Airsoft Canada

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Gunk July 1st, 2010 03:04

This week I am forgoing groceries in favour of some new gear for a new summer kit.

KD don't taste very good, but it's cheap.

Schlyder July 1st, 2010 03:11

What a bunch of sick fucks............................................. ......................

Looks like I'm in the right place..... afflicted with Sig Fever, Gear whoring symptoms of flectarnism and other camo hoarding tendencies. And multiple CIRAS vestibules.

Shirley July 1st, 2010 03:12

There's just something about this forum I can't get off my homepage.. It's always on. I wonder how many hours I've spent on this forum. Crazy.

Who doesn't hold their airsoft guns while on the computer.. LOL

Twin#1[Op-for] July 1st, 2010 03:18

Hello, my name is Riley, and I have an addiction. I look at the forums every day for at least 2-3 hours. Although I'm no gun or gear whore yet, I spend many many hours a day thinking about what I'll spend my next chunk of money on.

I need help.

ratnest July 1st, 2010 03:50

hi, i think i might be addicted, i have close to 6000 dollars in stuff.. and yet i have only been to one game(work schedule issue.)

damn if only i knew what i was getting into when i bought that jg for 300

teriases July 1st, 2010 11:33

Airsoft Addiction Anonymous

Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman
There's just something about this forum I can't get off my homepage.. It's always on. I wonder how many hours I've spent on this forum. Crazy.

Who doesn't hold their airsoft guns while on the computer.. LOL

*quietly hides his SCAR under the computer desk*

How about making video calls to ur friends on MSN pretending to be some fanatic holding ur rifle and trying to speak Arabic with ur face covered, and pointing to the sky with ur other hand... -_-; hehehe...

Oh God help me! It's Canada day and I feel like going on a spending spree!!!! Damn online stores! Never closes even on national holidays! >

GMoney July 4th, 2010 18:32

GMoney is very addicted to the sport of Airsofting. Although I have had to chill out on the airsoft spending for awhile due to the fact I'm now buying a car, but I do have to admit that, I do like to grab one of two of my guns depending on what kind of mood i'm in, I like to set up a few targets in my basement and pop off a few rounds.
My new current favorite gun is the M-249 SAW I bought off of Ebay, and although it is only just a springer gun, it is still absolutely beautiful, I have and always will be addicted to the SAW and when I saw it on Ebay, YOINK!

She is an absolute beauty and I love holding her...

Here she is...

ramdipam January 5th, 2013 04:04

Well, it's fun to see i'm not the only one here. I'm always on that forum, looking at new post and constantly being in the classified. Just got my 2 guns i ordered one week ago and .. i can't even live a minute without holding them in my hand or looking at them, putting some accessories on them and trying to find what is the best on them.

God, i don't even have my loadout .. what will it be when ill have it !??

I just got my guns and i already want to order another, and another, and another, and .... You know what comes next. I just can't wait for summer to play on field and take my guns with me and play with them. I JUST CAN'TTTTTT WAIT !!

I just lost my job and im upset .. not because i lost it. Because i can't buy more airsoft stuff lol ! But when i'll find another, i'll be spending maybe too much money on this sport ! But it's worth it !

Airsoft addiction is not a problem in my opinion .. naaahhhh. It's a PASSION for all of us. And i guess this is why we are posting on this thread, sharing all this.

RaisinBran January 5th, 2013 04:44

I indulged in the various airsoft boutiques in Taiwan. I found a kwc g17 Springer that I had to have. It started with one, now I have 1911, g17, p99 m9, p226 all sprinters and hanging in my room in Taiwan. Why I am addicted to these sprinters confuses me. Ssomeone, save me.

Barf January 5th, 2013 06:40

Hi, my name is Barf, and I'm a airsoftaholic.
I vacation annually in the Shangri-la of airsoft and tour all the stores, then I go to the local izakaya and cry in my beer, because we don't have such beauty back home. Even worse, this year I have to decide.........wife or trip to Japan?

Porkchop January 5th, 2013 11:54

Take the wife ON a trip to Japan, double your duty free allowance and bring back more stuff.
Problem solved.

I don't have an airsoft problem. I just attract the guns naturally.

GBBR January 5th, 2013 12:44

I need help I cant stop buying. Im on asc until 3 am and I wake up at 6am to go back on asc. Im addicted to chairsofting and airsofting. :(

Barf January 6th, 2013 05:42


Originally Posted by Porkchop (Post 1742984)
Take the wife ON a trip to Japan, double your duty free allowance and bring back more stuff.
Problem solved.

Already did that. Didn't solve my airsoft problem, but I came back with a crapload of alcohol.

Derpystronk January 6th, 2013 08:50

Hi everyone. My name is Delta and I suffer from Chronic Airsoft Social/Purchasing Disorder. I'm addicted to Airsoft so much that just to participate in a topic on ASC's front page I sold my username for charity. I'm now stuck wearing over sized women's underwear just so I can match with my ASC account. I do not download Tapatalk because I want to truly feel the real Airsoft Canada.

While I haven't bought a gun in ages I've been buying accessories. Lights, ir lasers, excessive night vision. It's bad. I caught myself looking at buying a gun, so I could buy a scope, so I could buy a laser, so I could put a night vision unit I don't yet own on it, and then water transfer it all ATACS. I haven't slept in weeks. I can only see the colour green now.

MILSIM OpSec is more important to maintain than my Sex Life OpSec.

Confessor January 12th, 2013 16:08

Wow, seems there are abunch of us. Yesterday I was trying to find a movie on demand (free ondemand of course, $9.95 is too expensive, also its 2500 BB's) to see various loadouts and builds for future games (although I havent attended a game yet)

My wife keeps telling me "Are you still looking at guns?"

Next investment is full out A-tacs FG (pants, coat and boonie) while waiting to be AV'ed so I get see where to find the cheapest TM.

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