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side arm
So I recently sold my mac 11 that I used as a side arm.
Reason I sold it was, ... not that reliable. Open bolt means crap got in it so you had to have it decocked in a holster, and the mags were a bitch to carry especially in the gun. As a sniper I want something thats easy to carry, when I pull the trigger I know a BB will come of the barrel. Also if it is loud it better be able to put about 15rps down range. I have used my buddies mk23 and really like it. How ever I find the high pressure valves on the mags to be a pain, and mags arn't that easy to find for it. Other than that it is an option. Been looking at a mp9. I know bigger than the mac but more reliable. Just wondering about carry options, I don't think a drop lag for that would be the best option.... Lastly revolvers are starting to look the most promising. Simple, reliable. Yah you don't get a bunch of shots out of them but thats why I was considering the wingun with the speed reloader. Any other ideas? or comments? A heavy gun is also not ideal as I am already packing around a 22lb rifle. |
KSC Glock 18 is great. Got a tightbore in mine and it outshoots all stock AEGs. Mags are shit simple to find too. Also has a ludicrous ROF when on fully automatic.
Are you still looking for something with auto capabilities? If so the G18 is a good choice, I have seen Sportco rock a AEP and it can do auto as well.
If you are not looing for auto go for a TM 1911 or Hi Capa. |
Cant ever go wrong with anything TM. Just a few upgrade parts and they're incredibly competitive pistols.
Alternatively, I recently purchased a KWA/UMAREX USP45 and i've been in love with it since. I run .30s in it and its almost impossible to miss with the thing up to 150+ ft. It kicks, and its loud too. The magazine capacity is around 28 I think. |
Every single one of my pistols with the exception of one, (i've had 8, currently have 3) have been TMs. The only issue I've ever had with any of them is that the 1911 doesn't always fire on the second shot, but it's a 15 minute fix with a file. If you're looking for something cost efficient, though, you could look into a KSC or KJ Glock. The KJ ones are workhorses.
Full auto would be nice.
I have about a $350-$400 budget. I already have a holster for either a small glock or another one for a 1911 sized pistol... even though it fit my mac-11... I have used my buddies g18 out here and its pretty fricking nice. The reason why I want something quiet or high volume fire is as most snipers know when someone gets in there MED and they know its do or die you don't want something loud and cumbersome that gives your position away to everyone in the area. I found with my mac 11 one burst of that thing had most people ducking and I could either relocate while they dove for cover or they would just go the opposite direction keeping my cover in tact. G18 may just fit the bill here. I have used a buddies TM AEP as well, it ALWAYS dies when I need it lol. |
mp7?? You have the option of GBB or AEG
oh FYI right now I don't play with any chest rig or vest. I have my DSR-1 and cadpat gear with a surpluss jacket, it holds all the kit I need. So you see why carrying mac 11 mags was a pain. How ever this jacket does have .... what I believe are... pistol mag pockets? on the top just over the breast. Cantered at a slight angle. They work well for 2 pistol mags, one in the gun, and one in the mag holder on the holster. not to add mp7 is out of my price range. |
KWC has a Desert Eagle with full auto capability. Its extremely loud too.
Maybe the TM hicapa xtreme? Or a ksc M93r?
A m203 on a bolt action would be rad
I used to carry a TM hi-capa 4.3 (shorter then the 5.1) in a Blackhawk (1911) holster on my belt but in the back. Being on the back it doesn't get dirty and it's very secure. You can also keep it under your jacket. I got a lot of kills with it because most players are taken by surprise when you pull it out of thin air. You dont have to push on a button to release it from the holster, so If your on your belly with your rifle and need to react rapidly, it's easy to pull out and make the kill before the other player can react. It's a great rush to make a kill like that:)
mp5k , single point bungee sling with a quick release buckle, weapon catch/hook (or get creative and fashion something of your own) or one of the specific mp5k shoulder rig sling things ...stubby mags(same size as pistol mags)
best thing I can think of for over all multi use effectiveness .. that or a G18C AEP (they actually make reinforced tappet/nozzle units for the breakage prone part.. the only aep with that privilage) ... G18C GBB's are wicked units ... but they are a dinner bell (spoken for experience)... and will more then likely cool down and get finicky the moment you need it ... the long mags are a pain to carry if your not rigged out . and in a holster the mag tends to get caught on everything .. anyways .. that's my 2 cents ... |
Hmm that's also a good idea. A small aeg like an pdw. I always seem to be crawling through bush so I def don't want something to get caught up on.
I havnt read many good things about the well mp5.... |
Thanks for all the suggestions. No one seems to have any input on a revolver? I was looking at a marushin but the shells are $44 for 6 of them! |
only 6 shots...
from my experience with a marushin revolver, they are loud as fuck
I use an MP9R as my sidearm. To be totally truthfull, I use it more often than none as a primary. I wear it on a 1 point CQB sling. There is a dropleg holster available for them, but hard to find. I haven't encountered any cool down effect on it. I can dump 3-4 mags in a row at full ROF and FPS. I can't say enough good things about it. It is by far my favourite gun. Compared to my L86A2, SVD Dragunov, WE Scar, P90, M16 Socom. Non of them compare. I gets a ROF of around 21-22 RPS. It is loud though, which can be a downfall, or in most cases provide a great intimidation factor. Long story short, I doubt very much that you would be disapointed with an MP9.
yeah the well mp5 is hit or miss... teammate here has one... the mags suck... atleast from his trials... he'll spend the evening before a game getting 7 or so mags ready... holding gas... get to the game the next morning, and only 2 hold gas for more then 20 mins ...
another team mate has switched to mp9's but I haven't seen him on the field yet (off on medical right now, carpal tunnel, yay!) |
If you're looking for quiet then an aeg/aep would work better. A Glock 18c AEP or a TM MP7 with the shoulder/leg holster would be a reliable support weapon.
I'd say either a G18C or a M93R if you want a GBB pistol. In terms of G18C's TM > KSC for design of fire select. Both fairly easy to source holsters for, then it comes down to more of a preference as to which you prefer to handle. M93R is available as a KSC System 7, which helps with the cool down. Wingun revolvers shoot about 400ish FPS, which is usually over CQB field limits for MED. In terms of silent guns, can't go much more silent than a TM MK23, but the hard trigger pull due to it being a NBB can be a tradeoff.
I have a KWA M93R NS2 (same thing as the KSC sys7 but with aluminium slide).
Mini review written on the spot: Shoots at ~345fps wich is pretty decent for a pistol. I'll admit I had some problems at first (after a good 10x38rounds mags) but once i found the parts it was a breeze to fix. It's quite easy to work on and resistant when it decides to: It took a real beating last saturday when I first fielded it. It was always falling from my crappy holster into the sand, dirt, earth and other stuff you don't want to see in there. Nonetheless it continued to work, until it couldn't take more of it towards the end of the day. Opened the whole thing, gave it a good bath, ckeaned and dried it all and it's now working better than ever. The mags are all OnePiece, CNC'd and all metal. Makes them very solid and heavy, quite satisfying. The gun will take PTP M9's mags from ksc/kwa (sys7/ns2) and the bigger M93RII ones (38/48 rounds). Big big advantage, you'll be able to shoot approx. 3 full mags before having the fill them with gas again! I use propane on mine. 3 rounds burst and full auto are a very nice addition to a M9, and the forward grip really helps to keep control of the recoil. The kick is quite hard too but not excessive. A small folding stock can be used if used as a primary. The only downside I see: there's virtually no aftermarket parts, at least for now, except for a tightbore inner barrel made by KSC which doesn't seem easy to find. So you won't be upgrading that gun much, but it's great as it is. Hope this help! MP |
345 fps for a pistol is really high by the way.
Most games indoor allow pistols under 300 fps only. Anyway, I swear by my Marui Hi-Capa although I've never had to use it in-game, yet. |
But ff you mean there's a limit of 350fps for AEGs and 300fps, I don't see the point O_o :P But yeah, I recon it's high considering it's a pistol (hell, my AEG is currently lower than that, but that's another story), but I've seen a few being harder than that actually. :D :P |
Well normally, you use your pistol in really close range :P
If 350 is good for an AEG in CQB, I don't see why it wouldn't for a pistol really My opinion/understanding anyways |
most of the games out here are bush games. We do how ever have a field "hardcorps" that has a city on it... when the game moves to the city a 500fps rifle is pretty hard to deploy and keep my 60-90foot MED. So I need something that will also be effective in this environment.
Lots of good input into this thread. I have ruled out win gun revolvers for the lack of a hop up... no hop up in an airsoft gun thats not a shot gun now adays doesn't make sense. Trying to find someone that carries the beretta seems to be a bit of a pain. The glock seems promising. the mp9 seems like my most likely choice if I can find a holster that won't break the bank. I have also considered a small sawed off shot gun *pump not break barrel* But the draw on that might be a pain. Quick deployment will be my friend. BTW I won't touch another WE gun ever. I have had 2 of them in the past and they were both the worse than herpes. on a side note does anyone know what the german anti terror unit uses for a marksman's side arm? |
Can't go wrong with the glock, lots on classifieds. Scott also put up an MP7 for sale. Might wanna look into that, it's right in your budget. |
The MP9 is great .. thats what I use as my side arm now... When I have money to spend on airsoft again.. I will be adding a weapons catch with a teather for a quick release... and because the gun is already on a sling it just falls forward to my front.. right now it dangles on a sling.. and when I need it i just put a mag in ... works for me... The only thing with the MP9 is the mags are very pricy... Cheapest I have gotten them for is 60 canadian ... that was from a private sale...
http://www.airsoftoutletnw.com/index...mart&Itemid=28 |
SaskSoft Armoury (to make up for the external link), a site retailer, has a black one in stock for a good price. $380.
after reading all these posts I agree a kmp9 from KWA is a good option but if the mag issue is a problem I just picked up the PT99. It is a m93r variant that has full auto and semi and to boot it is CO2. the only drawback is you need to get the propriatary mags for it but from the reviews they also sell the exstended 38rd mags.
if you don't mind the long mags then the mp9 is what I would get. were I work these are the price points you are looking at $199.95 for the pt99 and $499.99 for the mp9(i am sure you can find one in the $300 dollar range) asside from that I have also a usp compact that fires full auto but is finikie. fun tho. |
For the last 5 years I'v been using the Glock 19,I'm not a Glock fan,BUT it works everytime,one gas up on a mag lasts for about 3 reloads of BB's. The only thing I'v done to mine is a metal mag. catch,tightbore and a King arms recoil spring. I'm more of a 1911 fan,but havent found one that comes close in performance to the G19 (KSC/KWA). I also started using a USP Compact with the Glock,also seems to be a sweet shooter.
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