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chris62 March 24th, 2010 08:40

For those thinking of getting a different flashider or adding a suppresor; the tip of the barrel, once you manage to get the stock flashhider off, was not threaded on my KJ M4. So it appears that if you want to make those mods you may need a new barrel or locktite the piece on. Personaly not a fan of locktite but that is just me.

baker_Jeff March 24th, 2010 10:43

That is very odd... mine was threaded in the usual -14mm.


ozzy5 March 24th, 2010 11:03

mine was not threaded gut the brass piece under in was

Rob March 24th, 2010 11:34

note that the stock KJ flashhider has a brass threaded bushing that is separate from the black metal flashhider (its a 2 piece design)

is the tip of the barrel gold/brass coloured? I would think that the worker screwing on the flashhiders would notice something like an unthreaded barrel

Ivanov March 24th, 2010 21:20

I picked up one of these yesterday and a wanted to test it out but the manual doesn't tell me how much propane/green gas it takes to fill the mag, any one know?

andrew321 March 25th, 2010 18:43

Insert it carefully. Hold them both PERFECTLY vertical, then 4-5 seconds. Best to be as quick with the pull-out as possible.

baker_Jeff March 25th, 2010 18:50

I give mine 8-10 seconds. I figure the gas chamber is twice as large as a pistol mag, so double the time.


kylem_8 March 25th, 2010 18:52

I hold mine for 10 sec.... Or untill i dont hear gas flowing throughto the mag anymore.

bshantz March 25th, 2010 18:59

I fill mine until I don't hear the gas anymore.. That usually provides me with about 60 shots @ room temperature.

Ivanov March 25th, 2010 19:28

Thanks for the info I'll try holding it for 10 seconds and see how that go's :infantry:

andrew321 March 28th, 2010 17:25

FYI I've ordered an edgi tbb, upgrade piston and a velocity reducer. I've also ordered the taf buffer extension and a WA fixed stock. I'll post reviews and pictures when installed.

FridayNightGamer April 4th, 2010 20:56

There's a little bit on parts compatibility in this review.

andrew321 April 9th, 2010 15:42

Just in the midst of getting my fixed stock attached...taking a "little" modding to get it on there, but I'll post what I had to do.. fairly simple to repeat. Edgi full length tightbore fit up no problem. Same with the piston head, and velo reducer.

I'm selling one of my AEG's to pay for a bulk order of mags. I want to try using this as a main gun for the warm days. So far i've found retailers that will sell them for 40$ each, free shipping. Any one know anyone in canada that will offer a similar price? I'd rather support them.

Also is it worth it to order 6 or 7 more thermold's at this point? or should we be waiting...

baker_Jeff April 9th, 2010 15:45


Originally Posted by andrew321 (Post 1207597)
So far i've found retailers that will sell them for 40$ each, free shipping.

Unfortunately we pay more than that from CAS... where did you find some for so cheap? I will buy them there for myself :P


Amos April 9th, 2010 15:51

I'd like to know some INTERNAL compatibility with aftermarket/other brands of stuff...

Externals are nice.. but internals are 100% more important.

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