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m102404 February 17th, 2009 09:16

HAHAHA...Lanny, you're going to wear that frame out....not by shooting it but by messing with it continually...

ILLusion February 17th, 2009 10:44

And then he'll have to come to me to buy a new one... pwuahahaha

Shirley February 17th, 2009 12:29

I raped her up good. :D

safx February 18th, 2009 11:38

ohhhh boy... that's a hack job.

Rather than a random scuff job,
why don't you try adding a texture
pattern like on STI/SV grips that
have been burned with worm

You could use your dremmel to
make stipple dents...

Or simply sand and repaint the
frame and pretend this botchery
never happened :)

Styrak February 18th, 2009 12:26


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 920940)
Well the dremel went out of control and did some weird things, and I used this pink stone thingy. LOLLLLLLLL
It's okay, it's 1 of a kind.

Eeeeeek that looks bad.

ichimaru gin March 6th, 2009 03:23

Here is my wife's gun, It was mine but she fell in love with it so I have to build another one. (Inspired by Illusion's hi-capa)

Ronan March 6th, 2009 04:46

Glad to see Mr.Hitman is still at it with his unique guns;)

Shirley March 6th, 2009 07:33


Originally Posted by Ronan (Post 933927)
Glad to see Mr.Hitman is still at it with his unique guns;)

But they perform excellent. ;)

Daiviet March 6th, 2009 07:59


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 933941)
But they perform excellent. ;)

your mags certainly don't

ILLusion March 6th, 2009 08:36


Originally Posted by Daiviet (Post 933947)
your mags certainly don't

oooooooo SNAP!

Shirley March 6th, 2009 12:27


Originally Posted by Daiviet (Post 933947)
your mags certainly don't

It's mainly the gun that performs good, but one of my mags are fags. LOL

But I fixed the problem ever since I got the dremel.

Watch for the next match and steel challenge. :D

I beat most the people on my hitlist.. MadMax is next, he's fast. :(

I dished hout hundreds just to bring down these people in CAPS. LOL

But hey, this is just talks, we'll see when we shoot. :D Muahahhaha! (Devil Emoticon Insert Here)

Shirley March 6th, 2009 12:28


Originally Posted by ILLusion (Post 933954)
oooooooo SNAP!

.... And you call me lil jon.. Pfff

Daiviet March 6th, 2009 13:23


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 934075)
It's mainly the gun that performs good, but one of my mags are fags. LOL

But I fixed the problem ever since I got the dremel.

Watch for the next match and steel challenge. :D

I beat most the people on my hitlist.. MadMax is next, he's fast. :(

I dished hout hundreds just to bring down these people in CAPS. LOL

But hey, this is just talks, we'll see when we shoot. :D Muahahhaha! (Devil Emoticon Insert Here)


Steel challenge is a bit overrated, especially since we shouldn't be doing it every time (in my opinion). Sure it focuses on speed and accuracy, but there isn't any other technique involved with it like different shooting stances, target placement etc.

It's said that a course of fire should only be done once so that the shooter can't study the course itself. We've done steel challenge so many times, even though we change the positioning of the targets, its still the same thing.

You can have your steel challenge hitman, but so far i've still placed higher than you in each scored match, so I guess i should be on your hitlist too.

I'm gonna end this here, since this thread should be about Photo's, not performance.


Originally Posted by ichimaru gin (Post 933913)
Here is my wife's gun, It was mine but she fell in love with it so I have to build another one. (Inspired by Illusion's hi-capa)

Thats a mighty fine pistol man, was this the one you were having problems with before? and what are your plans for the next one?

RacingManiac March 6th, 2009 13:28

wow the trash talk....heh...

That Infinity looks interesting, is the whole top side of the slide milled down?

edit: nevermind, I think its the

cbcsteve March 6th, 2009 15:51

Gold Member
I couldn't stop thinking about modding my next Hicapa for CAPS but I am sad that this one is hard to find, says on the Freedom Art site only 50 were made, garggh its all gone everywhere.... its definitely different than most designs. Unless someone knows a good metallic gold paint I can use :P

Dirty Harry
This one is always goddamn sold out too. I really like the front end its not too boxy, yum yum

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