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kullwarrior October 26th, 2015 17:54


Originally Posted by Azathoth (Post 1962420)
High performance Gen 2 is superior to OMNI I - III However, I haven't seen a Gen 3 Tube < OMNI IV ever. I can't ever recall seeing or reading of units with lower than OMNI III spec being available for sale ever. Ibso facto no gen 3 tube that is currently available would be inferior to a Gen 2 HD tube

Not 100% true in regards to new market Gen 3 always better than Photonis XD-4/XR-5/INTENS. There's a significant portion of Gen 3 made by Russians (Kato'd and Dipol), these have spec ranges which are inferior to Photonis. When it comes to American Gen 3, what Az said above is likely to be the case.

Azathoth October 27th, 2015 14:11


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 1962547)
Not 100% true in regards to new market Gen 3 always better than Photonis XD-4/XR-5/INTENS. The a significant portion of Russian Gen 3 (Kato'd and Dipol) are inferior to Photonis. When it comes to American Gen 3, what Az said above is likely to be the case.

Forgot about soviet / russian NVG. Point taken. Thanks

No American Gen 3 tube that is currently available would be inferior to a gen 2 HD tube.

Amoki October 29th, 2015 04:58

Thanks for the information gents.

How important is autogating in terms of night games? My experience with night games is that shit ton of guys would dump strong light at the slightest hint of movement.

It makes good sense to buy an autogated Gen 2 vs a non autogated Russian Gen 3 tube, correct? Or have I gone down the wrong track for thinking the ABC function isn't sufficient to protect the tube?

kullwarrior October 29th, 2015 11:51


Originally Posted by Amoki (Post 1962819)
Thanks for the information gents.

How important is autogating in terms of night games? My experience with night games is that shit ton of guys would dump strong light at the slightest hint of movement.

It makes good sense to buy an autogated Gen 2 vs a non autogated Russian Gen 3 tube, correct? Or have I gone down the wrong track for thinking the ABC function isn't sufficient to protect the tube?

From my research, auto-gating function costs another $400 (based on GSCI's MSRP). Back when I first began researching about I2 and airsoft, auto-gating was an extremely important feature I look for. Autogating is a must have for any I2 usage in dynamic lighting situations. If it comes to Russian Gen 3 vs Photonis Gen 2 at the same price, I would pick photonis as they have better resolution, SNR, and reliability.

For sake of airsoft these are features I think are important:
Manual gain ->Nice to have
Autogating -> Must have
Resolution >57lp/mm & SNR >20 -> Must have if your budget is over 2K (Photonis Gen 2 & Gen 3 will typically meet both)
Resolution >64/lpmm & SNR >25 -> nice to have but not needed (OMNI VI and on will meet this)
Black/white phosphorus screen -> matter of opinions
Dual tube -> really nice to have but a high spec monocular beats crappy binocular.

In terms of tube manufacturer... the grading goes something like this (IIRL)
Exelis/L-3 > Hamamatsu/ Harder Digital > Photonis > Kato'd/ Dipol

Derpystronk October 30th, 2015 04:03


Originally Posted by kullwarrior (Post 1962847)
In terms of tube manufacturer... the grading goes something like this (IIRL)
Exelis/L-3 > Hamamatsu/ Harder Digital > Photonis > Kato'd/ Dipol

Katod Gen 3 rated worse than Photonis Gen 2?

Amoki October 31st, 2015 13:55

Any eyesafe DBAL on the market? I know the g&p peq16 is about 10mW so that's a no go unless I want to be a dick who burns retinas.

I do have a m952v with a km3 but not sure whethet that's good enough to "guide" rounds in nv.

EastCoastShooter October 31st, 2015 17:07

It's not technically a DBAL but if your looking for affordable IR laser then try Lasermax Uni-MAX. It's class1 eye safe and some decent prices on or amazon.

You can somewhat snap shoot in CQB with an IR light source like the m952v but once out to any distance it will become much more difficult.

ThunderCactus October 31st, 2015 22:26


Originally Posted by Amoki (Post 1963061)
Any eyesafe DBAL on the market? I know the g&p peq16 is about 10mW so that's a no go unless I want to be a dick who burns retinas.

According to whom? I've measured in 5 stock G&P DBAL's at only 3mW on high power
Which is still not 100% eye safe, [troll] but if you're in an area that allows 5mW red lasers, then I don't see any reason why they'd be all butt hurt over 3mW IR lasers. [/troll]

Gish November 1st, 2015 15:39

The newer FMA/Element Peq La5 upgraded versions have eye safe IR lasers in them.

Amoki November 1st, 2015 22:50


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1963099)
According to whom? I've measured in 5 stock G&P DBAL's at only 3mW on high power
Which is still not 100% eye safe, [troll] but if you're in an area that allows 5mW red lasers, then I don't see any reason why they'd be all butt hurt over 3mW IR lasers. [/troll]

But yeah, any organiser with half of common sense and some understanding of health and safety and civil action would ban anything more than a class I laser.

ThunderCactus November 1st, 2015 23:36

Absolutely agree.
Not saying the stock IR laser is safe, but it's the red laser that's allegedly 10mW according to G&P.
I'm amazed some people still think those 5mW red lasers are okay to use, though.

Derpystronk November 2nd, 2015 01:16


Originally Posted by ThunderCactus (Post 1963198)
I'm amazed some people still think those 5mW red lasers are okay to use, though.

c3sk November 2nd, 2015 01:22

Only noobs use lasers. We use thermal now.
Get on our level, nerds.

Amoki November 2nd, 2015 02:41


Originally Posted by c3sk (Post 1963207)
Only noobs use lasers. We use thermal now.
Get on our $ level, poor scrubs

Fixed for truth :sad:

ThunderCactus November 2nd, 2015 10:26


Originally Posted by Deltastronk (Post 1963206)

FDA "considered safe if handled carefully" in everyday life, and not at all safe when viewed through magnifying optics.

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