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Coma January 24th, 2009 15:19


Originally Posted by Amazing KG3 (Post 904346)
ya it is Marpat, I go the original, I just cant get rich enough colors.

Ahh but for ERT wouldn't the fading be accurate according to the photograph reference? :D

What vests and gear seems most popular with ERT anyway? Brand name or style-wise, not 'some flak vest' would be best. Thanks.

ShadowNet January 24th, 2009 15:23

post content removed due to outdated information

Amazing KG3 January 24th, 2009 15:23

This is the standard. I honestly don't know. Whenever Ive seen them they're pretty low key.

ShadowNet March 3rd, 2009 16:47

post content removed due to outdated information

Pivot August 18th, 2009 20:16


Originally Posted by Pivot (Post 901918)
As for wearing MultiCam, a few guys might have private purchased some, and wore them for a training course...

Well, I have to stand corrected. I had a couple of guys from the Drumheller ERT walk in the other day, decked out head to toe in MC togs, right down to the shoulder flashes. Disappointingly, the vests, holster and boots were still black.

After talking with one of the guys from Calgary ERT, he says his whole team is decked out with MC, although he said they prefer MARPAT.

I really enjoyed those two clips above. I actually took Arrest procedures and control from SSGT Sharkey. Coolest guy ever. A real man's man.

warbird August 16th, 2010 06:59

YouTube- Armed Robbery gone wrong Hostage GRAPHIC Moncton

Watch till the end!

homer76 April 30th, 2012 15:02


Originally Posted by BawBag (Post 372073)
Kind of wrong.. C8's still have engravings of diemco however Colt bought Diemco

Here's the markings on a C-8A2. Mine only has safe and semi.

Pirate March 14th, 2013 07:38

Shows the different loadouts to some extent for the RCMPs ERT units.

ShadowNet October 22nd, 2014 14:56

Photos from this morning's incident in Ottawa

FirestormX October 22nd, 2014 16:42

Some lower res images from Ottawa today as well, that ShadowNets post didn't have. Lots of different ERT groups/uniforms/loadouts in the photos from this shooting.

scottyfox October 22nd, 2014 17:26

Oh hey, it's Dick Fadden!

FirestormX October 22nd, 2014 17:39

*googles Dick Fadden, hoping it's SFW*
Good eye! He seems pretty casual and observant there.

scottyfox October 22nd, 2014 18:21

Yeah he was the papa spy.

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