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Kingly May 19th, 2010 21:20

Immediate Gas Leak
All of my pistol magazine are working wonderfully; but just my luck I have one thats being a little pain.

As soon as I attempt to fill the mag (with green gas), it sprays right out the top of the magazine. I don't know if this is a quick fix or maybe i'm being simple.

Input appreciated. Cheers,

The Chad May 19th, 2010 21:21

MINE TOO!!! I think, not sure, but I think its the valve? I'm going to try replacing the valve when I get home tonight, will let you know what happens.

Kingly May 19th, 2010 21:23

That sucks because the mag that's causing the problem; I got it 2 days ago, and only fired about 50-75 bbs through it :'(

HeadlessChicken May 19th, 2010 21:28

I had a few gushers, sometimes brand new. I was told that using some light silicon oil and working the valve at the same time will help remedy leaks. Got 3 of my pistol mags and 1 of my GBBR mags working by doing this.

The Chad May 19th, 2010 21:28

I am much happier knowing it's the mag and not the gun.

Dart May 20th, 2010 07:09

yup put about 4 drops of heavier sillicon oil in where the gas comes out. Work the valve in and out while doing this. Than when you go to fill the first few times make sure its just after you put a few drops in your adapter. Your gonna get shitty shots for the first few mags but it will swell up.

oh and let it sit for a while with the oil in the top. Another thing I have done is take the fill valve out and put some oil directly inside the mag via the hole. Let the mag sit upside down for a while this should get things going as well.

CDN_Stalker May 20th, 2010 07:41


Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby (Post 1238483)
I am much happier knowing it's the mag and not the gun.

You make it sound like you are filling the mag while it's in the gun. Lol

Kingly May 20th, 2010 13:04


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1238741)
You make it sound like you are filling the mag while it's in the gun. Lol

haha, I think you're right. I didn't even notice that.

The Chad May 20th, 2010 13:52


Originally Posted by CDN_Stalker (Post 1238741)
You make it sound like you are filling the mag while it's in the gun. Lol

So that's why I have such a hard time getting the BBs in the mag....It all makes sense now :D

Kingly May 20th, 2010 17:44

1 Attachment(s)
Under closer scrutiny, it is evident that the magazine that is leaking the gas, its valve (proper part? Im not 100% familiar with GBB pistols) is pushed slightly inward. Is it fixed if I simply take a multi-tool and pull the valve outward?
Photo attached, sorry about shitty quality...

The Chad May 20th, 2010 18:20

Mine works now :D:D:D:D just took the valve out and put a shitload of silicon oil in there. Put it all back together again and voila!! Even did a soapy water test and there wasn't a single bubble.

Kingly May 20th, 2010 18:33


Originally Posted by LoveMyStubby (Post 1239166)
Mine works now :D:D:D:D just took the valve out and put a shitload of silicon oil in there. Put it all back together again and voila!! Even did a soapy water test and there wasn't a single bubble.

Well done :) I'm still trying to get my mag back to working order again :(

Kingly May 20th, 2010 19:20

Does anyone have any thoughts on the situation?

Jackarutu May 20th, 2010 19:51

on some recent socom gear 1911s I just sold one of the mags did as you described. I took the mag totally apart and found plating flash chips floating around inside the mag. Cleaned it and lubed it and bob's your uncle.

The Chad May 20th, 2010 20:39

Hey, just wanna make sure, you took out the valve and put some silicon oil in there. I put a LOT in the mag, so much it was dripping out. At first the gas vented right away but then after trying again, woooot!!!

I know exactly how you feel man, I still have no idea what was causing it, I even took the mag completely apart and re-did the gasket and put more silicon on it.

coach May 20th, 2010 21:30

Immediate Gas Leak
^^ likely a faulty or extremely dry flow valve. Keep up with regular lubing or it will happen again.

To rehydrate dry seals and rings, it's not uncommon to have oil seeping or dripping out but it's a bit unnecessary. If you opened it, you can put the main seal and the flow valve in a silly oil bath for a few minutes or until it swells up a bit. Reinstall and you're good to go.

One reason why a flow valve vents gas is that the ring is dry and the valve sticks preventing it from closing completely.

Also, if you are shooting your gbb with that much oil in the mag, it's a good idea to break it down and do a full cleaning. At the least, wash the hopup rubber and clean the barrel.

The Chad May 20th, 2010 21:59

Thanks guys! Really awesome of you all to help.

Kingly May 20th, 2010 23:42

Thanks everyone for the input, tomorrow I'll get to work on that and no doubt i'll be back in action :)

Kingly May 21st, 2010 11:52


Originally Posted by Kingly (Post 1239525)
Thanks everyone for the input, tomorrow I'll get to work on that and no doubt i'll be back in action :)

So, its fixed now and all nice and clean :)
The weird thing is: behind the valve release (i think thats what to call it), had a piece of gold colored, stripped metal in it. It was like a piece of string only metallic. It took me a good 20 minutes to get it out of there but once I did everything was fixed.

Has anybody ever encountered this before?


coach May 21st, 2010 12:22


Originally Posted by Kingly (Post 1239812)
So, its fixed now and all nice and clean :)
The weird thing is: behind the valve release (i think thats what to call it), had a piece of gold colored, stripped metal in it. It was like a piece of string only metallic. It took me a good 20 minutes to get it out of there but once I did everything was fixed.

Has anybody ever encountered this before?


likely a bit of material stripped off one of the valve threads when it was installed.

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