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Goodl2ussian January 4th, 2008 20:36

im a two tone whore...

simple but i like it =)

Styrak January 4th, 2008 21:56


Originally Posted by Nervikaire (Post 607883)


artikmonkey January 4th, 2008 23:16

very good job! the vsr paint job looks great!

attack-beaver January 4th, 2008 23:44

holy shit i thought this died, hopefully this keeps going.

Kokanee January 4th, 2008 23:54

Some previous paintjobs;

Nothing special.. I'm tempted to do a nice paintjob ala Blackthorne on my PTW when the weather warms up. Thanks for the walkthrough on your technique BT.

Kokanee January 6th, 2008 18:11

I caved and embarked on a paintjob for my PTW. However, I decided that this ended up "too busy" etc, and I'm starting over again tomorrow. But for reference, pics;

I'll most likely prime it black, then the main coat will be SAC Bomber Tan and some green.

Ronan January 6th, 2008 18:26

How can you paint a PTW... my god some of you guys have f*cking balls O_O

Brakoo January 6th, 2008 18:28


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 609081)
How can you paint a PTW... my god some of you guys have f*cking balls O_O

My M4 setup with all the accessories and upgrades/mods done to it has costed me over 2k and I did paint it. Black gets boring quickly ! ;)

Bob the Angry Potato January 6th, 2008 18:44

Oh wow, that PTW is quite well-done. Can't say I like the camo scheme too much, but it's quite well done, and that's what counts.

Anyways, I'm not sure if this counts (only the grips are painted), but here's my latest acquisition-

WA M84 Cheetah, with deep blue grips- with sparkles embedded in them.
Seriously- turn the weapon at an angle and the grips GLISTEN. This picture doesn't show it very well, but it's no joke.
Fuck yeah.

Shrapnel[Op-For] January 6th, 2008 19:33

hey Goodl2ussian, just curious, what is the strip of cloth wrapped around the stock of your gun for?

attack-beaver January 6th, 2008 19:41


Originally Posted by NDAS (Post 609143)
hey Goodl2ussian, just curious, what is the strip of cloth wrapped around the stock of your gun for?

i think he used para-cord

ChiefInTrees January 6th, 2008 23:58

beautiful MRE Goodl2ussian

Shrapnel[Op-For] January 7th, 2008 03:34


Originally Posted by attack-beaver (Post 609147)
i think he used para-cord

Any idea on what purpose it serves being there though? Just curious because I like the look, but not if it doesn't really do anything because I have crane stock also.

Lerch January 7th, 2008 04:03


Originally Posted by NDAS (Post 609534)
Any idea on what purpose it serves being there though? Just curious because I like the look, but not if it doesn't really do anything because I have crane stock also.

I used cord to attach a sling with a bowline...couldn't say for sure if he did the same though.

Kokanee January 8th, 2008 20:15

Redid the last paintjob, more conservative and much better (I think);

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