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Cbielak May 24th, 2012 09:47

I've got some questions about where to get the best CADPAT uniforms. I came across 2 websites, cpgear and Questions:

1. Which is better? They are relatively similarly priced, what are the differences?

2. Do they use genuine CADPAT material? (without IR of course) Do they make the uniforms themselves? Or do they buy them from Frontenac for example?
(I noticed the cpgear uniforms are darker than

I emailed both and they told me that they have no material at the moment so size selection is limited. They will however be restocked sometime in the late summer/fall.

ShelledPants May 24th, 2012 09:57


Combat tunic in current Canadian digital camouflage pattern (CADPAT). Combat tunic is made in Canada, by a major contractor to the Canadian Department of National Defence.
CP gear is not issued, but it is damn good gear from all of the accounts I've heard.

PrIeSt May 24th, 2012 12:25

Don't bother buying te issued shit. I'm gonna be selling off a kiss cadpat vest soon if your interested hit me up.

The repro clothes from cp are pretty good. I think the flack tarn is surplus issued.

Cbielak May 24th, 2012 15:50

Hmm. Good to know. I'm not planning on getting anything issue, just looking for the real Cadpat material so that all the colours are correct. I already have a CF style Cadpat vest so all I need is a uniform.

Mordarski J.A. May 24th, 2012 20:11

Flecktarn's CADPAT is knock-off BDU's. They are made using the actual CADPAT pattern (manufactured by Frontenac) but are in the general "BDU" configuration rather than the Canadian design. CP Gear is a good source too, however they are offering the exact same uniform (also manufactured by Frontenac). There is also no difference in the weight of the Frontenac uniform and the issued uniform, the difference is the lack of IRR material in the civilian version.

If you have any Polish gear, I still have a few pieces in my collection I am willing to let go of (assuming they'll fit).

Hope this helps some!

PrIeSt May 24th, 2012 21:17

Good to know. Were moving to "bdu"style cadpat anyway. So all be te same soon!

Conker May 24th, 2012 21:43

What Skeletor said.

To be a little more detailed, "BDU" is the US cut from the 80's-90' (there were a couple variants in that timeframe, but not much), while the one the CF is moving to is the new "ACU" cut with mandarin collar, arm pockets and velcro, etc...

ACU (Army Combat Uniform) being the uniform cut, and NOT the camo (which is UCP; Universal Camo Pattern).

PrIeSt May 25th, 2012 09:17

Too be precise if were going to. Were going with "ICU"
Since this country can't just go mainstream and we must make everything unique. and there for usually twice the cost and the same or less quality :)

But if your looking to replicate the new soldier. Your also going to want brown boots, not black!

Mordarski J.A. May 28th, 2012 21:38

LOL "Intensive Care Unit"....and using UGLY boots.

Sorry, the soldier in me still prefers the ol' Mk3 combat boots. I can't say as though I'm a fan of the Mandarin collar, but if it's something that works (and works well) then all the power to 'em. Besides, I got out in 2007.....I don't have to wear that stuff LOL. I'm happy with my OD's!

Grey Ops May 28th, 2012 22:09

Sending you a PM about some stuff I stock Cbielak.

PrIeSt May 28th, 2012 22:11

Well from what I've seen and heard. All of the CF using purchased boots will be SOL.
Without a chit you will be required to wear Brown... So untill SWAT etc. get on board with a brown boot and a brown safety boot for those who require safety. Your SOL

Not to mention it seems they will be the same build as the desert boots. So.. Yay.

As for the uniform. I'm reading (although hard to tell) that it will be a velcro open.. Not zipper or buttons.....

As for the Flag. It seems they watched Stargate Atlantis and liked the one Rodney wore.. lol

Here's what he wore. lol

Tom Swift May 28th, 2012 22:13

Skeletor is that powerpoint available for general viewing? The one I saw was about the uniform itself and implementation through attrition of the current uniform. As I understand it production is currently underway or is starting up very shortly with uniforms going first to deploying and infantry units.

Mordarski J.A. May 28th, 2012 22:14

Velcro isn't exactly "tactical" at night, you could hear someone opening a pocket from a mile away.....the current buttons work perfectly to combat that.

But this is quickly turning into a conversation far away from the original question.

Tom Swift May 28th, 2012 22:21


Originally Posted by Mordarski J.A. (Post 1659461)
Velcro isn't exactly "tactical" at night, you could hear someone opening a pocket from a mile away.....the current buttons work perfectly to combat that.

But this is quickly turning into a conversation far away from the original question.

Already thought about that...

Tactical Velcro Opening Secret-Special Forces - YouTube

PrIeSt May 28th, 2012 22:34

As it stands now. The current uniform has either been stopped or really slowed down for production. If you try to trade in a pair of worn current issue pants. They will have most sizes out of stock.

And as for the brown boots. Hopefully manufacturers catch on. Can't find a decent safety version yet :(

Acid_Snake May 29th, 2012 11:48


Originally Posted by Mordarski J.A. (Post 1659461)
Velcro isn't exactly "tactical" at night, you could hear someone opening a pocket from a mile away.....the current buttons work perfectly to combat that.

But this is quickly turning into a conversation far away from the original question.

That's why you don't put the important shit you would need to access quietly during a night op in your arm pockets.

Armyissue May 29th, 2012 17:34

Sexy Boots, These are supposed to be the latest stuff for A-Stan on Canadian Stores Shelves

Tactcool Velcro is of great concern it may give away your position as your Bison throws a 3km Rooster tail in the desert. Or right after the Section fires its first 1000rd volley.
The new uniform is designed for the army, not Ninjas.
The benifits of the velcro out weigh the Ninja button system.
Dude I sell Pants, if your Op requires uber Stealthy then Solid metal Gear Snake shit go fkn buy it at the Ninja store, this is an Army Uniform.

marac May 29th, 2012 19:51

Those are the right boots, they come dark brown and yet after a month of wearing them in the desert they turn out much brighter.

Tom Swift May 29th, 2012 20:13

That ECU top looks like quite an improvement on the ICU unveiled a while back, I'm actually excited for these new uniforms.

Huron May 29th, 2012 20:56

In all honesty they should just adopt the DZ Tactical Ops set, pant and shirt. It seems to do just about everything right.

Link for posterity:

pugs144 May 30th, 2012 11:31

I. Hate. Velcro.

ViR May 30th, 2012 14:01


Originally Posted by GabeGuitarded (Post 1659848)
In all honesty they should just adopt the DZ Tactical Ops set, pant and shirt. It seems to do just about everything right.

Link for posterity:

Seems like regular mortals can't buy it.. not listed on their online store.

pugs144 June 1st, 2012 15:20

One of my Tp Sgt's couldn't get his old combats exchanged at Base Clothing because they didn't have his size. Apparently they will or have already stopped production of the current-style combats. Anybody have any similar experiences.

Kokanee June 1st, 2012 17:30


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1661181)
One of my Tp Sgt's couldn't get his old combats exchanged at Base Clothing because they didn't have his size. Apparently they will or have already stopped production of the current-style combats. Anybody have any similar experiences.

Yep, have been out of stock here in Kingston for my pants for over a year - my combats are starting to get a little "salty" for my tastes.

Going to Petawawa end of month, will try @ their clothing stores to exchange two of my three sets. They should have better stock.

scottyfox June 1st, 2012 18:45

At CANSEC saw a shit tonne of guys in the brown boots but didn't notice their uniforms. Also saw a CJIRU guy in the new urban disruptive deal.

PrIeSt June 1st, 2012 22:30

Well airforce will get the new shit last. And we can't get the old shit anymore.

Gonna be a raggedy ass military by 2013. Lol

Mordarski J.A. June 4th, 2012 20:28

They'll always say "Air Force will get last", but it's been my experience that they somehow get all the Gucci stuff early. Hell, when we were first being issued CADPAT (when I was in) we were one of the last Regiments to get it AND IT WAS MADE IN WINNIPEG!!

Then again, I griped because I had just been issued brand new OD pants three weeks before and had just got them broken in LOL.

PrIeSt June 5th, 2012 01:48

I do believe the airforce designed the new cadpat uniform. So it was ours first :P

Larocque88 June 6th, 2012 02:12


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1661221)

Going to Petawawa end of month, will try @ their clothing stores to exchange two of my three sets. They should have better stock.

SOL unless you come in size big fucker or small child.

marac June 6th, 2012 11:59

Rain gear was the same story - while we were wearing good ole tarps to the field, the airforce guys would strut around in brand new cadpat rain suit, showing off its effectiveness inside the building. The chain of events will probably repeat itself with new combats: air force - army - airsofters/paintballers - reserves.

Huron June 6th, 2012 18:07

DZ discontinued all CADPAT gear because they were having difficulty getting fabric, probably was costing them more than it was making. Just in case anyone was still wondering about that, lol. It's a shame, I really wanted those pants.

PrIeSt June 6th, 2012 23:01


Originally Posted by marac (Post 1663608)
Rain gear was the same story - while we were wearing good ole tarps to the field, the airforce guys would strut around in brand new cadpat rain suit, showing off its effectiveness inside the building. The chain of events will probably repeat itself with new combats: air force - army - airsofters/paintballers - reserves.

Blame your chain not our's. We wore OUR rain gear around. not our fault you guy's didn't order any :P

oniwagamaru June 6th, 2012 23:36

I still got a set issued here in Wainwright but my size is more little child than reg size. You guys are lucky with your cadpat rain gear, I still got my green garbage bag/ tarp poncho. Also, those boots are starting to get issued. I know a couple of people that already got them. Ugly ugly boots if you ask me.

PrIeSt June 7th, 2012 12:37

If it makes ya feel any better. Airforce in Winnipeg were told no supply when we go in with torn pants etc.

PrIeSt June 27th, 2012 19:06

Omg. Temperate TW! Bout damn time

Grey Ops June 27th, 2012 19:30


Originally Posted by takagari (Post 1671825)
Omg. Temperate TW! Bout damn time

What? lol

pugs144 June 27th, 2012 19:37

We've been waiting for this. The CF has been in desperate need of Temperate Woodland for decades!!

PrIeSt June 27th, 2012 20:27


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1671834)
Care to clarify a bit?

If you read the article. You'd know.

Cf tw is a heavy weight fabric

Arid is a light weight fabric.
It can hit close to 40 in some areas which are green. So a heavy weight TW uniform blows. Even in the summer anywhere in Canada it way to frigin heavy.

Hopefully you can role your sleeves up on the new shirt. Lil

Aedan798 June 27th, 2012 20:33

YAY now when Am I getting mine ... Ah yes let's say about 6-7 Years from the start of the delivery to CF unit hahaha

PrIeSt June 27th, 2012 22:19

Not sure if you ever wore the AR? but it is definetly a lighter weight. Part of why it does not last as long.

As for the sleeves. Plenty role sleeves up when not in a field situation. A canforgen came down stating it's up to the individual members to choose. However the AR in KAF went from up to down to up to down depending on the CoC because of the big vecro pockets on the arms, was one reason I has heard.

marac June 27th, 2012 23:14

Lol I'd say Skeletor had a chance to try out AR once or twice ;) And maybe it varies from set to set, as my arids are for the most part the same, two pairs of pants seem actually a bit thicker than my greens.

pugs144 June 28th, 2012 04:57

I got issued a fresh set of the current issue combats about 3 months ago and the fabric felt like they upped the cotton content as they were definitely heavier than my previous set which faded and became see-through in the high wear areas.

PrIeSt June 28th, 2012 11:46

All raids I have are definetly a lighter weight.
However this could vary as they switch fabrics weekly it seems. It's hard to find two shirts that are the same in measurement let alone fabric.

Either way. I wish we could wear arid in the summer in canada. But a lighter weight green would be nice as well

Diho June 28th, 2012 14:10


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1672013)
I got issued a fresh set of the current issue combats about 3 months ago and the fabric felt like they upped the cotton content as they were definitely heavier than my previous set which faded and became see-through in the high wear areas.

It have more fabric on each piece of combats I think

pugs144 June 28th, 2012 14:27

That's what I said.

logitechboys09 July 4th, 2012 11:11

Im just saying, but Canada doesnt wear brown combat boots with their woodland CADPAT. They wear black boots, trust me i know i see them all the time. Plus do not get issue as it fads after about 10 months. Wait until CADPAT Urban comes out as that will be cool.

SINN July 4th, 2012 11:35

yeah...don't get your hands on the issue the good parklands stuff that lasts forever and doesn't fade ;)

I just hope our troops get what they need, no matter what that may be.

pugs144 July 4th, 2012 11:59


Originally Posted by logitechboys09 (Post 1674268)
Im just saying, but Canada doesnt wear brown combat boots with their woodland CADPAT. They wear black boots, trust me i know i see them all the time...


The new brown boots are already being issued, hell our Padre already has a set. The black Mark IV's will continue to be issued until stocks are depleted.

Don't start talking out of your backside before even having set foot inside the Mega.

scottyfox July 4th, 2012 12:06


Originally Posted by logitechboys09 (Post 1674268)
Im just saying, but Canada doesnt wear brown combat boots with their woodland CADPAT. They wear black boots, trust me i know i see them all the time. Plus do not get issue as it fads after about 10 months. Wait until CADPAT Urban comes out as that will be cool.

I'm just going to jump in for a friendly intervention here. There are people on this board that really do know what they're talking about, including myself and most get pretty irritated at posts like that one.

The new brown boots are already being phased in and while you definitely have seen CF mbrs wearing black boots, that won't be the case for long.
As for CADPAT urban, I'm guessing you're talking about CUEPAT which was always intended for CANSOFCOM and has already started to appear.

EDIT: Oh Puggs, too late :)

Kokanee July 4th, 2012 14:06

New boots; our OPS O was the first to get them in the Unit;

They are apparently pretty comfy and correct many of the problems inherent in the Mk IV / GP design such as a bigger toebox and undated lay to reflect actual foot sizing vs vintage WWII sizing. The only problem I can see right off the bat and I've confirmed with those wearing them is that the cordura upper does not have enough material and it's impossible to lace these boots up properly tight; everyone looks like they have FANKLES wearing these... My new Danners on the other hand, lace up proper;

PrIeSt July 4th, 2012 17:54


Originally Posted by logitechboys09 (Post 1674268)
Im just saying, but Canada doesnt wear brown combat boots with their woodland CADPAT. They wear black boots, trust me i know i see them all the time. Plus do not get issue as it fads after about 10 months. Wait until CADPAT Urban comes out as that will be cool.

Lol. Pull info from ass much?

I wonder if the new safety brown boots will be any good.
I friging wish they'd buy into composite instead of steel. No way to make 12lb boots comfy.

Cue pat? Cool. Want it!

marac July 4th, 2012 18:36

Lol, come on guys.... but he knows what he's talking about, he sees the actual army men all the time.

Mordarski J.A. July 4th, 2012 20:06


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1674281)
...The new brown boots are already being issued, hell our Padre already has a set...


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1674318)
...New boots; our OPS O was the first to get them in the Unit...

Proof positive that officers get issued the new stuff before the troops :P

I get that the CF is transitioning to these, but from a personal standpoint I just don't like 'em. Brown (at least when I was in) was meant for deployment in warm/desert environments, and for getting out of polishing your regular boots before base commanders banished them as on-base wear....two weeks after I got mine :P Oh well, I still had enough fun irritating some instructors going through IST by attending with my LBV. "It has to be an issued item!" they said; "It is an issued item." I replied LOL!

As for logitechboys09, be aware that there are a number of former and current serving members of the CF on these boards. If you know something and can provide proof, by all means post away. But these folk can also be good resources if you're looking for any information too. Anyway, that wasn't meant to sound like I'm flaming you, and I hope you don't take it that way.

pugs144 July 4th, 2012 20:15

The way it works is if you go into Clothing Stores to get new boots, they will see if they have the black Mk IV's in your size. If they do, you get the black Cadillacs. If not, then you're getting the browns.

Let's not let this degenerate into a NCM vs Officers thing as I've seen both wearing the new boots.

Mordarski J.A. July 4th, 2012 20:25

Pugs, I just remember how it seemed to work when I was in, not necessarily how it actually worked. I've been out for several years now, since before the MkIV came into service (and I didn't like them either LOL). I'm not that old and yet I'm already fuddy enough and set in my ways :P

You're right though, there is no reason to make this an NCM vs Officer debate.

oniwagamaru July 4th, 2012 22:25

the brown boots had already been issued since May this year. I saw a bunch of OCdts at RMC who got those before I got posted. As far as I know, Kingston is the only base that actually issued brown boots. I am working in clothing stores right now and we are not even issuing those out. We only have a couple from the boot trials that the Sgt managed to keep but we have to return those to Ottawa after Bold Eagle.

Snake-Doctor-64 July 23rd, 2012 11:16

if you go on ebay at the right time, they have good cadpat sometimes

pugs144 July 23rd, 2012 16:54

What time is the "right" time?

Diho July 25th, 2012 02:14


Originally Posted by pugs144 (Post 1682263)
What time is the "right" time?

Every day I guess:)

jomor July 30th, 2012 21:35

I guess the new Brown boots are still unavailable for non forces types?

FoxhoundNB July 30th, 2012 21:36

Just buy any other boot in that ugly brown colour; same net effect; something tells me a lot of places in Canada are going to start keeping that colour in stock in the forseeable future...

PrIeSt August 1st, 2012 17:37

I'll be honest. I'll wear my converse for as long as I can. Than suck it up and buy a brown version. Haha. I doubt the cf browns will ever even meet my feet

Cbielak September 19th, 2012 08:58

Alrighty, let's bring this thread back from the dead.
I contacted, they said there is a delay at the factory and that it should be a solid 3 months before they get any Cadpat-TW uniforms in stock.
I already purchased a cheapo Chinese "Cadpat" uniform in the meantime which was a huge mistake (the colours were hilarious), this time I'm waiting for Frontenacs.

Rob101 November 28th, 2012 12:32

To be honest there not to bad looking of a boot and there really comfortable. One of my buddys got 2 pairs off a guy based in Brandon, he shipped them back just incase he would get in trouble. He loved them, I believe I had seen them on the army issue website but I'm not for certain.

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