:26


Originally Posted by DrunkenTeddy (Post 1865183)
I thought that was coming after the christmas sell-off sales.

well, haven't paid attention to that site after that, why look a low priced guns that are out of stock?

Grudge February 5th, 2014 12:27

Just posted on their facebook page asking about the website being down and the GoDaddy message. We'll see if they allow it to stay, answer it or delete it. I have a screen shot anyways.

I've also noticed that their banner add on ASC seems to no longer be coming up at the top left.

BioRage February 5th, 2014 12:43

It's obvious they have gone under, everyone should of suspected that during their 60% off sales during Christmas.

Hope those got their items and money back.

Sequential February 5th, 2014 15:48

Did anyone get their Polarstar? :( I wanted to buy one but someone beat me to it at 35%...

beta678 February 5th, 2014 16:12

Was tempted to grab the KWA MP9 but missed out.. on the bright side though I got an AI gas can for $15 and a NPAS valve for cheap!

A little off-topic but there seems to be an unhealthy trend of Canadian airsoft stores closing up recently. Wondering what's up...

BloodSport February 5th, 2014 16:50


Originally Posted by beta678 (Post 1865259)
Was tempted to grab the KWA MP9 but missed out.. on the bright side though I got an AI gas can for $15 and a NPAS valve for cheap!

A little off-topic but there seems to be an unhealthy trend of Canadian airsoft stores closing up recently. Wondering what's up...

What other stores closed?
And keep this thread on topic, if you do not have dealings with them there is no need for you to post/troll this thread. I am keeping an eye and will hand out infractions if needed.

lurkingknight February 5th, 2014 17:07

little bit of positive news (well maybe not positive for anyone with money in limbo), I ordered during that christmas sale and got mine shipped and received before christmas.

Also in trying to order more at the time to try and see what the savings would be for free shipping, the system would not allow me to order more than what was entered as in stock (though stock is hidden), so before anyone says they sold more than what was on hand, it doesn't look like it was possible to do this with their e-commerce package.

I tried to order 2x of the rifle I wanted, but it said it couldn't complete the order. Once the order or 1 rifle shipped out, the item went out of stock in the system.

I had sent them a message asking if it was possible to delay shipping my order until after christmas as I may not have been home for the delivery, but nobody answered in time, the order was packed and shipped and received before I left for holiday, and someone even got back to me the day after it shipped. So as of dec 24th, there was someone still operating.

Hopefully that little bit of info will help establish a timeline of events.

Mr Ruggles February 5th, 2014 17:43

this is weird...anyone ever heard of the "big sky group of companies"

anyways check it out here

BloodSport February 5th, 2014 17:48

Big Sky Group of Companies not found by Bing or Google searches.

lots of companies called Big Sky although most are oil field or real estate related.

Looks like a means to change company name, ownership and remove responsibility from the old company's outstanding debts to me. No reason to leave clients without communications or refunds this long otherwise.

Danke February 5th, 2014 18:07

Big Sky sounds like RC planes. Isn't that what the key players at Revolution said their prior gig was?

Brian McIlmoyle February 5th, 2014 18:07

Maybe they are going through a merger or acquisition process which is sapping their time resulting in the delays some people are experiencing?

Cobrajr122 February 5th, 2014 18:13

Not an excuse when they have left paying customers out to dry while they left the country for a pleasure trip to shot show, and even after returning, still leaving them hanging.

DrunkenTeddy February 5th, 2014 18:43

All this talk makes me very thankful that they shipped me my 2 orders and didn't just take my money.. Sorry to those who are out cash cause of these guys, that really sucks :(

BloodSport February 5th, 2014 21:52

So only Airsoft business I can find so far online that is related to Big Sky is a usa store which is a division of a Chinese investment firm. Still digging to gain more information for those who are out $$$/product.

One of the names we have for a co owner of Revolution is a co owner of a hobby store in Saskatchewan. But have been told there is more from Alberta but so far those who know are not releasing the names due to personal friendships. I will keep digging. Hopefully those who are out funds get refunds soon, or we dig out enough information to track down the owners so they have something for the RCMP/Police to investigate further with.

Grudge February 6th, 2014 12:19

Not sure if it is related, but there is a member who's tag is BigSky and he lives in Southeast Saskatchewan. Could be someone entirely different though.

Grudge February 6th, 2014 15:03

Just posted on their Facebook page and minute ago in responce to my comments:

Revolution Airsoft All items have been shipped. All refunds have been processed. RA is under new ownership so there will be a period of time while the store is down so business processes can be integrated and the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.

BloodSport February 6th, 2014 15:08


Originally Posted by Grudge (Post 1865600)
Just posted on their Facebook page and minute ago in responce to my comments:

Revolution Airsoft All items have been shipped. All refunds have been processed. RA is under new ownership so there will be a period of time while the store is down so business processes can be integrated and the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.

As of about an hour ago there is one member still working on getting their money back.

Wonder if the new owners know how much the old ones have wrecked their rep currently.

redneck12 February 6th, 2014 15:34

From the looks of their FB page to me any ways they are just posting to stall no mention of new ownership, just trying to stop the questions while they do whatever they are doing, be it actually revamping or packing up and running away.

Revolution Airsoft Hi guys, there will be a period of time while the store is down so the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.
BTW, all orders have been processed and all refunds issued. Only outstanding items are 2 returns which our techs are looking at right now.

24 minutes ago ·

P.S BloodSport if your bored, the same group of guys seem to always like RA posts such as sales and such on FB maybe a lead in tracking down the mysterious owners/operators.

BloodSport February 6th, 2014 16:49


Originally Posted by redneck12 (Post 1865613)
From the looks of their FB page to me any ways they are just posting to stall no mention of new ownership, just trying to stop the questions while they do whatever they are doing, be it actually revamping or packing up and running away.

Revolution Airsoft Hi guys, there will be a period of time while the store is down so the store is revamped. Keep your eyes out for the relaunch.
BTW, all orders have been processed and all refunds issued. Only outstanding items are 2 returns which our techs are looking at right now.

24 minutes ago ·

P.S BloodSport if your bored, the same group of guys seem to always like RA posts such as sales and such on FB maybe a lead in tracking down the mysterious owners/operators.

I already have 3 names connected to old ownership and contact #'s linked to 2 of them, still digging to help anyone who does not get a refund/product in the event they start up RCMP/Police fraud complaints.

TheMightyOb February 6th, 2014 23:10

whoa - I was honestly worried about that when I saw this sale. It felt like a 'we're going out of business sale buy at your own risk' I risked it, thank fully got what was ordered. I am sure one of the rifles was a demo / used as there was a bb in the mag and some slight wear on the paint. I hope you folks get your $$ back.

Gish February 7th, 2014 00:50


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1865633)
I already have 3 names connected to old ownership and contact #'s linked to 2 of them, still digging to help anyone who does not get a refund/product in the event they start up RCMP/Police fraud complaints.

Wow you really have it in for them.

BloodSport February 7th, 2014 00:59


Originally Posted by Gish (Post 1865772)
Wow you really have it in for them.

I have it in for anyone who disappears and stops communicating with their customer after they take their money, and keeps feeding them poor excuses as to why they are receiving their product or refunds. Then pulls the shut down, sell off the company to new owners, and disappear route.

Kos-Mos February 7th, 2014 11:16

Big Sky Group is a venture capital company.

They specialize in buying bankrupt retail stores, get them back up and close them as soon as they made enough to cover what they invested + profit.

I can't find much about what their policy is for previous customers and refunds/incomplete orders.

Bozzytactiks February 7th, 2014 11:28

Yep It was a going out of business sale. They wanted to increase their cashflow before incorporating themselves. They probably underestimated the fiscal charges and are now experiencing some cashflow difficulties. When you see a slow paced transfer like that and customer service is literally turned off, its because they can't afford anything "fancy". They have to pay government first, lawyers, license. Eventually customers will be served but not until the bank gives them a first deposit. I'm pretty sure they will come back in a better form and more professionnal than ever.

Brian McIlmoyle February 7th, 2014 11:28


Originally Posted by Kos-Mos (Post 1865854)
Big Sky Group is a venture capital company.

They specialize in buying bankrupt retail stores, get them back up and close them as soon as they made enough to cover what they invested + profit.

I can't find much about what their policy is for previous customers and refunds/incomplete orders.

That is a "vulture" Capital Company. Acquire the carcass for a song, Sell the parts and move on.

j_march February 7th, 2014 14:07

Holy, revolution was a company owned in sask. craziness. So was there ever warehouses all over Canada??

lurkingknight February 7th, 2014 15:22

yeah that's likely, mine also came out of mississauga just before christmas

beta678 February 7th, 2014 15:37

Still have the packaging for my order. Came out of a distribution warehouse in Mississauga, ON as well.

Quick google of the address and this popped up.

Integrated Fulfillment Management Services Inc.
#12 3715 Laird Rd
Mississauga, ON

Seems like this "management service" has got a warehouse over here in on the west coast as well in Delta. Confirms network of warehouse space.

Darklen February 8th, 2014 19:22

They're just a third party warehouse service. Costco uses them to warehouse and ship some of their stuff. Bought my store video monitoring system from Costco and it came from there.

disasterarea March 3rd, 2014 00:40

Still no sign of a new website, or any activity on Facebook. $5 says they're gone and anybody with outstanding orders is outta luck. Glad I didn't order anything from that last sale, I never had any problems with them (besides one odd routing that may have been Canadapost's fault), but they always struck me as something of a fly-by-night operation.

j_march March 3rd, 2014 01:01

i could tell that the last sale was to good to be true and that they had to be going out of business. Glad the 12 guns i ordered from their last sale all came.

Ricochet March 3rd, 2014 08:34

From what I've heard, all their outstanding orders were dealt with for awhile now. As soon as the sale of the business was concluded they got everyone their stuff, in a few cases a full refund. There is one that may still be outstanding, but it sounds like a Canada Post issue that they were looking into.

KenTsui March 4th, 2014 19:06

It looks like they are part of the "Big Sky" group now? And they are planning for a re-launch.

BloodSport March 4th, 2014 19:16


Originally Posted by KenTsui (Post 1873485)
It looks like they are part of the "Big Sky" group now? And they are planning for a re-launch.

You did not read before you posted did you. Just a few posts above yours this has already been discussed

XxMAGGOTxX April 16th, 2014 20:28

Hmmm, this kinda sucks. I was hoping to eventually buy a blowback JG AK74m from them. When I first saw their prices, my jaw dropped because back then there was really only overpriced guns and whatnot.

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