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takatsu January 26th, 2012 17:56

Your First Ever Gun
Idk if there's a thread for this already, but it couldn't find any/doesn't seem like there is. haha

Just curious, what's YOUR first ever airsoft gun? Crappy embarassing little clear springers as kids, or you jumped right on top of the good stuff??

Whatever it is, post it here! pics, name/model/brand or other information plz!

Here's my crappy Walther P22 springer many years ago from Canadian tire for $20. so light and cheap but surprisingly still works well... guess its just simple. it always shoots off center though, no matter how u aim. end up having to aim more to the left to hit the target xD Painted the bottom half black with ugly model paint or something.. don't remember

pounce_the_jaguar January 26th, 2012 18:07

Tm M16VN and TM AK47. Drove to Seals action gear in Calgary way back when they were selling airsoft(2004-2005??). Dropped a grand and then drove back to Edmonton. I still have the AK (albeit heavily modified) but the M16 was switched out for a WGC custom AR15 from Anderson and Anderson.

Oh the memories.

Danny Cyanide January 26th, 2012 18:08

My first gun was a brand new release when I bought it in 2002, it was the TM Mp5 RAS:

It was ugly as sin, and was eventually made even uglier by me! I installed a metal body, full stock, huge assed silencer and a RAS attached M203. If I still had any pics of it in that god awful configuration I'd post one, but I don't. The joys of being young and foolish!

takatsu January 26th, 2012 18:14

lol, you guys had the luxury of getting your airsoft virginity taken away with TMs. I love MP5s though, so that looks hot to me LOL i dont know about the m203 on it though

megabeers January 26th, 2012 18:24

i went directly to the Real Sword SVD.

Strelok January 26th, 2012 18:25

One of these from forever ago, 2005 I think? Those springers were actually pretty good, haha.

And then I got one of these when I was 16, for my first 'real' airsoft gun :). I didn't hesitate to paint it up after getting it.

NomNoms January 26th, 2012 18:35

EDIT: Crappy Tire $35 clearsoft. I still have it somewhere...

Now I moved on to an ARES G36, with an ELCAN Specter DR. Just waitin on my paycheque to get an AG36!

Qlong January 26th, 2012 18:42

Gah, deleted post by accident.

Crossman Pulse M70

Drunk_Albertan January 26th, 2012 18:49

KSC M11A1, old system. What a problematic gbb that is. Upgraded the bolt to magnesium bolt, Installed a G&P metal lower, replaced the nozzle and miscellaneous odds and ends internally, and now is not too bad.

Not a good gun for a noob though.

takatsu January 26th, 2012 18:53


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1595667)

One of these from forever ago, 2005 I think? Those springers were actually pretty good, haha.

And then I got one of these when I was 16, for my first 'real' airsoft gun :). I didn't hesitate to paint it up after getting it.

So we have the same one :P Good times. I attempted making it dual tone, except its a clear slide haha

what (brand/model) is that "real" airsoft gun?

Cliffradical January 26th, 2012 18:54

Bought a clear and orange Beretta 92 type thing from Walmart.

I brought it back and got dry-roasted peanuts and Aliens special edition instead!

ARC-74 January 26th, 2012 20:25

LS spring 1911 Combat Commander Mk IV series 80.
It was a kit bought from England in the early 90's.

JLiang January 26th, 2012 20:30

JP FAMAS, rebranded by Palco.
Pretty good piece of kit, and I got it on sale. Still serving in the background, purely due to it's gigantic barrel size.

Freeze January 26th, 2012 21:23

LOL takatsu. I had the exact same gun, but I bought mine from Bass Pro Shop maybe 5 or 6 years ago.

My first was a dollar store POS which I still have and my cousin used to have one too, and we used to shoot each other with them because they didn't hurt. times.

My first springer would be the Walther P22.

My first real airsoft was my JG G36. Pics are somewhere in the HK Thread lol...

I guess that I had more stages than anyone, starting with DOLLAR STORE.
I still can't stop laughing at the fact that my first was a DOLLAR STORE one.

SHaKaL January 26th, 2012 21:40

First airsoft gun was a Western Arm infinity 5'' single stack

Sold it after 3 years but i'm still regretting it :(

skalnok January 26th, 2012 22:11

4 tm springers back between 93-95 ( tm mp5, uzi, m16vn, s&w pistol) i still have the mp5 and uzi :P then a bunch of g36's in 2007 lol

Danny Cyanide January 26th, 2012 22:16


Originally Posted by Danny Cyanide (Post 1595662)
My first gun was a brand new release when I bought it in 2002, it was the TM Mp5 RAS:

It was ugly as sin, and was eventually made even uglier by me! I installed a metal body, full stock, huge assed silencer and a RAS attached M203. If I still had any pics of it in that god awful configuration I'd post one, but I don't. The joys of being young and foolish!

HA! I just wnet through my old photos, and I do have one!

Burn it! Burn it with fire!

Graham January 26th, 2012 22:24

Holy hell that's ugly hahah

Mine was a TM SD-6 in '05

Danny Cyanide January 26th, 2012 22:29

Yup, it was horrible! I'm glad I still have pics of it, because it's a hilarious gun to look back on!

Hades January 26th, 2012 22:36

GBB: TM Desert Eagle
AEG: TM M-4 S System from the original ASC gun pimp.

Mandalore January 26th, 2012 22:52

Wal Mart DPMS Panther Arms M4 assault kit. Served as a good basis to practice my painting skills lol. But hey, it got me interested in the sport.

Strelok January 26th, 2012 22:52


Originally Posted by takatsu (Post 1595685)
So we have the same one :P Good times. I attempted making it dual tone, except its a clear slide haha

what (brand/model) is that "real" airsoft gun?

It was a Classic Army M24. Traded it off like an idiot years ago.

Got a new one coming as we speak ;D.

takatsu January 27th, 2012 00:49


Originally Posted by Freeze (Post 1595759)

I guess that I had more stages than anyone, starting with DOLLAR STORE.
I still can't stop laughing at the fact that my first was a DOLLAR STORE one.

LOL. What a deal! xD

Danny honestly, I don't think it looks half bad.. Do i have a weird taste? Looks like you could mow down zombies and virus infected creatures with it >:D

Gulag January 27th, 2012 01:26

UHC Glock 17.

It was pretty good gun, actually.

Cortex January 27th, 2012 01:35


Originally Posted by Qlong (Post 1595679)
Gah, deleted post by accident.

Crossman Pulse M70

Same here, I modded mine to run off of a 9v instead of 4 AA's. Was boss.

Short Round January 27th, 2012 02:06

Me three for the Crossman Pulse M70

Qlong January 27th, 2012 02:31


Originally Posted by Najohn (Post 1595898)
Me three for the Crossman Pulse M70

Did it spiral out of control for you too? lol

Short Round January 27th, 2012 02:35


Originally Posted by Qlong (Post 1595901)
Did it spiral out of control for you too? lol

no it still works lol

PaddMadd January 27th, 2012 05:36

My first airsoft gun was the KWC P226 springer. My first "real" airsoft gun however, was my G&G GR16 Commando.

supermohawk January 27th, 2012 12:23

First crapsoft: double springer and target from canadian tire.
First real airsoft: KWC Dessert Eagle, sold it because there were no fmu kits availible. Still saving for a TM.

MaybeStopCalling January 27th, 2012 12:45

WE Hi-Capa 5.1... Bought it exactly a year ago, sold recently. After the metal midframe came in, all was well- It was a workhorse, just couldn't get used to the ergonomics of a double stack 45.

takatsu January 27th, 2012 13:01

Go crapsoft. we should collect them all and one day do a game with pure springer crapsoft/clearsoft LOLL I wonder how that will turn out haha Or even just pitch in a buy a ton of clear crapsoft, and play a game with it. Afterwards make a campfire and burn them as sacrifices hahaha

DJBackfire January 27th, 2012 13:07

My first airsoft gun I got was a Tactical Force MP7, I ended up painting it all black. I actually still use it for indoors sometimes.... I later bought a crappy springer from My first "real" airsoft guns though were a TM M14 Socom and a KJW 32c Glock :)

RUSTSPOT January 27th, 2012 13:12

First ever gun was a colt 1911 , I can't remember the brand. I was waaaayyy young. My dad bought it as a model kit back in late 80's Springer

Then the next gun I could call my own was a smith 29. Also as a model kit which I had to put together. That was atleast 18 years ago.

Soon fallows my first GBB. M10

Then first AEG was a TM Car-15 when it first came out in 96-97 ish....

wildcard January 27th, 2012 13:15

The very first real airsoft was purchased to get back at my cousin (who shot me) was a Tokyo Marui MP5A3 GBB shell ejecting model, within a week got myself a MGC Calico M1000 and FTC Spectre and their MP5 SD3 prior to that i got some shitty revolver, shell eject automatic springers (they were very cheap in HK) Did have a JAC battle master but for some reason I sold it to get a JAC ingram MAC 10 worst decision ever, falling for the cool factor of owning a mac 10

RacingManiac January 27th, 2012 13:26

First ever one was when I was still in Taiwan, I got some Taiwanese copy of the TM Walther P38 springer, then I had a "Omega 10mm"(some kind of long slide 1911) springer. Then at some point I had a shell loading NBB Gas .44 Magnum, with real metal shell too. After that I haven't had anything airsoft until I got to college here and bought a TM MP7...

After I got a KSC G19 as a first GBB, GBB pretty much took over...

kilo 6-4 January 27th, 2012 13:39

black plastic desert eagle springer from crappy tire.
BB's barely made it across a room.

porkinglot January 27th, 2012 14:28

First gun was a AK-47, Never knew the brand as it had no markings aside from "made in china" I had it chronographed at 230 with .12's. Bought it off an American who moved to my neighbourhood for 20$. Still have the battery and gearbox for some reason.

First 'real' airsoft gun was a ICS M4 Cansoft. Put around 20-25k rounds through it and the only work its ever had done is the hop up bucking....which I broke, not the gun.

takatsu January 27th, 2012 17:51

did the $20 snag you a metal gearbox? hahaha

THe_Silencer January 27th, 2012 19:31

JG G36C I bought for $300 off of Craiglist. Fantastic gun made moreso after some upgrades.

megaman January 27th, 2012 20:43

Very old CA.

As problematic as it was I still miss it!

leth1337 January 28th, 2012 10:08

crappy tire m4 with the red dot bb hopper and the battery in the magazine... next was a JG HK416 :)

porkinglot January 28th, 2012 17:40


Originally Posted by takatsu (Post 1596281)
did the $20 snag you a metal gearbox? hahaha

LOL I wish! Its made from super Chinese plastic. Holds up well in the winter! LOL Thats a little sarcasm. haha I even found the old 7.2v Ni-Cad battery that came with it. I miss that POS!

takatsu January 28th, 2012 19:35

Haha Chinese plastic ftw, I mysel have an old DE m85 g36c toy thing, that was the second toy I got years ago at a garage sale... Surprisingly it holds up well.. Still working but the cheap plastic can't even shoot thru a piece of card paper... Haha

Curo January 29th, 2012 00:15

CA Scar-L only shot 320, but is as accurate as a DMR. Bought it off a teammates and later traded it back to him. It's basically pure sex. Just hated the balance of SCAR's.

Deadpool January 29th, 2012 00:33

ICS M4 fixer-upper, needed a motor and some love.

13245 February 14th, 2012 20:15

A WGC M93 Raffica From Hong Kong

kbeckerton February 14th, 2012 21:56

OOOLLD TM P228 springer.. i miss it so much :(

GenocidePuppy February 14th, 2012 22:10

Bought a few softair springers from canadian tire when I was younger But I actually just bought my first "real" airsoft gun and its a g$g M4 CQD; I absolutely love it so far.

Next gonna get a KJW p226.

Rotting February 20th, 2012 14:27

The SiG552 on top. Got brutalized the first time I took it out, since it was a winter game. Tore the grip clean off, took me about 2 months to find another grip. That was about 3 years ago now.

Picture of it in current state on top.

Picture from 2009 when I tore off the handle from a slip and fall accident in a winter game.

Crunchmeister February 20th, 2012 14:30

First airsoft gun ever was a KWC Beretta 92FS sprinter bought back in like 97 or so.

Second was a Well M4 springer bought in about 2004.

First AEG was a Double Eagle AK47 in about 2006.

My first "real fieldable" guns started pouring in around November 2007. They were a CA M15 rifles and TM M4, along with a KJW M9.

AJ457 February 20th, 2012 14:48

First gun that fired bbs was the DPMS Panther Arms M4 from Wal-Mart. Terribly wobbling piece of crap that I did a few small games with. Helped me learn how to take apart an M4/16 sort of, but now I can do everything on my own gun, so plus for that.

G&G GR16 is my first real airsoft gun. Don't think I'll go anywhere from it to be honest.

boren93 February 20th, 2012 22:40

medhatboy February 20th, 2012 22:47

Academy L85, paid $350 for it back in 1998. Don't know what the FPS was on it, ran on a cheap 7.2v battery, pretty much all plastic, front grip creaked like and old house.

lt_poncho April 24th, 2012 14:46

JAC MAC-10 DX, 1986.

Silencer really made a difference...

jerryman692 April 24th, 2012 15:46


Originally Posted by lt_poncho (Post 1643966)
JAC MAC-10 DX, 1986.

Silencer really made a difference...

+1 JAC..... didn't hear this name for years!

Gulag April 24th, 2012 16:11

UHC Glock 17.

Brings back memories...good ones :D

Pretty good gun, actually!

Dooms April 24th, 2012 23:03

My first AEG was an ICS M4A1. The bevel gear has split into it's 2 parts and I thought it was the motor so I spent the better part of a month taking apart and re-assembling the gearbox and motor components to try to get the gears to fit together well enough to allow the motor to move them.

Aper April 25th, 2012 09:27

First airsot gun ever was an HFC L85A1 springer. My first AEG was a TM M16A2 with the TM M203.

Splashx April 25th, 2012 11:00

it was a well G3 sas :P before becoming a g3sg1

attack-beaver April 25th, 2012 18:24

TM G3-SG1 i got in 2005-06, those were the days when airsoft was simple.

shes to my understanding still kicking.

Grab Your Glocks When You see May 8th, 2012 21:47


Originally Posted by Danny Cyanide (Post 1595804)
HA! I just wnet through my old photos, and I do have one!

Burn it! Burn it with fire!

IDK I kind of like it for some reason ;)

JerryMcGoulBerry June 21st, 2012 02:45

First airsoft gun
1 Attachment(s)
Cold M4 duty kit. lasted me 3 years and even took it to a serious airsoft field.

Fat Gecko5 July 12th, 2012 04:56

I don't have pictures of my FIRST gun but I do have a picture of my second gun.

Boydy July 22nd, 2012 05:37

1 Attachment(s)
Here's mine I bought the other day


Took off the handle of course and moved the sight closer to even weight out.

Boydy July 22nd, 2012 05:40

1 Attachment(s)
Can't post multiple pics in one post which is crap but here is another picture. Btw it's a gbb, yeh I know it's not wise as its my first gun. I'm in for the long haul and couldn't resist all that gbb have to offer.

Cobrajr122 July 22nd, 2012 10:51

My first,

Got it a little over 4 years ago, still use it today!

G00se July 22nd, 2012 19:09

First gun owned was a Western Arms Colt 1911 wich I bough from Tru back in 2002ish? I then got a TM SG1 wich was my first AEG. Still own the SG1 today, although completly modified now.

ColtFarmer July 23rd, 2012 16:43

omg goose youre still around! high five!

my first gun was a TM Beretta M8000 springer, bought from AMC in pac mall in 1997

i broke it and then my dad stole it

Karnage July 23rd, 2012 17:12

Used TM Mp5a4 with tactical light! Purchased from Keyboard back in 2003 :)

or... a TM desert eagle springer back in 1997

Off_kilter July 23rd, 2012 18:05

Cobrajr that cetme is sexy!

Mine purchased less then 2 years ago some aesthetic upgrades since then and now some internal upgrades on the way!

Stealthee July 23rd, 2012 18:21

Mines was a KJW USP Compact. My sister's boyfriend broke it and I was never compensated. That asshole.

z0ng July 23rd, 2012 18:37

TM G18C EBB.. oh the shit!
First gun I bought were four TM G18C EBB pistol. Oh man they were crap but I remember at the time thinking otherwise. Fairly sure I picked that up at the same time as a G3 SAS.

Here's a picture of the TM G18C (not mine, someone else's) in all it's shitness:

Pistol featured such awesome highlights as an average of 120fps with .2g BB's and sounded somewhat like an electric stapler. That being the case I still managed to score some kills with it before retiring it early.

uhc August 18th, 2012 16:52

UHC 1911. Still have it. Amazing springer and so many amazing memories. Never had a problem with it :)

Aper August 18th, 2012 17:10

First AEG;

2004 ... i'm getting old :(

frapso December 19th, 2012 21:23

1 Attachment(s)
G&g tr-4 cqbr

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