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Frozen Tex July 9th, 2010 16:55

Why You Don't Play In The Backyard, Part 3,052
Hat tip to Gunscythe...


Victoria, B.C. - An afternoon of backyard target practice with a replica rifle landed a Saanich man in jail on Wednesday.

Saanich police responded to a caller who saw men firing off rounds from what appeared to be an assault rifle at about 4 p.m.

When they arrived to the house in 4000-block of Gerard Pl., near Mackenzie Avenue and Glanford Avenue, officers saw the man with the weapon, which looked real, Saanich police spokesman Sgt. Dean Jantzen said today.

The gun’s metallic body, sight and light gave it the appearance of the police’s own Heckler and Koch G-36 assault rifle. Even the clear magazine casing was full of fake brass bullets.

“Those might be some of the things I would look for if I were to try and make the instantaneous decision whether this is real or not,” Jantzen said.

“Quite rightly, our officers approached with caution and with their firearms, their real firearms, drawn,” he added.

Read more:

EDIT: If a moderator wants to move this to the Newbie Tank, maybe some of the kiddies will see it...

TechSeller July 9th, 2010 17:06

Wow! There's some press we don't need.

Acid_Snake July 9th, 2010 17:14

"The gun’s metallic body, sight and light gave it the appearance of the police’s own Heckler and Koch G-36 assault rifle."

Ummmmmm... what?

KND July 9th, 2010 18:51


Originally Posted by Acid_Snake (Post 1270897)
"The gun’s metallic body, sight and light gave it the appearance of the police’s own Heckler and Koch G-36 assault rifle."

Ummmmmm... what?

That's mostly the usual habit of reporter who always want to blow thing up.

HeadlessChicken July 9th, 2010 19:00

Oh Oh Oh, I want a metal G36!

Zilgorn_Zeypher July 9th, 2010 19:10

Yea reporters are morons because also the man wasn't brought to Jail I was working the shift when the call came in he will be charged later I'm sure but the matter is still under investigation.
The origional media release is here

Not the first time and unlikely the last since I've worked at the Saanich PD

Now I know which of those two is the real one can anyone else tell just by looking?

M.Garcia July 9th, 2010 19:38


Originally Posted by Zilgorn_Zeypher (Post 1270976)
Yea reporters are morons because also the man wasn't brought to Jail I was working the shift when the call came in he will be charged later I'm sure but the matter is still under investigation.
The origional media release is here

Not the first time and unlikely the last since I've worked at the Saanich PD

Now I know which of those two is the real one can anyone else tell just by looking?

The top one is real.

zollen July 9th, 2010 19:59

What police force would use H&K G36?

KNIVEZS July 9th, 2010 20:07


Originally Posted by M.Garcia (Post 1270996)
The top one is real.

top one has the airsoft warning sticky on the side

Rock 'N' Roll Outlaw July 9th, 2010 20:11

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark here and venture a guess here, now you can call me crazy but I think the Saanich PD Tactical Squad does. Just a hunch from a bird in the tree.

Also you people getting your panties in a twist about the reporter calling a G36 metal, you misread it. She was saying the gun from the subject had a "metallic appearance" and looked almost identical to the H&K G36 used by the Saanich PD. (S)he's not saying the gun was metal, just appeared metal. Does it really make a difference to those of us who are "in the know" about guns? Of course not, but the sensationalism shown here and in ANY anti spewing whatever they can to sell papers. A recent article in the Toronto Sun was talking about someone who was arrested in relation to the G20 Summit, this person had firearms and ammunition which were seized. The writer made a point to single out his 7.62 ammunition and saying "...just so you know an AK47 fires 7.62 caliber ammunition." Again is this accurate or differential? Not in the slightest but to the layman reading it whos not into guns sees it as "whoa! thats a bad guys gun!"

HGI July 9th, 2010 20:16

That guy has some shitty neighbors.

Rugger_can July 9th, 2010 20:20

The bottom one is the real one. Its the law enforcement E model with Single shot select fire only fyi.

FOX_111 July 9th, 2010 22:42

And they put the real magazine with the fake rifle....

Cortexburn July 9th, 2010 22:52

Someone's police force has too much money.....

MeatStick July 9th, 2010 22:53


Originally Posted by KNIVEZS (Post 1271018)
top one has the airsoft warning sticky on the side

Top gun also has the motor ajustment screw visable in the pistol grip.

AngelusNex July 9th, 2010 22:58

A lot of police forces use G36 now, I was stopped on the street by some Kingston police and nearly shit myself when i noticed the 2 tacticooled G36 in their car.

M.Garcia July 9th, 2010 22:58


Originally Posted by FOX_111 (Post 1271089)
And they put the real magazine with the fake rifle....

Ye thats why I said the top one but the bottom one looked like the real one but the mag is what I chose it on.

I don't know much about the slight differences but the mag is what I looked at.

Bowers July 9th, 2010 23:07


Originally Posted by zollen (Post 1271014)
What police force would use H&K G36?

its not so far fetched lots of different rifles have seen service in PD's as patrol carbines

iirc the halifax regional police have or had FN P90's in service as patrol carbines

Blitzed July 9th, 2010 23:09


Originally Posted by MeatStick (Post 1271096)
Top gun also has the motor ajustment screw visable in the pistol grip.

The confusion is that the put the airsoft magazine with the real one (lower gun). The lower magazine's "Bullets" dont meet up with the top loading area or lip. Top magazine should be with the lower gun.. Through me off as well.

PaddMadd July 11th, 2010 20:41

They most likely put the real mag next to the fake gun to say "look! real baby killer mags can fit!"

I like the fail on the selectors though. The airsoft is on safe, and the RS is on fire.

Conker July 11th, 2010 20:51

Metallic body G36.... YEAAAAH I WANT A FULL METAL G36 :D

They fail at life, although that's why I say "no" when friends come home, see my guns and ask if they can shoot them outside. That could happen, and I don't want this.

kullwarrior July 11th, 2010 20:55


Originally Posted by zollen (Post 1271014)
What police force would use H&K G36?

Victoria Police Department is the only BC police force that I know use G36. I believe its a Kurz like the picture

FOXhunter July 11th, 2010 21:29


Originally Posted by PaddMadd (Post 1272176)
I like the fail on the selectors though. The airsoft is on safe, and the RS is on fire.

You sure dude? Looks like they both are on safe to me.

kullwarrior July 11th, 2010 22:47

theyre both on safe, the funny thing is that apparently G36KP (That's a KP I recognize it, stands for Kurz Police which was originally offer to RCMP but they declined and the sample were release into civilians accidentally) only has semi auto.

L473ncy July 11th, 2010 23:42


Originally Posted by zollen (Post 1271014)
What police force would use H&K G36?

... Well the GSG9 is technically part of the German federal police force and they use the G36 so that's one....

But regular police? There are probably a few police departments out there with the capital and budgets to buy them to outfit the department.

EN SABAH NUR July 12th, 2010 00:37

People don't take airsoft seriously. I mean come on. All those stories of dumb kids pew pewing in public and being tattled on didn't have an impression on this guy?

shaharov July 12th, 2010 19:48


Originally Posted by zollen (Post 1271014)
What police force would use H&K G36?

Victoria Police use G36's instead of Shotguns in their squad cars. I think Saanich is the same (one municipality over)

shaharov July 12th, 2010 19:56

Sorry for the Double post... This was a previous member of our local Club (he quit about 4 months ago, but was active for well over a year) All his guns, including the G36 was for sale, I guess it isn't anymore. That was just a spectaularly dumb move on his part and he knows better. Also Sannich and Victoria police arn't as against airsoft as the article make it out to be. A couple of them have come and played with us. This was a stupid decision that ended up in a bad situation putting police on the edge as they just were doing their job. I dont think he can be charged for anything except that it's illegal to fire a firearm in Sannich (bb/pellet gun included). Living in this area and coordinator for a large team that includes people living in Victoria, I'm now having to do a lot of Damage control. :banghead:

Short Round July 12th, 2010 20:14


Originally Posted by TechSeller (Post 1270895)
Wow! There's some press we don't need.

could not have done it any better.........

Get a Target Box and shoot inside where no one can see!!!!!! Go to your local Gun shop to pick one up!!!!! NOW!!!!! or just wait to use your gun at a game

shaharov July 12th, 2010 20:26

Gun boxes are great.. I use one at home.. picked it up from walmat for $20ish... On another note this is from the Saanich police website in the question and answer section...


This is from the questions and answers sections of the saanich police website from last year

"September 25th, 2009 at 7:38 am... See More



This may not be the best question but i was wondering if you would know of a good place to play airsoft is, Ive been looking and i havent found a forest or a place where nobody is going. And i do know that it should be in a closed area where no one can see so i was wondering if you had any ideas.

Saanich Police Response:

Hi Justin,

Unfortunately I can’t give you an exact location where it would be safe and legal for you to play with an airsoft gun. As you are aware, Saanich Municipal bylaw prohibits the discharge of any firearm within it’s jurisdiction except in well defined situations by authorized personnel. And according to the bylaw, a firearm includes an airsoft gun.

I do have a basic understanding of airsoft technology though and appreciate that when used safely, the risk of serious injury is low. It does still look like a gun and that is where the difficulty in discharging it around others lies.

My suggestion to you would be to contact local paintball companies for assistance.

Good luck in your search.

Response by Sgt. Julie Fast
I know saanich police arn't against airsoft but this situation did warrent what happened here. To bad it got plastered all over the papers

Here's another from Sannich from a few days ago... Pellet gun but same reaction.

Thanh July 12th, 2010 20:42

I wonder if the policed clicked in the gun didnt sound like a real gun fire. I think the guy would have been okay if he was cool with his neighbours.

shaharov July 12th, 2010 21:47


Originally Posted by Thanh (Post 1272965)
I wonder if the policed clicked in the gun didnt sound like a real gun fire. I think the guy would have been okay if he was cool with his neighbours.

yea.. I've always wondered why people are phone the cops when they see someone firing a rifle that sounds like a sewing machine. No boom-boom means no gun.

Munaro July 12th, 2010 22:05


Originally Posted by shaharov (Post 1273016)
yea.. I've always wondered why people are phone the cops when they see someone firing a rifle that sounds like a sewing machine. No boom-boom means no gun.

Because most people are stupid, and dont know what a gun sounds like, and cant alow comman sense to kick in.

Eeyore July 12th, 2010 22:11


Originally Posted by Munaro (Post 1273030)
Because most people are stupid, and dont know what a gun sounds like, and cant alow comman sense to kick in.

Because brandishing a weapon in public is a criminal offence and not reporting a crime is a criminal offence as well. The person who called the cops did nothing wrong. If they had any concern it was perhaps a real weapon they did exactly the right thing.

Jagd July 12th, 2010 22:21


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1273032)
Because brandishing a weapon in public is a criminal offence and not reporting a crime is a criminal offence as well. The person who called the cops did nothing wrong. If they had any concern it was perhaps a real weapon they did exactly the right thing.

You are right, but if the guy whould have done like what I did a few yars ago here in downtown Mtl (he would prolly never had any prob). I went and saw my neighbours and explained them that I was shooting in the backyard but that it was not a real gun but shooting paint. I had an MP5 and let me tell you on full auto it did not sound like a sewing just by the sound of it if you don't see the paintball you can surely think that some crazy Mofo is shooting someone in the street. But since I had let my neighbours know in the first place, I never had any problem.

Eeyore July 12th, 2010 22:26

Well you informed them, and that info might have removed fears they had if they had seen what they preceived as a weapon. What most users on this forum seem not to realize is that they have more firearm knowledge than most everyone else, even if its just by merit of being interested in airsoft.

Helbino July 12th, 2010 22:49

The person that called it in may have been inside and thought that they just wern't firing rounds at the time, hence no sound. (I.e. adjusting something) It could have been something else. It doesn't really mention much about the caller's whereabouts.

What we do know about the situation is that a man was saw holding what could have been VERY dangerous weapon, and was arrested.

Thanh July 12th, 2010 22:54

I wonder what would have happen if this person who called the cops saw little boys playing with toy cap guns..

In general if you are going to do target practice in your backyard, you make friends with your neighbors and show them the cool gun you got. That's what I do and they have no problem with it.


Originally Posted by Jagdalex (Post 1273044)
You are right, but if the guy whould have done like what I did a few yars ago here in downtown Mtl (he would prolly never had any prob). I went and saw my neighbours and explained them that I was shooting in the backyard but that it was not a real gun but shooting paint. I had an MP5 and let me tell you on full auto it did not sound like a sewing just by the sound of it if you don't see the paintball you can surely think that some crazy Mofo is shooting someone in the street. But since I had let my neighbours know in the first place, I never had any problem.

I dont know, AEG's tend to sound like toy guns when firing, if it was a GBBR, maybe I can see that a little more. But in the end we can't really say anything since we were not there, and no pics were taken. For all we know this guy is some troubled guy that usually involves himself in bad stuff and just looks bad.

shaharov July 12th, 2010 23:14


Originally Posted by Thanh (Post 1273078)
I wonder what would have happen if this person who called the cops saw little boys playing with toy cap guns..

In general if you are going to do target practice in your backyard, you make friends with your neighbors and show them the cool gun you got. That's what I do and they have no problem with it.

I dont know, AEG's tend to sound like toy guns when firing, if it was a GBBR, maybe I can see that a little more. But in the end we can't really say anything since we were not there, and no pics were taken. For all we know this guy is some troubled guy that usually involves himself in bad stuff and just looks bad.

Actually he was on our airsoft team till a couple of months ago (he quit playin about 4 months ago and was trying to sell his guns). He's a good guy and I bet he just wasn't thinking.

EN SABAH NUR July 12th, 2010 23:26


Originally Posted by shaharov (Post 1273016)
yea.. I've always wondered why people are phone the cops when they see someone firing a rifle that sounds like a sewing machine. No boom-boom means no gun.

hahahaha. Good analogy. My brother describes it was a "loud typewriter"

cjboi July 12th, 2010 23:36

makes me not wanna shoot around in my backyard now... my friend used to play with his BB gun outside and the cops raided him and took the gun away. I ignored my friend, because I thought he was bullshittin and now I read this. I've been playing for awhile now in my backyard, all I can say now is WOW! are we even allowed to play in our own backyard???

GuardianWolf July 12th, 2010 23:56

if a local by law says no fire arms discharged within there limits look into it might also cover pellet/BB guns which would then lead over to air soft, much like paint ball guns(heard a story once were a kid got flak from a cop for shooting it in his rents backyard) but alot of factors and to most people it looks real it is real, and yes its illegal not to report a crime, and its not smart to shoot in the back yard in crowded urban areas, someones or multiple peoples ignorance or lack of knowledge, etc

as a side note cops in montreal have p90's especially the tactical response units, trust me i've seen them...... stupid school shooting

shaharov July 13th, 2010 00:08


Originally Posted by cjboi (Post 1273111)
makes me not wanna shoot around in my backyard now... my friend used to play with his BB gun outside and the cops raided him and took the gun away. I ignored my friend, because I thought he was bullshittin and now I read this. I've been playing for awhile now in my backyard, all I can say now is WOW! are we even allowed to play in our own backyard???

Best not to unless your neighbors/police know what's going on and your backyard is secluded.

Dirtbag July 13th, 2010 01:27

Just to clairfy
It is not illegal to have firearms in your backyard,in the backseat of your car or for that matter in your hand walking down the street. With exception of restricted which have a boatload of requirements for transport.

Will the police be called possibly depending on here you live and who your neighbors are.

Discharging is a city bylaw which can and often does change without notice, now in all fairness you can call your local police dept who will most likely know and this fellow should have done so. But by the same virtue the city should regularly print that bylaw, many people my age would not assume it included pellet or bb guns, and for that matter it may include bow and crossbows

Should the fellow have done hi homework sure, but be clear hiding everything so some busy body does not get their panties in a knot is not a good way to live. Know the law, your rights and do anything you are allowed to do with in those boundaries.

It may occasionally lead to a meeting with your local police, but assuming you have all your required paperwork and copies of any legal stuff. It should be short and painless. I do not expect the police to be up to date on every single piece of federal province and municipal legislation, but if it effects me I should be.

shaharov July 13th, 2010 01:46


Originally Posted by Dirtbag (Post 1273197)
It is not illegal to have firearms in your backyard,in the backseat of your car or for that matter in your hand walking down the street. With exception of restricted which have a boatload of requirements for transport.

Will the police be called possibly depending on here you live and who your neighbors are.

Discharging is a city bylaw which can and often does change without notice, now in all fairness you can call your local police dept who will most likely know and this fellow should have done so. But by the same virtue the city should regularly print that bylaw, many people my age would not assume it included pellet or bb guns, and for that matter it may include bow and crossbows

Should the fellow have done hi homework sure, but be clear hiding everything so some busy body does not get their panties in a knot is not a good way to live. Know the law, your rights and do anything you are allowed to do with in those boundaries.

It may occasionally lead to a meeting with your local police, but assuming you have all your required paperwork and copies of any legal stuff. It should be short and painless. I do not expect the police to be up to date on every single piece of federal province and municipal legislation, but if it effects me I should be.

Well said.. Hiding it avoids the possibility but there are ways to prevent this regardless. Also if you do unfortunatly meet with the police, be compliant and polite. One problem this guy had was he was resisting arrest and swearing at the police, which doesnt get on their good side. Also in that municipality (unlike mine) firing anything is illegal, even crossbows and bows, unless your shooting crows for some reason. But I think your point is exactly right, except that walking down the street with a firearm (say 12guage) is illegal as far as I remember and it's not just restricted firearms.

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