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Disco_Dante May 4th, 2011 17:38

The "Got Wood?" Thread
This is a thread for all those guys who like to keep it old school. No fancy polymers here, just steel and wood. You absolutely cannot post a picture in here unless a tree died to make that photo possible. No fake orange plastic wood either. I want to see some ecological damage.

I'll start us off:

Mitchell12 May 4th, 2011 17:45

I like that railed gas tube, Do you have any info on that or where you got it?

Might post up my AKM in a bit.

Disco_Dante May 4th, 2011 17:47

Came with my cyma AIMS PMC. It's a copy of the Ultimak gas tube rail

Strelok May 4th, 2011 17:50

Is that the Mad max shotgun? Always been interested in getting one. Are the shells compatable with madbull or do you have to get theirs?

Great stuff either way!

DaRkCoMmAnDo May 4th, 2011 17:51

I just wanted to say I was a little nervous opening this thread. :D

Mitchell12 May 4th, 2011 17:54

The ones I found online say it's for AK74's , I'd kinda like to put it on my 47 instead though, I don't know what the differences are in airsoft though :S

Also just so your shotty doesn't feel left out, it's sexy as hell too.

Disco_Dante May 4th, 2011 17:56


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1459777)
Is that the Mad max shotgun? Always been interested in getting one. Are the shells compatable with madbull or do you have to get theirs?

Great stuff either way!

It is the KJW/HWA SAN/Mad Max shotgun. I have no idea if its madbull shell compatible... I've spent 10 hours between today and yesterday trying to seal these bloody shells and three of them still leak out of the base. The fact that I have seven that hold gas is apparantly a miracle according to a variety of reviews I've read. I'll have to test a madbull shell. Anyone in the GTA have any?


Originally Posted by Mitchell12 (Post 1459784)
The ones I found online say it's for AK74's , I'd kinda like to put it on my 47 instead though, I don't know what the differences are in airsoft though :S

Also just so your shotty doesn't feel left out, it's sexy as hell too.

The AIMS is a 47 front end, and it came with it installed, so I believe it should fit your AK. My AK is a VFC copy though, so watch out! I'm not sure if it will fit a TM front end.


Originally Posted by DaRkCoMmAnDo (Post 1459779)
I just wanted to say I was a little nervous opening this thread. :D

That's entirely understandable.


Andres May 4th, 2011 20:41

Mitchell12 May 4th, 2011 21:00

Thanks for the Heads Up Disco!

I'll probably get one anyways they aren't very much. Hopefully it fits if not someone with a 74 will get a good deal :P

Very nice Andres!

Disco_Dante May 4th, 2011 21:03

If it doesn't fit, you will easily be able to make it fit. People mod real gas tubes onto airsoft AKs all the time, so a little work with a dremel should set you straight!

Andres that is hot, the pattern on the wood looks great. What wood kit is that?

MASAKO May 4th, 2011 22:30

This thread for showing off your wood, so stop bubbling but more pics :D

Here is mine, start off with Tokyo Marui MEU and upgrade to Full Metal KIMBER LAPD SWAT Custom II, the grip got from a buddy of mine who doesn't need anymore.

Andres May 5th, 2011 20:42


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1459948)

Andres that is hot, the pattern on the wood looks great. What wood kit is that?

Some Chinese oak kit I got a long time ago. Though great looking, it's needing some refinishing at the moment and it's not really Marui friendly. Some things will need to be carved to fit properly... still haven't done that.

Unless you have the CYMA M1A1 then it's an easier fit I believe.

megabeers May 5th, 2011 20:59

Real Sword SVD

scurvythepirate May 5th, 2011 21:54

I still feel bad for your flash hider...
Somewhat ruined a great RS SVD.

Snakebite1967 May 5th, 2011 22:06

Mitchell12 May 5th, 2011 22:20

How does the rear stock tang work on yours snake bite? Kinda odd looking. Nice though man

Snakebite1967 May 5th, 2011 23:17

Its a Real Sword it has a centre square tang and an upper blade style, the stock slides on and is screwed through the top,

I havent actualy seen another AEG Ak like the Real Sword as far as stock attachment

Frozen Tex May 6th, 2011 00:37

SRC/TSD RPK (The Alphagetti Gun!) and CYMA AKMS...
One of these days I'll find wood for my CYMA Thompson M1A1... :D

Mitchell12 May 6th, 2011 00:48


Originally Posted by Snakebite1967 (Post 1460727)
Its a Real Sword it has a centre square tang and an upper blade style, the stock slides on and is screwed through the top,

I havent actualy seen another AEG Ak like the Real Sword as far as stock attachment

Ohhhh, So it's a Type 56.... Thats probably why I thought it looked odd.

Kingsix May 6th, 2011 00:52
More Type 56's

megabeers May 7th, 2011 08:54


Originally Posted by scurvythepirate (Post 1460682)
I still feel bad for your flash hider...
Somewhat ruined a great RS SVD.

the flash hider has been modified. i can screw it back on no prob. i'm partial to the look of a silencer.

IceTray May 22nd, 2011 18:58

My 870 sawnoff shotgun. Full metal build, with custom wood grips I worked up one sunny day.

Reckless May 23rd, 2011 16:56

working on getting ahold of some wood grips for my desert eagles ..

got a fair bit of fake wood in my collection ... have to admit I go with fake wood for the look, without the weight LOL

shiftsup May 23rd, 2011 22:39
Hexagon Production Version 2 PPSH-41 AEG

VFC M1918A2 BAR (Standard Version) AEG

wildcard May 24th, 2011 17:01

Here's my woody

Boyso May 24th, 2011 17:06


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1471452)
VFC M1918A2 BAR (Standard Version) AEG

Oooh, I hate you now.

I gotta go road-tripping in On. now :D

Disco_Dante May 24th, 2011 17:09

Aaa d now I'll spend the rest of my life browsing the for sale section for an m79. So pretty!

Szevin May 24th, 2011 18:04


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1471790)

That's Simply amazing!

I'll have to add my something to this thread soon, as I just got my RS type 56-1! Stoked!

Gato May 24th, 2011 23:46


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1471452)
Hexagon Production Version 2 PPSH-41 AEG

I'd LOVE to know where you got that, I'm looking to get one, the Aeres has some weird ass gearbox

Cobrajr122 May 25th, 2011 00:36

ohhh, I got wood.

The 3 un-used kits are for:

CA G3 - PolarStar

I have some other wood that has not been put on guns yet because I am lazy.... but I'll get to it.

R.I.T.Z May 25th, 2011 00:42


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1472099)

I hate you oh so much at this point in time...
also the silencer just looks weird....

Cobrajr122 May 25th, 2011 00:47


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1472102)
I hate you oh so much at this point in time...

would hate me even more if i was not trying to keep one of my other projects a secrete until Op Rhino :P


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1472102)
also the silencer just looks weird....

Had to do something to cove up the longer inner TB. I recently got a shorter suppressor and a thread adapter that will bring the suppressor a bit closer to the rifles body, I hope. That should make it look a bit better.

R.I.T.Z May 25th, 2011 00:52


Originally Posted by Cobrajr122 (Post 1472106)
would hate me even more if i was not trying to keep one of my other projects a secrete until Op Rhino :P

Had to do something to cove up the longer inner TB. I recently got a shorter suppressor and a thread adapter that will bring the suppressor a bit closer to the rifles body, I hope. That should make it look a bit better.

Its not the length its the age... you've got this amazing older style weapon with wood on it and then suddenly... modern age suppressor.... maybe a more worn looking one would work better... just my opinion

Cobrajr122 May 25th, 2011 00:59


Originally Posted by R.I.T.Z (Post 1472109)
Its not the length its the age... you've got this amazing older style weapon with wood on it and then suddenly... modern age suppressor.... maybe a more worn looking one would work better... just my opinion

hmm good point. I'll look into it.

seabass May 25th, 2011 01:20


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1471790)

So that count on the stock isnt the people you have shot it? i was gonna do that with my old ak, very nice kit

wildcard May 25th, 2011 10:33


Originally Posted by trevorthetwigyalienman (Post 1472120)
So that count on the stock isnt the people you have shot it? i was gonna do that with my old ak, very nice kit

Actually it is 1 notch for every 2 bodies, I have used this as my primary for a while, the previous wood frame for my old CAW (this one is a King Arms) was full on both sides.

shiftsup May 25th, 2011 10:50


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1459777)
Is that the Mad max shotgun? Always been interested in getting one. Are the shells compatable with madbull or do you have to get theirs?

Madbull shells are not compatible with the Mad Max shotgun. The Mad Max shells are a two piece shell (blue part is for the bb's and the brass is for the gas) and much longer than the Madbull shells.

Disco_Dante May 26th, 2011 15:13


Originally Posted by shiftsup (Post 1472234)
Madbull shells are not compatible with the Mad Max shotgun. The Mad Max shells are a two piece shell (blue part is for the bb's and the brass is for the gas) and much longer than the Madbull shells.

I've been talking with Madbull and they've discontinued that line of shells, but they expressed interest both on Facebook and via email in creating a line of shells for the Mad Max shotgun.

ViR May 28th, 2011 10:15

1 Attachment(s)
Does the hardwood floor makes up for non-wood SVD? :)

seabass May 28th, 2011 11:11


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1472225)
Actually it is 1 notch for every 2 bodies, I have used this as my primary for a while, the previous wood frame for my old CAW (this one is a King Arms) was full on both sides.

Very nice! ive always wanted to try and run something like this as a primary.

SHaKaL June 11th, 2011 16:58

My KJW-KC02 with Ra-tech M1 Carbine kit

All i need now is the front sight, a sling and the oiler.
Might cut the rail to install a real M1 carbine rear sight.

BTW; the kit come with a 6.03 380mm inner-barrel

BoGrain June 11th, 2011 17:10


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1481972)
My KJW-KC02 with Ra-tech M1a1 Carbine kit

All i need now is the front sight, a sling and the oiler.
Might cut the rail to install a real M1 carbine rear sight.

very nice - can't wait to see it in action saturday!

R.I.T.Z June 11th, 2011 17:24


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1481972)
All i need now is the front sight, a sling and the oiler.
Might cut the rail to install a real M1 carbine rear sight.

RA Tech KJ KC-02 10/22 M1 Carbine Front and Rear Sight Set

Frozen Tex June 11th, 2011 19:46


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1481972)
My KJW-KC02 with Ra-tech M1a1 Carbine kit
All i need now is the front sight, a sling and the oiler.
Might cut the rail to install a real M1 carbine rear sight.

That is soooo cool! Now I see a purpose to an airsoft 10/22... Is it possible to get straight mags for it?

SHaKaL June 11th, 2011 23:38

Thanks Bograin; just hope i get my mags this week or i will have to take the thompson. Only have one mag for now...

Thanks for that RITZ; knew they made the front sight but not the rear.
I wonder how you install the rear one as you need the rail for the hopup ''adjuster'' knob... Over the rail?


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1482026)
That is soooo cool! Now I see a purpose to an airsoft 10/22... Is it possible to get straight mags for it?

That was my purpose when i bought the KJW.
For the mags; not that i know of :( but heh did't even know ra-tech made the rear sight so...

Boyso June 13th, 2011 09:47


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1482026)
That is soooo cool! Now I see a purpose to an airsoft 10/22... Is it possible to get straight mags for it?

There was a rumor on Arnies that KJW was supposed to release long mags one day. But since it was never really announced, I doubt it.

I handle it yesterday, and it's awesome :D

SHaKaL August 23rd, 2011 20:37

Refinished the stock on my KJW KC-02 M1 Carbine conversion.
I'm waiting for my front and rear sight. Will also probably cut the rail...

KJW C-02 M1 Carbine, Cyma M1A1 Thompson with King Arm wood kit et KJW 1911A1 (still waiting to buy some wood grips)

BTW the KC-02 mags fit nicely in the Garand ammo belt :)

Eeyore August 23rd, 2011 20:39


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1521840)
Refinished the stock on my KJW KC-02 M1 Carbine conversion.
I'm waiting for my front and rear sight. Will also probably cut the rail...

KJW C-02 M1 Carbine, Cyma M1A1 Thompson with King Arm wood kit et KJW 1911A1 (still waiting to buy some wood grips)

Damn those are nice.

Boyso August 25th, 2011 18:27

King Arms wood kit, thanks to Jugglez!

The frickin pistol grip doesn't want to go on though.

Ross September 4th, 2011 16:25

Ca33e work in progress

Slow September 4th, 2011 16:42

Looks good Ross.

Frozen Tex September 4th, 2011 17:30


Originally Posted by Boyso (Post 1522927)
King Arms wood kit, thanks to Jugglez!
The frickin pistol grip doesn't want to go on though.

I've got one of those King Arms kits on the way for my CYMA; have you made yours fit yet?

SHaKaL September 4th, 2011 17:33


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1527448)
I've got one of those King Arms kits on the way for my CYMA; have you made yours fit yet?

Couple of minutes with a dremel and mine is fitting nicely.
See pic at the beginning of this page.

Boyso September 4th, 2011 18:22

On a King Arms, it's a drop in fit.

On a Cyma, the handguard screw is a Marui-type (Tilted) so you need to enlarge the hole so that you can screw straight. Sling swivel don't fit.

Pistol grip : I'll let SHaKaL comment as I still have not done it.

Stock : Drop in fit. However the sling swivels don't fit.

SHaKaL September 4th, 2011 18:24


Originally Posted by Boyso (Post 1527461)
On a King Arms, it's a drop in fit.

On a Cyma, the handguard screw is a Marui-type (Tilted) so you need to enlarge the hole so that you can screw straight. Sling swivel don't fit.

Pistol grip : I'll let SHaKaL comment as I still have not done it.

Stock : Drop in fit. However the sling swivels don't fit.

I used the dremel to make the sling swivels fit. Just enlarged the holes one one side.

Ross September 15th, 2011 23:14

got a fancy new leather sling that my girlfriend made. And put a nice bushnell scope on it.

Frozen Tex September 15th, 2011 23:25


That is freakin' beautiful!

And I get to collect my wood kit tomorrow... I hope I have time soon to install it!

AlLeBlanc September 15th, 2011 23:29

WOW Ross!
What a beauty.

Frozen Tex September 24th, 2011 19:23

Got my King Arms Wood Kit installed on the CYMA M1A1!

Not much of a problem to fit; one screw was hinky, but that's it!

Boyso September 24th, 2011 20:22


Btw, get some oil on that holster ;)

Frozen Tex September 24th, 2011 23:38


Originally Posted by Boyso (Post 1536962)

Btw, get some oil on that holster ;)

Sir, yes sir!

bizkilter September 26th, 2011 15:09

Damn, Ross. Now I got wood..

Disco_Dante October 7th, 2011 12:51

Crappy cellphone photo, but I had to share this. Definitely one of the most fun rifles I've ever owned.

I'm selling the longer grooved sniper barrel if anyone is interested.

a_sock October 7th, 2011 13:26


crap I dont know how to do the spoiler thing on here...

So what is that? a goblin deuce? What did you do to it/how'd you extend barrel and grip? are you able to go back to the original configuration? You prefer the madbull over the nitro express? Any performance different with extended barrels?

I bet when you pull that out and tap someone on the shoulder, they put their gun down and hands up and walk away:D

MrEvolution October 7th, 2011 14:02

Thompson mag pouches...highcaps or standards inside?

Frozen Tex October 7th, 2011 15:36

If you're asking about mine... King Arms 110rnds.

We hates the hi-caps...

MrEvolution October 7th, 2011 17:15


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1543220)
If you're asking about mine... King Arms 110rnds.

We hates the hi-caps...

are those the same size as real steel 30 or 20 round mags?

Boyso October 7th, 2011 17:15

Same size as 30 rounders.

MrEvolution October 7th, 2011 17:19

Last derail question - the 3 cell pouches hold those? I had no idea. I have the 5 cell and it only holds 20 rounders with the flaps closed.

Boyso October 7th, 2011 17:31

3 Cell pouches are for 30 rounders but are USMC items only. And they only arrived in '45 I believe.

Reckless October 7th, 2011 19:57


Originally Posted by a_sock (Post 1543157)
crap I dont know how to do the spoiler thing on here...

So what is that? a goblin deuce? What did you do to it/how'd you extend barrel and grip? are you able to go back to the original configuration? You prefer the madbull over the nitro express? Any performance different with extended barrels?

I bet when you pull that out and tap someone on the shoulder, they put their gun down and hands up and walk away:D

it's 2 goblins that I made scream and cry with a hacksaw and put them together side by side (so yes, there are 2 triggers) ... the duece was still a twinkle in a designers eye when I built it .. LOL

I then custom made the hand guard, and the pistol grip and put the extensions on from a pair of scrap shotgun barrels.. if you look close at the pictures you can see where everything was glued together.

no difference in anything shooting with the longer barrels as they are just outters, there is no inner barrels at all. the madbulls had more power and seemed to be more reliable, the stocker "nitros" had a better spray pattern. could barely register a kill past 100ft though.. the range on it really sucked (maybe it was just me) ... however when you pull the trigger(s) people hit the ground and start yelling "why the hell is there a .22 out here????!!!! "

ratnest July 5th, 2012 22:01

my first gun with any wood on it, kinda classes it up

Latvian291 July 7th, 2012 06:44

Posted this in the WE AK-74UN review section:

Some pics of my WE... just got around to taking them.

Mods: RA Tech trigger group, RS Soviet Russian pistol grip, RA Tech handguards, RS Selector (military style), serialization based on original military pics, RS Soviet sling, weathering.

Disco_Dante July 7th, 2012 12:19

How did you achieve that effect on the wood? I completely stripped and restained mine a bit of a more reddish-brown, but it's nowhere near as nice as that handguard!

Latvian291 July 7th, 2012 15:28


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1675631)
How did you achieve that effect on the wood? I completely stripped and restained mine a bit of a more reddish-brown, but it's nowhere near as nice as that handguard!

First, I stripped them using chemical stripper. Then stained after weathering with Minwax Dark Walnut although Ebony would have worked nicely too. Then I burned them in places with a lighter, then applied some red tinted shellac overtop. This is all from memory, but I think that's it.

NANA July 20th, 2012 23:01

2 Attachment(s)
My new toy. A&K Dragunov SVD. Its just as nice inside as out.

Disco_Dante November 22nd, 2012 17:25

Downloading art of the tactical shotgun or whatever it's called now... this thing is too much fun.

Kingsix November 23rd, 2012 07:28


Originally Posted by Disco_Dante (Post 1728657)

Downloading art of the tactical shotgun or whatever it's called now... this thing is too much fun.

Very nice!

Thenooblord November 23rd, 2012 09:05

next weekend, me and Disco are gonna rock this thread :O

Gato November 23rd, 2012 11:28


Originally Posted by Thenooblord (Post 1728854)
next weekend, me and Disco are gonna rock this thread :O

That should be "Next weekend, Disco and I are going to rock this thread."

ACTUAL QUESTION: Has anyone tried to put a real GALIL front on the KA Galil?

COL.TIKER November 23rd, 2012 18:27

Tanaka K98 with G&G ZF-41

Drunk_Albertan November 23rd, 2012 18:50


Originally Posted by COL.TIKER (Post 1729078)
Tanaka K98 with G&G ZF-41

With Best Gun Goodness!! Did you install it on the Tanaka hop up chamber body or use the Zeta Labs CNC'd unit?

COL.TIKER November 23rd, 2012 18:59


Originally Posted by Drunk_Albertan (Post 1729087)
With Best Gun Goodness!! Did you install it on the Tanaka hop up chamber body or use the Zeta Labs CNC'd unit?

haha yes, the rare and highly praised Best Gun hop-up components.
I was able to track down a Best Gun chamber and 3 buckings, so its a Best Gun chamber and buckings.

Edit: Just re-read your question lol, yea, its the Tanaka hop-up chamber. But I do have the Best Gun "Hop-up system" so basically its the bucking and the Best Gun nozzle.

Also got a KM TN 6.04mm for K98 in there. These are the only 2 upgrades that I am aware of that exists for this gun.

Confessor November 23rd, 2012 19:08

Wow that Tanaka K98 looks beautifull, not as good as the Dragunov, but still :)

Ross, somehow the scope doesnt look right on the G3, that being said, it does look like the real deal.

Latvian291 November 28th, 2012 09:53

Did WE not use laminated wood on the Dragunov? Seems disappointing.

That K98 looks amazing. It would be nice to see a good repro ZF-41 that looks like the real thing. The Tanaka one is far off.

COL.TIKER November 28th, 2012 10:09


Originally Posted by Latvian291 (Post 1730536)
Did WE not use laminated wood on the Dragunov? Seems disappointing.

That K98 looks amazing. It would be nice to see a good repro ZF-41 that looks like the real thing. The Tanaka one is far off.

The one I have on there is the G&G ZF-41. It doesn't look right, but you can adjust it like a modern scope. The Viva Arms ZF-41 looks better, but you would have to adjust it by moving lens around, which I never figured out how to do lol.

Disco_Dante November 30th, 2012 09:45

As predicted: Rocking this thread.

Mine's on the left and Nooblord's is on the right.

Thenooblord November 30th, 2012 10:03

gotta get some nice pics now with a proper camera :O

Strelok November 30th, 2012 10:04

Drunk_Albertan November 30th, 2012 10:35

How are you coming along with installing that Zeta Labs hop up unit Strelok?

Nice guns btw.

COL.TIKER November 30th, 2012 10:43


Originally Posted by Drunk_Albertan (Post 1731245)
How are you coming along with installing that Zeta Labs hop up unit Strelok?

Nice guns btw.

Just found a disassembly guide lol.

Strelok November 30th, 2012 10:46

Thanks! It was purchased for my freinds Tanaka K98k, which is pictured above (I work on it enough that I could very well own it! Hah. I have a G&G 980 I have yet to photograph.)

I've got it installed, but I found that there is nothing that actually holds the chamber packing and barrel into the unit itself. I'm not sure if I'm missing a part from the kit or what (Couldn't see anything that would retain it aside from friction and the hopup stem... which seems sketchy) So it tends to slip every now and then, Might tap in a set screw or something at some point.

Either way, the gun is getting a nice consistency per shot. Just not 100% as I'd like.

Drunk_Albertan November 30th, 2012 11:13

There is supposed to be a small grub screw that holds the barrel to the unit. Did you go the way of reusing the Tanaka hop up or the VSR hop up? I installed the BGS hop unit so I'm not sure if it's a similar procedure.

N_Force November 30th, 2012 12:45

Nice wooden collections, strelok! Love the Thompson. If that would have a gbb.

Strelok November 30th, 2012 23:10


Originally Posted by Drunk_Albertan (Post 1731265)
There is supposed to be a small grub screw that holds the barrel to the unit. Did you go the way of reusing the Tanaka hop up or the VSR hop up? I installed the BGS hop unit so I'm not sure if it's a similar procedure.

We used a VSR-10 barrel and hopup, and it works something lovely. Used a GBBR tightbore for it though since it was the only thing readily available, lol.

I just got my G&G working after like, 5 months of owning the damned thing. I've got a couple wooden projects on the go this weekend, I'll have some photos to show in the following few days.

Strelok December 1st, 2012 15:57


... One down. Since the receiver says 1947 or something like that on it, made the coloration akin to a postwar M44.

(Post war m44)

Just need to get the bolt cap from Amos and i'll be happy. Heh.

Kingsix December 12th, 2012 08:45

Older picture...

Drunk_Albertan January 3rd, 2013 23:37

My pathetic attempt at photography.

The Kar 98k is a Tanaka which has an orange stain on the stock. After 3 coats of dark walnut stain and 3 coats of linseed oil it still looks orange in the pics. It's more brown. Anyway...

Western Arms P38 with custom wood grips.

Strelok January 4th, 2013 00:42

Oh wow, didn't know WA even made a P38! Thats awesome.

How are they? and are they still available?

Drunk_Albertan January 4th, 2013 09:52


Originally Posted by Strelok (Post 1742600)
Oh wow, didn't know WA even made a P38! Thats awesome.

How are they? and are they still available?

No. Its from the late 90's i think. NBB. I've been looking for a spare magazine for it for ever with no such luck in finding one.

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