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Shirley June 28th, 2010 02:35


Originally Posted by Conker (Post 1263442)
How did you mount the docter?

Worn look is much more natural now, well done.


It was really just an ACOG sight mount, shaved the bottom, glued it on. Fuck spending 70$. What if the threading is all isn't right and strip inside? The screw to hold the Irons on the Elcan even broke. lol...

Anyways, yep, it looks okay.

Gunny_McSmith June 28th, 2010 13:07

mmm RS LMT crane stock? ... looks pricey... :S

PS : I love the worn out look now... looks awsome! :)

PPS: What brand of KAC BUIS are those? RS? G&P? Dboys?
Were they Tan when you bought them, or did you paint them?

ShelledPants June 28th, 2010 13:39

Lots of splooge on that there blaster.

MilanWG June 28th, 2010 13:56

Nice. Definitely looking better and better.

I have a Specter DR replica on the way from VelocityArms and still would like to know if the threading and holes will match up with the docter mount...

You also might be into this if you don't already know about it ;)

Gunny_McSmith June 28th, 2010 18:02


Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN (Post 1263656)

You also might be into this if you don't already know about it ;)


yup looks really nice indeed! :)

PS: for the anti-china crap ppl like ..... hum....Hitman.... I found this while looking for information about the mk18 mod1. It's a dude on Ebay, that sells pretty nice replicas of PEQ.... :)

One exemple:

Dual functions AN/PEQ-15 IR clone pvs peq avs insight


Shirley June 28th, 2010 23:06

Yeah, I'm waiting till it comes out in July. The sights are DBOYS steel, and I painted them. That RS double tape switch alone costs 750$..

turok_t June 29th, 2010 00:33


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 1264060)
Yeah, I'm waiting till it comes out in July. The sights are DBOYS steel, and I painted them. That RS double tape switch alone costs 750$..

A switch for $750?

Conker June 29th, 2010 00:37

Damn you Hitman, I was going for a Block 1/2 transition setup (and eventually a Block 2 upper) but... fuck I hate you, now I gotta dig more money for a block 2 right away.


Well, that and because the latest MARSOC pics I saw had full Block II guns and not just accessories anymore (SpecterDR/553, Su233, PEQ-15/16, etc...)

Gunny_McSmith June 29th, 2010 01:56


Originally Posted by Mr.Hitman (Post 1264060)
Yeah, I'm waiting till it comes out in July. The sights are DBOYS steel, and I painted them. That RS double tape switch alone costs 750$..

Haha so hows the dboys quality? (actually all i want to know is do they stay in place firmly? (folded or deployed?)

And ya.... Damn... 750$ for a switch.... Is it made out of gold or something? I can get plenty of stuff at that

Shirley June 29th, 2010 03:44

LOL Still need the M3x, maybe element if it's nice. Supposed to come out but not sure why I don't see any for sale..

I still want 2 uppers. I have half a CQBR upper. lol.. :(

rockafella March 18th, 2013 01:20

Very nice indeed! Nice work Shirley! I bought an M3X and was kinda disappointed at the plasticky feel of the houseing, not to mention mine wouldn't turn off. From reading these posts...seems that the Velocity Airsoft Elcan Spectre is the one to get? Dont know if I can quite justify shelling out $1,200+ for the real steel version right now.

rockafella March 18th, 2013 01:37

I don't mean to hijack your thread, but I just thought I'd submit my contribution (albeit not quite exactly Mk18mod1 spec)

(taken with my iphone)

rockafella March 18th, 2013 01:50

FYI: incase anyone was is a side by side color comparison between the Madbull Mk18 RASII and the real Daniel Defence one.

Madbull on the right and Daniel Defense on the left. (sorry for the photo quality...I just used my iphone camera)

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