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Daytona Gun System
As many of you know these kits are all made by one extremely talented individual, and after the " OpForce " incident said individual has ceased production of the product for a few years. As of right now he only makes these kits upon request from individuals he trusts so that he does not get burnt again I've picked up an interest in this system late last year, I needed a reliable GBBR, One that would not fail on me as easily as your standard WE, WA , KJW. I've spent LITERALLY thousands upgrading on my GBBR collection, and at the end of the day, I still get one problem their magazines really sucked. In the Daytona gun system, air is fed through the air release valve and the supply is a nice tank of either CO2 or HPA, the cool down effect is so minuscule and shot to shot consistency is much better than your regular internal air gbbr system. Although the gun may seem complicated it is actually very very simplistic the internals are very straight forward and maintenance wise? Literally none, other than the occasional drop of " Airsoft Innovations " GBB silicon oil. I have however ran into 2 problems with the system however, 1, without a decent recoil line, your gun will not function, I literally jerryrigged a recoil line using nothing but 6mm Teflon line and hose barbs, it will work, however not flawlessly. 2 problem is the feel of the trigger, the trigger does not reset, or have a "wall" it simply a button, you press it air comes out, it is a very stiff pull but it doesn't feel like a normal trigger system. Duribility wise I'd have to give his thing a solid 10/10, my current DGM4 is a second hand M4, I used it at OP:OP, OP: Triglav, It has been whitby atleast 5 times, its been to OP: DragonFly when I lent it out to my buddy Jeff, I also recently gamed it at LT's Battle of Weston RD, Not once have I opened it and cleaned the rifle, not once have I needed to repair anything on it, this gun was fully submerged in the muddy waters TWICE at Triglav as well, its been lent to new player, its been abused by holding it on full auto for minutes, this gun DOES NOT BREAK DOWN. Heres a crappy video in my messy garage. M4 with Daytona kit, never stop! - YouTube Heres a video of my friend messing arround with another custom build ( dont mind the compressor kicking in, I used a compressor at home because I'm too cheap to always refill ) LCT AK with Daytona kit, never stop GBB lol - YouTube As of right now there are 9 kits designed. 6 of which are still available and are marked with a * M4 * FAL * G36 * AK * PDW SR25 L85 M249 * MP5 * SCAR ( WE GBBR BODY )* guide to air setups http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=162997 |
Post Reserved.
My Builds will be posted here |
Yay I'm famous on youtube. I'll upload a video of mine later.
Dat tie tho....
I fondled said gun... it instilled giggles on the top side and movement on the bottom side. :P
I want an OSW DG now. |
For the FAL, is that for the CA, King Arms or Ares series of FAL's?
Ca fal or clones only, the king arms sizing is way off on the insides, the clones will work but the fal kicks really hard so a quality is key ;)
:( Bah !
Looking forward to more builds. Always had an interest in this system, just not available for anything I'd really use often. If by some chance he starts doing MP40's or STG's... I'll be all over that! |
The best platform for HPA would be a support gunner.
The fal is about as oldschool as they get unfortunately: (
Damn. Why no SR25 anymore...
Well, Ares SR25 Bodies are harder to find than the MGC P7, and since no other company makes a SR25 where the Buffertube can house an actual buffer the kit has been discontinued. They can still be made upon request however he will not me making them for the public anymore
What brand of G36 best?
:) |
Ares has yet to be confirmed however things are looking good. parts are fitting with not as many modifications as I expected.
FAL secured for less than dirt cheap. Now to read up on DG bits needed. |
Scar and m14 prototyping has begun
New receivers for the FAL! CA bodies are a little bit too wide and not the same spec as the real FAL, also makes the grips wayyy tooo big. with these bad boys, you can mount the REAL pistol grip and the gun is lighter :D https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.n...65335200e070bd oh yeah DG scar picture update |
of course, after I get mine... :/
I'm debating on a G36 or SCAR kit at the moment. :confused: |
with the M14 build, will it fit in the TM M14 or G&G M14?
Does the future look bright for other brands/bodies to make a DG SCAR?
If we were in the same city I'd send mine over in a hearbeat to tinker. After seeing your FAL now and the video from a thread a while back makes me want one even more |
The Fal, I dont know if you noticed but we made a CNC lower for it, you can still use the CA upper but its closer to realspec. Its such a sexy peice |
one thing I discovered about the CA/JG FALs is their mag retention is terrible. It's a shame it's not more like the KA style with an actual nub to lock onto. I think I'll still be going ahead with the DG FAL though... timeline is undetermined.. the kit plus air rig is a pretty penny. Also because of its weight, I haven't decided to get 1-2 more highcaps and run it as a skrim gun or get midcaps and run it as a milsim capable gun... I got rid of my m14 because it was too heavy to tote around for a whole day.
it was fine for me, you can put a deeper cut on the slit with a hobby knife if you must!
Keith's got some new exciting photos to post! :D
Scar Prototyping has finished and production has started!
Also! there is a new store opening up in Missisuaga, and they are the Canadian distributor of Daytona gun |
sweet.. what kind of pricing?
same as states, converted to cad from usd.
Interesting... asides from the costs of the donor gun and the daytona kit, how much does a HPA/CO2 rig usually run for? Somewhat curious about the cost breakdown of a complete daytona setup compared to a typical GBBR loadout.
I like FALs and AKs... and M4's... and recoil... so a daytona setup might be a good alternative to the GBBRs I've got. Any pricing difference on the FAL kits w/ the receiver compared to the other kits? |
175 for the firebase rig
tank.. you can get a cheap aluminum one but it's heavy.. depending on how much weight you want you can go up to 200-300 for a fancy carbon fiber tank. |
Selling my M4 soon!
Time to build a few new ones :-) |
LOL, I saw your wtb thread and thought to myself, "maybe I should go daytona... hm..."
Time to do more research on daytona setups! |
Hah. Ask away. Got a few videos up on YouTube aswell.. "TwitchyRyan"
That MG42 is sick, how much did that thing weigh?? lol
Did a bit of googling and youtubing, do any of the daytona kits offer a bolt lock/stop? I've seen a few mentions of a bolt stop for the M4 kit but that's it. There's only one aspect of the daytona guns I've seen that I don't quite like and its the lack of realistic gun manipulation/action. Its a little too much like an AEG in that regards and GBBR's win in that area for me with the need to actually rack, chamber, hit bolt catch, etc. But with that being said, still interested in it for the recoil, consistency and all season functionality. A SA58 OSW, AK105, or Noveske NSR based SPR AR would be nice to have (a SPR or DMR build seems to best suited for a daytona kit considering its consistency). Also, whats the gas/air consumption rate on a daytona? Seeing as not a lot of fields have HPA fills vs Co2 it might be a bit of a concern. |
That MG42 was amazing and a beast when I got to try it.
Was freaking heavy and the owner stated it's pretty ungamable. As far as I know GBBR has one on his M4 and is the only one who knows how to make it. I think currently can only be done for the M4 and not the others. I still rack mine after I insert a mag haha. Gas consumption depends on your psi. I run mine on 80. A small aluminum tank 68/45 will last you a full day of constant CQB. Ran it at LT game from 10:30-5:00. I now have a bigger one to try out. |
Could you post the name, address and website (if any) ? Thanks ! |
I'll wait a while and keep my eye on daytona's for now I think. They definitely interest me but as you know I'm still a bit of a noob. I'll see how my GBBR's turn out (whenever they actually get sent... still backordered...) and go from there.
Hopefully someone local on the west coast has a daytona, vids are awesome but would love to try them out in person. |
efficiency varies, I haven't been able to get a solid number either.
The osw is a heavy, heavy beast... boatanchor territory. When I get mine converted it will only be a skirmish gun I think. The price of mags makes it very unappealing to use in milsim. I have the echo 1 FAL carbine, so it's an OSW clone. The benefit of the E1 (or more accurately JG) is that it comes with 2 highcaps. I can't imagine milsiming this thing for any length of time... and right now that's even without the air rig. |
I'm really debating on an LCT AK DG now though, but I did drop a lot of cash on a recent build :L |
Any updates on the storefront that carries DG parts and kits? I'm looking for some parts support on our side of the border and with Keith taking a leave of absence I'm kind of SOL.
I bought his old OSW and have been using it heavily over the last few weeks to replace my polarstar, and can say without a doubt it is the best airsoft investment I have ever made. Mags were a bit of a hassle, but I ordered some in from overseas. I was worried about my air consumption, she only likes running at 120+psi or else it won't cycle the bolt far enough to load a bb. So I removed the paint in the upper, polished the surface/rails, polished the bolt and just about everything inside and have had some better results. I've been too busy to fill my tanks and test much so this weekend will let me know if my work paid off Future plans: Cutting coils on the spring to run at a lower psi/fps for winter Get a bigger bore gripline, if anyone has an experience with this would be great to hear Convert my Redline reg to a single QD for better efficiency Get a more ergonomic grip if I can ever get one to fit |
120PSI+ seems quite high, my EX DG M4 was running at 80, granted recoil wasn't as strong as 120PSI though. We originally cut the coil, coils were a bit of a pain to cut, but lowered the psi quite a bit. You polishing them should make it move better, good idea, let us know how that goes for you. You could try Amped's grip line, had it on my P*, not sure if it'll really do much though. |
I was hoping some one had established some connections, or that shop was stocking parts. Ordering from the US for every DG part I want or need isn't appealing. I'm still working out some kinks here and there, but at 120psi it is firing within field limits with .25, .28, and .30. Here's to hoping my work doesn't put me over the limit without the ability to reduce my fps. I'm still very hesitant to cut any coils, again, without a replacement in case things go haywire It's a cheap enough line to test out, so there's no reason not to try. At the very least it may reduce and kinking I may not notice during gameplay |
Hi guys this system is awesome and I didnt know it! As far as I can seethe only place to get the daytona system is here right?
http://www.tnkguns.com/ |
Well, GBBR on the forums sells them via Toronto. TNKGuns has them too.
You can try giving GBBR a pm, but I don't know if he comes on ASC anymore. Last time I checked, he had a few FAL/M4/M249 kits remaining. |
I'm not going to bug him until I have the funds and a donor ready to go. Definitely a winter project on the way.
@Bio was your ex dg m4 a woc challenge kit? Update on my work! I found some time today to sit down to strip my fal, clean, and grease it again before any shooting. It went from needing 120+psi down to ~90psi I'm having a hard time discerning the segments on my redline gauge so don't quote me exactly. Everything went well until my tank went too low and my reg pressure dropped below 80psi. I may not even need to cut coils at this rate. Very excited by these results |
I'm actually looking into building a DG gun as well. I'm not familiar with these sort of setups though.
Nice, that's a big PSO drop. I'd leave it at 90 PSI or so. @Spartan +gun body +kit +air rig +HPA tanks +AEG mags Done! (Specific bodies though unfortunately.) |
PM me if you guys need anything, I am doing a last call for daytona items, after this I will no longer help get them, no more airsoft flr me
I need help installing a Gen4 AK kit on my LCT AK.
some obstacles that I'm having: 1. selector switch is not fit inside the receiver (can't turn) 2. the kit's engine after being screwed down into the receiver the back-end raised up somehow. |
I am a big GBB fan and want to get into a DaytonaKIT for a LMG I have been looking at getting into Daytona Kit but i want the air tube out of the feed tray. Does anyone with experience know if this mod can be done? I really don`t line the air tube coming out of the stock or the pistol grip.... I want to be able to hide the air tube on a LMG. I don`t want to have full of tube dangling around. This is one of the reason I got out of Airsoft. |
Technically anything is possible, but the airline comes in via the bottom of the receiver in the trigger group for anything using an M249 style gearbox. Unless you want to do some serious engineering and machine work to make it otherwise, you'd have to get a long as fuck grip line and loop it through the body somehow back up to the feed tray. I have no idea how technically feasible that is.
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