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Eien January 23rd, 2011 01:50

For some reason, I'm not able to close my upper and lower together... Can anyone confirm that my sear is in the propper position in safe/semi-auto? Only when I push the sear back, the upper and lower closes fine.

onemenace January 23rd, 2011 01:58


Originally Posted by dirtdiver (Post 1392783)
As for the brass tube my gun cycles fine but when racking the bolt you can feel some resistance about half way back that is coming from the contact with the brass tube... I'll try what you did to polish it and then grease it for a smoother draw.

You will still get some resistance but its much smoother im going to attempt the mod to stop propane/gas from blowing into my face and out the front where it should.

Going back to the ra tech tight bore inner barrel issues I have now tried a combination for fileing down the tip as ive already posted and adjusting the bb chamber still with no sucess. too make sure I have not sanded down to much I tried the original barrel and a seperate bb chamber and it sitll seems to be fireing well but no idea if it has adjust the fps.

On the orginal inner barrel and bb chamber i pulled it out of the outer barel and wanted to what would see if I manauly placed a bb into the brass chamber where its normaly loaded by a mag. I then tried to push it threw with the bolt by hand and when i do this it gets lodeged in the bb chamber ever so nicely making a good seal to use the gas to blow it out of the barrel and i could tell this because one mild tap with the cleaning rod on that bb that was pushed into place with the bolt it slide right threw, intresting.

In the tight bore I performed the exact same test and the bolt dose the exact same thing it wedges it nicely into the lower part of the bb chamber but when I try to push it threw with the rod it requires a rediculiss amount of force and almost seems like its catching the lip of the inner barrel before being pushed threw and has left me clueless what my next move is to solve this.

I am not going to give up on solveing this issue and I'm still shocked no one has a firm solution for this problem I am going to attempt to get someone from ra tech on the phone or via msn soon since I've read that they dont seem to be responding to issues reguarding this matter.

If you have any more ideas suggestions or have successfully installed one on the closed bolt system then please speak up I was hoping to have it fixed by the game at sgt splaters this sunday.

Apreicate any helpfull feedback ideas.\


onemenace January 23rd, 2011 03:34


Originally Posted by Eien (Post 1393205)
For some reason, I'm not able to close my upper and lower together... Can anyone confirm that my sear is in the propper position in safe/semi-auto? Only when I push the sear back, the upper and lower closes fine.

Eien that definitely is in the full auto position and not semi/safe its should be a perfect straight line going up when in safe, not sure if thats why it wont close tho

onemenace January 23rd, 2011 03:47

WE Gas Blow Back M4/M16 & 4168 Series and SCAR Open Chamber Kit - COMING SOON

found this was posted on airsoftbuddys website site

I really like the new top piece they built for sliding under the charging handle I wonder if i can buy it separately and jbweld a square to help keep it in place like this one but thats some good news to hear.

Eien January 23rd, 2011 13:52


Originally Posted by onemenace (Post 1393234)
Eien that definitely is in the full auto position and not semi/safe its should be a perfect straight line going up when in safe, not sure if thats why it wont close tho

Maybe your right.. it only closes when I use a elastic band to force the sear to become straight.. then it the upper and lower closes just fine. I took it apart and decided to reseat the sear.. but it doesn't stay straight... it's always slated.

onemenace January 24th, 2011 14:06


Originally Posted by Eien (Post 1393389)
Maybe your right.. it only closes when I use a elastic band to force the sear to become straight.. then it the upper and lower closes just fine. I took it apart and decided to reseat the sear.. but it doesn't stay straight... it's always slated.

i would try pulling out the selector switch and playing with it because sounds like somethings wrong

Ninja_En_Short January 24th, 2011 21:59

The open bolt might be coming soon but with WE the entire gun will come out but will have to wait a pretty long time to get spare, plus the open bolt mag kit for PDW won't work to convert old mags :(

Stealthee January 25th, 2011 00:19

Does anyone know if G&P rails will fit on the WE M4?

These are the rails I'm looking to get: G&P RAS II Long Version ( Handguard Kit )

snipersyntagmatik January 26th, 2011 15:49

hey guys - i've literally spent the last hour or so looking thru this thread as i am in the midst of making my first GBBR acquisition this season --- does anyone suggest waiting for the release of the commercially available WE open bolt guns? or picking up a current closed bolt system and also getting the upgrade set from RA tech to cover the issues? cheers.

johan_saint January 28th, 2011 11:21


Originally Posted by Stealthee (Post 1394711)
Does anyone know if G&P rails will fit on the WE M4?

These are the rails I'm looking to get: G&P RAS II Long Version ( Handguard Kit )

Should can, if can not, you maybe need to custom the ring. I just built a M4 noveske using the M4 cqb 4th gen, the inner barrel connector is diffrent with other m4 gen, its more thin, so no need to custom the adaptor.

dirtdiver January 28th, 2011 18:49

Hey guys I just changed my stock for a magpul UBR stock which came with it's own buffer tube... After installing I racked the bolt and the return was very slow so I fired a few times and noticed it was cycling slower and lost some of it's "snappiness"

So I'm wondering if maybe I need to put an extra spacer or something in the bottom of the buffer tube to increase the tension of the buffer spring to get a faster return.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions?

Ross January 28th, 2011 19:33


Originally Posted by snipersyntagmatik (Post 1396087)
hey guys - i've literally spent the last hour or so looking thru this thread as i am in the midst of making my first GBBR acquisition this season --- does anyone suggest waiting for the release of the commercially available WE open bolt guns? or picking up a current closed bolt system and also getting the upgrade set from RA tech to cover the issues? cheers.

We open bolt guns are already commercially available. A few companies now sell the open bolt scar too.

onemenace January 31st, 2011 10:53


Originally Posted by dirtdiver (Post 1397783)
Hey guys I just changed my stock for a magpul UBR stock which came with it's own buffer tube... After installing I racked the bolt and the return was very slow so I fired a few times and noticed it was cycling slower and lost some of it's "snappiness"

So I'm wondering if maybe I need to put an extra spacer or something in the bottom of the buffer tube to increase the tension of the buffer spring to get a faster return.

What do you guys think? Any suggestions?

I would measure to see if there the same length first you might also try pulling the spring apart abit but if you pull to much will raise ur fps alot!

Qlong January 31st, 2011 11:02

The UBR's receiver extension has a smaller different inner diameter than the stock WE, this will cause the top end of the bolt carrier to rub against the wall.

What brand of UBR was this?

onemenace January 31st, 2011 11:08

About the ratech inner barrels I have some final conclusions that will solve this issues...

And the answer is...

Get a new inner barrel!

Turns out there first gen barrels and only some of them inherently have this problems with the bbs jamming and I don't believe there is a way to fix it so try to return it or exchange it where ever you bought it and if that don't work I would try contacting ratech.

On another note that mushroom tip On the nozzle if they are very tight I would still shave it down abit until it's not completely jammed into the bb chamber you do want it to stick abit for a good seal but generally everyone I have requires to much force to pull it out since doing this on my m4 the gun functions extremely better.

Another tip making sure ur guid rod the part that moves the nozzle back and fourth is very smooth and not sticky is very key to gun running at top condition a little grande oil in the hole with the back piece directly below the whole then work it threw it works wonders.

Wet sanding (600 grit) the entire bolt inner and outer to almost chrome finish is another awesome mod it looks amazing and for me again just made the gun that much better to use. After u do that to the brass tubes a nice polish after is a good plan.

Finally get some grease with Teflon and use it sparingly and get ready to fall in love with we gun again!

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