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quaestor April 20th, 2007 14:02


Originally Posted by Zeonprime (Post 457698)
What are you? My grandmother? 2 hrs? I can hit cambridge from Oshawa in 1hr10min (yes I've timed it...since I live in waterloo and work in Oshawa). Quaestor, that peddle on the right is called the accelerator...push down you go faster :) JK

Zeonprime, I appreciate your assessment (as well as the smiley and JK notation), but I must question your reasoning by looking at the facts.

I travel from Markham, and Mapquest suggests that FR is 107 km away and takes 74 minutes to get there without delays or traffic light stops. This interpolates to an overall average speed of 87 km/h, because of travel on local roads to get to the 401. Of course, this is inaccurate and misleading.

I suggested a 2 hour travel time, which means 1 hour each way. Obviously, this means that my average speed is 107 km/h per leg. However, we need to adjust for the time on local roads to determine average highway speed. I travel 7 km on local roads, which translates to 6 minutes at 70 km/h plus an additional 4 minutes for traffic stops and other delays.

The remainder is highway, and equals 107-7=100 km. Given that it takes me a total time of an hour to get to FR, and it takes 10 minutes to traverse local roads, that means that the remainder of 100 km is negotiated in 60-10 = 50 minutes. Solving for the rate of speed, you will note that my average highway speed is 120 km/h (where r=100*60/50).

You suggest that you can get to FR in 70 minutes from Oshawa. Mapquest reports the distance from Oshawa to FR is 138 km. Therefore, your average speed without adjusting for local travel time is 118 km/h. I also note that you need to travel 3.7 km on local roads, which at 70 km/h, translates to 3 minutes. Throw in 2 minutes for traffic light delays, and you have 5 minutes of non-highway time. 70 minutes (your total travel time) less 5 = 65 highway minutes. Total highway length is 138-3.7 = 134.3 km over 65 minutes. Again solving for the rate of speed, your average highway speed is 124 km/h where r=134.3*60/65).

Basically, you drive 4 km/h faster than I do when going to FR. That is hardly driving like 'your grandmother'. In fact, ceteris paribus, it means that you get to FR a whole 2 minutes before I do. It is my prudent and discreet decision to avoid attracting attention by excessively speeding at 8 a.m. on game day with a trunk full of imitation firearms and gear. My car gets to 60 mph in 5.9 seconds on 18" BBS alloy rims wrapped in Z-rated tires, so I'm not unfamiliar with enthusiastic driving.

The bottom line is that I would gladly pay a premium of $5-10 per gaming day to visit an indoor field in the GTA with comparable gaming fun (and other facilities) to FR. Even if it takes me 30 minutes to get to a closer field, I save an hour. I value an hour of my time far more than a measly $5-10. This is outside of addressing other benefits that indoor field might provide (insensitivity to weather conditions, flexible hours, convenience, clean washroom facilities, etc.). Tack these on, and a $30 field fee doesn't sound so unreasonable at all.

Brian McIlmoyle April 20th, 2007 14:16


Originally Posted by quaestor (Post 458341)
Zeonprime, I appreciate your assessment (as well as the smiley and JK notation), but I must question your reasoning by looking at the facts.

). Tack these on, and a $30 field fee doesn't sound so unreasonable at all.

you talk purdy

MadMax April 20th, 2007 14:19

I think I've seen what you're talking about. There are two grades of resiliant 0.68cal pellets. I've seen a light spongy type which is too light to have a long range (they slow down pretty fast). There's also a heavier version which hurts a fair bit more but carries velocity well. It's too bad the heavy one hurts so much. The cops sometimes uses them as light riot dispersion projectiles (not anything like the terrible bismuth rounds). The really cool thing about those balls is that they don't riccochet much at all. Very low energy riccochets makes for a big difference between a direct hit and a riccochet.


Originally Posted by Endymion (Post 457737)
There's another alternative to paintball, although the name escapes me right now. It involves standard paintball markers but re-usable rubber balls instead of paintballs. IIRC the FPS limit is lower than standard paintball due in part to the balls not breaking, thus absorbing less of the impact.

If there are multi-level props or buildings, I'd like to see real stairs. I don't know about the rest of you, but I find those ramps with a few cross strips more hazardous than regular stairs. More often than not these ramps are angled in such a manner as to potentially induce slipping. Nice wide, shallow steps would be nice.

GraveTech April 20th, 2007 14:22

Wow Quaestor... you went overboard on that answer... all you needed to say was something along the lines of "Mike, you are slower than a blind, handicapped mental patient driving a smart car."

MadMorbius April 20th, 2007 14:23

Why would you go all the way to FR? LOW is in Mississauga...5 minutes from my house.

Anyway, point is I want urban / cqb to be urban / cqb. I don't want to storm into a warehouse and find a room full of sand, a couple of towers and parked cars because that's not CQB.

CQB games, REAL CQB games, are very different from what most people (in the GTA anyway) imagine. Here, most people think in terms of Splatters, which is NOT CQB. Neogtiating a building full of opfor is very exhilirating experience. Close quarters, limited options for breaching obstacles, specific routes of travel dictated by hallways etc make for very interesting circumstances. You can literally set up on your opponent so he has NO CHOICE but to engage or disengage in a particular manner, leading into all kinds of traps and ambushes that you just can't do outside.

The idea of playing outdoor-type games indoors is cool, particularly in the winter, but guys, indoor should be used for indoor play. CQB. Polish up that swat-ninja gear and use it where it's appropriate instead of running around the forest in Wasaga in it.

quaestor April 20th, 2007 14:33


Originally Posted by Brian McIlmoyle (Post 458349)
you talk purdy

Aw, gee, shucks, thanks! :) I try to be coherent whenever possible.

made Man April 20th, 2007 15:12

OR you can just get an old ferry and use it as a CQB arena :D

Moz April 21st, 2007 00:00


Originally Posted by made Man (Post 458380)
OR you can just get an old ferry and use it as a CQB arena :D

Yes. I wonder how much docking fees are on the harbour...

That spirit of Ontario is going pretty cheap I imagine.

edit: Nevermind, it was sold to some germans a few days ago.

made Man April 21st, 2007 00:13

Ah, how much i like the ferry.

With exams over i'll go there one more time before leaving for work.

NachoPuddin April 21st, 2007 00:43

A ferry would be a sweet idea for CQB. Seen it done in several old hospitals and complexes too.

deep in the bush April 22nd, 2007 14:50

club function
Has anyone every looked into creating a private club for this? Just curious as I understand rules are much laxer for a private club as you are responsible with your memebership when you sign up etc. I am just wondering if my lawyer buddy is talking out of his a** about this one?

I was informed your rules are differnet. Has anyone looekd into this option? Maybe Lawdog knows something. I alos appreciater any other input any one may have about it. If the insurance etc is cheaper you can set up "club" in warehouse, old school etc...where you can get a home for the "club"

btw 30 to 35 is fair for me for indoors...i know over head is higher...

Conscript April 22nd, 2007 18:57


Originally Posted by MadMorbius (Post 457940)
What would I like to see?


Find a warehouse with some office space in it. Then open it up and let people play.

You don't need fancy shit. Just rooms, hallways, staircases, a few open areas where things can get interesting, etc.

I agree with you Morb,

An empty warehouse with simple hallways and staircases to start off with would be nice. Of coarse the property would have to be owned and insured, but atleast theres a nice foundation for an indoor airsoft only arena.

I guess we can add that fancy dancy shit after a good month of its opening, to see how revenues and money for enhancements goes.

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