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kawasakizx636 November 11th, 2008 18:42

well this sucks, i now don't know what to expect in my package on friday :( it ain't just 50$ that i'll be losing :(

Dracheous November 11th, 2008 18:44


Originally Posted by cbcsteve (Post 859107)
Wow this thread is UNBELIEVABLE, quite the hot topic and I was always clicking refresh to see what happens next.

Makes me wonder if I could get a retailer bar and sell popcorn in these threads, :D.

Plastic grocery bags can make a decent packing, hell its better than the M14 I was shipped not too many months ago. Wrapped in a single piece of white foam sheeting that was barely enough to wrap around the gun twice and then put in this box that was 10in x 10in x 52in, oh yeah, that M14 was movin around LOTS.

Then again, I recently grabbed the wrong box in a rush and sent my BB loader, bolle covers and a sock, most probably a dirty sock in a box with a TM Sig 226 to Brakoo. lol

I don't know Uzi, I was originally rooting for ya to begin with, knowing that things happen to packages with shipping these days. Then again, I've been laughed at when I use foam sheeting and hand cut pieces to form fit the items I'm shipping, since bubble wrap is so much cheaper. But after you went south with the acting like a kid and started going on about how the damage was cause by rectal insertions. . .

Forever_kaos November 11th, 2008 18:46

^ I'd buy popcorn if anyone sold it in a hot topic thread that caught my eye!

bean November 11th, 2008 18:46

Bags and newspaper are a packing medium I use almost exclusively. But my stuff is not free to move. I ship shit like I would like to receive it.

BC_K November 11th, 2008 18:48

UZIGUY. Your details have been posted.

Enjoy buddy.

ujiro November 11th, 2008 18:49


Originally Posted by Uziguy (Post 859071)
BC_K, you are a vulgar little child. You think that slinging profanities and swearing like a "kid" will get you what you want. Did you cry alot when you were a baby? Im going to guess, yes!

The gun was MINT when it was shipped and there were members here on ASC who held that gun in there hands and can confirm that for me. (You know who you are, Glock 26 springer and Silver P226 springer in a trade for a KWC Uzi)

Your gun was broken during shipping, and im not going to do SHIT about it for you. You fucking little piss ant!!!

Shouldn't have let it get to you.. Don't be a hypocrite in a situation like this. It will only make things go south for you.

The fact that you were very quick to give up, too, and say well I'm going to lose my AV status, etc etc, proves that you knew you deceived people and decided to keep your profits.

Disappointing to see a person go like this, but at least it teaches everybody a lesson. You cannot get away with deception here, or at least, not without being ousted by the community.

cbcsteve November 11th, 2008 18:50


Retribution Verified or Avenger Verified


Originally Posted by BC_K (Post 859124)

BC_K November 11th, 2008 18:54

Typical, my post was already deleted on CGN. Under TWO minutes.

COPIED from my post.

Many users here are on Airsoft Canada as well.

I bring this to your attention so that any of you whom are dealing with this person at all, or might in the future are warned.

I purchased a 1911 spring pistol advertised as new an it is broken an mangled. You can see pictures in the link.

UZIGUY is selling items broken/ect an not mentioning the damages.

He has openly said he does not care at all.

"Well I can see the outcome of this is inevitable. No refund's will be given, and I will lose my "age verified" status.

Its been fun ASC, thanks for all the good times!

Peace im outta here! "

His address is

UNIT 416

His email address is

His name is Bryson Cowieson.


He will LIE to you , sell you garbage an leave you to hang.

You have been warned!

Styrak November 11th, 2008 19:52

Why was your post deleted on CGN?

mcguyver November 11th, 2008 19:55

I'm going to guess it has absolutely nothing to do with CGN. This a matter born on ASC and should be solved by all parties in PMs or with the administration of ASC.

This thread has served it's purpose, as all parties have been in contact with each other and the administration is aware of the issues.

GZA November 11th, 2008 20:09


Originally Posted by mcguyver (Post 859164)
This thread has served it's purpose, as all parties have been in contact with each other and the administration is aware of the issues.

+1 Lock this thread up, and be done with it.

T_A_N_K November 11th, 2008 20:30


Originally Posted by BC_K (Post 859113)
Given his actions does he deserve any better? A group fuck you to all the people he just sold to an he does not give a shit at all.

You give me any good reason to be polite to a lying low level sack of filth as such?

UZIGUY, your personal details and this incident will be passed along to the major firearm forums.

I'm sure people there will know who you are, let them all know just what kinda person you are so they can all NEVER do any business with you.

Hope it was worth the $50.

Although I was referring to Uziguy, I can answer your question. If you want to resort to name calling like a 5 year old then you will be treated as such. Why not be the better of the two and act maturely? Again referring to Uziguy, you BC_K do not have to be polite, you are upset as I would be, but keep this in mind. This is the internet, I don't know you personally and Im sure a lot of people reading don't either, your reputation is based on what you write, and how you write it.

Lets say, Uziguy did actually send everything in 100% working order, now I'm not saying hes a liar or that you are but, because of how he reacts to accusations I'm more inclined to believe your story as opposed to his. This is based on what he wrote and how he wrote it, because right now, he just looks like an asshole.

spartan117 November 11th, 2008 20:30


Originally Posted by BC_K (Post 859059)
No box was not damaged, you FUCKED me an sold me a piece of shit.

The picture you show hides damage, what the fuck did you do to this thing?

You have MULTIPLE people saying you screwed them, an just YOUR own self to say your not screwing us, do the math.

Wow that is f***ed up......a shoebox plus plastic bags?

Drake November 11th, 2008 21:48

Guys, this matter is still unresolved. Please knock off the comments and useless chatter.

Especially the idiots posting about popcorn and inb4locks. Seriously, go play in the Trash Bin.

lt_poncho November 11th, 2008 21:59


Originally Posted by GZA (Post 859172)
+1 Lock this thread up, and be done with it.

I was going to suggest a different angle and resolve it like two adults before pushing it under the carpet. Is it because you just don't like to see this kind of stuff?

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