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Sbradshaw October 5th, 2010 00:47

Just wondering, is it possible to use the red gasket goop from Canadian tire instead of the blue for sealing leaky mags?

Dart October 5th, 2010 18:38

Well it appears that my hingeplate has finally started to crack on the top part of it. How ever it doesn't seem to be moving. Seems like just a compression into the plate if that makes sense.

I think some foam might be in order now lol.

shaharov October 5th, 2010 21:01


Originally Posted by Sbradshaw (Post 1327108)
Just wondering, is it possible to use the red gasket goop from Canadian tire instead of the blue for sealing leaky mags?

What's the difference between the red and blue stuff. I've used the blue stuff and it sealed well

Sbradshaw October 7th, 2010 10:44

Well the red stuff is for hi temp, I'm just wondering because that's what I have here. And should I be looking into doing these gaskets up before they start leaking or wait until the leak?

Brian McIlmoyle October 7th, 2010 11:05


Originally Posted by Sbradshaw (Post 1328527)
Well the red stuff is for hi temp, I'm just wondering because that's what I have here. And should I be looking into doing these gaskets up before they start leaking or wait until the leak?

why fix it if it ain't broke?

I have mags I have been running for a year + and no leaks.

m102404 October 7th, 2010 13:40

Oil 'em up good...fill with propane (from completely empty to completely full it takes about 14sec). Store them away.

I've done that consistently after each game (I also unload any remaining BBs) and have had zero issues since.

That's if your seals are already in good shape (start from day one keeping them oiled and pressured with gas). If they're all dried out from neglect...try "rehydrating" them with oil, silicone/rubber-friendly grease them, reassemble. When all 4 screws are firmly snug...give it a shot of gas and inspect for leaks. Adjust screw pressure until they don't leak anymore ( can snap the screws off with too much torque)....then just keep 'em lubed and filled with gas.

turok_t October 7th, 2010 13:56

Hey guys, im pretty new to this whole WE M4 and I recently made a purchase at VA. The gun is completely stock. Anyways, I know the magazine has a button to switch whether the bolt will be held back when there is no bb. However, sometimes my bolt still cycle even tho there are no bbs. Do you guys experience the same problem?

m102404 October 7th, 2010 14:05


Originally Posted by turok_t (Post 1328637)
Hey guys, im pretty new to this whole WE M4 and I recently made a purchase at VA. The gun is completely stock. Anyways, I know the magazine has a button to switch whether the bolt will be held back when there is no bb. However, sometimes my bolt still cycle even tho there are no bbs. Do you guys experience the same problem?

BEFORE I answer any questions from you....I expect that you'll have read the entire thread, the summary posts and done your own research.

I'm not getting into playing 20 questions with you otherwise.

IF you've read through the entire thread and still have a question...I'll be happy to try my best to help.

I would advise others to follow suit....I just deleted 300 posts from this thread and don't want to have to do that again any time soon.

Lorden October 7th, 2010 17:08

I have looked EVERYWHERE for a (trustworthy) shop that stocks both the RA-Tech SCAR-L upgrade kit and the Bomber Lightweight Bolt Carrier.

Does anyone have any links? Or links to 2 seperate trustworthy shops that have them in stock? I'm getting kind of desperate because I don't want them to run out of prod.

Sbradshaw October 7th, 2010 17:19


Originally Posted by Lorden (Post 1328740)
I have looked EVERYWHERE for a (trustworthy) shop that stocks both the RA-Tech SCAR-L upgrade kit and the Bomber Lightweight Bolt Carrier.

Does anyone have any links? Or links to 2 seperate trustworthy shops that have them in stock? I'm getting kind of desperate because I don't want them to run out of prod.

i just purchased the scar upgrade kit from airsoft global on wed. and it will be here tommorrow! they shipped it speed post for only 26 bucks. its light and small mind you but i didnt mind paying to get it quickly.

also they had great customer service, answered my emails very quickly.

Sbradshaw October 13th, 2010 20:05

so ive installed the ratech upgrade kit minus the hopup unit( not sure how its an upgrade it looks the same as origonal), but to the point... the orings on the ratech set seem to be larger than the origonal orings and are getting stuck. now do i use silicon oil on these or cylinder grease?? and will they eventually wear down?

m102404 October 13th, 2010 22:09

Run the bolt in and out until they wear in (might take a long while)...keep them lubed to help it along.

You can either try to find replacement o-rings and trial-error it until you find a nice fit...or (this is up to you to decide to do this) you can take some fine 400/600 grit wet-dry sandpaper and buff them down to size.

johan_saint October 14th, 2010 04:20

Hi everyone....
Check this out :
YouTube - WE G39C GBB production final.flv

MP5 , L85 , G36C...What the first model that WE will release after M14??
WE is the brand that produce more GBBR type than others, I feel want to sell my 520fps SCAR for this G36C :banghead::banghead::banghead:

shaharov October 14th, 2010 21:15


Originally Posted by Sbradshaw (Post 1331771)
so ive installed the ratech upgrade kit minus the hopup unit( not sure how its an upgrade it looks the same as origonal), but to the point... the orings on the ratech set seem to be larger than the origonal orings and are getting stuck. now do i use silicon oil on these or cylinder grease?? and will they eventually wear down?

I ended up having to shave a bit off... but it works like a champion now!

shaharov October 14th, 2010 21:19


Originally Posted by johan_saint (Post 1332000)
Hi everyone....
Check this out :
YouTube - WE G39C GBB production final.flv

MP5 , L85 , G36C...What the first model that WE will release after M14??
WE is the brand that produce more GBBR type than others, I feel want to sell my 520fps SCAR for this G36C :banghead::banghead::banghead:

I'll probably keep my scar and by the G36c... Just wont eat for a month ;)

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