Airsoft Canada

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Conker May 13th, 2010 12:39

WTF... now there's "Youth Editions"
Just saw this... I am blown away by how counterproductive this idea is.

Youth fucking edition.


G&G PM4 Light - Youth Edition Red
Suitable for Youth Ages 14+ WITH ADULT SUPERVISION ONLY- Neglectful parenting or supervision could lead to criminal charges, lawsuits, or death of your child from acting law enforcement or a frightened citizen.

The G&G M4 line of Electric Rifles have the highest standards for their non-metal parts. Same as on a real M4, the hand guards, grip, and stock are not typically made of metal, but rather a fiberglass/nylon composite. G&G has adapted this same principle in making these portions with some of the same materials.

G&G has the most solid and visually appeasing fiberglass/nylon parts in the air soft industry. These guns come stock with metal bushings and a customized black gearbox for the Canadian market.

Clear Upper Receiver, Silver Gearbox, And Orange Barrel Tip For Added 'Not-Real' Appearance.
Reduced Velocity Tolerable By Ages 14+ (Approx. 280 FPS with .20 Gram G&G Precision BB's)

Wow. Just wow.

Tech posted this on page 3:


Originally Posted by Tech (Post 1233748)
I looked quickly through the thread and I didn't see the fact that they mention they also include a black hand guard so the kids don't even have to paint it.

Whats in the Box?

* 1 x G&G PM4 Light
* 1 x 450 Round Hi-Cap Mag
* 1 x Battery (9.6V 1400 mah)
* 1 x Black Hand Guard
* 1 x Red Hand Guard

* 1 x 2-color LED Charger Included
* 1 x Polycarbonate "shatter proof" safety glasses Included
* 1 x 3000 Sample BB's

It totally defeats the purpose (even if it's easy enough to paint anyways)

Spawn28 May 13th, 2010 12:43

So he is advertising that he sells to minors and encourages underagers to buy from him this will not end well. I thought it was illeagal to sell to minors even the clearsoft shit?

ex May 13th, 2010 12:45

chaosnemesis May 13th, 2010 12:47

That is wow! At least the "boys" version is physically smaller and shoots at something like 40fps. This thing is a 1 to 1 and at adult stock TM velocity? I'm pretty sure you don't need a parent to buy a can of spray paint.

Strelok May 13th, 2010 12:50

I can hear the high pitched squeals of joy already.

KND May 13th, 2010 12:50

They should use the pink color and then call it Barbie Edition for mature player.

Daiviet May 13th, 2010 12:52

nah, cuz then it'd be sold on that chixairsoft website.

L473ncy May 13th, 2010 13:01


Originally Posted by Spawn28 (Post 1233502)
So he is advertising that he sells to minors and encourages underagers to buy from him this will not end well. I thought it was illeagal to sell to minors even the clearsoft shit?

Not illegal just not too ethical (except in Ontario where there is a law that says 18+ (my search for that law was fruitless but was only a precursory thumbing through, I'm sure you can find where it says that if you looked deeper into one of the government sites)). In fact my brother (ok maybe bad example cause he turned 18 a few days ago) could have walked into a store a week ago and bought one. There is no law preventing this, only most stores have a "policy" not to sell to minors (note that policy =/= law) and in most cases is just "wishful thinking" (ie. Aboriginal/Indian policy vs Aboriginal/Indian law).

Jimski May 13th, 2010 13:06

a white lower would do, instead of clear :)

Hairu May 13th, 2010 15:10

this is so full of fail its not even funny

Crunchmeister May 13th, 2010 15:16

Actually, I tend to agree with this disclaimer:

Suitable for Youth Ages 14+ WITH ADULT SUPERVISION ONLY- Neglectful parenting or supervision could lead to criminal charges, lawsuits, or death of your child from acting law enforcement or a frightened citizen.
Now, that being said, the reality of it is that most parents buying one for their kid won't pay any attention to this. Beyond placing the order online and signing for the package as it arrives, Mom & Dad will buy this for Jr and send him on his merry to play. And then when Jr gets into trouble with his new "toy", Mom & Dad will somehow find a way blame the dealer / importer / Cdn law / society, etc for not having parented their child better for them.

Skladfin May 13th, 2010 15:20

cabella's sells this as well.

DanoftheDead May 13th, 2010 15:25

That is the single dumbest thing I've seen all week. Disclaimer or not, this is like the old Camel ciggarettes ad. Joe camel the cartoon smoking camel says not too smoke, while is smoking and holding another smoke downward as if hes handing it to a kid.

Crunchmeister May 13th, 2010 15:27

Well, if parents actually followed the disclaimer (which they won't), there wouldn't be a problem. But it's obvious that disclaimer is just a CYA statement so that they're not held liable for when Jr does a drive-by on his bike and hoses down a bunch of kids in the park.

pusangani May 13th, 2010 15:28

This dont make a lick of difference

Buyairsoft sells to kids anyway, any and everything on their site is "youth edition" so what's the big deal?

The fact that it says "suitable for 14yrs" so fucking what, these whiny good for nothing kidiot monkeys are gonna get their hands on guns anyway so what difference does it make if the handguard is red and the site says its ok for 14yrs?

The only thing I see coming out of this is now the kidiots will link to that site when we tell them no guns for -18, and we will just tell them to FUCK OFF as we normally do

I can imagine we will be getting a ton of requests for "how to make my youth edition shoot 400fps" in the future, see end of the last sentence for what to tell them.

Anyone asking for assistance with this gun should be banned/infracted instantly as well, just a suggestion :)

Con Murder May 13th, 2010 15:32


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1233665)
This dont make a lick of difference

Buyairsoft sells to kids anyway, any and everything on their site is "youth edition" so what's the big deal?

The fact that it says "suitable for 14yrs" so fucking what, these whiny good for nothing kidiot monkeys are gonna get their hands on guns anyway so what difference does it make if the handguard is red and the site says its ok for 14yrs?

The only thing I see coming out of this is now the kidiots will link to that site when we tell them no guns for -18, and we will just tell them to FUCK OFF as we normally do

I can imagine we will be getting a ton of requests for "how to make my youth edition shoot 400fps" in the future, see end of the last sentence for what to tell them.

Anyone asking for assistance with this gun should be banned/infracted instantly as well, just a suggestion :)

Now that we've recieved our instructions, fall out!

(And I will send him constant reminders of how the community hates this. Internet annoyance is my spcecial feature!)

Rugger_can May 13th, 2010 15:32

I have had a vision...

TokyoSeven will be annoyed by this thread.

That is all.

The Saint May 13th, 2010 15:39

The idea that flashy colours and transparency can somehow lower the bar of age and suitability is silly. This is inherent contrary to the responsible practice of carefully screening minors for the maturity necessity to handle airsoft guns, because it's trying to de-escalate the airsoft guns so more minors can access airsoft guns without the same caution necessary with fully-opaque and non-flashy-coloured guns. The cart is now before the horse.

"Suitability" has nothing to do with the gun, or even age, and everything to do with the parents and their children. Suitable parents can take their children can go out on a range and shoot real firearms all day long without worry, they can hunt, they can play with full metal airsoft guns all day long. Parents and children responsible enough to have airsoft guns has no concern over the colour or there lack of, because they won't ever use the airsoft guns in an environment where it would be an issue.

Unsuitable parents and their children shouldn't even have a Nerf gun, much less airsoft guns.

Of course, the above assumes that this was done to protect the users from accidentally having their airsoft guns mistaken for the real thing. A real crazy idea would be that it's also being done to make airsoft guns seem more "paintball" and less scary to parents.

Porkchop May 13th, 2010 15:58

Reminds me of the Violent Crime Reduction Act in the UK.

Eeyore May 13th, 2010 16:01

This was done along time ago to RAP4 paintball markers. Because they sell paintball markers to the the military and LE they colour coded them so that the real thing would not be useed by accident in training. They also sell a series of "less lethal" markers that use can use a capsaicin II (chilli powder) to subdue an individual.

Munaro May 13th, 2010 16:16

I don't see the big deal, they sold to anyone before, there is no difference other then color. they are still going to need the parents credit card so it will fall on the parents to keep up on there end, will they? definitely not. But that will never change, all we can do is try to encourage kids to play safe and give them the info to do so. Hopefully the goverment will get smart and put an 18+ ban everywhere.

brandedman May 13th, 2010 16:18

This will only end badly

TokyoSeven May 13th, 2010 16:22


These new child guns are similar to the AEGs available to non UKARA registered airsofters in the UK. Where portions of the airsoft gun are brightly colored. It doesnt really change anything, parents may buy these for their kids but they may still buy the regular non brightly colored AEGs as well.

The only thing I know for certain is that we will have an is increase threads asking if these guns are any good.

Shooting Addict May 13th, 2010 16:24


Originally Posted by Munaro (Post 1233702)
Hopefully the goverment will get smart and put an 18+ ban everywhere.

So long as kids with a MFL can keep theres i'm all for it

surebet May 13th, 2010 16:44

God damnit...

So this is just a red handguard slapped on a regular gun? How the fuck does that change shit? It's still shooting full velocityé

At least the BOYS version shot 200ish

Eeyore May 13th, 2010 16:46

Is there any reason why someone can't just swap out the handguards?

surebet May 13th, 2010 16:47

Fuck all if it's regular sized

DanoftheDead May 13th, 2010 16:50

even if the handguard can't be swapped, paint is cheap and readily available to underagers. It doesn't matter, wait till these things are in wal-mart (if they aren't already).

surebet May 13th, 2010 16:51

After this dick move I think we all know what's left to do...

[SIK] Piér May 13th, 2010 16:58

Remind me of those Airsoft Minis

squeenix May 13th, 2010 17:01

Proposed Purpose:
12 year old: Mom I want a G&G Airsoft Gun
Mom: *Looks* Gosh those look real
Son: Well look at this one.
Mom: OK I'll think about it.
Son: Can we get a can of flat black krylon fusion after soccer?
Mom: You have to pay.

If really wanted to make airsoft for irresponsible kids, they would make it a non-gun shape, bright orange, and have it shoot foam darts. Oh wait...

Tech May 13th, 2010 17:04

I looked quickly through the thread and I didn't see the fact that they mention they also include a black hand guard so the kids don't even have to paint it.

Whats in the Box?

* 1 x G&G PM4 Light
* 1 x 450 Round Hi-Cap Mag
* 1 x Battery (9.6V 1400 mah)
* 1 x Black Hand Guard
* 1 x Red Hand Guard
* 1 x 2-color LED Charger Included
* 1 x Polycarbonate "shatter proof" safety glasses Included
* 1 x 3000 Sample BB's

[SIK] Piér May 13th, 2010 17:07


Originally Posted by Tech (Post 1233748)
I looked quickly through the thread and I didn't see the fact that they mention they also include a black hand guard so the kids don't even have to paint it.

Whats in the Box?

* 1 x G&G PM4 Light
* 1 x 450 Round Hi-Cap Mag
* 1 x Battery (9.6V 1400 mah)
* 1 x Black Hand Guard
* 1 x Red Hand Guard
* 1 x 2-color LED Charger Included
* 1 x Polycarbonate "shatter proof" safety glasses Included
* 1 x 3000 Sample BB's


DanoftheDead May 13th, 2010 17:11

anyone notice that it says 280 FPS and then under velocity it says 320, also it has a blue and red versions, his and hers... Aww that is so cute now parents can buy their son and daughter these and let they go blind in the yard. :)

Shirley May 14th, 2010 03:00

Either way, black paint can cover all that crap.

It's okay, it's plastic, it will break down, making them want metal bodies, which non-AV's members can't get. Parts and crap break down, they won't be able to buy but will order overseas.

Ha, if kids do something stupid and get caught with it, they'll be scared enough to admit they bought it off the website making it a bigger investigation causing to sell to minors.

So retarded, anyways, I wonder who that secret squirrel is on ASC that works for them.

NRN_R_Sumo1 May 14th, 2010 06:52

You can buy non-cocking spring pistols at dollar stores, but if you really wanna shell out 200 bucks for something your kids gonna treat like crap/never use, then be my goddamn guest.

I live in an area of ontario where its a little rough, but all the kiddies think they need to carry knives around.
Airsoft guns aren't endangering kids any more than letting them carry that 5 dollar blade you bought them for camping. (even if you dont let them I assure you, they will do as they wish)

ponyone May 14th, 2010 07:36

this is no different form what happend to paintball with young gunz witch is a turnament grade of players under 16, this will hopefully do the same for airsoft that it did for paintball, I think that IF AND ONLY IF the age varified players mentor and help usher in a new age of player, this is airsofts only hope, this is not a new thing look at england were airsoft is SO much larger they still have those lime green coloured guns, There is a solution if somone under 18 gets one of thease, they should not be able to paint it, if they paint it they cant use it policy should be upheld by the game hosts. and iam sure they will have to run seperate under 18 restricted games anywase but same should apply, the field owners should not let them play if there guns are painted... other than that, this could be such a great move for the sport, getting parents and youths alike involved and on board, lets not all jump to crush progress yet is all iam getting at. :D

Percuvius May 14th, 2010 11:11

There is no law that says 18 or over, a minor can hold a FAC. I had harder shooting pellet guns when I was kid so fair is fair.

Con Murder May 14th, 2010 12:59


Originally Posted by Percuvius (Post 1234439)
There is no law that says 18 or over, a minor can hold a FAC. I had harder shooting pellet guns when I was kid so fair is fair.

Grab your airsoft guns box. It say's it is for adults. 18 + has been on every gun I've bought and it has been the standard across Canada, it has been totally agreed apon that airguns are more dangerouse in action. Airsoft is dangerouse because of image, the effect is completed by its look but in action they are safe. So why can jonny in grade 6 have a pellet pistol airgun and not an m4a1? Well it is because the uninformed public has made a knee-jerk reaction to airsoft being the reason for a death, instead of holding people responsable for their actions.

Oh ya, if there is no law about it being for 18 plus why does crappy tire lock it all away and have you show ID????

Hades May 14th, 2010 13:17

FAC no longer exists

Munaro May 14th, 2010 13:30


Originally Posted by Con Murder (Post 1234525)
Grab your airsoft guns box. It say's it is for adults. 18 + has been on every gun I've bought and it has been the standard across Canada, it has been totally agreed apon that airguns are more dangerouse in action. Airsoft is dangerouse because of image, the effect is completed by its look but in action they are safe. So why can jonny in grade 6 have a pellet pistol airgun and not an m4a1? Well it is because the uninformed public has made a knee-jerk reaction to airsoft being the reason for a death, instead of holding people responsable for their actions.

Oh ya, if there is no law about it being for 18 plus why does crappy tire lock it all away and have you show ID????

its locked because of there policy, only in Ontario do you have to be 18+ at this point.

Shooting Addict May 14th, 2010 13:31


Originally Posted by Con Murder (Post 1234525)
Oh ya, if there is no law about it being for 18 plus why does crappy tire lock it all away and have you show ID????

Store policy

L473ncy May 14th, 2010 13:34

There actually is no law (the 18+ on the box is only a suggestion) but pretty much everyone around the world agrees upon it and therefore it's been enacted as policy (much like ESRB and the "M" rating most stores have policies to sell to 17+ but it is not illegal (in a criminal sense) to sell to people under 17 just against most stores policies). Canadian Tire POLICY is to sell to 18+ but they are not breaking the law by selling to minors (except in Ontario) they are however breaking store policy and the employee may be disciplined or terminated.

PS: I don't believe minors can do that any more (FAC), I believe they must demonstrate they have a *need* for it to sustain themselves (and their family) through hunting (ie. in remote areas of Canada and north of 60 not in inner city/suburbs/exurbs where they have a "Minors License" and have to have an adult with a PAL supervise them while discharging firearms).

I'm not trying to justify it, I think what they're doing is bad (and defeats the general consensus that their frontal lobes have not developed to the point they can make logical/good choices) but I feel that we really need to define the difference between "store policy" and law.

Shooting Addict May 14th, 2010 13:39


Originally Posted by L473ncy (Post 1234553)
PS: I don't believe minors can do that any more (FAC), I believe they must demonstrate they have a *need* for it to sustain themselves (and their family) through hunting (ie. in remote areas of Canada and north of 60 not in inner city/suburbs/exurbs where they have a "Minors License" and have to have an adult with a PAL supervise them while discharging firearms).

You don't need to have to support your family to get a MFL if you did then how did i get one lol.

Crunchmeister May 14th, 2010 13:45


Originally Posted by Con Murder (Post 1234525)
Grab your airsoft guns box. It say's it is for adults. 18 + has been on every gun I've bought and it has been the standard across Canada, it has been totally agreed apon that airguns are more dangerouse in action. Airsoft is dangerouse because of image, the effect is completed by its look but in action they are safe. So why can jonny in grade 6 have a pellet pistol airgun and not an m4a1? Well it is because the uninformed public has made a knee-jerk reaction to airsoft being the reason for a death, instead of holding people responsable for their actions.

Oh ya, if there is no law about it being for 18 plus why does crappy tire lock it all away and have you show ID????

What's written on the box has no bearing in law whatsoever. That's a manufacturer's suggestion. It happens to be the stance of this community as well. And that too has no legal weight whatsoever.

The only province in Canada that has an age restriction on air guns of any kind is Ontario. You have to be 18+ to purchase the gun. That's it. There's no law saying a minor can't use it even without adult supervision. Now, most RESPONSIBLE stores across the country will hold any air gun under lock and key and only sell to adults. However, there's nothing preventing them from selling to a kid outside of Ontario. That's being irresponsible IMO, but not illegal.

pusangani May 14th, 2010 13:47

I knew this thread would deteriorate into a discussion about laws, how predictable predictable!

Gunny_McSmith May 14th, 2010 13:48


Originally Posted by ponyone (Post 1234333)
this is no different form what happend to paintball with young gunz witch is a turnament grade of players under 16, this will hopefully do the same for airsoft that it did for paintball, I think that IF AND ONLY IF the age varified players mentor and help usher in a new age of player, this is airsofts only hope, this is not a new thing look at england were airsoft is SO much larger they still have those lime green coloured guns, There is a solution if somone under 18 gets one of thease, they should not be able to paint it, if they paint it they cant use it policy should be upheld by the game hosts. and iam sure they will have to run seperate under 18 restricted games anywase but same should apply, the field owners should not let them play if there guns are painted... other than that, this could be such a great move for the sport, getting parents and youths alike involved and on board, lets not all jump to crush progress yet is all iam getting at. :D

+1, they should permanetly paint them bright green or something, and all you mentionned above is awsome! :P

BUT IMO,this is a first step to the total legalisation of airsoft in Canada.... its not a good step, but still a new step for the airsoft community....

pusangani May 14th, 2010 13:52


Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith (Post 1234566)
+1, they should permanetly paint them bright green or something, and all you mentionned above is awsome! :P

BUT IMO,this is a first step to the total legalisation of airsoft in Canada.... its not a good step, but still a new step for the airsoft community....

No it ain't, its a marketing ploy by a greedy business that doesn't care about responsible ownership and use of airsoft, nothing more.

AND fuck having -18 games, wtf is this? I will not be at these games, airsoft's only hope? as if it is dying? AIRSOFT ISN'T DYING guys, I don't know who told you it was and that we needed new kids to come and save it, but it isn't

Children need to learn to fucking wait their turn to enjoy ADULT activities is all, I don't care how responsible they say they are or WE. I am a grown ass man playing soldier in the bush, that's bad enough without having some little fucking kidiots around me, it really takes away from the experience.

Crunchmeister May 14th, 2010 13:58


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1234563)
I knew this thread would deteriorate into a discussion about laws, how predictable predictable!

Yeah, it was bound to happen. The legalities of airsoft really aren't the issue at all here. It's the fact that these guns are now being marketed to kids, which is totally legal, but rather irresponsible.


Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith (Post 1234566)
+1, they should permanetly paint them bright green or something, and all you mentionned above is awsome! :P

BUT IMO,this is a first step to the total legalisation of airsoft in Canada.... its not a good step, but still a new step for the airsoft community....

And 1 can of Krylon will fix up the bright green in a hurry.

And airsoft IS legal in Canada. And it's legal to retail the gunswhen the guns are imported correctly. Clear / tinted receivers and frames were the first step until the Safesoft initiative got full metal opaque AEGs approved. Airsoft isn't quite as inaccessible as some may think.


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1234568)
No it ain't, its a marketing ploy by a greedy business that doesn't care about responsible ownership and use of airsoft, nothing more.

+1 Totally agreed. Buyairsoft are bottom feeders.

The Saint May 14th, 2010 14:03


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1234563)
I knew this thread would deteriorate into a discussion about laws, how predictable predictable!

What do you mean "deteriorate into a discussion about laws"? How is the thread negatively affected by setting the legal record straight?

And you're doing this with a better-than-thou attitude, no less? That makes no sense.

pusangani May 14th, 2010 14:08


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 1234579)
What do you mean "deteriorate into a discussion about laws"? How is the thread negatively affected by setting the legal record straight?

And you're doing this with a better-than-thou attitude, no less? That makes no sense.

hehehe sorry I meant I knew where this was going, and yes I am tired of it and my attitude shows, again sorry not everyone can be as Saintly as u ;)

Setting it straight was done on the first page, but everyone else had to chime in their legal opinion, when the law isn't even in play here, which is why I said what I said.

The Saint May 14th, 2010 14:13

Indeed, this really isn't a legal issue.

I think a good way of summing things up would be: You might be able to gun-proof some kids, but you can't kids-proof all guns. Trying to invent kids-proof guns is about large scale exploitation of the youth market, not about instilling a sense of responsibility in ownership.

Crunchmeister May 14th, 2010 14:15


Originally Posted by The Saint (Post 1234590)
Indeed, this really isn't a legal issue.

I think a good way of summing things up would be: You might be able to gun-proof some kids, but you can't kids-proof all guns. Trying to invent kids-proof guns is about large scale exploitation of the youth market, not about instilling a sense of responsibility in ownership.

I can totally stand behind this statement.

Gunny_McSmith May 14th, 2010 14:22


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1234568)
No it ain't, its a marketing ploy by a greedy business that doesn't care about responsible ownership and use of airsoft, nothing more.

AND fuck having -18 games, wtf is this? I will not be at these games, airsoft's only hope? as if it is dying? AIRSOFT ISN'T DYING guys, I don't know who told you it was and that we needed new kids to come and save it, but it isn't

Children need to learn to fucking wait their turn to enjoy ADULT activities is all, I don't care how responsible they say they are or WE. I am a grown ass man playing soldier in the bush, that's bad enough without having some little fucking kidiots around me, it really takes away from the experience.

yes all you say is true, but I wanted to say, that you still cant stop the young stupid underaged kids from buying airsoft guns, you just cant.... :(

pusangani May 14th, 2010 14:36


Originally Posted by Gunny_McSmith (Post 1234599)
yes all you say is true, but I wanted to say, that you still cant stop the young stupid underaged kids from buying airsoft guns, you just cant.... :(

Which is why, this 'new' edition makes no difference and just cements the fact that is just a bunch of greedy scumbags :)

Gunny_McSmith May 14th, 2010 14:38

haha yeah... actually IMO its CAS fault too.... lol... didnt CAS bought ? :D

and this is capitalism at its worst... :S

Shooting Addict May 14th, 2010 14:38


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1234620)
Which is why, this 'new' edition makes no difference and just cements the fact that is just a bunch of greedy scumbags :)

So true pus

Juke16 June 9th, 2010 13:18

Hmm, I think that there shoud be some sort of test/psychological assesment that the recipient of said product should take before being able to handle said "model" because not every 14 year old is immature. Most, maybe say 85% are but there is still the maybe 15% that aren't. Like what if some people have grown up around airsoft guns and know how to appropriately use them, for example, my friend who's 13, is from HK and he's played around with these all his life. He would definitely not use these things for drive bys and neither would I for one. Isn't this more of a matter of maturity rather than age, or at least proper knowledge of the laws regarding airsoft. Like before, I used to own a shitsoft gun and my friend owned an Aftermath Broxa (also a piece of shit I hear), and I played with him on the streets twice cause he told me it was legal. Then, I found ASC, then found out that I actually did something that was highly illegal, and now I don't do that anymore. btw, Since I did that, I'd like to say I'm sorry for possibly bringing harm to the overall image of airsoft in Canada.

In conclusion, I'd just like to say that it's a matter of law, knowledge, and discipline, instead of age which says who is a responsible airsofter or not.

TokyoSeven June 9th, 2010 13:22

Maturity only factors into the equation slightly. Ive seen people over the age of 18 act like children. Maturity is easily trumped by legality as a minor cannot held responsible for their actions the same way that someone who is the age of majority can.

MillerBRo June 9th, 2010 16:15


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 1251805)
Maturity only factors into the equation slightly. Ive seen people over the age of 18 act like children. Maturity is easily trumped by legality as a minor cannot held responsible for their actions the same way that someone who is the age of majority can.

+1 We run youth days at our field and birthday parties and we have had more irresponsible 'adults' in the last year of operations than we have had 'kids'. To be honest the 'I'm 18 so I am responsible' claim is bullshit- age doesnt factor in but maturity sure as hell does. However the kids all have parents who have signed waivers so in our case there is an adult behind the childs behaviour. The long and short for us is that people are judged on their own merits and though no under 18s have earned bannings we have started banning 'bad' adults this year..

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