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Eeyore January 12th, 2011 20:52

Ok thats good. Thanks

But is the long part of the sear spring suppose to go towards the front of the receiver or the stock?

Ross January 13th, 2011 02:04

New question! Does a longer inner barrel do anything for the we scar accuracy or range wise?
And I see the triggers are prone to breaking. I bought a trigger assembly kit from ra-tech and put in the all the cnc'd pieces that came with it. Except the trigger. I noticed the trigger they sent me was smaller. I thought maybe it's the one for the m4. I put it in and the trigger locks up when firing on semi or full. Assuming the trigger was the problem, I put the stock one back in. No problems now, just waiting for the white metal trigger to snap.

Eeyore January 13th, 2011 17:19

Ok so I installed a steel part #66 and 61 from Ra-tech, now my gun only fires in full auot and as soon as I put a mag in it starts to leak gas from the mag. Any hints on where to start trouble shooting?

onemenace January 13th, 2011 18:18


Originally Posted by Eeyore (Post 1386719)
Ok so I installed a steel part #66 and 61 from Ra-tech, now my gun only fires in full auot and as soon as I put a mag in it starts to leak gas from the mag. Any hints on where to start trouble shooting?

you sure you put in the metal pin for the selector switch properly? I was just giving my m4 a through cleanout yesterday and forgot that piece out and was racking my brain why the selector switch was so loose only after seeing it an hour later did it sync in ;( lol

Eeyore January 13th, 2011 18:28


Originally Posted by onemenace (Post 1386743)
you sure you put in the metal pin for the selector switch properly? I was just giving my m4 a through cleanout yesterday and forgot that piece out and was racking my brain why the selector switch was so loose only after seeing it an hour later did it sync in ;( lol

How would I know if it was in improperly?

MilanWG January 13th, 2011 18:30

Quick question to all you WE M4 users:

Any experience with the WE M4 C02 mags?

I have heard they leak right away and they are a pain in the ass.

I would love to have a mag that works in cold-weather - but don't want something that is going to work half the time...

onemenace January 13th, 2011 18:46

I finally tried to shave down the diameter on my stock nozzle and previous to this it was getting stuck making it pretty hard to remove.

Now I have went over it with 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper and now its much much smoother when it gets stuck it requires a quarter of the energy of what it used to, to remove but I am still jamming bb's.

I'm not sure how much more I want to take it down because anymore and it might be too loose.

I could really use some advice on this and I'm not sure how to proceed but I cant give up on getting this thing working.

Currently I',m using the light green hopup that almost looks like a V instead of the dark black hopup (I've seen it pictures they were using it and it thought might help due to the tightness of thew new barrel)

I really hope someone can shed successful ra tech inner barrel light on the closed bolt system so we can end this fiasco!

AngelusNex January 13th, 2011 19:08


Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN (Post 1386749)
Quick question to all you WE M4 users:

Any experience with the WE M4 C02 mags?

I have heard they leak right away and they are a pain in the ass.

I would love to have a mag that works in cold-weather - but don't want something that is going to work half the time...

Got 4 for my WE scar, 2 leaked out of the box but once i put some silly oil on them and tightened them up the leaks mostly stopped (one still has a small leak but it stops after approx. 1-2 shot worth of gas leak out)

And they work wicked in -5 weather, have yet to test them in any colder yet though.

onemenace January 13th, 2011 19:09


Originally Posted by AngelusNex (Post 1386778)
Got 4 for my WE scar, 2 leaked out of the box but once i put some silly oil on them and tightened them up the leaks mostly stopped (one still has a small leak but it stops after approx. 1-2 shot worth of gas leak out)

And the work wicked in -5 weather, have yet to test them in any colder yet though.

wow really -5 hot diggity dam im getting some c02 mags!

AngelusNex January 13th, 2011 19:23


Originally Posted by onemenace (Post 1386779)
wow really -5 hot diggity dam im getting some c02 mags!

have yet to game it in that temp but i went out to my parents place in the country and left the gun and some fully loaded mags in my truck outside for about 5 hours before testing it, got the full 30 rounds out though the last 2-3 were lower power. All in all very impressive.

MilanWG January 13th, 2011 19:31

Have you experienced any malfunctions or jams as result of the higher pressure from the C02 compared with propane?

I remember I tested a M4 C02 mag and it jammed in my rifle...

AngelusNex January 13th, 2011 19:57


Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN (Post 1386793)
Have you experienced any malfunctions or jams as result of the higher pressure from the C02 compared with propane?

I remember I tested a M4 C02 mag and it jammed in my rifle...

I've had one issue while using the co2 in my scar and that was the hammer falling out of alignment but it was mostly a wear issue as the hammer is one of the few non reinforced steal parts in my gun just cause the valve knocker to not reset (needed to disassemble and manually push it down to reset)

Now i must add though, I'm going to be getting a full loadout of propane mags for her to use in the summer to minimize gun damage as co2 is unnecessary(and costs more to run) in the warm.

spartan117 January 15th, 2011 04:31


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 1384613)
Yes, mine is Huangs..
Installing the original delta ring with the DD rail? That wouldn't fit...

i never said with the DD rail. I said to try to install the original delta ring to see if there is any wobble. If there isn't then the clone mk18 rail delta is the problem. As i have said before.... switching to a socom gear mk18 rail fixed my problem.

Ross January 15th, 2011 21:06


Originally Posted by onemenace (Post 1386762)
Now I have went over it with 600 grit wet/dry sandpaper and now its much much smoother when it gets stuck it requires a quarter of the energy of what it used to, to remove but I am still jamming bb's.

when it "gets stuck" is it your valve getting stuck in the black rubber nub piece?

Ballcancer January 15th, 2011 21:38

Hey, Angelusnex my propane mags destroyed my hammer to probably not as quickly or as severly as the CO2 mags but I have to replace it non the less.

Considering how much abuse these guns take, they are built fairly well.

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