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GRIM May 11th, 2011 15:37

Ok, for over a few weeks now, my account on ASC has been acting up.
Everytime I try and go onto ASC its lagged, takes forever for anything to load.

IF it even loads.

85% of the time I get a message "Server is too busy, please try again." Msg.
When I click on something, it boots me to the main page.

I have over heard that ASC has a "group" They put people when they are annoyed by something they say or do.

and it LAGS their account.

That sounds real mature if you ask me, if this rumor is true, what kind of a STAFF is running this place?

So, if I sign out of my account I can view everything just fine.

Or if my buddy comes over and signs onto my computer it works fine.

Or I use my iphone in my account it lags on it as well, but if someone else logs in or logout and view pages its fine.

Multiple E-Mails to Staff Members, and still nothing.

Can someone get this crap taken care of ASAP!

I know of a few other people on the forum having the same issues.

MrEvolution May 11th, 2011 15:39


Originally Posted by PMC84X (Post 1464002)
I have over heard that ASC has a "group" They put people when they are annoyed by something they say or do.

and it LAGS their account.

Yeah.......just no.

Matt 'Maverick' Watts May 11th, 2011 15:42

Using my old laptop resulted in the same lags... I fixed it by upgrading the RAM and getting better anti-virus software.. all of a sudden nothing is laggy anymore.

To have the technology to segregate users and create 'lags' sound a little beyond a volunteer-based website to me.

Gato May 11th, 2011 15:44


Originally Posted by PMC84X (Post 1464002)
Ok, for over a few weeks now, my account on ASC has been acting up.
Everytime I try and go onto ASC its lagged, takes forever for anything to load.

IF it even loads.

85% of the time I get a message "Server is too busy, please try again." Msg.
When I click on something, it boots me to the main page.

I have over heard that ASC has a "group" They put people when they are annoyed by something they say or do.

and it LAGS their account.

That sounds real mature if you ask me, if this rumor is true, what kind of a STAFF is running this place?

So, if I sign out of my account I can view everything just fine.

Or if my buddy comes over and signs onto my computer it works fine.

Or I use my iphone in my account it lags on it as well, but if someone else logs in or logout and view pages its fine.

Multiple E-Mails to Staff Members, and still nothing.

Can someone get this crap taken care of ASAP!

I know of a few other people on the forum having the same issues.

That's not how the internet works ...

Perhaps you should head on back over to Airsoft Ontario and get Nooblord to fix your internet.

Tex May 11th, 2011 15:45

That's it I'm paying for retail ad space to sell tin foil.

GRIM May 11th, 2011 15:46

I would hope so Matt, But this is what I was told from someone who talks to a Staff member on ASC Regularly.

So I am gonna assume its just bad luck on my part.... and not something like that.
Again, its not my computer... I had no issue before, and no one else has an issue on my computer.

I would like the Staff to check into it, cuz its rather annoying :(

S.H.I.E.L.D. May 11th, 2011 15:48

The ASC Black Helicopters will arrive at your house to install the personality

Shirley May 11th, 2011 15:48

Wow, there's such thing exist to lag users? :)

Crunchmeister May 11th, 2011 15:50

I'm guessing there could be an issue with your account.

And yes, there is a group that they put annoying users in. It's called the BANNED group.

hattrick May 11th, 2011 15:52

This thread makes my head hurt....alot.

Jimski May 11th, 2011 15:57


Originally Posted by Crunchmeister (Post 1464015)
And yes, there is a group that they put annoying users in. It's called the BANNED group.

but the connexion is much slower when you're banned, maybe PMC84X got banned and he doesn't know it!

HeadlessChicken May 11th, 2011 16:00


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 1464013)
Wow, there's such thing exist to lag users? :)

I know you can lag someone's computer that is connecting to your router wirelessly by latching onto their MAC address and f*king around with them...N routers, I don't think older versions have that option.

Brian McIlmoyle May 11th, 2011 16:04

I'm doing it with my mind... right now..... you should be glad I don't focus on your heart.

cellulose May 11th, 2011 16:05

ping -t

Hightimes May 11th, 2011 16:09


Originally Posted by Jimski (Post 1464021)
but the connexion is much slower when you're banned, maybe PMC84X got banned and he doesn't know it!

Why would he get banned and not know it... lol...

P.S. special people say/write special

Jimski May 11th, 2011 16:10


Originally Posted by Hightimes (Post 1464035)
Why would he get banned and not know it... lol...

P.S. special people say/write special


MultipleParadox May 11th, 2011 16:21


"LAGGED" is not a state of being, or a state of anything, it's called "Lag" and it's a phenomenon, just like the dancing/blinking lights you see at night.
You cannot "lag" someone, it's not a verb.

You might be lagging yourself though, in special case, special people are found to be lagging... :D :P

Rugger_can May 11th, 2011 16:31

So yea.. Paranoid unsubstantiated claims that staff purposefully malign peoples accounts to dole out stealth justice to people they don't like.

Think really really hard about what your saying. Seriously. If after you spent a few minutes breaking down your purported scenario in your head you still believe it then you might want to seek professional help for your psychosis.

Staff members have and always have been transparent about whom they do and do not like and have been honest and upfront about any kind of remedial actions they take. In short, if staff finds you disruptive or annoying then you will definitely know about it.

If after you've reconsidered your insane hypothesis, You might want to try clearing all temporary save data and cached "cookies" as well as switching to an optimized browser. Also ASC is often laggy when interfacing from an Iphone as there is quiet alot to transmit, I suggest you pick up the app for these boards instead of using safari.

Jimski May 11th, 2011 16:40


Originally Posted by MultipleParadox (Post 1464042)
You might be lagging yourself though, in special case, special people are found to be lagging... :D :P

do not call me laggy! I'm a person of delayed response or chronographically impaired.

Amos May 11th, 2011 16:48

Sounds like a corrupted cookies or something like that.

ASC Super lags for me every once in a while late at night...

You may be trying to access it while they're doing server maintenance.

ILLusion May 11th, 2011 16:51


Originally Posted by PMC84X (Post 1464009)
I would hope so Matt, But this is what I was told from someone who talks to a Staff member on ASC Regularly.

So I am gonna assume its just bad luck on my part.... and not something like that.
Again, its not my computer... I had no issue before, and no one else has an issue on my computer.

I would like the Staff to check into it, cuz its rather annoying :(

I just checked your account and I don't see anything wrong with it. Who was it that told you this information? What am I suppose to be looking for?

TheNoobLord once complained about a similar problem, and I'd joked with him that he was annoying, so I put him in to a group that made things difficult for him. If that's the case, then I suppose Alex took what I said a bit too seriously.

Try flushing your cache from all the devices you're using to access ASC, and stop surfing for porn and pirating software off sketchy sites. LOL

m102404 May 11th, 2011 16:52

This thread is priceless. Thank you.

Shirley May 11th, 2011 16:58

LOOL good one Bri.

mmmken May 11th, 2011 17:04

For the sceptics, this is very possible and very easy to implement.

Miserable users - Forum

Rugger_can May 11th, 2011 17:11


Originally Posted by mmmken (Post 1464069)
For the sceptics, this is very possible and very easy to implement.

Miserable users - Forum

Yes, it's completely possible with these boards to implement such a mod. However like I said this forums staff are very transparent they would not resort to childish bullshit.

ILLusion May 11th, 2011 17:17


Originally Posted by mmmken (Post 1464069)
For the sceptics, this is very possible and very easy to implement.

Miserable users - Forum


Gonna bug the webmaster to install this tonight. We could totally use this. LOL

mmmken May 11th, 2011 17:22


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1464074)
Yes, it's completely possible with these boards to implement such a mod. However like I said this forums staff are very transparent they would not resort to childish bullshit.

True. I posted that link to show that it is not entirely a "tin-foil" idea as many members originally thought, lol.


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1464077)

Gonna bug the webmaster to install this tonight. We could totally use this. LOL

LOL! You can't fool me with my 100mbps connection. ;)

Conker May 11th, 2011 17:39

This vBulletin hack is fucking awesome.

bean May 11th, 2011 18:00

I just ban people I dont like. Trust me I get pm's all the time from those I banned freaking out.

TDH May 11th, 2011 18:15


Originally Posted by Rugger_can (Post 1464050)
So yea.. Paranoid unsubstantiated claims that staff purposefully malign peoples accounts to dole out stealth justice to people they don't like.

Think really really hard about what your saying. Seriously. If after you spent a few minutes breaking down your purported scenario in your head you still believe it then you might want to seek professional help for your psychosis.

Staff members have and always have been transparent about whom they do and do not like and have been honest and upfront about any kind of remedial actions they take. In short, if staff finds you disruptive or annoying then you will definitely know about it.

If after you've reconsidered your insane hypothesis, You might want to try clearing all temporary save data and cached "cookies" as well as switching to an optimized browser. Also ASC is often laggy when interfacing from an Iphone as there is quiet alot to transmit, I suggest you pick up the app for these boards instead of using safari.

Don't you look the fool now?

Please excuse my phone spelling! thx.

SINN May 11th, 2011 18:23

I only read this because it said "Official" it must be real :)

coach May 11th, 2011 18:30

This thread is awesome. Needed the laugh after today.

Rates an 8.7 out of 10 on the epic scale.

Rugger_can May 11th, 2011 18:33


Originally Posted by TDH (Post 1464099)
Don't you look the fool now?

Please excuse my phone spelling! thx.


I look very foolish for observing in the 10 years Ive been on this forum that the various people over the years staffing and administrating this website are pretty strait forward about dolling out punishment to users.

Clearly either your blind or illiterate and missed the part where various staff indicated that no such mod is installed or in use on these forums OR your implying they are not being honest.

So which one is it?

Yea I though so.

TDH May 11th, 2011 18:48

Whatever makes you feel better big boy :)

Please excuse my phone spelling! thx.

ex May 11th, 2011 19:07

I am OFFICIALLY sick of the whining and self righteous little pricks in here. Tread lightly people. If you have a legitimate gripe we will look into it. IF not...take a timeout and a big deep's only airsoft.

BloodSport May 11th, 2011 19:22


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1464077)

Gonna bug the webmaster to install this tonight. We could totally use this. LOL

get in line, he's got to make my changes to the age verifiers first, then he can play around with your mod requests!

Thenooblord May 11th, 2011 19:32


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 1464059)
I just checked your account and I don't see anything wrong with it. Who was it that told you this information? What am I suppose to be looking for?

TheNoobLord once complained about a similar problem, and I'd joked with him that he was annoying, so I put him in to a group that made things difficult for him. If that's the case, then I suppose Alex took what I said a bit too seriously.

Try flushing your cache from all the devices you're using to access ASC, and stop surfing for porn and pirating software off sketchy sites. LOL

I didnt do it!


Originally Posted by mmmken (Post 1464069)
For the sceptics, this is very possible and very easy to implement.

Miserable users - Forum

by the way, ths stuff described on that page is EXACTLY what we're getting on our accounts, just sayin

BloodSport May 11th, 2011 21:05

There has been some glitches on the boards lately, such as people being able to randomally reply to threads in the classifieds. There is some potential software updates being done tonight if possible or over the next few days, so if you see the boards go offline do not be shocked.

MadMorbius May 11th, 2011 21:30

The Entitlement is strong in this one.

I'm with Ex. Enough whining. There are plenty of places out there you can waste your time if you're not happy with how things work here.

I'll tell you this right now. Piss off the staff and you'll be out of here faster than Ignatieff on May 3rd. We don't owe any of you anything, and we give up a fair amount of time to take care of business here. We do our best to be fair and impartial, to address concerns, and we still manage to get shit on whenever someone on here feels slighted.

I don't think there's a board staffer who has less than 10 years on this site, and it's previous incarnations. In that time, we tend to develop a pretty keen sense of who's going to cause trouble and who's not, and we respond accordingly.

If you don't like it, 4Chan is just a URL away.

W0lf May 11th, 2011 21:42


Originally Posted by MultipleParadox (Post 1464042)

"LAGGED" is not a state of being, or a state of anything, it's called "Lag" and it's a phenomenon, just like the dancing/blinking lights you see at night.
You cannot "lag" someone, it's not a verb.

ever heard of a LAG SWITCH? have you ever even played ANY game on ANY system, console or pc, with a hacker?

but yea, i like how someone with a bit of knowledge (or had seen it before)
had posted the link to a site that does use a "annoying member filter".

its the internet. anything is possible. even a homeless man reaching through the second or third USB port on the back of your PC and reaching for that half empty bottle of jack and burning cigarette beside you.

GRIM May 11th, 2011 21:44


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1464134)
I didnt do it!

by the way, ths stuff described on that page is EXACTLY what we're getting on our accounts, just sayin

HAHAH! Thats sooo funny, thanks for posting that... that is exactly all the things that are wrong with my account.

To the T, homepage forwarding, lag for loading pages, server too busy.... I'm just saying, someone told me this, and I am getting this issue, I've asked for help before and nothing was done.

But again, maybe its just me! Or my brain... not sure, but Oh well!

Conker May 11th, 2011 21:54

So... if I understand correctly, this thread's purpose is to say



Janus May 11th, 2011 21:58

YouTube - Shut up

I think this sums up my feelings.

Jimski May 11th, 2011 22:27


Originally Posted by MadMorbius (Post 1464220)
and you'll be out of here faster than Ignatieff on May 3rd.

Ross May 11th, 2011 22:49

man harper looks creepy in that pic

Mitchell12 May 11th, 2011 22:51

Looks like he is charging his lasers.

Armyissue May 11th, 2011 22:54

From Here...
to here.....
Brought to you by,
Yourself @ ASC

sirtaco27 May 11th, 2011 23:10


Problem liberal fags?

bizkilter May 11th, 2011 23:21

Why does Harper always look like someone stole his lunch money?

mmmken May 12th, 2011 02:39


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1464205)
There has been some glitches on the boards lately, such as people being able to randomally reply to threads in the classifieds. There is some potential software updates being done tonight if possible or over the next few days, so if you see the boards go offline do not be shocked.

I tried reporting this bug through the reporting feature, but have not received a response yet. See my reply to another persons classified thread?

I was able to do this through the iPhone native app, as it probably bypasses the normal filters in place by vB.


Originally Posted by W0lf (Post 1464238)
ever heard of a LAG SWITCH? have you ever even played ANY game on ANY system, console or pc, with a hacker?

but yea, i like how someone with a bit of knowledge (or had seen it before)
had posted the link to a site that does use a "annoying member filter".

its the internet. anything is possible. even a homeless man reaching through the second or third USB port on the back of your PC and reaching for that half empty bottle of jack and burning cigarette beside you.

Coincidentally, I actually helped (in part) develop that hack for vB. ;)

Drake May 12th, 2011 03:33


Originally Posted by mmmken (Post 1464069)
For the sceptics, this is very possible and very easy to implement.

Miserable users - Forum

That's actually pretty cool, we should install that. I'd make a PUNK'D! tag for it, so everyone would know who got hit by it and they could point and laugh. Kinda like a big "Flame Me" sign. Thanks for finding that for us, mmmken!

As for annoying users, I'm pleased to say there are none on ASC. The Totalitarian Regime which dictates EVERYTHING on this forum simply removes anyone whose behavior was not up to standards and then denies they ever existed. This provides a 100% annoying-user -free environment for our loyal members.

But just to entertain the notion, for the conspiracy theorists out there: if this mod was installed and you did end up on it, it would mean you're on the staff's shitlist. Would you wanna lay low or get in everyone's face and just dig a deeper hole for yourself? I mean considering how quickly we've banned some people, you're digging a pretty shallow grave. There's a few cases where we just buried em under some twigs and dead leaves.

So honestly this mod is more of a toy than anything else, because in practice it would be little more than a speed bump on a users ultimate journey to Banistan.

Now I'll just go ahead and ban the OP for 24hrs, mostly for shits and giggles. You want an annoying user mod? Not being able to log on at all is pretty fucking annoying. Welcome to the big leagues.

wildcard May 12th, 2011 07:43


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1464385)
That's actually pretty cool, we should install that. I'd make a PUNK'D! tag for it, so everyone would know who got hit by it and they could point and laugh. Kinda like a big "Flame Me" sign. Thanks for finding that for us, mmmken!

As for annoying users, I'm pleased to say there are none on ASC. The Totalitarian Regime which dictates EVERYTHING on this forum simply removes anyone whose behavior was not up to standards and then denies they ever existed. This provides a 100% annoying-user -free environment for our loyal members.

But just to entertain the notion, for the conspiracy theorists out there: if this mod was installed and you did end up on it, it would mean you're on the staff's shitlist. Would you wanna lay low or get in everyone's face and just dig a deeper hole for yourself? I mean considering how quickly we've banned some people, you're digging a pretty shallow grave. There's a few cases where we just buried em under some twigs and dead leaves.

So honestly this mod is more of a toy than anything else, because in practice it would be little more than a speed bump on a users ultimate journey to Banistan.

Now I'll just go ahead and ban the OP for 24hrs, mostly for shits and giggles. You want an annoying user mod? Not being able to log on at all is pretty fucking annoying. Welcome to the big leagues.


coach May 12th, 2011 08:03

Drake will have to change his avatar to be 'Ban & Punk'd Hammer Hero'

Dirty Deeds May 12th, 2011 09:27

You know, I get lag too....... every morning I start my car it lags for a second or two before the engine starts. Maybe, just maybe, it's an ASC conspiracy? Damn mods, I better go see my psychic!

DarkAngel May 12th, 2011 09:57

Bravo! Well Done Drake!


Originally Posted by PMC84X (Post 1464009)
But this is what I was told from someone who talks to a Staff member on ASC Regularly.

This "someone" woudln't happen to be the same guy you screwed over repeatedly and promised for months and months that you would pay him for his gun, even though you've had it in your posession for months already would it? The same guy who, when asked for his money or to get his gun returned, you started yelling at him and accusing him of being a shitty friend when in fact you were the one who owed him money for months. The same guy you offered a craptacular franken-clone AK in exchange for his CA MP5.

After all, all the "gun work", the new guns you keep aquiring, all the games you keep going to and the hours you spent on the minecraft server, I would think you would be able to afford paying him back first. Cause settling your debt should come first before your own fun. Right?

Sounds to me like you need to get your shit together. You're lucky that "someone" is a much better friend to you than you think, and refuses to give you negative feedback dispite the majority of the community telling him that he should.

BoB May 12th, 2011 11:59

Oh how i would love to comment in this thread - but I will refrain.

Drake May 12th, 2011 11:59


Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds (Post 1464462)
You know, I get lag too....... every morning I start my car it lags for a second or two before the engine starts. Maybe, just maybe, it's an ASC conspiracy? Damn mods, I better go see my psychic!

No, that's actually the Squirrel Ninjas we hired to gnaw on your internet wires.

DarkAngel May 12th, 2011 12:18


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1464510)
No, that's actually the Squirrel Ninjas we hired to gnaw on your internet wires.

First rule of ASC Staff + Av'ers is dont talk about Staff and AV'ers.

Drake May 12th, 2011 12:19

It's okay, the squirrels are "consultants" from Brownrodent.

Dirty Deeds May 12th, 2011 13:44


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1464510)
No, that's actually the Squirrel Ninjas we hired to gnaw on your internet wires.

I knew that was squirrel shit.....I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!

Rugger_can May 12th, 2011 13:53


Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds (Post 1464573)
I knew that was squirrel shit.....I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!

You can tell by the nutty taste.......

Dirty Deeds May 12th, 2011 14:04

That's how I knew!

Jackals May 12th, 2011 18:12

The Baby Jesus wants to know why this hasn't been locked by now.

The Chad May 12th, 2011 18:15

Mods are still wondering how to react.

Kefray May 12th, 2011 18:42

either that or they are enjoying it

BloodSport May 12th, 2011 20:55

Or I was offline and at work when this went really to shit.

locked. grow up you guys.

MadMorbius May 12th, 2011 20:57


Originally Posted by The Chad (Post 1464704)
Mods are still wondering how to react.

Shit floats. Whatever comes to the top, we flush.

Threads like this are great to weed out the asshats.

mmmken May 13th, 2011 03:42

Did a staff member catch my message in regards to the iPhone native app bug that exists?

BloodSport May 13th, 2011 03:47


Originally Posted by mmmken (Post 1465014)
Did a staff member catch my message in regards to the iPhone native app bug that exists?

Yup looking into it thanks

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