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ASU - Airsoft University
Well, from what I understand, this is out of the bag thanks to Google.
Apparently someone posted it here on ASC, then someone took it down, but it was long enough for my phone to ring off the hook and my email to go mad. Blackthorne just muttered f**king google and stormed off to bed. Airsoft University We are finalizing arrangements for what could turn out to be an unprecedented venue. To get an idea its about 30 minutes from the top of highway 427. I have to make a final presentation to the owner of the facility, but I have an agreement in principle at this point. You can read about it on the site. There are people out there already in the know who I have approached as trainer facilitators and a few recruiters in motion at the moment, but I hope to have a first meeting of staff TFs next week, and our first event before the end of June. Feel free to browse the site, it is far from complete, but, it will give you an idea of what is available to us. Anyone who is interested in becoming a TF this semester, please drop me a PM. Your availability for weekends has to be laid out, and BTW, these are paid positions, not volunteer. Minimum of 3 years experience and your outside experience and what you bring to the school will be perhaps as important, if not more important than your airsoft experience itself. This is a ZERO politics environment and the facility does not belong to any team or any vendor, ASU is an independent entity. I am a partner and investor in the venture, I don't own it. Feedback welcome. Sincerely, Scarecrow, Blackthorne & Seraph |
Seems like you can't get a break. First the 8mm silica and now this.
But seriously, this place looks awesome. |
That sounds bloody amazing.
v.kool man
Sounds like an interesting experience.
Curious. I like.
Can't wait to see the courses.
Time for me to hit up OSAP yet again....
I want to talk to people like Brian McIlmoyle, Ex and others who have developed external competition systems and try and grow those through the school as well. I also fully expect the instructor cadre to come up with some stuff, and host guest instructors with their own content. We have a lot of freedom with this concept - all I want to do is make sure its a) fun, b) structured and c) measurable, so we can properly evaluate and tune a course and give guests feedback on their progress. Part of the point of this is to legitimize airsoft as a sport, and to that end I am open minded about where to take this. The good news is with my training background, I can take pretty much anything and turn it into a fun workshop with structure and measurability. But I am going to make sure none of this is stuffy or boring. I'll be posting up the initial workshop offerings soon. |
Looks good Jay! I know my youngest will be counting the days to the big 1-5.
Cheers! |
ASU - Airsoft University
Sounds awesome Jay.
Can I come for dinner? :D |
I'll do a writeup shortly on the school rules and the justification for 15-17 being allowed in more detail. Some people have already expressed a concern about it, but to be clear about it at the outset, I have good, well thought out reasons for doing this which will be documented shortly. What I ask is for people the have patience and let this thing grow a little before poking holes in it, as tends to happen around here with new ideas. This isn't about lowering the age of play at public fields, this is about educating youth who are already playing the game outside of the community with parental consent. And there are a lot if you live north of highway 9. If we can make that safer and mentor these kids, we can hopefully mitigate the behaviors that concern us as ambassadors of this sport in our communities. One of my guest speakers is an OPP officer in this area who has encountered airsoft guns and responded and dealt with those calls. Quote:
When I click on the link the page loads then freezes my pc, everytime. Am I the only one this happens too?
Happening to me in IE8, works ok in FireFox. From what I can tell, there seems to be an issue with some scripting code on the site - at least that's what appears to be locking up Internet Exploder...
'Fly |
it doesnt freeze - it's a couple images on the index page that make the browser take some time to process... give it a minute and it will load in IE or use a different browser
Its Joomla based. I've got IE and Firefox 3.6.3 and it appears to work on several of my other machines ranging from Win XP to Vista and Win 7. We'll look deeper into it though. The site is nowhere near finished though.
Works fine for me. Also, looks awsome!
No problems here for me on IE or Firefox.. Odd?
Try clearing your cache - perhaps its got something stuck in its gullet...
This is mind blowing! Looking forward to seeing new developments in the future. :D
The website works fine for me and I'm using Firefox 3.0.17. |
ASU - Airsoft University
Jay nice job. Ring me if you need any help buddy.
Ok am I the only one who thinks this is too good to be true or is this a joke? It sounds way too good.
That sounds unbelievably friggin crazy. I'd love to go and spend a weekend there someday
Progress Update
- Owner has approved our use of the venue, this is a GO!!!. - TF applications being received and vetted. - TF Symposium scheduled for June 26 @ ASU in the Great Room 10am - 3pm. - Curriculum outlines being developed and readied for the 26th meeting. Tentative first set of classes for weekend of July 17-18. $25 per course, 2 courses in a day ($50 day fee), 2 days. Discount for the weekend which includes hospitality and program fees for all 4 courses, $120. Guests electing to take all 4 courses will be given preference over participants wishing only to take partial courses. These first 4 courses offer the Leadership Certificate (LC tab) which will be the prereq for the next set of courses. All courses are certificates of participation and achievement, and are not accredited academic courses (sorry guys, no college or university credits here). Course path and outline will be posted on the site shortly. All courses are designed to appeal to all levels of airsoft players. Don't think just because its a "101" course that you won't learn something new or have fun. Remember, these are workshops, NOT lectures or brain dumps. Max guest capacity for a weekend: 75 Sign up thread: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=105956 |
Looks friggin awesome bro.
Property looks good...the structure looks acceptable.....A job well done in getting this off the ground. Now lets see if everyone else involved can do their part. SHA DO |
If you do all 4 courses, its $120 flat, including your food for the weekend. This is $60 a day. Given that you get a shirt, and a bag of BBs (0.25g ECOBB - we are ECO only) and your meals, all inclusive, I think its a pretty good deal. But, we will see. If the community wants this and wants this venue, then sign up and we will make this happen. Unfortunately the cost to reserve this facility is high - and its already on my credit card.
EDIT: I moved it to July 17-18 so as not to interfere with the large FR game being held on July 10-11. Sorry if this caused any confusion for the short time I was adjusting the dates. It also gives me a little more time to get all the ducks in a row. Please guys, lets make this happen! |
Christ if I had the money I'd do it just to get away and have an Airsoft get-a-way :(
That, and there is about $30 of supplies given to each student...
Payment Information
Credit Card & Paypal: http://store.bbbastard.com/index.php...9k74amnvnabnm7 PM me if you wish to pay by EMT - web store not ready for EMT just yet (about a week away). EDIT: Link Fixed. |
I have a tentative confirmation (subject to her superior's approval, which is proforma) our guest speaker for the July 17 banquet, and it will indeed be an OPP officer from the Caledon/New Tecumseth detachments area. I know this officer very well, and I think she'll have some very interesting stuff to tell everyone about the OPP north of highway 9, their exposure to airsoft and the inside scoop as to how they are reacting to it. Its well worth the dinner!
Sounds awsome, sadly I can't cornfirm much as my job wants 5 weeks advance notice if I need time off, and I really need the work anyway :P
I'll definatly come to some of these courses though. Just wondering what kind of stuff you cover? |
AEG101 COMM101 TEAMS101 Are the four courses currently offered, there is also an additional Leadership Certificate Package available. |
More information on the course content will be forthcoming.
I was thinking..hoping rather, to get some sort of ride program going for people looking to attend in the windsor area. I'm in Belle River and have no way to get there so far...
I'm sure if we can get a couple people together willing to share the cost of gas and attending for the same amount of time it would make things much easier and could even get a lot more people to attend courses. If anyone is willing to participate in this idea please let us know. I'll walk there if I have to bu I MUST attend.. I'm looking to go for all courses the entire weekend. Maybe we can make a list of what carpool/drivers are where, what the routes are if ppl are on route and want a ride, cost of gas, number of riders, time staying at ASU, when pool departs to/from aswell. Hopefully this works..or I atleast find a ride lmao... Btw, GREAT idea!! |
Awesome idea CerberusNet. Also the less cars we have on the flattop, the more room for the tent city. I do recommend people go for the mealplan and stay overnight, it will be a really good social event as well.
Incidently, we have just secured the domains asucanada.com and .org. Look for a redirect shortly, right now it redirects but its the default redirect with a stoopid adbar on the bottom. I am sure Blackthorne will fix that shortly. |
Provided I can secure the time off, and sort out transport, I will be there for the weekend.
Awsome idea though, participants would be able to talk about their stuff and what they learned through the night, it'd be a kick! I'm deffinatly in for a full weekend at a point where I'm able to attend (Damn work ...... but it pays for stuff like this) As for the sleep bit, this scene came to mind right off the bat :rolleyes: YouTube- Full Metal Jacket - Rifleman's Creed |
To respond to a PM, which probably everyone should have an answer to:
Thats all in the works to be posted on ASU, but, ASU Primary can be found here: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&sour...04128&t=h&z=19 Kit list will also be posted shortly, but it will be stuff like: Tent Cot/Mattress Sleeping bag with pillow Toiletries combination lock for your locker navy or black cargo pants or slacks extra underwear socks and shirts comfortable indoor shoes your primary AEG your sidearm (if you have one) one load bearing system with mags for said equipment BDUs Boots Airsoft PPE such as goggles and masks 1 GMRS Radio (bubble pack is fine) sunscreen AEGs must have cases that they can be put away in. AEGs must be field ready, there will be no extensive on-site repairing going on. There is no need for hydration systems or other extended gucci kit - this is about function, not fashion. Be ready to don and doff your gear between classes in 10 minutes. If my students can get firefighting bunker gear and breathing equipment on in under 3 minutes, I am positive airsofters can learn to do it with their kit within 10 minutes (lol). Pace will be quick. There are medical and parent consent forms (for those between ages 15 and 17). There will be a guest handbook that includes various other things as well - we're just crafting that now. But there is nothing unusual required that your typical airsofter doesn't have. |
Yes, by staying the weekend, we can lower the pace a little and socialize (this part is actually somewhat planned with a purpose in mind) and since we do breakfast the next day, nobody is rushing to get back out the door and we can start the next day relaxed and fed and ready to carry on. |
I think this is REALLY great for the community
Would be very interested as I have a LOT to learn in this sport... Interesting website theme...I thought tacky at first but actually its ok |
Just a thought. :rolleyes: |
Actually look into an airport limo and share it with 4 to 6 people from the same location. Probably be the same price. |
Anyone going that's driving up from, by or near KW? Will chip in for gas and caffeine.
I hope someone from Toronto is willing to carpool some people. :)
IE Issue Addressed - Please Test
OK. I now have the site set to force IE8 to render as IE7.
Let me know if it's still crashing your IE folks, and please remember to clear your cache. |
Awsome Job Jay looks awsome and will definatly makin it out to one of these weekends Sounds like a freakin Blast.
(did I say that right?) |
I thought I read on the site that an AEG would be provided. Maybe I was wrong
But in the kit list it states to bring your primary. |
Considering the massive popularity of the new GBB rifles, I am sure that folks want to train on their new gear. I know the transition to GBB fro AEG is a BIG pile of muscle memory out the window. :D |
The pic of the dining hall gives me flashbacks to summer camp....:)
Sounds good guys! Tys |
I am really excited to have been invited to bring C.T.A.C.S out to ASU. This is a great opportunity for New players and Vet's alike. Great work Scarecrow and Blackthrone!
Jay, you need to clear out some messages. Your inbox is full.
:) |
Try now. |
I've posted the course descriptions at:
http://www.airsoftu.bbbastard.com/in...ates&Itemid=27 They may change slightly over time as I get trainer facilitator feedback on them, but thats the basic course outlines for the weekend. |
I'll double check this week about securing the time off.
With that out of the way, is there anyone in/around Brampton willing to 'carpool' me along? I'll throw in on gas and coffee/food. |
If only I didn't live too darn far!
Carpool List thus far (1310/06/22)
Drivers; N/A Please inform if you are willing to drive a carpool. There are many fellow airsofters in need of a ride and are willing to chip in for resources. Poolers/Area Gunk/Bramtpon Mr.Shiney/London The Saint/KW Elen/Toronto CerberusNet/Belle River If you are looking for a ride to ASU please inform us and we will do our best to set up rides for everyone! Thanks! |
Thats awesome guys. If people want to arrive on the Friday night so that they are fresh Saturday, we'll have the grounds open Friday afternoon for pitching tents and can probably open up the Great Room to relax in.
Saw it today and loved it. This place is classy. I also second the idea that you go with the full meal plan....I got a glimpse of one of the entree lists......sshhh!
I will post this in the event thread as well.
The TFs met this weekend and it was a fantastic conference. The course work was vetted by a very wide range of vets with fire, police, military, martial arts, educational and backgrounds as well as being airsoft players. The courses were tuned well beyond my expectations - the contributions they've made have made this soooooooo much better. The courses are more sensible and are packed with more learning objectives than even I thought we could do or thought of. The site is being updated, but one key change we've made is this: Because of the integrated nature of the 101 system, the courses are offered in the following manner: DAY 1 ONLY - $70 Includes AEG101 and AIRSOFT101 and the light breakfast/lunch only. DAY 1 & DAY 2 - $120 Includes AEG101, AIRSOFT101, the full meal plan, overnight stay, COMM101 and TEAM101 and graduation to ASU-LC. Those who can for time or financial reasons only take DAY 1 will be able to take DAY 2 on another weekend and complete their ASU-LC. ASU maintains all guest attendance records and individual completion certificates are issued for each course. Those who want to do a DAY 1 will be offered a DAY 2 in August and be able to finish and get their LC. Those who do both days and get their LC will be able to sign up for the post-LC courses offered for August. So, if you want to and are able to attend, please sign up and go to the BUY NOW buttons and sign up. We only need 30 people signed up for a full weekend to make it go - from what I can see, easily achievable. To Purchase: http://store.bbbastard.com/index.php...index&cPath=17 Full course descriptions can be found here: http://www.airsoftu.bbbastard.com/in...ates&Itemid=27 Event Posting in ASC: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=105956 |
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