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lonesniper November 19th, 2010 22:08

USAF Para-rescue
Hey guys, I was in the process of putting together a SEALs Loadout, but thought "ehh, its cliche". So, because most of the gear is similar, I was wondering if you could help me put together a thread for Para-rescue, in case anyone else wants to do the same. So any suggestions or list of crap I have to buy would be great.

Godlyspartan November 20th, 2010 01:29

What do you have now in your kit list?

Are you doing a pre-multicam setup or the present day stuff?

lonesniper November 20th, 2010 01:46

As of now I have...

-Both multicam and desert three color
-MICH2000 with all the fixins'
-Rappeling harness
-other misc. gear

I also have a CIRAS, but I dont know if PJs use them.

Frozen Tex November 20th, 2010 15:00

Google Images - USAF Pararescue:
Apparently one of these guys below is USAF...

As I understand it, the Air Force gives PJs and other Spec-Ops personnel a great deal of latitude in selecting personal gear, uniforms, etc... So almost anything goes.

KNIVEZS November 20th, 2010 15:16

tons of PJ pic on milphoto and arnies

Conker November 20th, 2010 15:32

I'd say have a look here: (there's both CCT and PJ in this thread, make sure you've got the right one)

More pics: (edit: Opps, KNIVES posted it before... anyway, good ref)

Another thread, but with various SOF (including PJ's)... Warning: long thread is long. Some pics haven't been posted else where, afaik.

Choose a few pics showing what you're interested in. Then we'd be able to pinpoint you in the right direction for the gear.

lonesniper November 21st, 2010 00:52

Thanks for all the ref pics guys. They help allot. Im gonna go with three-color because I like the look lol. I also think, that because they have some leeway with there gear, Im gonna go with the CIRAS. MICHs seem to be kosher to. Questions I still need answered are...

-What type M4s do they use? SOPMOD?
Where can I find those "PJ" velcro patches?
-and is there a specific harness the wear?

lupo November 21st, 2010 01:52

Alot of USAF SF are using issued eagle airsave vests , arent made anymore by eagle but there are repros. Its a pretty kick ass chest rig and pretty rare.

Conker November 21st, 2010 03:04

They have quite a lot of leeway, yes, but I've never seen a CIRAS and I don't think they'd use one either.

They are not a combat unit per se. Yes, they do get into the fight when needed, but don't forget their objective is to extract the injured... they want to go fast, and a CIRAS (or RAV, or MTV, or any of the big plate carriers) does restrict movement and adds lots of weight.

I'm not a PJ specialist, but from what I remember, plate carriers I've seen include the LBT6094 and DBK FAPC. I'd have to dig a bit to find others, but it gives you an idea... these are (relatively) low-profile carriers, at least when compared to a CIRAS.

lonesniper November 21st, 2010 12:39

Well in that case, Conker, I think I'll try and get a decent LBT repro. Would you mind giving me a list of everything I'd have to plaster to the carrier? I like the loadout of the guy in the middle in the last picture that Tex posted.

Drache November 22nd, 2010 11:08

L473ncy November 22nd, 2010 14:42

Actually I was going to do a Combat Control Team (CCT) loadout....

Didn't actually get off the ground but you've actually piqued my interest in it again. Gonna do some more research and see what other info I can get that hasn't been mentioned.

Conker November 22nd, 2010 15:16


Originally Posted by lonesniper (Post 1354221)
Well in that case, Conker, I think I'll try and get a decent LBT repro. Would you mind giving me a list of everything I'd have to plaster to the carrier? I like the loadout of the guy in the middle in the last picture that Tex posted.

If I'm not mistaken, this plate carrier is the Paraclete HPC with cummerbund in khaki. It has some specific modifications for PJs, the most obvious one being the large buckles on the shoulders.

As for pouches, well... I can see as well as you :P He's got single mag shingles, a smoke pouch on the side, some IR chemlights on the front... that's all I can make out from that pic.

Danke November 22nd, 2010 15:49

The rule for a PJ is to setup your rig carry more first aid equipment than magazines for your rifle.

That's the main thing you need to watch for otherwise the way you stack your rig is left to the your judgment vs. a set in stone kit list. Best summed up by this comment I heard about life in the AF re non-standard kit; "Those who care can't tell, & those who can tell don't care".

lonesniper November 22nd, 2010 17:30


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1354851)
Actually I was going to do a Combat Control Team (CCT) loadout....

Didn't actually get off the ground but you've actually piqued my interest in it again. Gonna do some more research and see what other info I can get that hasn't been mentioned.

Is the CCT more combat oriented? The more I research and understand the role of a PJ, the less practical the seem for airsoft use. And thanks Conker, Im not very good with the names of specific peices of gear. :/

L473ncy November 22nd, 2010 17:48


Originally Posted by lonesniper (Post 1354936)
Is the CCT more combat oriented? The more I research and understand the role of a PJ, the less practical the seem for airsoft use.

You could be a "medic", lightweight loadout more oriented to team mate rescue.

As for CCT, yeah they're more combat oriented but from what I've read (yeah.... I'm a walt/chairsofter) they try to avoid combat instead favouring clandestine operations while providing ATC (Air Traffic Control) services and support to the main insertion/battle force. Their main mission is to be forward pathfinders/rangers and scout out locations ahead of the main battle force and since they're not heavily armed seem to prefer non engagement.

Drache November 22nd, 2010 18:19

Just go as a CIA Officer! Show up in plain clothes, bullet proof vest, sunglasses, and a sidearm. Demand supplies be given to you as needed and start bossing everyone around even though they have no idea who you even are.

Frozen Tex November 22nd, 2010 18:19

After reading "Not a Good Day To Die" and "Roughneck Nine-One", CCTs and ETACs are just as capable of fighting as other Spec-Ops personnel, but their main role when teamed up with SEAL teams and Special Forces ODAs is to call in airstrikes, and manage the planes and I'd targets. So think extra radios and laser range finder/target designater devices.

Frozen Tex November 22nd, 2010 18:25


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 1354970)
Just go as a CIA Officer! Show up in plain clothes, bullet proof vest, sunglasses, and a sidearm. Demand supplies be given to you as needed and start bossing everyone around even though they have no idea who you even are.


Try it at your next game. Show up with just a pistol, and demand a rifle and ammo from your teammates, as well as a radio, water, etc..

lonesniper November 22nd, 2010 18:32


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 1354970)
Just go as a CIA Officer! Show up in plain clothes, bullet proof vest, sunglasses, and a sidearm. Demand supplies be given to you as needed and start bossing everyone around even though they have no idea who you even are.

I literaly just laughed for like 20 minutes. But yeah, it seams as though a CCT loadout would be more useful. If only I had a way to call in strikes...

-Skeletor- November 22nd, 2010 18:44


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1354952)
As for CCT, yeah they're more combat oriented but from what I've read (yeah.... I'm a walt/chairsofter) they try to avoid combat instead favouring clandestine operations

What do you mean by clandestine operations? They have been involved in some major battles attached to various SOF units and dropping bombs all over the Afghan mountains and in Iraq, etc As well, mission dependent they've been involved in combat, and some very large battles.


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1354952)

What CCTs do, from the USAF site


Who sits on a ridge alone outside a hostile city acting as a one-man air traffic controller while at the same time being fully prepared to join the fight if necessary? You do as a Combat Control specialist. Combat Controllers are part of the Air Force's Special Operations team and are FAA-certified air traffic controllers. They operate in remote and sometimes hostile areas helping the Air Force accomplish its mission by directing air traffic and alerting pilots and command of the location of hostile forces on the ground.

Download the Warrior Fact Sheet for more information.

Career Tasks
•Perform precision parachute jumps to penetrate hostile areas
•Be proficient in water operations using both scuba and amphibious techniques
•Learn to be proficient on motorcycles, snowmobiles and skis
•Learn to rappel and fast-rope
•Be an expert with maps and compasses
•Be capable of overland travel in any environment
•Function under the most demanding weather conditions
•Establish assault zones and direct aircraft within those zones

Frozen Tex November 22nd, 2010 19:06


Originally Posted by lonesniper (Post 1354975)
I literaly just laughed for like 20 minutes. But yeah, it seams as though a CCT loadout would be more useful. If only I had a way to call in strikes...

For Airstrikes, keep a guy back at respawn point with a grenade/nerf rocket launcher. When a target is found, call him on a cell phone and talk him into re target...

For he CIA, have your team set up an ambush. When the enemy walks into the killzone, tell your team to hold fire. Use your cell phone to take a picture of the enemy pointman. Then transmit the picture to someone who couldn't make it to the game, and ask them for a positive I'd of the subject, and request confirmation of the subjects status as a legitimate target. Then tell your team to stand down when the guy in town tells you the picture is too fuzzy for a positive ID.

Drache November 22nd, 2010 19:14


Originally Posted by Frozen Tex (Post 1354998)
For he CIA, have your team set up an ambush. When the enemy walks into the killzone, tell your team to hold fire. Use your cell phone to take a picture of the enemy pointman. Then transmit the picture to someone who couldn't make it to the game, and ask them for a positive I'd of the subject, and request confirmation of the subjects status as a legitimate target. Then tell your team to stand down when the guy in town tells you the picture is too fuzzy for a positive ID.

Or before the game send free airsoft gear and weapons to the enemy team and train them.

Then during the game keep complaining how hard it is for your team to beat them :D

Frozen Tex November 22nd, 2010 19:24


Originally Posted by Drache (Post 1355001)
Or before the game send free airsoft gear and weapons to the enemy team and train them.

Then during the game keep complaining how hard it is for your team to beat them :D

I LIKE IT! Do both, and make sure the guy you try to ID is one of the guys you trained.

lonesniper November 22nd, 2010 21:40

Thanks Skeltor for the informational ownage. It seems like the CCT units are more combat capable, and if I had an airsoft Ac130 or F18, Id be golden lol.

L473ncy November 23rd, 2010 03:10


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1354985)
What do you mean by clandestine operations? They have been involved in some major battles attached to various SOF units and dropping bombs all over the Afghan mountains and in Iraq, etc

Well.... it seems you know a lot more than me. I'm honestly just "one of those military posers/walts/chairsofters" and what I've found I've found using wikipedia.

Also by clandestine operations I meant like clandestine insertion and then directing the main battle force, airstrikes, supply drops, etc. to where it needs to be.

Also, yes they are attached to SOF units. According to wikipedia, (sounds bad I know but this is the internet not like a university research thing) they are routinely attached to Army Rangers, SF, and SEAL teams.

Frozen Tex November 23rd, 2010 07:47

What a coincidence... NBC posted an interview with a PJ in A-stan this morning...

Looks like Sgt. Settle is wearing Crye BDUs (with the built in knee and elbow pads).

-Skeletor- November 23rd, 2010 08:59


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1355226)

Also by clandestine operations I meant like clandestine insertion and then directing the main battle force, airstrikes, supply drops, etc. to where it needs to be.

Also, yes they are attached to SOF units. According to wikipedia, (sounds bad I know but this is the internet not like a university research thing) they are routinely attached to Army Rangers, SF, and SEAL teams.

Don't use wiki as a source especially when there's a lot of legit sites and info on the net.

Directing the main battle force? They aren't running the battle and ordering troop movement etc. That's a ground commanders job not CCT. CCTs are enablers and do what they can to support the ground commander in completing his mission. I'm just on my phone right now but when I'm back on my computer I'll post up some websites etc that have info on CCT.

L473ncy November 23rd, 2010 09:51


Originally Posted by -Skeletor- (Post 1355279)
Don't use wiki as a source especially when there's a lot of legit sites and info on the net.

Roger that. I'll back down now. I totally admit I'm an idiot that will believe anything on wikipedia. If it said the number of African Elephants has tripled in the last few months I would totally believe that (if using it for research I would have to verify it through scientific journal articles though).

-Skeletor- November 23rd, 2010 20:11

lonesniper November 24th, 2010 17:48


Originally Posted by lupo (Post 1354017)
Alot of USAF SF are using issued eagle airsave vests , arent made anymore by eagle but there are repros. Its a pretty kick ass chest rig and pretty rare.

Danke November 24th, 2010 18:41


Originally Posted by lonesniper (Post 1356282)

Being sold by "army_wife_4_life". Honey, where's my old vest?

Bandito Bros had some behind the scenes clips from the USAF ad they did but it's not up on their site anymore. Did anyone save them? They were pretty good.

There are usually a few good PJ shots in here too.

lonesniper November 24th, 2010 19:37


Originally Posted by Danke (Post 1356312)

Bandito Bros had some behind the scenes clips from the USAF ad they did but it's not up on their site anymore. Did anyone save them? They were pretty good.

You mean the ones where its all futuristic, and they have those nifty ESS thermal/night-vison HUDs? lol

lupo November 24th, 2010 20:15


Originally Posted by lonesniper (Post 1356282)

Here is the one Im reffering too.
I have a bunch of pics of pj's and cct's wearing them on my hd but cant find any online anywhere.

Vince November 24th, 2010 21:13

That's straight old school EI kit right there!!!

You can't go wrong with a Paraclete HPC in CB with a mix of TT/ATS/Paraclete pouches with either a PACA or Paraclete CVC in mesh

Danke November 24th, 2010 21:42


Originally Posted by lonesniper (Post 1356347)
You mean the ones where its all futuristic, and they have those nifty ESS thermal/night-vison HUDs? lol

That's the finished product but there's a big chunk of behind the scenes that led to that.

lonesniper November 24th, 2010 22:16

Thats actualy what inspired me to build a PJ loadout. lol If only I had those goggles...

ShadowNet February 28th, 2013 16:00

Has anyone seen this series?
Inside Combat Rescue (Episode 1) Visions of War - YouTube

National Geographic
Inside Combat Rescue

swatt13 February 28th, 2013 18:13

I haven't. It was advertised on spike for natgeo but it for some reason isn't I. The program line up. I think it's a Canadian tv provider thing why it's not avail. Unless I'm wronge and its just Telus

MilanWG February 28th, 2013 18:28

Thanks for the link ShadowNet, much appreciated.

That was a difficult watch, especially the part regarding the SF medic.

edit: here the link for episode two in HD

[HD] Inside Combat Rescue - Episode 2 - YouTube

ShadowNet March 9th, 2013 19:12

Ep 3 Inside Combat Rescue - Episode 3 - Into the Fire HD - YouTube

Danke March 15th, 2013 11:27

Episode 4 up.
Inside Combat Rescue - Episode 4 - In the Crossfire - YouTube

MilanWG March 19th, 2013 20:12

Episode 5:
Inside Combat Rescue (Part 5)- Fog of War (HD) - YouTube

MilanWG March 26th, 2013 14:53

Episode 6:
Inside Combat Rescue (Part 6) - Coming Home HD - YouTube

swatt13 April 7th, 2013 20:56

I finally watched em up to date. I really like the show. Makes me sad I was never shown that opportunity when I was younger, that's where I would have wound up I'm sure. Out of all the services the pj always interested me

At any rate I'm lovin all the multicam and their gear setups. A lot of unique ideas. I understand they are medics first gunfighters second, but a lot of how they have pouches placed I'm thinking I'm going to Try and incorporate.

Chemo December 23rd, 2013 15:02

Reading through this, I'm surprised nobody has linked this yet.

This guy did a loadout video mimicking a PJ and comparing what he has to what I've seen from "Inside Combat Rescue", it looks fairly spot on.

*WARNING* He is wearing a LOT of REAL Crye Precision, so prepare to be crying through your wallet.

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