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Gunk November 23rd, 2011 23:09

Offer a small part up front, and promise another 15 000 when you reach Alderaan.

If you can't afford it, tell him the Alliance will cover it.

c3sk November 24th, 2011 02:50

And never tell him the odds.

Gato November 24th, 2011 12:18


Originally Posted by c3sk (Post 1565295)
And never tell him the odds.

Is night vision hocus pocus? Should I just rely on my blaster?

Kokanee November 25th, 2011 15:53

Chris I saw this article and thought of you;

Sorry if you had other plans for that $4k... ;)

Derpystronk November 25th, 2011 23:59


Originally Posted by Kokanee (Post 1566137)
Chris I saw this article and thought of you;

Sorry if you had other plans for that $4k... ;)

It's a shame I already told him about it months ago ;)

apparition November 26th, 2011 00:27

someone is selling something similar over at CGN. Pretty cool tech, but i couldnt justify having both NV and thermal, at least at the moment haha

Derpystronk November 26th, 2011 01:39


Originally Posted by apparition (Post 1566366)
Pretty cool tech, but i couldnt justify having both NV and thermal, at least at the moment haha

I'm in the same boat. I have held off on grabbing my FLIR for months for two major reasons. The first is that it is primarily a hand held device, but has a very sturdy tripod mount. I asked for assistance and found a method that would be very workable solution for weapon mounting it. While it wouldn't be necessarily be bore sighted, it would primarily be a spotting scope. The second problem then is making sure it is properly protected from BB's. Given the fact it's thermal, putting a piece of clear glass or plastic over it won't work as it will then just read the IR signature of whatever you put in front of it. I'd have to use the same material that the lens is made out of and that is pretty much glass made out of germanium. A simple sacrificial lens at that point cost around 400 dollars, and that is with duct taping it on.

So to spend 2000 dollars(plus duties/taxes and shipping) at the starting price for the Flir Scout PS24, which is the model not with the changeable AA batteries but instead a proprietary Lithium Ion, which will be delegated to primarily a hand held spotting tool, is not really a purchase I can make at this time. I still have way too much night vision related kit to purchase. It's too much of a logistical(in terms of trying to protect it), or financial(EXPENSIVE!!!), to even consider fielding for the near future.

But as night vision slowly becomes more and more prominent in Canadian Airsoft, the advantages offered by NVG's will begin to vanish and head more towards putting you at par with the opposition. When that happens, I'll be more willing to turn the tables back in my favor.

Kingsix November 29th, 2011 05:11

Introducing the Personal Night vision 57E Gen 1+

I bought these more for collecting/curio and playing around with then for airsoft. At a price tag of $250(shipping from Poland is another story) I couldn't complain. Ex-Polish PNV-57E Starlight Night vision goggles, are a evolutionary step up from the Active gen 0 PNV-57. The American equivalent to the PNV-57E would be the AN/PVS-5 night vision goggle.

The PNV-57E is a Gen 1+ Device designed for Helicopter, tank and Boat crew. Weighing in at 2.5Kgs they are lighter then they appear. The goggles draw power from the transformer in the back of the head(12-14V). The Power supply also doubles up as the counterweight.

The goggles are normally powered by the electrical system of a tank or helicopter but have been adapted to run off a 9v battery. Included in the carry case is a adapter to run off a vehicle 12v cigarette lighter. The unit came with defect free tubes and a clean image with minimal fish eye. Automatic brightness controls allow accidental exposure bright lights from damaging the tubes. Lacking any form of macro focus, Internal IR source the PNV-57E is useless for low light level CQB.

In the Near future I will be possibly acquiring the next generation to the PNV night-vision family the PNV-10T expect a review.
And maybe one day some gen 3

As a reward to anyone with enough patience to read through my long spiel about old soviet night-vision. sells German made Starlight scopes at good prices. Although not as effective as gen 3 night-vision, they will blow any gen 1 rifle scope out of the water. Using a cascade system of 3x gen 1 tubes connected by fiber optics. These scopes will give gen 2 performance at the cost of slight distortion. Being Military grade scopes they come with Automatic brightness control standard. Don't waste money on Cheaper gen 1 devices not designed for military roles. :D

Gato November 29th, 2011 14:52


Originally Posted by Kingsix (Post 1567825)
All that stuff about soviet NV

Now we just need to get you in a T-55 for your next game

Conker December 5th, 2011 20:40

My google-fu miserably failed, so I'd appreciate if anyone could point me to the correct place for PVS-15 rubber eyecups and rubber lens covers.

Thanks! :)

EDIT: Screw the eyecups, they suck anyway. So lens covers only :)

c3sk December 5th, 2011 20:49


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1571041)
My google-fu miserably failed, so I'd appreciate if anyone could point me to the correct place for PVS-15 rubber eyecups and rubber lens covers.

Thanks! :)

EDIT: Screw the eyecups, they suck anyway. So lens covers only :)

I found that I can only get them replaced directly from L3... so you might be SOL here.

You can try using 2 scope bikini covers maybe...

Kingsix December 9th, 2011 01:06

Very Metro 2033, now I just need to add a hand crank generator.

z0ng December 12th, 2011 23:39

Felt a bit creative and got inspired by the Nightstalker 2 thread...

c3sk December 13th, 2011 00:06

Mount a peq-15 on it!

Derpystronk December 25th, 2011 18:40

Oh, thank you Santa!!!

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