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5kull October 4th, 2011 18:56

CBSA captures Airsoft smuggler
Seems the border agency captured another dangerous Airsoft smuggler:(

THe_Silencer October 4th, 2011 19:04

Shame to see a man of such high stature lose his job over toy guns. I've seen teachers get caught having inappropriate relations with students and they got off with just a warning. :(

Slow October 4th, 2011 19:13

What a shame.

Dirtbag October 4th, 2011 19:21

No he lost his job over smuggling, the critical part of that article DID NOT DECLARE. Booze, cig or anything else you do not declare you are smuggling.

You can be criminally charged with anytime you smuggle. Airsoft makes it worse, but he made the choice. No sympathy here he is not 17 with a crummy job and teenaged brain cells, and basically figuring he has little to lose.

He is 51 and in a position of trust with a good job, he chose to break the law. Most likely to save money or make money, bad choice harsh consequence.

Tex October 4th, 2011 19:21

He broke the law got caught and now is paying for it.


Ricochet October 4th, 2011 19:23

Yup, I wouldn't feel so bad if he'd declared them, and got a slap on the wrist. But smuggling is smuggling is smuggling. I wonder if he knew they would be considered replica, or prohibited devices? Or if he thought they would be looked at as toys. The fact that he didn't declare them, makes me think he knew better. And everyone knows not to smuggle.

Crunchmeister October 4th, 2011 19:36

This, boys and girls, is why you don't try to smuggle airsoft guns across the border.

Skladfin October 4th, 2011 19:40

teachers should know better, let alone a principal...

Kokanee October 4th, 2011 19:46

Well not declaring booze and smokes is a time-honoured Canadian tradition, but yes with airsoft rifles definitely a no-no.

Gunk October 4th, 2011 19:47

Good on CBSA. I wonder if the guy was an ASC user.

Less awesome is the article thinks we shoot pellets. I dunno about you guys, but I've never seen a pellet come out of one of my airsoft guns. But whatever, I'm nitpicking.

Dude should have known better.

toadhound October 4th, 2011 20:06

He was not an ASC user but there was a front man on here selling guns in the classifieds and locally, who is now in prison.

MrEvolution October 4th, 2011 20:14

"Seymour has been charged with eight counts of failure to declare prohibited weapons, and possession and smuggling of prohibited weapons."

Since when are we considered prohib?

Ricochet October 4th, 2011 21:57

Not all airguns are considered prohibited. They have to meet certain criteria. But some airsoft guns do fall into that category. I don't know exactly what he brought into the country either. It could just be the spin they put on it.

Brian McIlmoyle October 4th, 2011 22:45


Originally Posted by MrEvolution (Post 1541785)
"Seymour has been charged with eight counts of failure to declare prohibited weapons, and possession and smuggling of prohibited weapons."

Since when are we considered prohib?

Charged with... is a far cry from convicted of.

as part of the prosecution they will have to prove that the airsoft guns he had are replicas and therefore prohibited devices.

If they look like real firearms but are not ( they shoot less than 430 fps ) then he may very well end up in prison if convicted ( charges carry 5 year mandatory sentence )

regardless he can kiss his $130 000 a year job good bye

mcguyver October 4th, 2011 23:11

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Eeyore October 4th, 2011 23:16

So much for the comparison between knowledge and wisdom.

Amos October 4th, 2011 23:36

At the age of 51 in a position like that.. chances are it was smuggled for his kids or something of the sort.

mcguyver October 5th, 2011 00:10


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1541859)
So much for the comparison between knowledge and wisdom.

Knowledge is when you know how to make a fire on your living room carpet with household chemicals and an a BBQ igniter.

Wisdom is when you realize that it would be stupid to do it.

Never confuse the two.

Ricochet October 5th, 2011 00:44

I don't think they'll. Even worry about charging him for the guns directly. Even if they are prohibited, smuggling is a felony. Now if he had been smuggling real firearms, or drugs I could see that adding some time.

FOX_111 October 5th, 2011 00:48


Seymour has been charged with

Eeyore October 5th, 2011 00:49


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 1541878)
Knowledge is when you know how to make a fire on your living room carpet with household chemicals and an a BBQ igniter.

Wisdom is when you realize that it would be stupid to do it.

Never confuse the two.

Was my whole point. The gentleman was a school principal, supposedly an educated and knowledgeable person. But he lacked the wisdom to avoid a dangerous and stupid behavior.

mcguyver October 5th, 2011 01:01


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1541894)
Was my whole point. The gentleman was a school principal, supposedly an educated and knowledgeable person. But he lacked the wisdom to avoid a dangerous and stupid behavior.

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law, with 2 doctorates and a BSc between them thought they could time her cycle to the day, with calculations and everything. That way, they didn't need pesky and sometimes unreliable birth control.

She got pregnant very quickly.

Never confuse knowledge with wisdom.

Wear a condom.

Moderate October 5th, 2011 06:58


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1541893)

Oh. My. God. :D

Sasha October 6th, 2011 17:18

*Checks calender to make sure it isn't April*

Styrak October 6th, 2011 18:19


Originally Posted by Amos (Post 1541867)
At the age of 51 in a position like that.. chances are it was smuggled for his kids or something of the sort.

Look above for this post. Apparently toadhound has some inside information.


Originally Posted by toadhound (Post 1541780)
He was not an ASC user but there was a front man on here selling guns in the classifieds and locally, who is now in prison.

R1ghty October 6th, 2011 20:43

I for one, like when airsoft is compared to paintball in the media.

The article says he was smuggling, and the items he was caught with were airsoft guns. Usually they try to 'doom and gloom' airsoft, and the smuggling would be a lesser point.

Nice to see a change.

Slono October 6th, 2011 21:16

Airsoft guns can be deemed as restricted items? Who knew?

ILLusion October 7th, 2011 11:29


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 1542739)
Look above for this post. Apparently toadhound has some inside information.

This was regarding another case, involving a former ASC member from Barrie, Ontario.

ILLusion October 7th, 2011 11:31


Originally Posted by Slono (Post 1542851)
Airsoft guns can be deemed as restricted items? Who knew?

They aren't restricted according to the CCC, but they are according to importation law. They are two different entities that work off each other, and the line between them can sometimes be blurred when it comes to interpretation (especially in the media.)

They are prohibited from importing.
They are NOT prohibited from ownership.

RIVAWILD October 7th, 2011 13:44

It should be noted that this story happened back in june.
But the god damn local news keeps airing the story everytime there is any update and now it is even posted on the cbc news which is international...

Gato October 7th, 2011 14:03


Originally Posted by THe_Silencer (Post 1541736)
Shame to see a man of such high stature lose his job over toy guns. I've seen teachers get caught having inappropriate relations with students and they got off with just a warning. :(

You're just annoyed because your importation methods are less than legal as well.


Originally Posted by RIVAWILD (Post 1543164)
It should be noted that this story happened back in june.
But the god damn local news keeps airing the story everytime there is any update and now it is even posted on the cbc news which is international...

That's the media for you :P

Either way, I hope they ruin his life, he broke the law, no if, and or but about it. Just be glad the authorities are doing their job :P

toadhound October 7th, 2011 14:05


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1543076)
This was regarding another case, involving a former ASC member from Barrie, Ontario.

Actually Brian they are very much related.

THe_Silencer October 7th, 2011 15:18


Originally Posted by Gato (Post 1543178)
You're just annoyed because your importation methods are less than legal as well.

That's the media for you :P

Either way, I hope they ruin his life, he broke the law, no if, and or but about it. Just be glad the authorities are doing their job :P

I'm just expressing sympathy for the man, I'm not condoning what he did. I've never had any issues importing airsoft myself by following the proper procedures and paying the fees, he clearly did not know how to legally self import. I also don't see how you're qualified to determine the legality of how I import my airsoft stuff. Yeah he's a principal and he should have known better than to break the law. I'm not condoning his actions but it's not like he's smuggling real guns and several pounds of cocaine that he's planning on selling to children.

It's not just airsoft either. I feel the same way about people who get prison time or get slapped with ridiculous fines for possessing small amounts marijuana. Yeah it's illegal but the punishment far outweigh the crime. You should think about that before you wish the worst for someone you don't even know.

5kull October 7th, 2011 16:22


Originally Posted by THe_Silencer (Post 1543208)
Yeah it's illegal but the punishment far outweigh the crime. You should think about that before you wish the worst for someone you don't even know.


ILLusion October 7th, 2011 16:47


Originally Posted by toadhound (Post 1543180)
Actually Brian they are very much related.

Ah, I wasn't aware that was his day profession, nor did I realize this "news" is not new. Thanks for the update.

For what it's worth, in my dealings with him, he was a good guy, as far as the airsoft community goes. He was a respected player and member of the community. I was never privy to his importation methods, and I was quite surprised when this news broke.

ILLusion October 10th, 2011 16:07

I have information from a very good source, that:

1) There has been no conviction (yet). Hence the Oct 12th court re-appearance date
2) Nobody is in prison
3) This user was a former ASC user (he no longer is)
4) There was no "front man" for anything.
5) This October 4th article is old news

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