![]() |
good kit, najohn
My go-to rig: Pantac MBSS. Full description here:http://overhoppers.wordpress.com/ |
My secondary is an IDF Medic vest made by Marom Dolphin
http://www.marom-dolphin.com/images/...l_vests/21.jpg |
My go-to rig: Pantac MBSS.
Full description here:http://overhoppers.wordpress.com/[/QUOTE] Really really like that rig... nice and simple. I keep wanting to love the MBSS, but it just feels weird around the shoulders, like it needs another strap under your arms... |
You're right about the MBSS; without a real cummerbund it leaves almost all the weight on your shoulders via the two relatively thin shoulder straps, unlike other plate carriers that distribute some of the weight more evenly via the cummerbund. But the benefits are that it's much lighter (I found I never really needed the molle space under my arms) and that you can actually use the molle on your back for more than just hydration! All you need to do is undo the two side clips, swing the entire rig around so it's backwards, and presto - you can access the stuff on your back. I personally keep my extra BBs + BB loader + bottles of water/gatorade in my MAP pack. This means I don't need a dedicated GP pouch for that stuff. :) |
LBT-2586A Chest Rig
Black, Painted... - Eagle Industries Single Mag Pouch MJK x2 - HSGI Double Pistol Mag Pouch Multicam x2 - HSGI MMRU Multicam - LBT MBITR Pouch Painted (Used as an IFAK) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...t/IMG_0351.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v1...t/IMG_0353.jpg |
Looks fast panzer grenadier only thing I would change is putting the rifle mag pouches side by side.
I have it setup like that for prone/left handed shooting as well as weight distribution. Plus that way my pistol mags aren't all on my right side. |
Makes sense...also looks cooler that way too lol
Heh yeah for sure!
Only thing I need to change is the IFAK... Not sure if I want to go with a fanny pack for it or get one of the CTOMS Slimlines.. |
I was at CTOMS and saw them demo their slimline to me late fall last year. It all looked great until Chris??? or I can't recall who told me you absolutely must pull the release buckle in a very specific way or the buckle will break, as that was a proprietary designed part and not a fastex or common buckle I said no thanks to that.
BTW Panzergrenadier thanks for the HSGI Bleeder, it's not a bad piece of kit. just a wee bit small for what I needed. |
Good to know...
Maybe I'll just go with an Eagle Ind. Waist Pack... Shit I totally thought it would fit that insert... |
I'm running a ATS Medical insert in a Tactical Tailor Triple USGI M4 mag pouch on one rig, it's a basic blow bleeder bag, Gauze, OALES, Gloves. Got to mark the Pouch though
I have a BFG Trauma NOW, on my other chest rig, it's great, but a little large, and I dont like their MOLLE Patent work around IE velcro to secure the straps Ideally I want a something that can tear away from my body and be handed to someone and can ideally fit the contents of my trauma now. just something a touch smaller like the slimline sans that stupid buckle. Eek and i forgot about the price on the slimline. :( |
Apparently the SO-Tech Viper Flat IFAK is awesome... But pricey.. 85$ USD
I don't run a PC or anything with MOLLE on the backside anymore but that system looks great, ambi removal, centre line on the body. The drawback is having to still find somewhere on the front of your body to mount the TQ for self aid.
But not at that price. Rumour has it that piece of kit may become the new issues IFAK pouch so hopefully we can get some cheap surplus units later. |
Just a quick pouch question. Can you stack HSGI TACO pouches? or do you have you buy TACO X2Rs?
all you have to do is pull the beads in a straight out ward motion. i have it mounted at the 5 o'clock postion on my PC and its super easy to get to. |
They stick out as much as a triple when you stack 2 though... |
Not sure if that link will work. I stacked them and took a pic side by side with a double pouch. The other thing I found was that when you put the rig on everything sits kind of weird (unless you're not as round as I am maybe). Really didn't like it and ended up with a single taco and then regular double pouches beside it. |
1 Attachment(s)
Heres my rrv, sorry for the pic quality.
-Flyye RRV -Flyye RRV/MBSS Back panel -Flyye SAF Admin Panel -Condor Open Top Mag pouch x 2 -Flyye Triple Mag Shingle -Condor Radio Pouch (just until my prc152 pouch shows up) -Flyye Single .45 Mag pouch x 2 -Condor Frag Grenade pouch x 2 -Condor Horizontal Pouch -Flyye Hydration carrier -Devgru Throat mic w/ Motorola pin -Sog Seal Pup Elite -Numerous grimlocs and web dominators Planning on picking up a horizontal pouch for the back panel. |
Thanks, m102404. It's been a while seen I saw that post. So, another question: If you have 1 mag in a TACO X2R, is it still secure in the pouch?
I went back to just a single taco...for me it stuck out too much and if the mag was on the outer pouch there would be a good bit of play. Note, they were either gas mags or systema mags...so heavier than AEGs mags.
They hold pretty tight. Ive only dropped a TM hicapa mag from one once (pistol taco pouch on a taco pouch)...but those mags are quite long and there's a good bit sticking out. Glock mags sit much less exposed. |
Um... what? Sorry, I was asking about the new TACOs that hold two rifle mags.
X2R TACO: http://www.highspeedgearinc.com/prod...d=HSG-X2R-TACO |
Juste receive my package; I've search and wait over 8 months to finally find one: FSBEII CIRAS LAND Greentag
I've built my CIRAS on my own personnal feeling, but I will switch the MBITR for the IFAk place's. Sorry for the crappy pics, better shot will be taking sunday http://imageshack.us/a/img690/3889/3...9078401775.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img708/4821/3...9078406775.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img33/7482/34...9078411775.jpg - FSBEII CIRAS LAND Greentag (Medium) - FSBEII MBITR - FSBE IFAK - Benchmade Nimravus with MOLLE pouch - FSBEII Smoke pouch - FSBEII M4 pouch - FSBEII Triple shingle - FSBEII Flashbang pouch - FSBE Double M4 pouch - FSBEII Grenade pouch - United Star Deluxe PRC 148 with blade anthenna I also have my EI RRV with FSBEII pouches http://imageshack.us/a/img838/4386/photowuq.jpg - EI RRV - Tactical Tailor Medical pouch (used in Asthan) - No name MBITR brand (was suppose to be an LBT, but it's clearly not) - Benchmade Nimravus with MOLLE pouch - FSBEII Canteen pouch - FSBEII Triple shingle - FSBEII Flashbang pouch - FSBEII M4 pouch I also have a brand new FSBEII MBSS, year 2010, but I've a problem wih my pic. |
an update on my DPC
http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...a/IMG_0657.jpg Eagle Industries DPC
new light weight fast assult/recon rig
http://i532.photobucket.com/albums/e...k/DSC08430.jpg |
Dang that rig is loaded!
Empty molle syndrome.
All Kit is Coyote Brown - Flyye Industries 6094A - LBT 9034A Admin Pouch - BFG 10 Speed Triple M4 Mag Pouch - Mayflower Triple Kangaroo M4 Mag Insert - First Spear Elastic Loops (shoulder pad) - Flyye Industries MAP Pack - Eagle Industries Smoke/Banger Pouch (x2) - Paraclete Flashbang Pouch (Radio) - SKD PIG Elastic Cummerbund |
Good God Marac !
That's "Kitchen Sink" territory right there. |
Ferro APC Eagle 1x3 M4/M16 magazine pouch Eagle Canteen/GP pouch LBT-9030A modular saw pouch LBT-2586B utility pouch LBT-6142J 70z hydration pouch Blade Tactical Medical Sheers Adventures Light VIP AOR1 CAT Mayflower tourniquet retainer |
Yay I can have armour to put up for once!
http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/k...psf91be06d.jpg Excellent Condition Russian 6b3 Vest Soviet afgan war vintage with Kevlar inserts didn't come with Titanium alloy inserts :( 4x AK-74/AKM/47 Magazine pouches 1x Front pouch Usually reserved for a first aid kit 4x F1 Grenade pouch on the rear 1x Equipment pouch Quick detach buckles all around :P First attempt at getting the vest to feel like armour. Didn't work to well was too wide. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/k...ps78816402.jpg 2nd Attempt abit sloppy, might go back in to clean up the tape but its more comfortable. http://i278.photobucket.com/albums/k...pse41d37a2.jpg Aluminum and Kevlar plates give the vest some heft, but not as heavy as a fully plated Vest 7-12KG. |
My Condor woodland rig with three double stacker pouches (I normally run 12 low caps), admin pouch and radio pouch. As well, there is my Condor hydration assault pack with a Camelback licensed Blackhawk hydration bladder (the Condor bladder was shit). Attached to the bottom side is my Maxpedition dump pouch w/a random Velcro patch I added (hold's roughly 7 mags; after full, I strip the pack and transfer the mags to the pack itself). Beside it all is my fast helmet with custom paint job by Airsoft Park with several patches, and sitting inside is my lower face mesh (skull-face pattern) and SO Boogies with ARC adapters.
Unseen from my loadout are my A-TACS AU knee pads, Oakley tactical gloves (black), Tru-Spec Woodland BDU, SO OTW goggles w/turbofan (just in case), Blackhawk one point rifle sling, and my CF issue tan desert combat boots (made in the 90's, Dad's old pair). I have a multitude of extra OD and woodland pouches, as well as an ACU heavy assault vest w/ a multitude of pouches for a PMC loadout I run from time to time. I also have a pair of black CF issue combat boots from early 00's that I wear from time to time, but the tan boots are more comfortable. I also have a Blackhawk left-handed drop-leg holster w/ spare mag pouch. Overall my main loadout is built for speed, but able to carry a lot of extra gear if need be. http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...psbdd27505.jpg http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...ps69672adf.jpg http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...psec44ffad.jpg http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...pse5079e78.jpg |
Since Comrade Kingsix has brought up the topic of Body armor, I'll share some of my own !
http://imageshack.us/a/img840/1821/dsc03118mj.jpg VSR 6B5 and 6B2 |
Tasmanian Tiger Chest Rig MKII in multicam and a Tasmanian Tiger Essential pack in multicam with a source bladder. |
Updated plate carrier (Shellback Tactical / TAG Banshee)...
http://imageshack.us/a/img833/8122/p...20491326am.jpg |
Ferro Concepts Plate Carrier Condor Hydration Carrier Flyye 3 mag pouch (RG) Fast Mag Pouch Blow off Pouch MOLLE cummerbund 3 Mag Kangaroo pouch **not pictured** Slick Cummerbund. |
Is that one of the pre release FCPCs curo?
Here is the sale thread he made. http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=147022 |
New PMC Loadout
This is stuff to go with my new PMC loadout as well as my multicam loadout. CIRAS plate carrier with no false plates in it at the moment. Most comfortable rig I have used, even though it was a cunt to adjust.
http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...ps75de8634.jpg http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...psde8d13d3.jpg http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...pse97771a6.jpg http://i1167.photobucket.com/albums/...psd2e4ab90.jpg |
I am indeed. On the left hand side I just have a medic/utility pouch that I keep extra BB's, speed loader, other odds and ends. The mag pouch on the chest is for my first mag and I throw my walkie into it after I "mag-in". That admin pouch just holds my tactical smokes, lighter and kill rag. I run 10 mags pouched and one in the rifle. They're all 75 round PMAGs and EMAGs. This one is a lighter loadout than I usually run.
This probably sums up more than enough:
Airsoft Gear Overview 2013 - YouTube I need to throw some more personalized patches on, plus some communications gear. |
This is my set up as of christmas
http://sphotos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...64657803_n.jpghttp://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...05634548_n.jpghttp://sphotos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...37497022_n.jpg And this is my holster that fits my loaded mp5k http://sphotos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...94643902_n.jpg |
DD FCPC. I NEED 3 KWA MP7 MAGS! If youve got some, please PM me.
http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/...63970093_n.jpg |
http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphoto...79839215_n.jpg Bad Phone Pics... AWS OCPC FirstSpear Shoulder Pads Flyye Admin Panel (Eagle Style) Mayflower Triple M4 Mag Insert BFG 10 Speed Triple M4 Mag Shingle Flyye MAP Pack GMR Double Banger Holster (x2) Paraclete Banger Pouch (Holds Wouxun Radio) SKD PIG Cummerbund SKD PIG Pontoons (Underside of Back Panel, not pictured) All Coyote Brown |
Now that's what I call an almost perfect Green Mountain Rangers rig. Got your second line set up the same too? =P |
Just gotta get that MAP Pack Mini-Modded by Ronin. |
Groovy shit man.
Does anyone know where to find instructions to do that mini map mod?
Shellback Banshee Plate Carrier
http://imageshack.com/a/img856/5688/cdi9.jpghttp://imageshack.com/a/img600/2071/olqc.jpg |
Now it is practically hugs around me when I wear it. Thanks Zeon! |
My newest setup:
-Ferro Concepts FCPC, M, ABP/AFP/SHOULDER PADS TYPEII/AFC/MKF -Ferro Concepts LW-BANG -left Ferro Concepts FCPC-WINGMAN TYPEII -Ferro Concepts LW-SLAP1 -LBT hydration pouch for cutters http://i1229.photobucket.com/albums/...pscf6a61df.jpghttp://i1229.photobucket.com/albums/...ps95be81c1.jpg |
Too much MERICA!
Current Rig -SPOSN new generation Smersh with RPK pouches(RefinishedMag brand RPK mags) -Sposn med pouch containing Russian bandage and tourniquet -Soviet era Canteen with cover -Sposn radio pouch with wouxun dual band -Sposn butt pouch with mission critical equipment http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/h...psbef39064.jpg http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/h...ps4bf92c22.jpg http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/h...ps5c6af53b.jpg http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/h...psf6b0ec49.jpg Dump pouch usually mounted on left side but its currently on a first line belt thats not worn with this setup. Debating a SPOSN GP/map pouch and gas mask pouch. Also i really need some flares but cant justify the cost as of yet. My own thoughts: -Amazing quality very rugged -Great rig adjustable to any size person(not an understatement) -distributes weight magnificently -modular for use with other weapon systems(AK,SVD,PKM) |
Alternate Rig
-AlfaSpecSnar Chameleon -Realsword mags Pardon on the crappy first pic http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/h...ps23e7d3f7.jpg http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/h...psd8aaf5c1.jpg http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/h...psa3a9e70f.jpg This is worn in conjunction with a firstline belt (pistol,pistol mags,dump pouch and radio pouch) My own thoughts: Fairly cheap rig :( not anywhere near the quality of SPOSN). However extremely light weight. Also the bottom middle pouch is supposedly for a scope(no idea how one would fit its quite small). I however do not have one of the smaller 24 mm 4x POSP scopes. |
najohn, what hydration carrier/pack is that on the back of your banshee?
Mr ferro that is a beautiful rig you have built there. Well done
His and hers.
Lightweight set up. Paca armour with toy soldier pistol/mp7 velcro pouch. JPC replica with tacos. http://i105.photobucket.com/albums/m...psb79ad120.jpg |
1 Attachment(s)
Just starting out in the sport so this is where I'm at now
Update on my plate carrier as of right now. Finally have it running the way I like it minus replacing the Condor pouches with OPS and Warrior Assault Systems pouches.
http://i499.photobucket.com/albums/r...ps9fbb61f4.jpg -Shellback Banshee Plate Carrier (A-TACS AU) -Condor Triple M4 Mag Pouch (A-TACS AU) -Condor Hydration Carrier (A-TACS AU) -Condor Small Radio Pouch (A-TACS AU) -Full Clip USA Small GP Pouch (A-TACS AU) -OPS Admin Pouch (A-TACS AU) -OPS Compact Medic Pouch (A-TACS AU) -OPS GP Pouch (A-TACS AU) -OPS Single M4 Pop-up Mag Pouch (A-TACS AU) -Tactical Dog |
3 Attachment(s)
Here is my rig
RIG Eagle Low Profile Armour Carrier Eagle Universal Chest Rig (SKD TAC Exclusive MOLLE version) PIG CR-UTV-MS Upgrade Straps PIG CR H-Harness Kit PIG Mollevella Emdom USA Vehicle Hydration Carrier Tactical Tailor PRC-152 Radio Pouch 3x Condor double mag wedges 2x Blue Force Gear Ten-Speed Double Mag Pouch 2x Tactical Tailor Grenade Pouches Clone Serpa on BHI Strike MOLLE adapter Emdom USA GPS Pouch |
- Flyye Industries LT 6094 Coyote Brown - TMC Large Admin Pouche - TMC Radio Pouche - TMC MAP Pack - PIG Plate Carrier Elastic Cummerbund - PIG AFC Pontoon Set - GMR Warfighter Banger Kydex Holster |
Just a neat little instagram pic I took of my Shellback Tactical Banshee Plate Carrier. |
Nice love it. I ordered mine from lapolicegear on Friday and tey still havnt shipped it
Sposn AK Smersh with MOLLE harness
Replica Fort Defender II And a few Western pouches until I replace them...shipping from Russia takes a long time :( http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/w...-Day/001-3.jpg http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/w...-Day/002-2.jpg http://i701.photobucket.com/albums/w...-Day/003-2.jpg |
Who made your replica defender?
I bought it from bootyourface and i cant remember where he got it, but ill ask him for ya
Brand new AOR-1 1961G, Milan patch, and Ferro carrier.
http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/...ps15acdcc7.jpg |
Sexy looking rig man :)
Thanks man.
Nig rig - looks awesome!
Milan you do custom designs? Ohhhh man I'm throwing more money your way if thats the case.
- Call sign patches - Crusader patches - US flag patches - t-shirts etc. |
Better pics of my set up.
One is with a Breach and Clear patch (upcoming realistic mobile game) and one with Milan's patch. http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/...psa4c77ce5.jpg http://i1253.photobucket.com/albums/...ps0a33d683.jpg |
http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/...ps2cf26790.jpg http://i1082.photobucket.com/albums/...ps205ca4c5.jpg Colours are a bit off in the pictures, but its not that noticeable in person. - Ferro Concepts FCPC - ToySoldier triple m4 mag pouch - ToySoldier single m4 mag pouch x3 - Element tourniquet - A-two hydration pouch - A-two Admin pouch - A-two Medic Blow out pouch |
My Current Second Line,
Front: http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/y...ps57a26285.jpg Right: http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/y...ps4101c0ad.jpg Back: http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/y...ps1d3d6f12.jpg Left: http://i784.photobucket.com/albums/y...psc2aaeaec.jpg Kit list: -Ferro Concepts FCPC in MC -Ferro Custom Elastic Triple AR Mags Insert - Right Side Ferro Concepts Wing Man pouch Gen 1 -IFF Union Jack -HSGI Universal Mag Pouch in Smoke Green -Ferro Concepts Smoke Pouch in MC -Ferro Concepts MHP Custom made into a 1L -Ferro IMP in CB -CP Gear Party Pooper Smoke Pouch in CB -Blue Force Gear Small Utility Pouch in MC -Blue Force Gear Single 10 Speed Mag Pouch |
Nice rig though. Did you get it directly from Ferro? |
A real CAT is probably only $5 to $10 more, but could be dangerous if not used correctly. For an impression it makes sense, don't think anyone buys one except for that reason, but a real one could save your life.
http://s12.postimage.org/wv3hrdcnd/P2280860.jpg sorry for the thumbnails i have no idea how to upload pics to a forum. Anyways just got this in the mail yesterday from LAPolicegear. Love the Banshee! what a great buy. Thanks for all the help. Im sure I'll switch it up after i play with it once... Im already noticing that an admin pouch above the mags is making it difficult to get mags out :( plus i bought this double shingle mag pouch.. and I think I hate the idea of the elastic over the mags.. Dont get why anyone would use it... You cant put a mag back in this pouch in the middle of a firefight thats for sure... its dump pouch or nothing |
http://i.imgur.com/mFzttjL.jpg Shellback Tactical / TAG Banshee BFG Tenspeed Helium Whisper Triple Source Dagger 3L low pro hydration carrier |
Nice, I see you like to holster your sidearm in you carriers/rigs, in a few of your kits, is there a reason for it. Personally I like to keeps everything off my legs as well, I run my holster on my belt with Safarilands drop adapter so it just clears my gear when in the crouch pos.
Pretty much because I cant stand Anything on my belt line. Cant stand it when moving around/crawling, and since this is airsoft, I get pretty choked when I lose a $30 pistol mag, let alone the pistol itself. When its in my rig I know exactly where it is, and its more comfortable IMO.
Edit: I also use all of the pockets in my pants in place of individual pouches most people have on their belt line. |
I figured I should post up my rig in it's new and final configuration. As it stands this is pretty much a perfect setup for me.
http://imageshack.us/a/img145/2393/img1545z.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img23/4368/img1542lr.jpg http://imageshack.us/a/img62/1929/img1541n.jpg Tasmanian Tiger MKII Rig w/ mag flaps removed TT Double mag pouch x2 ITS Tactical Fat Boy Trauma kit TT dump pouch TT Essential pack w/ Source 2L bladder |
Had some time today to snap some pics of the new rig. I plan on rearranging some of the radio pouches and getting a TT admin pouch to finish it off but its going to be field tested this weekend. Its a So Tech Callahan PC with a mix of TT , Tag , Maxpedition and SDS pouches.
http://www3.telus.net/lupo/gear/CalPC.jpg |
copying the GMR loadout i see ? |
Nice to have a good local gear store :)
Rig is finished. SoTech Callahan PC with TT pistol mag , grenade , FB , admin and H2O carrier. Tag Mbitr and saw pouches. Atlantic signals MH3 headset and Dual radio PTT for my 2 radios http://www3.telus.net/lupo/gear/Cal1.jpg http://www3.telus.net/lupo/gear/Cal2.jpg |
What brand of PTT is that?
Atlantic signals.
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