Airsoft Canada

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m102404 January 7th, 2009 16:07

FTW! (yes...I ripped off the pic from Redwolf's site instead of posting my own original... ;))

ILLusion January 9th, 2009 04:36

w00t! Go Airsoft Innovations!

zone 69 January 9th, 2009 05:47

Im not only finding china based retailer's having quality product's at very affordable price's but there customer service is just as good if not better then retailer's in canada.

Coolheart January 9th, 2009 06:58

Hi to all!!

Before reading all the thread i have to ask to pantac: Have you on mind to release a smoke green line? You have all the paraclete line in repro.

In other terms, i give you some ideas for your bussines:

1- You can release "Combat Kits" as RLCS, SFLCS, MLCS, FSBE II and selling as it. So you can sell a FSBEII kit with a MBSS vest and related pouches, or with the RRV+Backpanel (your actual backpanel is wrong, i think you know it), or with the CIRAS. Diferent vest, diferent amount of related pouches, diferent pouches and diferente prices. All this, on a deployment bag, and well it could be awesome.

2- Make the modified backpanel for your RAV vest and sell it with the actual kit (the RAV and all his related pouches) There are too many players who wants to make a JTF-2, CAG/Delta Force, AFSOC impression with your "paraclete" stuff, but it´s needed on Smoke Green and with the modified backpanel :D

3- Look for the correct RRV backpanel, i´m sure you sell more of it if it´s the correct one.

That´s all. The only thing i had to add is: your gear rocks!!! i have all my gear on pantac stuff.

If you want to, you can PM me.


Dracheous January 9th, 2009 09:17


Originally Posted by zone 69 (Post 894510)
Im not only finding china based retailer's having quality product's at very affordable price's but there customer service is just as good if not better then retailer's in canada.

I'd argue that last bit, I've had great success with shops in Canada, while most of the Army Surplus shops really only have whats left of slim pickings for old stuff and offer very little in the way of new-age gear. There are some shops that will still carry loads of it. Oneshottactical has been great for authentic gear for me, though I will say they do fall victim to the same thing others have that turns me off from buying gucci or expensive kit and thats the long ass waiting time when you order something out of stock or they don't often carry much of. RNicholls upsets me the most with such waiting times, as they forecast MINIMUM 2 month wait times when ordering gear, unless its on their shelf or in their warehouse ((which I'm starting to think is VERY VERY Small, since it seems to never have anything)) you're better off cutting loose the want for said item or go back to trolling Ebay and the interweb stores for it.


Originally Posted by Coolheart
1- You can release "Combat Kits" as RLCS, SFLCS, MLCS, FSBE II and selling as it. So you can sell a FSBEII kit with a MBSS vest and related pouches, or with the RRV+Backpanel (your actual backpanel is wrong, i think you know it), or with the CIRAS. Diferent vest, diferent amount of related pouches, diferent pouches and diferente prices. All this, on a deployment bag, and well it could be awesome.

I'd love to see full kits that come in a deployment bag that is not only big enough to store just the gear but also with said pouches loaded so that literally one could simply load everything the night before ((mags and such)) toss the bag in their truck and off to the races. I'd also like to see such designed bags sold separately as well, since some us already put together all the bits and pieces.

Now I wouldn't suggest copying thread for thread, but I will say that Blackhawk has one design I do like, and thats this Medium A.L.E.R.T. Bag they have:,241,133.htm

I'd like to see possibly a large version of this myself, as I would very much like the idea of being able to slip an M4 or carbine, possible even my 249 Para in a sleeve into the bag as well as all my gear with room for a bit extra. I really like how it unzips own to two halves, as this creates such an ease of use for one to open their kit and be able to get to things with ease. A single large case that one has to dig through to find things often can lead to loss/missplace/ or just get frustration that you can't find it to assume its not there when it was one pair of socks away. I'd ALSO love to see it in a couple different colours, Coyote Brown for one :D.

Coolheart January 10th, 2009 09:32

Hey! another couple of things

1- M4 Shingle in RG, CB and Khaki
2- AWS CQB vest
3- CIRAS LAND in RG and Short, Medium and Large size

I´m agree with sell the vest without pouches. By this way someone could buy the complete vest (with pouches) or only the vest.


Chingyul January 10th, 2009 12:11

Any local Pantac dealers?
1337Tactical still lists their product as Phantom.

ILLusion January 10th, 2009 15:16


Originally Posted by Coolheart (Post 895083)
I´m agree with sell the vest without pouches. By this way someone could buy the complete vest (with pouches) or only the vest.

They already do this. It just depends on the distributor and how they decide to package the product.

Pantac Gear January 11th, 2009 20:46

thanks for your advise. And, thank you for supporting Pantac products.

We have tried to provided our distributors or dealers with kits you suggusted. But we were turned down. We are told that no one wants kits.

I don't know. May be we should lauch those kits on our website.

What is wrong with our RAV back panel? Would you please be so kind to PM me and send me some pictures?

RRV panel, I assume you are talking about the Eagle style one, right?

Looking forward to your reply.


Originally Posted by Coolheart (Post 894513)
Hi to all!!

Before reading all the thread i have to ask to pantac: Have you on mind to release a smoke green line? You have all the paraclete line in repro.

In other terms, i give you some ideas for your bussines:

1- You can release "Combat Kits" as RLCS, SFLCS, MLCS, FSBE II and selling as it. So you can sell a FSBEII kit with a MBSS vest and related pouches, or with the RRV+Backpanel (your actual backpanel is wrong, i think you know it), or with the CIRAS. Diferent vest, diferent amount of related pouches, diferent pouches and diferente prices. All this, on a deployment bag, and well it could be awesome.

2- Make the modified backpanel for your RAV vest and sell it with the actual kit (the RAV and all his related pouches) There are too many players who wants to make a JTF-2, CAG/Delta Force, AFSOC impression with your "paraclete" stuff, but it´s needed on Smoke Green and with the modified backpanel :D

3- Look for the correct RRV backpanel, i´m sure you sell more of it if it´s the correct one.

That´s all. The only thing i had to add is: your gear rocks!!! i have all my gear on pantac stuff.

If you want to, you can PM me.


-Per- January 12th, 2009 02:58

I think he talk about this ''modified back panel''...

And here's another suggestion...Make the RLCS cummerbund for the RRV...

ILLusion January 12th, 2009 10:04

I see the official announcement news for Pantac Ranger Green products. I did not realize that was a new colour. In any case, I already have a RAV in Ranger Green on the way for an in depth product review and photo spot.

You'll see the review article either in the Gear & Clothing section or in the reviews section. I'm excited to see how it is, as I have not handled one of Pantac's vests yet.

Coolheart January 12th, 2009 14:10


Originally Posted by Pantac Gear (Post 896108)
We have tried to provided our distributors or dealers with kits you suggusted. But we were turned down. We are told that no one wants kits.

I don't know. May be we should launch those kits on our website.

Well, maybe you have to put a poll on airsoft news, airsoft canada, arnies airsoft... and ask to the people if they want it, and then you can offer the kit to your dealers with the poll´s results.


Originally Posted by Pantac Gear (Post 896108)
What is wrong with our RAV back panel? Would you please be so kind to PM me and send me some pictures?

Your backpanel it´s ok. What i mean is that you can make and sold separately or together with the vest the paraclete RAV vest modified backpanel that is the same that -Per- has linked. This backpanel could be very useful and cool.


Originally Posted by Pantac Gear (Post 896108)
RRV panel, I assume you are talking about the Eagle style one, right?

Yes, i mean the eagle style one because this is the right one :) for the RRV. Most of the your RRV user´s have to buy the original backpanel for it that cost the same as your RRV, use the RRV without the backpanel, or sell the RRV. If you make the right backpanel, all this people could bought and afordable backpanel with high quality build.

Again, thanks for all!!

ILLusion January 12th, 2009 14:52

That back panel does look pretty cool...

ex January 15th, 2009 11:57


Originally Posted by -Per- (Post 896387)
I think he talk about this ''modified back panel''...

And here's another suggestion...Make the RLCS cummerbund for the RRV...

If I'm not mistaken that is the back panel and cumberbund off of the Eagle PC. It's a straight on attachment. So if Pantac offered those pieces separately that would be nice.

sh1ft January 16th, 2009 15:59

First of all, thank you for the great work you do. Love your gear. I have a few ideas/suggestions.

1) More US/Canada distributors. I've been buying from AirsoftSmith for years. They don't always have the best stock on hand though. Ordering from places like RedWolf and ScopeAndLaser is just not cost effective. Maybe expanding to AirsoftGI or AirsoftExtreme. I guarantee your orders would go through the roof.

2) Take a look at both Eagle and DBT's Coyote Brown. Yours is a bit off. Seems to be too dark and have a bit of a green tint. The only thing stopping me from buying a CIRAS Land in CB is that fact.

3) Any chance of seeing the new Army IOTV into production any time soon?

Like I said before though, great work. I've actually used some of your gear on my last deployment. I will continue to by from you guys, just wondering if a few changes could possibly be made. Thanks again.

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