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huang February 9th, 2011 23:37

Fast Helmet coming this Summer
Two styles, now in prototype, to be released in June.

Kimbo February 9th, 2011 23:39

Nice. Will definately get one.

Kutter February 10th, 2011 01:26

Definitely worth waiting for, especially if the suspension systems exactly matches the real one.

skalnok February 10th, 2011 01:33

do you know the approximate price on these yet?

Shirley February 10th, 2011 01:50


Conker February 10th, 2011 01:54

Jesus Christ that's about time, they were announced on taiwanese forums a year and a half ago.

thpethalK February 10th, 2011 02:23

not in those colors I hope lol

Ozone06 February 10th, 2011 08:07

But I like the pretty colours...

Shatter February 10th, 2011 12:38

Zeonprime February 10th, 2011 18:10

BAH! I'll keep my MICH in Multicam (for now....hmmmm, I am such a multicam whore :( )

panzergrenadier February 10th, 2011 18:11

Will they have an OCC dial style liner?

Phalanix February 18th, 2011 19:20


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 1407020)
BAH! I'll keep my MICH in Multicam (for now....hmmmm, I am such a multicam whore :( )

You're just a whore, period.

BobbyDangerous February 18th, 2011 21:01


PrIeSt February 19th, 2011 14:34

very cool indeed. would like to see the real pics when availible

huang April 28th, 2011 13:29

Prototype spy picture.

Conker April 28th, 2011 13:42

Nice! Do we have an accurate-ish ETA and price estimate? I know you said june, but in case it changed or anything.

Also which colours will it be available? I hope this one will be...
Basically the original shade of tan which was almost grey-ish, but with the CB velcro.

AND with color-matched bungee cord.

wey ferro April 28th, 2011 13:46

horrible colors

Boyso April 28th, 2011 14:30

I hate it when I ditch an impression since I can't find the helmet and literaly 6 months after, ACM make one ^^

Specs April 28th, 2011 14:44

Those helmets look really good

Conker April 28th, 2011 14:54


Originally Posted by Boyso (Post 1455747)
I hate it when I ditch an impression since I can't find the helmet and literaly 6 months after, ACM make one ^^

That's what I'll be attacking at the end of the summer (MSOB will be done, and the car purchased)... if you want to make it a 2-man team let me know! :)

Boyso April 28th, 2011 14:57

Hmmmmm. That could be an idea.

Pay it for me and I'm in :D

FlyGuy April 28th, 2011 15:25

Meh, I'll stick with my real Ops-Core FAST Base-Jump instead. There's a reason why they cost as much as they do that no knock-off can hope to fully replicate. Though the replicant doesn't look all that bad considering, but I'll reserve my final judgement for when I can actually examine the suspension system and the materials used on the clone.


(note: stock pictures shown, haven't taken a decent pic of my bucket yet but you get the idea anyway)

Boyso April 28th, 2011 15:40

The Bump and the Ballistic are not the same thing. This is a clone of a Ballistic.

Yours is different (Vent holes, NVG mount that is casted in., etc)

panzergrenadier April 28th, 2011 15:43


Originally Posted by FlyGuy (Post 1455778)
Meh, I'll stick with my real Ops-Core FAST Base-Jump instead. There's a reason why they cost as much as they do that no knock-off can hope to fully replicate. Though the replicant doesn't look all that bad considering, but I'll reserve my final judgement for when I can actually examine the suspension system and the materials used on the clone.

I have one on the way (damn 8-10 week lead time)
Also I can use the Base-Jump as a bike helmet as well. Can't do that with the ACM

FlyGuy April 28th, 2011 16:16


Originally Posted by Boyso (Post 1455784)
The Bump and the Ballistic are not the same thing. This is a clone of a Ballistic.

Yours is different (Vent holes, NVG mount that is casted in., etc)

I never said they were the same thing. I simply stated that if given the choice, I'd go with the Base Jump instead, and that's what I ended up doing. If you actually check the documentation from Ops-Core you will find that apart from the vent holes (nice to have), the materials and the molded-in NV mount vs. the VAS shroud, there's really no appreciable difference between their ballistic Bumps and their Base Jumps except for the (hysterical) price of course. What I was on about however was the likelihood that the clones will probably not be able to replicate the quality of the OEM retention/suspension system. That and the shell material of the clones will not likely be as robust as the OEM's either. However, from a purely cosmetic point of view, the history of Asian replica manufacturing indicates they will probably succeed quite admirably with it and for most airsofters, that's plenty good enough.

Caveat Emptor...


MilanWG April 28th, 2011 16:32

+1 to what FlyGuy said.

Buy a real Ops-Core or just get a Protec.

Boyso April 28th, 2011 16:43


Originally Posted by FlyGuy (Post 1455806)
I never said they were the same thing. I simply stated that if given the choice, I'd go with the Base Jump instead, and that's what I ended up doing. If you actually check the documentation from Ops-Core you will find that apart from the vent holes (nice to have), the materials and the molded-in NV mount vs. the VAS shroud, there's really no appreciable difference between their ballistic Bumps and their Base Jumps except for the (hysterical) price of course. What I was on about however was the likelihood that the clones will probably not be able to replicate the quality of the OEM retention/suspension system. That and the shell material of the clones will not likely be as robust as the OEM's either. However, from a purely cosmetic point of view, the history of Asian replica manufacturing indicates they will probably succeed quite admirably with it and for most airsofters, that's plenty good enough.

Caveat Emptor...


I agree, but what's the price on it?

I'm an airsofter, not an operator. I won't bang my head jumping down of an helicopter or rappelling on the side of a building.

I have nothing against a Bump helmet and if I could afford one, I would take one anyday.


panzergrenadier April 28th, 2011 16:50

The Military Base-Jump is only 239$... not a bad price for an excellent piece of equipment

Boyso April 28th, 2011 16:52

Better than I thought. The website I was looking was quoting it in the 500s.

Cammer April 28th, 2011 16:59

Will it be possible just to get the strap. That would fix 90% of the issues I have with my helmet.

Conker April 28th, 2011 17:06

I'm a whore and most of my current gear is real. I do when I can.

But if I'm doing an impression, what I need is something that looks like the original... so no, the bump won't do it, and I'll still take the 60$ clone over the 250$+ bump. That being said, I may end up buying real straps and real pads for it.

Boyso April 28th, 2011 17:10


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1455839)
I'm a whore and most of my current gear is real. I do when I can.

But if I'm doing an impression, what I need is something that looks like the original... so no, the bump won't do it, and I'll still take the 60$ clone over the 250$+ bump. That being said, I may end up buying real straps and real pads for it.

That's what I mean. Keep the clone shell, and pimp it with the real steel stuff. It's available on their website IIRC

panzergrenadier April 28th, 2011 17:11


Originally Posted by Boyso (Post 1455830)
Better than I thought. The website I was looking was quoting it in the 500s.

Ya probably for the FAST Bump (Carbon Shell)
the FAST Base-Jump has a polycarbonate shell

c3sk April 28th, 2011 17:32

My take on it: if you want it to actually function with REAL kit, get the base jump. If you want it just for looks, no function, no NVG... get the replica.

Replica Norotos systems don't work with the kit, same thing goes for the VAS shroud, it will never be 100% to spec. I would never trust a 4000 dollar nvg system to a 10 dollar china mounting shroud/arm.

Boyso April 28th, 2011 17:40


Originally Posted by panzergrenadier (Post 1455845)
Ya probably for the FAST Bump (Carbon Shell)
the FAST Base-Jump has a polycarbonate shell

That's why.

So there's 3 versions?

Base-Jump 200$
Bump 500$
Ballistic 900$


Conker April 28th, 2011 17:41

Anyway if you have 4000$ for a PVS14, you probably have 200$ for the real arm ;)

4 versions, actually.
Ballistic (980$, without shroud),
Carbon (previously known as "Bump"; 593$ without NVG shroud),
Base Jump Military (239$, integrated shroud),
Base Jump Sport (203$, integrated shroud).

Besides the colors (red is only for the "Sport", the differences between the BJ-Mil and BJ-Sport are that the Sport is made overseas while the Mil is made in USA.

Also as we couldn't see it well in the other picture I posted:

Please tell your suppliers to make it the correct color with matching bungee... the one you've shown sucks.

panzergrenadier April 28th, 2011 17:53

The difference between the sport and mil versions of the Base-Jump is more than just where is manufactured.
The sport has an "under the chin" chinstrap, mil has the usual Chincup.
The sport does not come with the Mounting rails that the mil version does.
The sport doesn't have the bungees.
Also the sport only comes in Black, Red, Green and Tan. No Multicam or MARPAT versions.

c3sk April 28th, 2011 17:59


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1455856)
Anyway if you have 4000$ for a PVS14, you probably have 200$ for the real arm ;)

Yep, however the vas shroud with a breakaway, you would want that to be spec also -which the base jump provides! :)

huang April 28th, 2011 23:26

The suspension system in the prototype spy picture is from a real fast helmet. I was told the suspension system is very complicated to make . This is just a prototype. There will be bump and ballistic versions and different colors.

Suspension system will be the same as real one. Making is different for sure. There will be a couple of different version too, different material, different making, different prices for different group of people.

Shirley May 14th, 2011 03:35

Shit, it's out already?

YouTube - Airsoft Night Op Review - Ops Core, ATACS, G&P Sentry, PVS 14, PEQ 2 & TAG Phalanx

Conker May 14th, 2011 21:49

Hmm... any news? Price and ETA?

Looks good on the video, but I'm on the verge on DIYing one... can't wait :(

Conker May 21st, 2011 19:20

I saw it advertised in Airsoft International magazine for 80 GBP at but it's not on the website yet.

Shirley May 26th, 2011 22:22


Nielsen May 26th, 2011 22:43

I kinda want one....

Conker May 27th, 2011 01:37

Yeah it's been there for a couple months now. Still highly prefer the ballistic version.

vondnik May 29th, 2011 09:59

SO do we have an ETA when these things will be available in canada... The GF has been wanting a combat helmet but does not like the fit of my IBH, so I figure i'll give these a try. If she likes it then I'll go for a real one. I ain't forkit for a real one if it's going to sit on the shelf

Gish May 30th, 2011 16:34

Scratch that, looks like it does

While it looks the part I wonder if the replica is going to have the good retention system. I have a real one and the dial band system is amazing. Best fitting helmet ever with it.

spike9 July 21st, 2011 10:35

Any word on these babies, it's been quit some time since we've had an update?

Conker July 21st, 2011 10:37

MultipleParadox July 30th, 2011 12:15

I asked him in his sales thread;
Only answer is Price will be 130-150$

No ETAs, so I guess we'll have to wait

I think I'll get a mich instead

Conker August 3rd, 2011 16:44

huang August 24th, 2011 08:54

New release date is middle of Sept.

huang October 7th, 2011 22:49

Kokanee October 7th, 2011 23:09

Can't see pics, please use an image hosting service like tinypic vs windows live.

Conker October 7th, 2011 23:30

Well, was so long I bought a FAST Basejump.

Thanks for trying though.

huang October 7th, 2011 23:50

Spawn28 October 8th, 2011 00:05

Price? and colors?.......please

Gunk October 8th, 2011 00:13

That doll is creepy as hell... something about those eyes man...

Anyway, how are the straps on this helmet?

I bought the IBH Helmet from your website last summer and it never feels like it's sitting properly on my head... always kind of feels like it's off to one side ever so slightly, like one side of the straps are just a little too long, and I can't quite compensate...

Or get the helmet to feel right.

Kit October 8th, 2011 05:23


Originally Posted by Spawn28 (Post 1543494)
Price? and colors?.......please

says on his site for 65 or 75 bucks..

huang October 8th, 2011 09:43


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1543476)
Well, was so long I bought a FAST Basejump.

Thanks for trying though.

This airosft version is replica of the ballistic version fast helmet, not the base jump version.

The airsoft version comes with 2 sets of picatinny adaptor. The price is $115 - $120, 4 colors ,BK, OD, TAN, FG( which is the color shown above in the pictures ), multicam versino will be next month.

Two styles , one is the replica of the ballistic version and the other is the carbon version( a little bit cheaper $100 - $110 )

I will have the firs shipment this month, PM to pre-order one if you want it for sure( $5 cheaper for pre-order )

slink182 October 8th, 2011 10:05


Originally Posted by Gunk (Post 1543496)
That doll is creepy as hell... something about those eyes man...

It's the eyelashes - mannequins with eyelashs are creepy, like women with unibrows. :rolleyes:


Originally Posted by huang (Post 1543580)
This airosft version is replica of the ballistic version fast helmet, not the base jump version.

The airsoft version comes with 2 sets of picatinny adaptor. The price is $115 - $120, 4 colors ,BK, OD, TAN, FG( which is the color shown above in the pictures ), multicam versino will be next month.

Two styles , one is the replica of the ballistic version and the other is the carbon version( a little bit cheaper $100 - $110 )

I will have the firs shipment this month, PM to pre-order one if you want it for sure( $5 cheaper for pre-order )

What are the sizings? One size fits most (guessing since you showed the front adjustment knob)?

SuperHog October 8th, 2011 21:27


Originally Posted by huang (Post 1406484)

Really liking the second one with the ventilation holes. More suitable for airsoft and especially on hotter days for cooling.

Is it going to be light weight material instead of fiberglass?

huang October 9th, 2011 11:18

Ballistic version is 1KG, carbon version is 0.8KG, Size L

Death March October 9th, 2011 12:33

Did they change the pad's in it as well or they still the same from the other pic's? I have an IBH right now and the pad's are not the greatest. Whats the final E.T.A. on these?

Rookie Ab October 9th, 2011 13:05

Not that I'm a South Paw,but do you offer left handed ones?

(buckle on the right instead of left cheek)

Viteq October 9th, 2011 13:42

Where can we order one?

DEATH2000 October 9th, 2011 13:44


Originally Posted by Viteq (Post 1543968)
Where can we order one?

From Huang. Check his website.

BIG October 10th, 2011 21:20

Hey guys,

Where do you buy the adapters and such for the side rails on those helmets?

Like goggles swivel clips, etc...

Thanks :)

SuperHog October 10th, 2011 21:33

1 Attachment(s)
Goggles, you can go with ESS.

For the FAST helmet, you can get quick release rail for the face guard.

zabel October 11th, 2011 06:03

As it is sad and it is joyful simultaneously!
Our team models division DEA FAST and very much there was no this helmet!

I rejoice because there was such tremendous replica of a helmet of which I dreamed so a long time
And it is sad because I have almost completed a replica of FAST Helmet...
Did it on the basis of IBH, planned to establish original chin strap Ops-Core X-Nap...
Some photo, IBH

And it is the first variant of Ballistic Helmet based on a Mich 2001:
And with accessories:

But now I look forward occurrences on sale of this Replica! Looks is simply more tremendous!!!

Zeonprime October 11th, 2011 12:03


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1544529)
Goggles, you can go with ESS.

For the FAST helmet, you can get quick release rail for the face guard.

The fast system you are referring to is not the same thing as we are discussing in this thread. Also judging from the photos of the G3C it appears to be designed to work with the MICH/ACH family of helmets and not the OPS-Core FAST Carbon/Ballistic/Bump family of helmets.


The FAST G3C was designed to provide protection for riflemen and any personnel who need a cheek weld with their weapon. The flexibility allows a proper cheek weld, for right and left hand shooters- while affording a high level of ballistic protection. Meets or exceeds NIJ IIIA ballistic performance, the G3C is ballistically comparable to the Improved Outer Tactical Vest (IOTV) or the majority of currently issued soft armor vests.
The rail systems are different. Revision has developed something similar to what you have shown for the MICH/ACH helmets.

The replica that is the topic of this conversation is based off the OPS_Core series.
The Carbon Helmet


The Ballistic Helmet

Shirley October 11th, 2011 12:05

Errr, I should've waited. I'm thinking of getting the Bump :p.

Conker October 11th, 2011 12:33


Originally Posted by DEATH2000 (Post 1543970)
From Huang. Check his website.

No. Those are the IBH and MICH2001. The FAST ain't there yet. Based on the UK price (where they call it the "LATCH", and whose reviews says it's crap), it should be around 150$.

huang October 11th, 2011 14:24

Ballistic style $120, pre-order price is $110
Carbon style $115, pre-order price is $105

I will upload to my site tonight for pre-order. ETA is end of the month.

SuperHog October 11th, 2011 17:58


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 1544721)
The fast system you are referring to is not the same thing as we are discussing in this thread. Also judging from the photos of the G3C it appears to be designed to work with the MICH/ACH family of helmets and not the OPS-Core FAST Carbon/Ballistic/Bump family of helmets.

The rail systems are different. Revision has developed something similar to what you have shown for the MICH/ACH helmets.

The replica that is the topic of this conversation is based off the OPS_Core series.
The Carbon Helmet


The Ballistic Helmet

Hmmm.... the revision helmets looks more like a ballistic motorcycle helmet than a miltary helmet.

SuperHog October 11th, 2011 21:21

Like the carbon version. Is it really carbon?

ShadowNet October 11th, 2011 22:34


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1544937)
Like the carbon version. Is it really carbon?

I doubt it. carbon fiber isn't cheap!

huang October 11th, 2011 22:38


Originally Posted by ShadowNet (Post 1544983)
I doubt it. carbon fiber isn't cheap!

It is NOT. I should say carbon style version and ballistic style version. Just put down the order to factory and they should ship in a week or so.

The helmets were uploaded to for pre-order.

SuperHog October 11th, 2011 23:40

Is large the only size?

huang October 12th, 2011 00:17


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1545010)
Is large the only size?

YES, fits head circumference 56-62cm

spike9 October 12th, 2011 09:31

Like everybody I'm very excited that these helmets are arriving. One quick question Huang, I did send you a PM to preorder a helmet should I also go to your website and preorder or is the PM to you enough? As well, there are a few accessories I want to get to go with the helmet should I order them now so I know they are put aside for when the helmet arrives?

SuperHog October 12th, 2011 10:20


Originally Posted by huang (Post 1545022)
YES, fits head circumference 56-62cm

any adjustment if your head is less than 56cm ?

EagleDriver October 12th, 2011 12:44

On the real one the adjustment is done via the knob. This one looks to be the same so there is a limited amount of travel for adjustment and so you can not adjust tighter without somehow modifying the harness.

SuperHog October 12th, 2011 13:34


Originally Posted by EagleDriver (Post 1545156)
On the real one the adjustment is done via the knob. This one looks to be the same so there is a limited amount of travel for adjustment and so you can not adjust tighter without somehow modifying the harness.

It would be nice to find if the knob can be modified to adjust to a medium and possible a small.

If it can not, then only peole with large heads can use it.

slink182 October 12th, 2011 14:02


Originally Posted by SuperHog (Post 1545179)
It would be nice to find if the knob can be modified to adjust to a medium and possible a small.

If it can not, then only peole with large heads can use it.

That may require modifications to the loops that holds the adjustment band the knob's attached to. If the loops are fixed to the helmet, then the knob will only let you tighten it as far as the loops will allow.

You may be better off fitting additional helmet pads to take in the slack (maybe the MICH pads, since the FAST pads are thinner than the MICH ones).

Shirley October 12th, 2011 14:03

You guys do know it's asian sizing, and 56cm is pretty much a S/M in hats, and that's pretty a bit small.. If you wear New Era fitted caps, that's like a 7.

SuperHog October 12th, 2011 15:53

These helmets are going to look nice on the fields for sure.

Huang, do you know if dark earth will be available in the future?

rfalls86 October 12th, 2011 15:59

I wear a 7 1/2 to 7 3/4 hat. I am wondering if someone can link me to this helmet in tan for purchase? Thanks

ShadowNet October 12th, 2011 16:38


Originally Posted by rfalls86 (Post 1545239)
I wear a 7 1/2 to 7 3/4 hat. I am wondering if someone can link me to this helmet in tan for purchase? Thanks

lazy people these days ;D

Pinard October 12th, 2011 20:52

I wonder how they cheek the weapon with this... jaw protector.

Kokanee October 12th, 2011 21:08

Huang, you want to bring in some serious order volume, get a company to copy the Crye Airframe Helmet;

Brian McIlmoyle October 12th, 2011 21:19


Originally Posted by Pinard (Post 1545381)
I wonder how they cheek the weapon with this... jaw protector.

You Don't

the chops are for exposed top gunners in vehicles.. weapon is mounted..

SuperHog October 12th, 2011 22:29

1 Attachment(s)
Add-on for the Fast helmet. Do you guys like it?

m102404 October 12th, 2011 22:38

+1 on the Crye Airframe

huang October 12th, 2011 23:09


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1545392)
Huang, you want to bring in some serious order volume, get a company to copy the Crye Airframe Helmet;

There was a discussion of making this. Allwin was planning to make it but gave it up. If the fast helmet sells well, the factory may consider the airframe as next project.

dracu October 13th, 2011 00:03

is there any chance of making a smaller size? yes this large size may be adjust to fit some smaller head but the helmet itself is still big and some of us would look like those guys from power rangers.

rfalls86 October 14th, 2011 13:00


Originally Posted by ShadowNet (Post 1545257)

I am so lazy it is unreal. I would like to get a full seals loadout, have the money, just too lazy to even look around. If someone has spare time and wants to build me a very nice loadout for about 1200 -1500 send me all the links! :mrgreen:

Conker October 14th, 2011 13:03

Sure I can find those links for you for 1200$. But then you'd have to buy them yourself :P

rfalls86 October 14th, 2011 13:12

PLEASE DO! I want to get a nice loadout going. Preferably tan colours. I do not need a gun though. But i want a sort of imitation of seals, or USMC. Just wanna up the cool factor. Already have Oakley assault gloves and Swat boots! lol...Help out an oober noob

Conker October 14th, 2011 13:17

Well send me 1200$ and I'll give you the list.

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