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ShadowTwoSix November 27th, 2014 19:11

Pocket Ace,

I have to ask was that inspired by the Spike's Tactical Compressor?!?!? Cuz it's simply fabulous! I've been wanting to do a compressor inspired build for ages now so I fell out of my chair when I saw that. I absolutely love what you've done! What a great CQB build!

Wilkie November 27th, 2014 20:31

I have a quick question for a potential buyer:

Are there rail segments available for the old style geissele mk4 rail? I'm obviously finding a lot of keymod rails, but I'm looking for the rectangular old style system

ShadowTwoSix November 27th, 2014 23:49

Like these?

Wilkie November 28th, 2014 00:39

No sorry not the G style ones. I found my answere, thanks anyway though!

Pocket Ace November 28th, 2014 07:01


Originally Posted by ShadowTwoSix (Post 1922193)
Pocket Ace,

I have to ask was that inspired by the Spike's Tactical Compressor?!?!? Cuz it's simply fabulous! I've been wanting to do a compressor inspired build for ages now so I fell out of my chair when I saw that. I absolutely love what you've done! What a great CQB build!

Yes sir, when the ST Compressor made the cover of AR15 magazine last year I fell in love with the gun and wanted one. So I've been working on it ever since. Next is a full exact matching trades receiver set. Pretty much all that's left to complete the gun for a spot on look ( currently Magpul lower / MUR upper )

Thanks for the compliments, definitley makes the build worth while when others can spot the basis of the build!

ShadowTwoSix November 28th, 2014 13:55


Pretty much all that's left to complete the gun for a spot on look ( currently Magpul lower / MUR upper"

Thanks for the compliments, definitley makes the build worth while when others can spot the basis of the build!
Now you're talking! I've been trying to brainstorm ideas for how to come close the the real receiver which is very unique. Funny thought that the Magpul/Vltor receiver set was my first thought too!

Other possibilties are these:

This is similar to your Magpul/Vltor body but has a dedicated ambi mag release built right in. Not exactly like the Compressor but definitely in the same spirit!

Then I saw these. The body has a more traditional ambi mag release but it also has an ambi bolt release just like the ST and its forward assist housing is very angular like the ST. Probably the closest AEG upper I've found!

Then I came across this! GAME CHANGER! (that is if you're into PTWs)

Alas, it will be a ways off before I can pursue the Compressor build! Money &Time.

nstahl.19 November 28th, 2014 14:49

I really like the bronze colored r5 receiver that you posted. I've wanted to do an all black cqb build with that bronze receiver but I don't see a way of a getting it with out the rest of the gun.

ShadowTwoSix November 28th, 2014 15:12


Originally Posted by nstahl.19 (Post 1922301)
I really like the bronze colored r5 receiver that you posted. I've wanted to do an all black cqb build with that bronze receiver but I don't see a way of a getting it with out the rest of the gun.

Yeah at this stage you'd likely have to buy the entire gun and upgrade it from there.

Pocket Ace November 28th, 2014 22:16

Mots receiver is already on order :)

More parts came in today, more to come.

ShadowTwoSix November 29th, 2014 14:56


Mots receiver is already on order

More parts came in today, more to come.

Bakasaur November 30th, 2014 00:20


Originally Posted by nstahl.19 (Post 1921499)
Is it your build? I was just curious about the watermarks?

Photo shoot was done through one of my employees, and I sourced about 60% of the externals of the parts for Pocket's build. It was a bitch that took a lot of time to find everything. I also built the internals. Pocket Ace and I agreed to Watermark any public photos in case another KTech incident happens.

I also have a source in the States who's been getting me the MOTS receivers. Should have a new batch of them soon.

Anywho, here's one of my most recent builds.

JohnnyDouche December 1st, 2014 20:04

Here is my noob addition to this thread. :D

G&P MOE 14.5" M4 slightly modified. Yeah i know the flash hider is upside down on the picture... i need suggestions for 14mm CW muzzle brakes...

Paintjob was a test, turned out decent for winter indoor games i think.

Let me know what you guys think.

Wilkie December 1st, 2014 23:44

Looks great! I love Troy handguards, and I like your paint job. Leaving the lower reciever clean looks sharp

forcerecon85 December 3rd, 2014 15:30

Gentlemen, I'm new to the M4 world, but I'm looking at a King Arms M4 Ultra Grade. I'd like to add a rail to it, but I have no idea what would be compatible. I'm also toying with the idea of picking up an M203. You men know what you're talking about, can anyone help an M4 Cherry out? Thank you.

Zack The Ripper December 3rd, 2014 16:45

King Arms makes good M4's. Not fantastic, but good and fairly reliable.

However, VFC makes the best, hands down. Out of the box you would need little more than a spring change to get it within field limits, and if you want to take it one step further, a quick shim job and regreasing of the gear box while swapping that spring out. Other than that, it works perfectly internally for a factory stock gun. The externals are much better on VFC than pretty much every other brand of AEG. The only one that comes close is G&P, but VFC has more stuff closer to real steel spec than G&P does, and VFC is compatible with much more externally speaking.

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