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forsberg2110 January 30th, 2013 11:12

highest fps you ever been hit by?
Like the title says what's the highest fps you ever been hit. I have been by a vsr shooting close to 650fps at 30meters

Spike January 30th, 2013 11:16

~500+, was never actually chrono'd, PSG1, 10ish meters I do believe.

Cough cough Cobrajr.

Brian McIlmoyle January 30th, 2013 11:23

micro-meteor at 7000 FPS, popped a hole on my pressure suit... then I woke up

QUATTROISKING January 30th, 2013 11:44

Last year checking the mail, in my Nabour hood... Bammmm in the back of the neck. This seriously hurt! I thought to myself must be a wasp, then when I look beside the mail box I see a driveway paving sighn with holes in it, right away I realized if been sniped by my 14 year old Nabour! :O I didn't get angry I smiled and giggled... Then realizing since I know them very well, I walk up to the door and knock, the little bastard awnsers laughing his ass of. Showed me his new l96 he bought from Toronto airsoft, a week later I bought a Mauser sr 22 tactical from TA. Hahahah. Invited him to the local forest for target practice.. After a long walk gave him some shooting glasses said good luck and I ran and the battle was on.

ThunderCactus January 30th, 2013 13:44

A 600fps KJ right in the glasses from about 15ft away at a summer game.
My vsr at 440 won't even mark my old ESS glasses and this thing put a solid depression in them!
It got chrono'd indoors around 22 degrees the night before at 400fps, and it was 32 degrees at the game, operator didn't know GBBRs shoot WAY harder when it warms up outside

L473ncy January 30th, 2013 15:22

Around 450 FPS at about 40 feet. I'm pretty sure it was a gold cylinder. Right in the face to the side of the bridge of my nose under my eye socket. Good thing I had a full mask on or that might have ended badly. I hold no bad feelings about it since that was all the open body I was giving them, so take the shot.

seabass January 30th, 2013 15:39

500fps in the gut from 3ft. My friend and I get a little rough on each other sometimes at games. Hit him square in the back of the head with my ptw from about 6ft. Gold cylender shooting .30

Invasian January 30th, 2013 15:41

I shall never forget taking a temple shot from a .38 from Stalkers sniper rifle ......had to be well over 450fps... (stalker feel free to chime in....;))

he shot me through two sets of windows through two small paintball style buildings be honest it felt more like getting hit by a golf ball in the head...

I believe due to the long range, the BB had hit me at its exact maximum point of least it felt that way...cuz i needed to sit out for a few minutes to get my bearings back...afterwards I had a massive bruise on my head for weeks following that hit....

Jimski January 30th, 2013 15:43

>200 kph by a thing ( fly, wasp, flying nut, idk) in the chest, it hurts

edit: some of you play with crazy fps, that must be sooooo pleasant

Redneck Jimbo January 31st, 2013 02:02

2rd burst point blank to the ass from a KWC Mini Uzi. wasnt wharing anything but boxers.

night game at Rawdon. 7rd burst to the face from 10ft away. dont know the FPS but it turnd my face into a blood siv. 3 holes that had me runing around with a peace of paper towel wedged under my goggles to stop the bleading. still was a kick ass game!

Eeyore January 31st, 2013 02:08

Car going 40 km/h. Not sure of the fps but it sure as hell hurt.

Styrak January 31st, 2013 03:01


Originally Posted by Spike (Post 1753788)
~500+, was never actually chrono'd, PSG1, 10ish meters I do believe.

Cough cough Cobrajr.

LOL, Aqua's PSG.


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1754191)
Car going 40 km/h. Not sure of the fps but it sure as hell hurt.

Psh, 36 fps

Towe1ey January 31st, 2013 03:41


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1754191)
Car going 40 km/h. Not sure of the fps but it sure as hell hurt.

In your case I think it'd be the jouels you'd be most concerned with. Lol.

Ricochet January 31st, 2013 14:18

Marui VSR chronographed with a 0.20g BB at 490 plus consecutively. 0.28g BB ten feet away into my t-shirt chest level; took off skin and left a mark.

Hectic January 31st, 2013 14:58

512 fps point blank. From my own rifle a vsr 10 just so i had an idea the energy. It broke the skin through a bdu and a tshirt.
600ish fps from ShaDo's bolt actio. I thinks its an Aps right in the goggles at about 150feet. It scared the livin shyte outta me more then anything.
The worst tho was once at a game some noob who i never seen befor or agai. Lit me up at about 5feet away witb a 400ish m4 full auto about 20plus rounds right in the side just below the ribs. he somehow flanked around or was commin back out to the field from the safe zone i was prone with my bolt action and he just damn kept shootin. Couldnt hear me over his full auto burst apparently. Lil shit i shot him right in the kneck after i respawn. He was wearin full face dont worry wouldnt of taken no teeth out just put one right below his ear it was a bleeder lol. I was alrdy bleedin he deserved it. He shot semi the rest of the day. Musta learned his lesson

Ricochet February 1st, 2013 01:34

I've been sprayed full auto at just over 400 FPS point blank, and is describe it as irritating maybe; unpleasant at least. Sometimes it depends on where you get hit as well, i.e. nose, ear, finger, etc. I've also seen a 0.25g BB puncture and stick in a players face that was chronographed around 360 or so. I've seen 300 FPS cause bleeding, crack teeth, and leave severe bruising; but I've seen 500 or so barely leave a mark.

Slow February 1st, 2013 02:05

Highest fps...i've been shot by a .22 in the foot.

theshaneler February 1st, 2013 02:25

900 fps. was a custom gun with 2 springs melded together.....

sorry couldn't resist.

kalnaren February 1st, 2013 08:04


Originally Posted by theshaneler (Post 1754660)
900 fps. was a custom gun with 2 springs melded together.....

sorry couldn't resist.

I managed to dodge that one. The compression wave from the uber BB velocity cast my twiglike frame aside.

Curo February 1st, 2013 12:23

I got shot at 160fps at 3 inches once. Ask Gato he knows. It tickled.

Matula February 1st, 2013 13:05

Et voilĂ* :)

ShelledPants February 1st, 2013 13:19

When WE M4's first came out in the US. We went and bought some. Knowing they came with a 500+fps nozzle and a 400fps nozzle, we changed them out... Turns out they were both 500+ nozzles...

I shot KrookedAtmosphere in the ass from about 15 feet away with 0.28s. It left a sold dent in his jeans and a yelp.


During a training contract with the CF, I got shot in the jaw from <5 feet with a WE M4 shooting 500+ with 0.28g BB. Instant blood letter, ruined my condor jacket, totally worth it.


These are the only two instances I know I've shot or been shot by a hot gun.

Stealth February 1st, 2013 13:30

First ever airsoft game, playing with SD Unit, Tru and the old school guys.
Pitch-black night game, lit up by a 550fps AUG from about 20 feet away in the face.

Hooked on airsoft since.

Aegiis February 1st, 2013 14:34

I got shot by cdn_stalker once.

/end thread.

wildcard February 1st, 2013 15:01


Originally Posted by Stealth (Post 1754824)
First ever airsoft game, playing with SD Unit, Tru and the old school guys.
Pitch-black night game, lit up by a 550fps AUG from about 20 feet away in the face.

Hooked on airsoft since.

Holy shit that was you?? Wilson and Brian told me that I put the wrong spring in the gun (I came in late almost the end, the AUG was a loaner) My Caroline made some noob cry.

As for me The worst I got was from a freakin hot Asahi M134 @ old Wasaga, I was picking off bbs embedded in my head at the end of the night my head look like a fucking leper from all the blood welts

Janus February 1st, 2013 17:31

525 with .4g from an M14 EBR at 15 feet.

I get my girlfriend to shoot me with all my own guns before I use them on others (because I would shoot no one with something I wouldn't let be shot at myself.)

She calls it "new gun day" and squeals with delight.

JLiang February 3rd, 2013 14:08

458 FPS with a .30 from 10 feet away, right on my bare arm.

That, coupled with the fact that my friend hid himself quite cleverly under a log, and I couldn't see him at all, save for a tiny barrel end too late, caused a large jump and a larger amount of expletives.

I caught it on camera. My friend thought it was pretty great. I just showed him the scar, and then shot him with a rifle of similar nomenclature.

Aper February 3rd, 2013 14:59

Been shot on the cheek near the lip by a sniper at approx. 30 feet. A bleeder. I asked the guy and he said that his sniper was around 420 FPS.

J-Man19 February 3rd, 2013 17:02

Not me personally: years ago someone was running a vsr10 (I believe) that was shooting in the 750-800 fps range at our indoor field. Hit someone in the cheek from ~20ft and the bb went clean through into his mouth.
Person was banned for life from joc.

13enz February 3rd, 2013 17:57


Originally Posted by J-Man19 (Post 1755756)
Not me personally: years ago someone was running a vsr10 (I believe) that was shooting in the 750-800 fps range at our indoor field. Hit someone in the cheek from ~20ft and the bb went clean through into his mouth.
Person was banned for life from joc.

That's ridiculous...

I've got shot <1" away to the hip/side ass wearing jeans. I believe the rifle was hitting 430-450fps.

It was pretty annoying, as I wasn't expecting it. Buddy wanted to see what it felt like to get shot with an Airsoft rifle. He asked me to shoot him in the leg or stomach. I told him he can do it himself. He said he didn't want the suspense of him having to shoot himself. I refused anyways. So as I turned to attend a build on the table, he shot me. I looked down at my hip then at him and I find a huge grin on his faces. While I stared confused and unimpressed at him he says "well I shot you, so now it's only fair if you shoot me back". That was his logic, I wasn't surprised to hear him say it either. In the end, I shot him back.

scubasteve February 3rd, 2013 18:18

Do nail guns count? lol

reaper416 February 5th, 2013 06:35

22 CAL. went right through my right calf muscle.

Freeze February 5th, 2013 16:44

My worst wasn't airsoft. It was a 400 or so fps paintball to the nuts. I actually fell over and almost cried. That was just PAINFUL. The stupid part? That morning, before I went, I was contemplating whether I should wear my cup or not >>

My worst airsoft one was a 350fps shot to the left side of my neck. I actually say there for a second going "owowowowowow" before I walked off lol.

boogiebot February 6th, 2013 12:41


Originally Posted by Freeze (Post 1756675)
My worst wasn't airsoft. It was a 400 or so fps paintball to the nuts. I actually fell over and almost cried. That was just PAINFUL. The stupid part? That morning, before I went, I was contemplating whether I should wear my cup or not >>

My worst airsoft one was a 350fps shot to the left side of my neck. I actually say there for a second going "owowowowowow" before I walked off lol.

ouch that sucks man. i got shot once in the nuts at paintball and since that do i always played with a cup.

targetGspot March 4th, 2013 23:14

over 700fps(with .2), hit with .43 from a highly upgraded sniper rifle. pretty far away still stung!

Aj619 March 5th, 2013 00:28

Paintball 350 FPS dude was using monsterballs from about 15 ft away needless to say I was in sever pain

Airsoft 600 FPS from 45-50 ft he faked his chrony check mark

Dustin_d March 5th, 2013 01:09


Originally Posted by scubasteve (Post 1755775)
Do nail guns count? lol

lol i shot myself in the foot with a 3 inch spike a couple years ago

Gato March 5th, 2013 01:23

There's been simmunitions and ricochets.

As far as airsoft goes, the two main ones were a private game, I got nailed close range with a short burst from a 500ish FPS WE. The second was a TTAC game where at the begining of the night, all the WE's Chrono'd clear but by the end of the night the temperature had risen and as C3SK and I cleared the field we somehow mistook eachother for enemies and lit eachother up, I think I double or triple tapped him in the chest, but I took one to the upper lip that I had to dig out......... fun night though :D

c3sk March 5th, 2013 01:47


Originally Posted by Gato (Post 1768594)
There's been simmunitions and ricochets.

As far as airsoft goes, the two main ones were a private game, I got nailed close range with a short burst from a 500ish FPS WE. The second was a TTAC game where at the begining of the night, all the WE's Chrono'd clear but by the end of the night the temperature had risen and as C3SK and I cleared the field we somehow mistook eachother for enemies and lit eachother up, I think I double or triple tapped him in the chest, but I took one to the upper lip that I had to dig out......... fun night though :D

God, I still have a photo of that somewhere, so messed up.

I took a hot GBBR CQB round at a private game down the axis of my rifle which hit me in the upper lip, I thought for sure I lost a tooth. Couldn't feel my face. Still was fun... I figured instant trip to the dentist lol.

bizkilter March 5th, 2013 02:09

450' headshot. Hurt like a bastard.

Oshiha March 5th, 2013 02:14

470FPS, about 10 feet away between my eye and nose..
Stung like a b*tch and needed a couple moments.

GBBR March 5th, 2013 02:24

My exgf slapped me across the face one. Must've been at least 700fps

SargentDirtNapps May 12th, 2013 22:24

Mauser sniper pushing 500+ with .30 at ~3 meters.

My bottom lip took it like a champ!! Was like gettng hit by chris brown

Dasright May 13th, 2013 02:42

~360 FPS w/0.20's full auto burst to my bare chin from less than a meter away. A bit for scarring from that.

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