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Colin_S November 7th, 2012 20:41

lurkingknight I don't know why you're being so hostile, perhaps someone crapped in your corn flakes but it's not necessary. Obviously we have differing opinions is it necessary to get into a pissing match about it?

If you're not into mil sims that's fine and I never said anything about imposing my thoughts on skirmishers, rather I said the opposite run whatever the hell you want as it's just for fun. Mindless mayhem gets boring after a while so people often try different things but with that said if mil sims aren't your cup of tea that's fine. These types of games do have requirements/restrictions, camo, gear (rigs/camping) and yes gun & ammo limits. Don't like it don't go to that game simple enough.

If you want to bring up your P90 situation fine, if I was playing a game with no limitations and saw you running with your boys armed with a diverse range of weapons it wouldn't bother me one bit. On the flip side, I think it'd be wrong to use a P90 at say a WW2 game or show up in modern camo as that's takes away from the host's desired theme.

Anyway I'm done with arguing with you, if you'd like to flame on I'd gladly entertain you through PMs. We're all adults here so let's act like it.

lurkingknight November 7th, 2012 22:14

dude, I'm just discussing, I'm not being hostile. If you're taking offense or feeling put off about it, I apologize, but it's not my intent. I just have a tendency to lay it on.

Porkchop November 7th, 2012 22:38


Originally Posted by mr_nuts31 (Post 1723152)
another option is the Colt Automatic rifle which is used by the Danish army:

I would say you could have it but you had better be wearing M-84 pattern and the gun better look like that.

COL.TIKER November 7th, 2012 22:41

The poll speaks for itself.

ThunderCactus November 7th, 2012 23:24

Most rule makers agree that only real world LMG's are allowed to be LMGs
The LMG36 was never actually adopted or used by the Bundeswehr, and was only made as a possibility for a cost effective squad support weapon.
case and point, it's not a real world LMG
And light support weapons like the RPK and M1918BAR typically use magazines and not drums/Cmags

COL.TIKER November 8th, 2012 11:03


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1723293)
Most rule makers agree that only real world LMG's are allowed to be LMGs
The LMG36 was never actually adopted or used by the Bundeswehr, and was only made as a possibility for a cost effective squad support weapon.
case and point, it's not a real world LMG
And light support weapons like the RPK and M1918BAR typically use magazines and not drums/Cmags

I don't really mind using either mags or drums. The thing I'm wondering about is that milsim games normally let support gunners carry more ammo. Like for example, 300 rounds for riflemen, 600 for support gunners. So if I show up with a 650mm barrelled AK with a bipod, do I get to carry 600 rounds? Or is it still just an AK and i'm still considered as a rifleman?

kullwarrior November 8th, 2012 11:15


Originally Posted by COL.TIKER (Post 1723278)
The poll speaks for itself.

Yes just like how many COD player are there....

Danke November 8th, 2012 11:19


Originally Posted by COL.TIKER (Post 1723398)
So if I show up with a 650mm barrelled AK with a bipod, do I get to carry 600 rounds? Or is it still just an AK and i'm still considered as a rifleman?

Ask the guy putting on the game. But I'm supposing this is just a hypothetical question so you won't have anyone to ask.

I would hope that if it was an experienced host they would pay attention to the way the teams were stacking up.

If your team had a SAW with every other player he'd call you a rifleman.

If you were facing a group with a dozen support weapons with none on your side then the organizer would want to grant you LMG status.

There is no hard and fast rule on this; I have played games though with stacked rules and a not very aware host as I'm sure many other players have too. Throw in teams that are built on the day of the game you can be in for a tough grind.

ThunderCactus November 8th, 2012 19:58

if it were me, I've always been a fan of;
If it doesn't use belts, use mags
if it uses belts, use a box mag

Because if it's belt fed, it typically has a quick change barrel, and is usually a purpose built LMG. Not just a rifle with a heavy barrel shooting from an open bolt

danhay November 10th, 2012 22:20


Originally Posted by Darklen (Post 1723073)
Seeing as an MG4 would be exceedingly difficult to make (German version of M249), the MG36 is really the only option for a German SAW even if the BW don't use it. I run one and it's big, heavy and awkward.

The Bundeswehr did use the G36 with a C-Mag during ISAF deployments in 2003-2005.

scubasteve November 10th, 2012 22:41

A G36 with a Cmag isnt a LMG though.

kullwarrior November 11th, 2012 00:06


Originally Posted by danhay (Post 1724369)
The Bundeswehr did use the G36 with a C-Mag during ISAF deployments in 2003-2005.

Picture or it didn't happen. Never seen it.

ratnest November 11th, 2012 01:16

armies are looking to supplement lmgs with lighter weapons, even the 417 has an option of a drum mag. with all the irregulars and pmcs in the world, its not at all unlikely that someone right now is using an m4 with a bipod and a cmag as a lmg right now. i own an m249, lugging it around all day can be a bitch, but i'm not going to complain about someone using a rifle with a drum for the same role. especially considering that even midcaps have 3-4 times more ammo than the average actual rifle and can duel almost any lmg already. and prototype/discontinued and extremely rare rifles are a main stay in airsoft. not a single army in the world uses a wa 2000 but no one would tell an air soft player he couldn't use it. the line between lmg and ar is kinda blury, since both are weapons meant to be carried by one man, using a intermediate cartridge and capable of firing in full auto.lmgs tend to be heavy and belt fed, but just because that was the design philosophy that caught on.

considering the efficiency of a high cap rifle, lmgs sort of look like the equivalent a barret in airsoft, awesome to look at, fun to use. but ultimately outdone by lighter weight weapons. that being said, id be more likely to take my m249 to a game than my m4 and cmag because the saw looks and feels better.

ThunderCactus November 11th, 2012 18:51

M249s ARE heavy, that's why they made the MK46 lol

Also, I've seen a picture of a german soldier, before being kicked out of afghanistan, using a G36 with a Cmag. That doesn't mean they had LMG36s, it just means they had G36's with Cmags.

docholiday July 10th, 2014 21:08


Originally Posted by danhay (Post 1724369)
The Bundeswehr did use the G36 with a C-Mag during ISAF deployments in 2003-2005.


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 1724403)
Picture or it didn't happen. Never seen it.


"KSK in Kandahar, Afghanistan (Der Spiegel, 13.05.2002)"

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