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m102404 April 13th, 2012 09:37

I really like doing the tactical-civi thing (i.e. PMC/CIA/etc..) with a simple chest rig if the game allows it.

Clothes are readily available anywear...gear up/down time is muss/fuss.

slink182 April 13th, 2012 10:56

Absolute minimum gear:
- Gun + mag (hi-cap) or mags (low/mid-caps)
- paintball rated facemask/goggles
- decent boots with ankle support and traction (work boots can do, but they get very heavy as the day wears on)
- regular clothes (so you're not playing nude)

- whatever gear/equipment you think you need to make your life easier in the field

kalnaren April 13th, 2012 18:49


Originally Posted by Fizzmix (Post 1637457)
Well that was a productive statement, wasn't it

You're under the impression that airsoft is simply a bunch of people running around with AEGs shooting BBs at eachother. It's not. It's a lot more than that.

What you described is BB tag.

Having said that, for gear I wear what I need, and no more. BDU's of the day (DPM or cadpat, depending on team), 2 piece MAV with pouches for my mags, canteen, and one or two pouches to carry extras, + face protection and boots. No point in carrying more shit than you need, IMO. Weight is bad for a twig like me.

bizkilter April 13th, 2012 22:14

A lot of good advice here and I'm sure I won't add anything new. When I started out, I bought a belt with a drop-leg holster and another with m4 pouches, boots, gloves and eye pro. That was all I 'needed' to play for the first few games. My load-out slowly turned into a basic PMC-type set and after I bought my first BDU I turned into a total gearwhore. Now, I have a pretty skukum gear set but it is rare that I wear the entire thing at once. Start with what you absolutely need and let your play style decide the rest. Slainte, mang & Happy Hunting!

Cortexburn April 13th, 2012 23:26

Gear or not, whatever floats your boat. JUST PLAY IN A RESPONSIBLE MANNER AND AREA!

Viking April 13th, 2012 23:29

I used to play nude, until guys got me turned onto clothes...

e-luder April 13th, 2012 23:44


HackD April 14th, 2012 00:22


Originally Posted by e-luder (Post 1638019)
[IMG]*snip* horrific picture[/IMG]


Sweet baby Jesus, how am i to play a skirmish tomorrow, when that image will be giving me sleepless nightmares all night tonight??!

JonsM4 April 14th, 2012 00:36
There ya go man.....

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