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Gish February 7th, 2014 00:50


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1865633)
I already have 3 names connected to old ownership and contact #'s linked to 2 of them, still digging to help anyone who does not get a refund/product in the event they start up RCMP/Police fraud complaints.

Wow you really have it in for them.

BloodSport February 7th, 2014 00:59


Originally Posted by Gish (Post 1865772)
Wow you really have it in for them.

I have it in for anyone who disappears and stops communicating with their customer after they take their money, and keeps feeding them poor excuses as to why they are receiving their product or refunds. Then pulls the shut down, sell off the company to new owners, and disappear route.

Kos-Mos February 7th, 2014 11:16

Big Sky Group is a venture capital company.

They specialize in buying bankrupt retail stores, get them back up and close them as soon as they made enough to cover what they invested + profit.

I can't find much about what their policy is for previous customers and refunds/incomplete orders.

Bozzytactiks February 7th, 2014 11:28

Yep It was a going out of business sale. They wanted to increase their cashflow before incorporating themselves. They probably underestimated the fiscal charges and are now experiencing some cashflow difficulties. When you see a slow paced transfer like that and customer service is literally turned off, its because they can't afford anything "fancy". They have to pay government first, lawyers, license. Eventually customers will be served but not until the bank gives them a first deposit. I'm pretty sure they will come back in a better form and more professionnal than ever.

Brian McIlmoyle February 7th, 2014 11:28


Originally Posted by Kos-Mos (Post 1865854)
Big Sky Group is a venture capital company.

They specialize in buying bankrupt retail stores, get them back up and close them as soon as they made enough to cover what they invested + profit.

I can't find much about what their policy is for previous customers and refunds/incomplete orders.

That is a "vulture" Capital Company. Acquire the carcass for a song, Sell the parts and move on.

j_march February 7th, 2014 14:07

Holy, revolution was a company owned in sask. craziness. So was there ever warehouses all over Canada??

lurkingknight February 7th, 2014 15:22

yeah that's likely, mine also came out of mississauga just before christmas

beta678 February 7th, 2014 15:37

Still have the packaging for my order. Came out of a distribution warehouse in Mississauga, ON as well.

Quick google of the address and this popped up.

Integrated Fulfillment Management Services Inc.
#12 3715 Laird Rd
Mississauga, ON

Seems like this "management service" has got a warehouse over here in on the west coast as well in Delta. Confirms network of warehouse space.

Darklen February 8th, 2014 19:22

They're just a third party warehouse service. Costco uses them to warehouse and ship some of their stuff. Bought my store video monitoring system from Costco and it came from there.

disasterarea March 3rd, 2014 00:40

Still no sign of a new website, or any activity on Facebook. $5 says they're gone and anybody with outstanding orders is outta luck. Glad I didn't order anything from that last sale, I never had any problems with them (besides one odd routing that may have been Canadapost's fault), but they always struck me as something of a fly-by-night operation.

j_march March 3rd, 2014 01:01

i could tell that the last sale was to good to be true and that they had to be going out of business. Glad the 12 guns i ordered from their last sale all came.

Ricochet March 3rd, 2014 08:34

From what I've heard, all their outstanding orders were dealt with for awhile now. As soon as the sale of the business was concluded they got everyone their stuff, in a few cases a full refund. There is one that may still be outstanding, but it sounds like a Canada Post issue that they were looking into.

KenTsui March 4th, 2014 19:06

It looks like they are part of the "Big Sky" group now? And they are planning for a re-launch.

BloodSport March 4th, 2014 19:16


Originally Posted by KenTsui (Post 1873485)
It looks like they are part of the "Big Sky" group now? And they are planning for a re-launch.

You did not read before you posted did you. Just a few posts above yours this has already been discussed

XxMAGGOTxX April 16th, 2014 20:28

Hmmm, this kinda sucks. I was hoping to eventually buy a blowback JG AK74m from them. When I first saw their prices, my jaw dropped because back then there was really only overpriced guns and whatnot.

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