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Mitchell12 May 11th, 2011 22:51

Looks like he is charging his lasers.

Armyissue May 11th, 2011 22:54

From Here...
to here.....
Brought to you by,
Yourself @ ASC

sirtaco27 May 11th, 2011 23:10


Problem liberal fags?

bizkilter May 11th, 2011 23:21

Why does Harper always look like someone stole his lunch money?

mmmken May 12th, 2011 02:39


Originally Posted by BloodSport (Post 1464205)
There has been some glitches on the boards lately, such as people being able to randomally reply to threads in the classifieds. There is some potential software updates being done tonight if possible or over the next few days, so if you see the boards go offline do not be shocked.

I tried reporting this bug through the reporting feature, but have not received a response yet. See my reply to another persons classified thread?

I was able to do this through the iPhone native app, as it probably bypasses the normal filters in place by vB.


Originally Posted by W0lf (Post 1464238)
ever heard of a LAG SWITCH? have you ever even played ANY game on ANY system, console or pc, with a hacker?

but yea, i like how someone with a bit of knowledge (or had seen it before)
had posted the link to a site that does use a "annoying member filter".

its the internet. anything is possible. even a homeless man reaching through the second or third USB port on the back of your PC and reaching for that half empty bottle of jack and burning cigarette beside you.

Coincidentally, I actually helped (in part) develop that hack for vB. ;)

Drake May 12th, 2011 03:33


Originally Posted by mmmken (Post 1464069)
For the sceptics, this is very possible and very easy to implement.

Miserable users - Forum

That's actually pretty cool, we should install that. I'd make a PUNK'D! tag for it, so everyone would know who got hit by it and they could point and laugh. Kinda like a big "Flame Me" sign. Thanks for finding that for us, mmmken!

As for annoying users, I'm pleased to say there are none on ASC. The Totalitarian Regime which dictates EVERYTHING on this forum simply removes anyone whose behavior was not up to standards and then denies they ever existed. This provides a 100% annoying-user -free environment for our loyal members.

But just to entertain the notion, for the conspiracy theorists out there: if this mod was installed and you did end up on it, it would mean you're on the staff's shitlist. Would you wanna lay low or get in everyone's face and just dig a deeper hole for yourself? I mean considering how quickly we've banned some people, you're digging a pretty shallow grave. There's a few cases where we just buried em under some twigs and dead leaves.

So honestly this mod is more of a toy than anything else, because in practice it would be little more than a speed bump on a users ultimate journey to Banistan.

Now I'll just go ahead and ban the OP for 24hrs, mostly for shits and giggles. You want an annoying user mod? Not being able to log on at all is pretty fucking annoying. Welcome to the big leagues.

wildcard May 12th, 2011 07:43


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1464385)
That's actually pretty cool, we should install that. I'd make a PUNK'D! tag for it, so everyone would know who got hit by it and they could point and laugh. Kinda like a big "Flame Me" sign. Thanks for finding that for us, mmmken!

As for annoying users, I'm pleased to say there are none on ASC. The Totalitarian Regime which dictates EVERYTHING on this forum simply removes anyone whose behavior was not up to standards and then denies they ever existed. This provides a 100% annoying-user -free environment for our loyal members.

But just to entertain the notion, for the conspiracy theorists out there: if this mod was installed and you did end up on it, it would mean you're on the staff's shitlist. Would you wanna lay low or get in everyone's face and just dig a deeper hole for yourself? I mean considering how quickly we've banned some people, you're digging a pretty shallow grave. There's a few cases where we just buried em under some twigs and dead leaves.

So honestly this mod is more of a toy than anything else, because in practice it would be little more than a speed bump on a users ultimate journey to Banistan.

Now I'll just go ahead and ban the OP for 24hrs, mostly for shits and giggles. You want an annoying user mod? Not being able to log on at all is pretty fucking annoying. Welcome to the big leagues.


coach May 12th, 2011 08:03

Drake will have to change his avatar to be 'Ban & Punk'd Hammer Hero'

Dirty Deeds May 12th, 2011 09:27

You know, I get lag too....... every morning I start my car it lags for a second or two before the engine starts. Maybe, just maybe, it's an ASC conspiracy? Damn mods, I better go see my psychic!

DarkAngel May 12th, 2011 09:57

Bravo! Well Done Drake!


Originally Posted by PMC84X (Post 1464009)
But this is what I was told from someone who talks to a Staff member on ASC Regularly.

This "someone" woudln't happen to be the same guy you screwed over repeatedly and promised for months and months that you would pay him for his gun, even though you've had it in your posession for months already would it? The same guy who, when asked for his money or to get his gun returned, you started yelling at him and accusing him of being a shitty friend when in fact you were the one who owed him money for months. The same guy you offered a craptacular franken-clone AK in exchange for his CA MP5.

After all, all the "gun work", the new guns you keep aquiring, all the games you keep going to and the hours you spent on the minecraft server, I would think you would be able to afford paying him back first. Cause settling your debt should come first before your own fun. Right?

Sounds to me like you need to get your shit together. You're lucky that "someone" is a much better friend to you than you think, and refuses to give you negative feedback dispite the majority of the community telling him that he should.

BoB May 12th, 2011 11:59

Oh how i would love to comment in this thread - but I will refrain.

Drake May 12th, 2011 11:59


Originally Posted by Dirty Deeds (Post 1464462)
You know, I get lag too....... every morning I start my car it lags for a second or two before the engine starts. Maybe, just maybe, it's an ASC conspiracy? Damn mods, I better go see my psychic!

No, that's actually the Squirrel Ninjas we hired to gnaw on your internet wires.

DarkAngel May 12th, 2011 12:18


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1464510)
No, that's actually the Squirrel Ninjas we hired to gnaw on your internet wires.

First rule of ASC Staff + Av'ers is dont talk about Staff and AV'ers.

Drake May 12th, 2011 12:19

It's okay, the squirrels are "consultants" from Brownrodent.

Dirty Deeds May 12th, 2011 13:44


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1464510)
No, that's actually the Squirrel Ninjas we hired to gnaw on your internet wires.

I knew that was squirrel shit.....I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!

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