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airsoft transport in public bus
i want to know if it allowed to transport airsoft replica in public bus like longueuil or mtl without be put on the ground like a fucking terrorist lol
on your lap? no, of course not -.- concealed in a case? as far as I know, yes.
yep concealed in a flambeau case like hard plastic with lock?
hell, I carry mine in a guitar bag. whatever keeps them out of sight.
Yeah id opt for a soft case or guitar/bass case as opposed to something that is obviously a gun case. But yes id agree there shouodnt be a law against bringing airsoft on a bus.
And please, don't wear full BDUs and/or your vest on the bus.
lol pas mon style hehe sa vas toute etre dans une valise comme ma belle valise au mall te rapelle pas deadpool ma belle rouge vi n sur roulette lol
I mean, while we're at it...sorry if i'm hijacking the thread, but how would one transport a rather large PC on a bus? lol
Ya pas de raisons que tu te fasse arreter ou regarder suspicieusement si c'est dans un case
Common senses |
Why ask us?! Contact the bus/ transport company.
They will tell you exactly how you can transport it or not. Tank |
Take your pick: http://bigbruin.com/reviews/lanpartybag/ http://www.skycomp.com.au/item/TteSp...Carry-Bag.aspx http://www.directcanada.com/products...re=THERMALTAKE @ OP: Best is to take it in a guitar case. Don't raise suspicion. Bass guitar case plus a small bag for your "amp" and you'll fit in fine. Don't wear your full BDU's or anything like that, just plain street clothes and BDU pants (it's the "fashionable thing" these days with kids and their "military chic fashion"). ie. This is fine http://nyunews.com/wp-content/uploads/2-19-Item-1.jpg (except replace those pants with your real BDU pants and try not to look like a hipster). EDIT: Amp bag like this: http://www.musik-produktiv.co.uk/pic...1x12-combo.jpg Maybe put some band or music stickers on it to really get into the role that you're just another guy taking the bus. |
I just carry mine in the box it came in, but with anything signifying that it's a "gun" duct taped over (warning labels, picture of gun on the side, etc.)
Also, large PC? As in Personal Computer? Or am I missing something here? |
+1 guitar case. A gun case is going to attract tons of attention.
Back in the day, I use to carry my stuff in a guitar case, kept BDU (camo) pants on and combat boots, throw on a heavy metal tshirt or something, everything else in an old backpack. You blend right in. |
PC means plate carrier. As for that, you could always get a duffel bag.
Or buy a car then u dont gotta take the bus. JK but seriously do like we all have said just dont do yer hair like the guy in the photo L473ncy linked lol
Hockey bags.
rectangular guitar case soft or hard... http://www.leihinstrumente.com/Acces...Re.html?cy=CAD
http://www.shop.ca/c/case-guitar-bas...FegWMgodfC8AGw and a gym bag and or backpack. Nobody looked at me funny when I wore my 5.11 rush bag around. You might get a couple looks if you're in camo pans, but if you can fill a backpack and or gymbag with shit and more, you got issues. I can get most of my gear into a standard sized gym bag. |
Rectangular ones still kinda look gun-ish. I know you're not supposed to have airsoft or paintball stuff on the buses in KW, so here having a guitar case that could easily be mistaken for a gun case on the route that passes the field might not be best. Probably the same case there.
I would just buy a big regular guitar-shaped one and cut foam to put stuff in safely and securely. Hockey bags are also a good idea, although you couldn't mix the two. Latency had a great point with the amp bag for the rest of the gear. I'm going to look into that for myself actually... |
5.11 CAMS, All-In-One solution to transport your rifle, gear, plate carrier, helmet and whatever else you can think of all in a wheeled duffel bag.
And what about pedal boards/roadie cases for gear? These are just the first ones I've found, but I'm pretty sure you could find (or build) them much cheaper, and you'd keep the "just going to a gig" look. Fender Ibanez Pedal Board Roadie Case Just my 2 cents. |
I dunno about getting a roadie case on a bus lol...that's quite cumbersome considering the bulk and weight of the case alone.
1) it's not a replica. replicas are illegal to own. It's an airsoft gun.
2) guitar case |
Nothing more Canadian than using a hockey bag. I put my airsoft in a gunbag in my hockey bag along with my helmet, vest and what ever else. My bag even says nhlpa on it.
I've used duffel bags, guitar case and back when I ran an aks74u, a backpack. Just folded the stock and put her in the backpack with the mags, batteries and bbs
This exact bag can fit 1 full sized AK, set of soft body armor, fairly large rig, camo and bunch of other small things needed to play. Not as comfortable as tactical high end stuff and is heavy when loaded with all those things but hey, it's only 20-30 bucks. I got mine to carry security stuff in 02 or 03, still use it for airsoft... I also seen some guys use large suitcases, ones with wheels to carry smaller guns/gear. |
I was picturing someone lugging a giant desktop and monitor around. |
You should actually do some checks on local bylaws and transit regulations. I know in Toronto there is a bylaw prohibiting the possession of airsoft guns on the TTC, and there is no bylaw, but a ruling that airsoft guns are not allowed on GRT buses in the Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge area in Ontario.
My only tip is to go to the pawn shop for a guitar case, the soft style are often called gig bags. Pedal board cases or roadie cases are just to expensive to justify for this purpose. But really now a hockey bag will fit it all plus the gig bag and your teams goalie mask :)
Just jump on the bus with your gun and yell
DIRKA DIRKA JIHAD Remember to pay your fare by the time you are done there will be lots of seats for you to sit down.. :D No I have transported mine on transit in the Pelican gun case... it's not like it says GUN CASE on it.... never had an issue... a guitar case probably would be more stealthy and chicks dig a guy who plays guitar so you may get a date too :D |
I'd say jus use a gaitar case if you gun has a folding stock folded it will fit in most small duffle bags
Here you go a low profile gun case that should work for public transportation.
http://youtu.be/I2jkH8Q0Lq4 |
can't fix stupid.
Also: That bag 666 mentions is a good bag, and he's right, it fits full sized AKs, rig, uniform, ammo, batteries and other essentials fairly well, though it does get heavy. I've had one for years and used it in this way more than a few times. |
[QUOTE=Trev140_0;1804438]Just remember---you need to be careful.
[url]http://www.dailybulletin.com/ci_23424367/man-at-ontario-bus-stop-allegedly-brandishes-airsoft[/ This isnt even in canada???? |
Aware of that. |
I always have a big duffel or hockey bag for any kind of transport. My neighbours know I own guns and that I airsoft, but I don't want to be giving anybody heart attacks.
Police response to those sorts of threats can be pretty damn serious. |
There is always another solution. See if you can find somebody that is going to the same game that would be willing to pick you up. Just be sure to offer gas money or game fee and find out how they drink their coffee
# 1 rule when transporting Airsoft guns.. don't be stupid.
Secure the gun in a container designed for the purpose. If you are transporting inside a pack it should be in it's own container inside the pack. You are the only person who knows it's not a real gun, so you have to treat it like a real gun. Everyone that uses public transit in Toronto is breaking a TTC bylaw if they get on a TTC vehicle in possession of an airsoft gun. of course lots of people do , but if they adhere to rule # 1 above they should be able to do so problem free. Experience has shown that some people are not capable of not being stupid. |
Here's something I found for you guys that are afraid of getting hassled because of your gun case on the bus.
http://hazard4.com/products/images/R...ngle_400PX.png http://hazard4.com/products/plugins/...ifle_750PX.png Hazard4 Battleaxe case |
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