turok_t |
February 23rd, 2011 21:09 |
Originally Posted by Ballcancer
(Post 1416383)
So here is an interesting problem I have just installed a ra-tech CNC steel hammer. After reassembling the trig pack and reinstalling that into the lower receiver, I did a test fire the first few shots were fine. Shortly after I would fire once in semi (the magazine is set to enable dry firing) and the hammer wouldn't strike. So I opened the gun up and the hammer was reset and looked like it was ready to fire. I then put te gun on safe and I heard a click. I decided to pull the trigger and the hammer engaged. Now here is an even weirder part. The hammer engages everytime i rack the charging handl, but when I pull the trigger with a magazine in it will shoot once on semi, and then the hammer won't engage a second time, unless I put it on safe first and then back to semi. It works fine on auto. If this was answered then I apologize and will delete my post.
hey ballcancer, guess what, I think you have the same problem as me and this other guy (madlz) who just posted a few weeks ago..Did u get the complete RA tech trigger set? or just a RA tech steel hammer? let me guess, on semi, u fire once and the trigger is locked right? and u have to either A) switch to safe and switch back to semi, or B) rack the handle right? try this. try pushing the trigger forward after u fire once on semi. When I do this, i can fire again.
If thats the case, its because the sear isnt letting go of the hammer. Ra-tech has hooks on the hammer and the sear which engages more than the stock hammer/sear. As Qlong and I (ok fine, Qlong) have established, the ra tech trigger springs are very weak.. try using the stock trigger springs instead, it should create more tension and release the hammer so that it is ready to strike the knocker valve again. If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me. Qlong, if ure reading this, feel free to jump in, since ure more knowledgable than me (*bows down humbly at your feet*)
EDIT: here is the thread: http://www.airsoftcanada.com/showthread.php?t=119353