Airsoft Canada

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Erennert October 27th, 2008 21:27

I haven't got my verification yet :/

pusangani October 27th, 2008 21:28

so get 'er done then :D the world of airsoft is but a "age verified" tag away!

Kookamater October 27th, 2008 21:32

Also, you'll probably be spending about 600+, regardless of the gun you buy.

Erennert October 27th, 2008 22:32

Why do you think so? Because of add-ons and BB's and such?

Kookamater October 27th, 2008 22:36

Check the FAQ's. It's the simple fact that Airsoft is in a fragile state in Canada, and as such the costs of importing such weapons is of high risk. Throw in all the licenses and BS you need to go through to legally import these guns, and you got yourself some nice n' high prices.

Erennert October 27th, 2008 22:44

What if i said it wouldn't all be legal..... :P with no licenses

Kookamater October 27th, 2008 22:53

Then you can expect no sympathy or respect from anyone here.

Erennert October 27th, 2008 22:58

What about throught the sellers in Canada and stuff.....? I mean't like not goign over a border

Kookamater October 27th, 2008 23:01

There's no sellers until you get truly Age Verified here. Once you're AV'd, it's totally smooth sailing to local Canadian lads all across the country selling just about anything. End of discussion. :D

Retro October 27th, 2008 23:06

You live in langley its literaly a 15 min drive to get age verified on a game day... all they do is take your name / ASC handle look at your license for age and your done really.

Erennert October 28th, 2008 00:59

well, i'll do that as soon as possible :D
thanks for all the advice everyone, this thread has really halped me, although i have been wondering, is a TM Ak of some kind a good gun outs the box?
or do i need like a tightbore barrel, and maybe a spring and internal upgrades to get it up to some really descent quality?

Amos October 28th, 2008 01:07

I'd avoid TM AK's...

With the way AK's are right now with the Afermath Kraken on the market.. You need to get a full metal one... If you don't.. well you may as well have bought a kraken!

Erennert October 28th, 2008 21:10

rofl ok, which is better TM MP5 A5 or ICS MP5 A5 OR CA MP5 A5

Kookamater October 28th, 2008 21:13

There is no 'better' though some people here might disagree. Each brand of that MP5 has its benefits. Ex: CA is nice and hefty. All metal. ICS 'might' be the same.

I'd go with a TM in terms of a first gun. Internal quality can't be beat. (Again, some might disagree) But my TM AK-47 has never needed to be taken apart due to something breaking, nor has it needed any parts, and I've put a solid 25'000 rounds through it.

Erennert October 29th, 2008 01:03

so you recomend the TM-AK-47, is that the name, or any other specific names?

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