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whisp January 3rd, 2015 14:04

3 Attachment(s)
Same rifle but I have two setups.

Still waiting on a few more pieces and I will update my pic since it doesn't show some other stuff. Anyways a modified G&G tr16 r4 commando. Lesson I learned stay away from blowback systems lol. I have upgraded it with magpul rsa and asap, troy trx battle rail, and a wolverine smp.

Used Velcro in the mag well and for the stock.

Waiting on a 1x4x elcan, 110mm barrel extension/supressor for when it is in the smaller mode since I don't like the length on the mock supressor right now.

Also changing the pistol grip to a moe and a have a m4 speed trigger coming.

Have multiple scopes and red dots, two sets of iron sights, a pair of angled sights along with different grips. currently it has an afg instead of the stubby.

Anyways close to finishing this rifle. Also posted in another thread the colourfill job I did.

Anyways looking at a week or so before I have all the parts and can show the finished m4.

God this is addicting lol!!!

Wilkie January 6th, 2015 22:45

The build continues! Love the Centurion Arms handguard, very comfy, and has great weight to it with a steel barrel.

EOD Steve January 8th, 2015 16:40


Almost mistook that for an ERG.

R.I.T.Z January 8th, 2015 17:37

Now to pick out an optic.

Wilkie January 9th, 2015 00:09

Hah I was going to say, get that optic off of there! Looks good otherwise lol

Wilkie January 11th, 2015 14:06

Slightly better picture set up behind our booth and the Brandon Show and Shoot

ARC-74 January 13th, 2015 01:13

Had a go at fixing my broken receiver trigger guard ear on the left side of my gun, somewhat permanently.
Trigger guard was cut from a repro Miad front strap. Holes were drilled to use screws instead of roll pins etc. A hole was drilled through the trigger guard into the receiver being very careful not to drill straight through. This screw was counter sunk as best I could so it's not felt when holding the grip. I was out of JB weld, so I resorted to Gorilla super glue to re-attach the broken ear & to help secure the trigger guard.

Also swapped stocks, added a RS Miad grip & gave the light grey zinc parkerized outer barrel and front sight a few coats of extremely thinned black enamel with my airbrush to darken them to get more of a manganese phosphate parkerized look.

beta678 January 13th, 2015 01:25


Originally Posted by Wilkie (Post 1928104)

Slightly better picture set up behind our booth and the Brandon Show and Shoot

Almost got a CMR rail because of your blaster, still tempted to lol. Looks so clean and slick w/ the magpul receiver.

Wilkie January 13th, 2015 08:36

It is very comfy! I recomend it for sure. I have a shipment of rail panels on the way for it as well so well see what those are like

Zack The Ripper January 17th, 2015 16:51

Recently painted my teammate Phil/EchoFourTwelve's "Stoner PTWK". Dare I say I think I did a better job on his than I did on mine. His will also have a PAQ-4 and InForce WML IR mounted this evening once I give it back to him.

N_Force January 18th, 2015 22:36

I haven't touched my M4 for a while. Since you guys making yours so fancy, I'm far behind and only just have this M4 Pistol with 416c stock done set up. What do you think? That will be the other one for my CQB game use too.

Strelok January 19th, 2015 10:33


Guess who just ordered another WE XM177.

Hughes January 19th, 2015 10:59

@wilkie i was going to check out your paint jobs at the Brandon show and shoot. Now i see why i didn't recognize your gun haha. Were you at the GrimTek table?

Soon I'll have some gun porn to post, but she's just a standard mk18 atm

Wilkie January 19th, 2015 14:35

Hah sorry about that! I should have brought a gun people would recognize. Yep I was the short guy, usually ina grey arc'teryx top and a mayflower rig

Awesome, Tyler! Can't wait to walk around fondling it for obnoxiously long times!

Hughes January 19th, 2015 22:49

No worries at all. Not that I don't like the rifle you are posting, but between you and ZTR I don't see many paintjobs I like.

Did you have a team mate with you in a similar gear scheme with black helmets? If so, the two of you were pulling off some fantastic shots!

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