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-   -   Zeta Labs AS VAL and VSS VINTOREZ up for pre-order at WGCShop (AEG) (

ap27 March 29th, 2012 02:56

Zeta Labs AS VAL and VSS VINTOREZ up for pre-order at WGCShop (AEG)
No pictures up yet. Description says Full Steel.
VSS comes with a PSO-1 scope.

Interesting :)

Short Round March 29th, 2012 03:03

There are pics up on rsov I believe, I've seen them before, just can't remember if it was rsov or not. Not a bad looking gun either

Short Round March 29th, 2012 14:15


Originally Posted by kaiu (Post 1630051)
BBDragon has had pictures for a while up too for their pre-order I think... But then it could always just be a real steel pic :P

Thats the place BBdragon, I knew it was one of your crazy Taiwan sites

a_sock March 29th, 2012 15:04

Uhhhh...... Which one to get? Both are soo awesome. Want specs on both.

ViR March 29th, 2012 15:10

No point of pre-order until they confirm the release date..
I'm pretty sure I've seen it on pre-order at UNCompany and then they disappeared..

Off_kilter March 29th, 2012 15:14

I would love that Val

CrAzy AziAn March 29th, 2012 16:42

The Battlefield 3 fan in me says WAAANNNNTTTT!!!!! :D

Gish March 29th, 2012 19:00

Those pictures up above are not of the Zeta labs guns, those are real steel. Zeta has not yet released a full picture

This is the closest they've come to a full picture. Last report was a Late March release but looks like they missed it (Again) I've had a preorder paid up since November for this thing.

ViR March 29th, 2012 20:31

I want to see them design a new tiny gearbox for this gun....

Amos March 29th, 2012 20:41


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1630385)
I want to see them design a new tiny gearbox for this gun....

That's the opposite of what you want!!

You want them to design a full sized standardized gearbox!!

Danke March 29th, 2012 22:44

No gearbox. You want it to be gas.

ViR March 29th, 2012 23:12


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1630392)
That's the opposite of what you want!!

You want them to design a full sized standardized gearbox!!

I mean full sized gearbox wouldnt fit this small gun..

Off_kilter March 29th, 2012 23:23


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1630486)
I mean full sized gearbox wouldnt fit this small gun..

version 3? it is very similar in size to a ak reciever.

ViR March 29th, 2012 23:34

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Off_kilter (Post 1630491)
version 3? it is very similar in size to a ak reciever.

Its not similar in size at all..

Look at what people had to do to "vintorez" to fit V3 gearbox:
So, new gearbox unless you want something along the lines of "JG SVD"..

mr_nuts31 April 6th, 2012 17:51


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1630497)
Its not similar in size at all..

Look at what people had to do to "vintorez" to fit V3 gearbox:
So, new gearbox unless you want something along the lines of "JG SVD"..

looking at it, it does sound possible to use a Ver. 3 gearbox, only problem is where the battery goes since you can't use the top cover.

Amos April 6th, 2012 18:46


Originally Posted by mr_nuts31 (Post 1634375)
looking at it, it does sound possible to use a Ver. 3 gearbox, only problem is where the battery goes since you can't use the top cover.

Battery could fit in the silencer or hand guards...

Brockavich April 9th, 2012 13:30

Favorite Russian weapon pretty much ever, finally made into an AEG. Me want :D

ViR April 9th, 2012 13:51

I'm pretty sure Vintorez is about an inch short in height.....

Huron April 9th, 2012 14:49

The top/dust cover is tall than on the AK though. Overall assembled receiver height looks roughly similar, so a V3 would probably fit the same way a V2 is seated in an AR receiver.

jomor April 9th, 2012 20:46

Correct me please if I'm wrong, but arn't Zeta Labs Guns crap? I have never heard anyone say anything nice about any gun made by ZETA Labs.

paulwes83 May 18th, 2012 13:41


Sadly, still shooting too low to make it across the boarder without a license or some custom work before shipping. = poopies

ViR May 18th, 2012 14:25


Originally Posted by paulwes83 (Post 1655617)

Sadly, still shooting too low to make it across the boarder without a license or some custom work before shipping. = poopies

I dont understand...

Its still in "Pre-order" and "**Will be available at late April ,2012**"

paulwes83 May 18th, 2012 14:42

My guess is there was a delay. If videogame companies and film companies can do it, why not airsoft companies?


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1655639)
I dont understand...

Its still in "Pre-order" and "**Will be available at late April ,2012**"

ViR May 18th, 2012 14:49

Oh, sorry, I didnt understand what was the point of your post, but now I get it, its posted with a price.

I'm pretty sure like a year ago Uncompany had this also on "pre order"..

BlackMamba June 3rd, 2012 22:27

VSS Vintorez


Cp-3M (Airsoft version)

BlackMamba June 3rd, 2012 22:29

Fiya June 3rd, 2012 23:48

Mind blown. I found these awhile ago, but finally managed to forget about them... DAMN YOU!

The FPS makes me wonder though. It say the VSS Vintorez, and the AS Val will be shooting about 320FPS, while the Vihkr will be 3805ish?! Something is fishy.

I love the AS VAL though! Definitely going to get one, depending on how the Vihkr is in function when it comes out. According to the website the Vihkr's removable silencer actually has a proper inner barrel inside it. I've never seen anything like that, but then again I don't like putting silencers on weapons normally. I like the idea of having a AKS-74U length CQB weapon, and being able to lengthen the barrel for more accurate work. (As long as adding the silencer will actually help like having a full inner barrel would work.)

I'm also wondering who is going to make the (Replica) optics for these. They don't have conventional side mounts. I'd love a Kobra or maybe a PK-A.

I've also been told LCT do not manufacture gearboxes they get them from CYMA... Why would they get/list LCT gearboxes instead of CYMA? Anyone have information about this?

EDIT: Finally... Found this in the forums listed by a site admin about the AS VAL. "The product is represented in the photo series and is already available at our dealers." Ended up looking through dealers and finding out that the damn things are available!! Lets get these in Canada, someone needs to import these properly!!

Also on their website they mention that the companies that have their (Zeta Labs) products listed for low prices are wrong. (Looks like this thing is $850ish)

ViR June 4th, 2012 10:34

Ahh, made in Russia, I like..

First thing, even the manufacturer agreed, because they are using v3 gearbox and not custom, dimensions ARE NOT identical to the real steel.

Gearboxes are probably shit, thats why they have "body" kits for sale without gearboxes.. Sadly can't easily import into Canada.

I got in contact with the Russian guys and they said gun is shipped disassembled.. argh!?!.. Gotta investigate further..

BlackMamba June 4th, 2012 22:44

Try to contact the guys from the online store .... can help.

I can clarify for delivery to Canada

ViR June 4th, 2012 23:10


Originally Posted by BlackMamba (Post 1662823)
Try to contact the guys from the online store .... can help.

I can clarify for delivery to Canada

Yep, I'm talking to them right now. :)

Putting order for VAL and some mags..

Later on will probably get Vintorez too :D

Got to start looking for PSO1..

gallantcorey June 5th, 2012 21:01

Let me know how the whole process goes! Very interested!!!

ViR June 5th, 2012 23:19

So.. there is a slight problem..
Russian customs do not allow guns to be exported assembled.. and Canadian won't allow dissasembled... so.. fail.

I'm thinking to ship it from Russia to US, assemble it there and then bring it in..

Taxt June 6th, 2012 00:11


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1663420)
So.. there is a slight problem..
Russian customs do not allow guns to be exported assembled.. and Canadian won't allow dissasembled... so.. fail.

I'm thinking to ship it from Russia to US, assemble it there and then bring it in..

and US customs? I guess you can always ask company to put something resembling orange tip on it. Any other limitations on US side?

I always wanted VSS for myself, so it's very interesting.

Red Dawn June 6th, 2012 00:24

I'm also interested in 10 and 20 mags need one each can't really check out from there online store.

ViR June 6th, 2012 00:33


Originally Posted by Red Dawn (Post 1663449)
I'm also interested in 10 and 20 mags need one each can't really check out from there online store.

Well.. they cost $28 each + shipping + tax..
You still want to them? :) lol

Taxt June 6th, 2012 00:38


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1663454)
Well.. they cost $28 each + shipping + tax..
You still want to them? :) lol

Well, gun itself is like $840 (Пздец!). I can only imagine how much it will cost with everything at the end. Pricey..
So $28 mag isn't that bad :)

ViR June 6th, 2012 00:49

Yea... but I'm getting the "tuned" version.. plus mags plus shipping... total is going to be around $1500.. ouch..

Taxt June 6th, 2012 00:54


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1663463)
Yea... but I'm getting the "tuned" version.. plus mags plus shipping... total is going to be around $1500.. ouch..

Thats ptw right there. yep. ouch.

ViR June 6th, 2012 00:58


Originally Posted by Taxt (Post 1663465)
Thats ptw right there. yep. ouch.

But is it as sexy?

Taxt June 6th, 2012 01:05

No. Nowhere near this russian sexyness :)

Check your pm.

YkudzA June 6th, 2012 01:45

If you want to compare with "real steel" AS VAL - check this link. Also, check those prices.

Btw. I`m player but not representative of the store. Try to contact with the shop ( ,, may be they will find way out of the "customs" problem.

ViR June 6th, 2012 10:52

Spasibo Ykudza, proverim chto ADguns mogut zdelat'.

Ya, those are "cheaper", but use SRC gearbox vs tuned LCT.. and no extra things like mags, battery, sling..

Berkut June 6th, 2012 11:09

Why Canadian Customs no likey disassembled toys? Cant play with them on their breaks? :)

Vir, let me know when you get one, I'll have to stop by and manhandle :D

Red Dawn June 7th, 2012 16:58


Originally Posted by ViR (Post 1663454)
Well.. they cost $28 each + shipping + tax..
You still want to them? :) lol

Considering i just trew out 570$ for Altyn helmet, at this point i dont even know if i'm going to get it or get my money back. 28$ each is nothing.

ViR June 7th, 2012 18:27

1465 USD is the final price for gun, 10 mags, battery, sling and shipping to US.. plus shipping to Canada from US and taxes...

Taxt June 8th, 2012 00:06

Sigh, I will have to admire yours I guess. Well over my budget right now :(

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