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Like me or not I am in the know, the information I share is very important and real. Get ready to flame away boys.. Here is why the insurance rules are important to private field owners. when someone gets hurt. and they loos their livley hood, and the only way they can keep their family home is to sue. The judge looks at the Industry Standards (Insurance standards) to decide if the land owner and or game operators were negligent. If they were NO WAIVER WILL SAVE THEM. So If the Insurance standard says 350 fps out doors and the land owner allows 400 then that's the same as allowing people to play on his property knowing it is not safe. Before you jump to conclusions about my motives. We could have got an exemption for our own operation and said screw everyone else... What I have posted here was to help THE WHOLE INDUSTRY private and public. If you have a problem with me I am really easy to find... |
if you get hurt playing airsoft....its YOUR fault im sorry not the fucking owner/hosts fault airsoft is a common sense sport.....should i try and run through this area filled with holes....if you answer is yes and you sprain your ankle....well sorry bud your dumbass deserved it.
i play at private fields mostly with the exception to flagswipe and hell if you get hurt at lets say finchs field and you try and sue them you head deserves a fucking smack they warn of of all the dangers and aswell they are clearly marked with caution tape |
and me a problem with you.....well if you count leaving threats on my friends voice mail all because he hosted a game the same day you were then yeah i have a problem with you
Soldier of Fortune Paintball no longer has Airsoft as the insurance will not cover it. That came out in March. That is a great field and is too bad. They had as many as 60 guys playing on that field sometimes. Keep in mind people were playing at SOF when a paintball player wouldn't be caught dead on that field. (FREE MONEY) The is not sky falling, but its clearly NOT specific to Adrenalin Paint Ball. If you think this is bull shit, call SOF and ask to book a game. Either way I don't care. I just found this interesting as this is the second place I heard this happening to in 6 months. |
Well AG's insureance company is the issue then so we all have nothin to really worry about. Perhaps he should look into getting insured elsewhere.
That said lotta folks have their odd rules. One place i play will not allow above 500fps because the local cops are dumb and cant interprate the laws correctly and figure because it shoots 500fps the criminal code says its a firearm. But its fine to use a heavier bb to bring it below 500 then its not a firearm. (i know its not insureance related just sayin some folks are just dumb. Not sayin AG is dumb but his insureance company is retarded) |
someone needs to start their own airsoft insurance company lol problem solved =p
if your going to flame,,, be right. |
sooo what flagswipe is not in canada nor is it organized???
flagswipe as already told us this will not effect our game on the 21st "Just a quick update. I have spoken to the ppl at Flagswipe and this insurance stuff that Greg is talking about, the clear receivers/350FPS, WILL NOT effect games at flagswipe." copy and pasted from fb group so again how am i wrong.....you insurance is shit go cry somewhere else. |
to sum up the story if you run a field in canada.....don't use the same insurance company as adrenaline......
Southwestern does a ton and they have just recently. "looked at Airsoft" I believe that this new standard likely came from Europe. Sports Can is still running the same way with the same old application. k&K underwriters Scratching head he says........ If one of only 2 companies adopts a new rule set that changes the standard so much.... is it not of interest to the industry. This is an Interesting Hugely Important thread to this community guys... WTF is all the flaming and name calling about. get real. paintball created associations years ago to be at the for front of setting their own standards. so have may other sports and professions as well. If some of you wana throw poo go do it some where else. this is imporant |
what most of us want is a reason behind the clear lower bullshit how would that make it a "safer" sport.....all sports have risks. for christ sakes you dont see hockey arenas putting foam padding on the boards.....
I can enlighten you on waivers if you wish, but it seems like you are set on this. For example, did you know if you are a host and you know a group of guys are getting stoned before the game all the waivers are null and void and so is your insurance for that event? Set a pattern, like "ya that place is totally ok to get baked", and ya...all insurance is gone. They just wont tell you till you need to make a claim. Trust me on this one. If you are crystal clear on the waiver and you don't have bull shit going on, like airsoft and paintball mixing on a location, its air tight. The issue here is paintball and airsoft are mixing on the premises and the insurance company is putting that under a microscope. Does your waiver inform the said paintball player there is airsoft going on in the same place? Free game at my place says....Nope. Bet it says you are agreeing to play "paintball" and the associated risks with that game. (I am not agreeing to be shot in the back of the head my a500 FPS sniper rifle from a game that got off course.) So right there the waiver the person signed is not informing them of basic risks. We are not talking a peanut allergy here. |
And how do they come up with theese numbers. An average paintball weigs what like 3grams or so? The field limit is what 350 for PB? Lets be safe and say its 300 cause i forget and lets say a paintball weighs 2.5grams incase there are some light weight balls or some crap. Thats almost 10.5joules of energy. Why should airsoft be limited to 1.5joules if paintball is 10plus. Its a simple arguement to pose to the insureance company. That and the two facts that A. Most guns sold in canada fire over 366 and B. Most are now full black.
How can they expect us to abide by those rules... |
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