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McKay June 3rd, 2008 00:16

On FNG day here my sight on my AK came off. We got lucky and found the bastard when we were packing up.

hotrodthug June 3rd, 2008 19:08

G&G M14 fell off of the sling when my brother was carrying it at the LZ, plastic stock broke clean in two, took me 3 months to source a new one, found one on Ebay, got it a month later,put it all together now the fucker doesnt work

incrediboy729 June 3rd, 2008 19:34

I shot my 2 or 3 year old kjw m9 on a hot summer day and the blowback chamber shot out the back of the plastic slide, almost hitting me in the face.

johnnyrico June 3rd, 2008 19:50

Bought a G3, and during shipping the stock broke into two pieces, where the plastic of the stock meets the metal part of it.

Some epoxy and bigger screws, and now I swear it is stonger than it was before, ( I think lol )

Goldman June 3rd, 2008 20:11

Tackled by a zombie at Zombies!!! 1, blew up a perfectly good VLTOR battery stock/ battery.

Had a Battery detonate in a CA CQB stock while shoulderd.

Buddy had a P90 Battery go boom while firing.

Pole-vaulted over a FMU M16/c7, only damage was to my sternum, AEG was fine.

Nervikaire June 3rd, 2008 20:39

Just one huge thing for me, in my first year of airsoft... It was a cold november day, I had my Cadpat M4 RIS in a game... Went for a run, slipped on a patch of ice. I tried to bring the gun on my lap while falling down but I didn't do it fast enough and the stock made contact with the ice... before my body.

Got back up, started firing at tangos and it's only then that I realized the weird sound my gun made, as well as the lack of shoulder contact with the gun... The Cadpat painted metal body snapped, the stock screw made pressure on the spring guide and the back of the reinforced V2 mechbox broke.

Didn't take pictures of the exterior damage, but here is the before: and after:

Styrak June 3rd, 2008 20:49

Holy crap. It's like it's guts are pouring out.

shadow_matter June 3rd, 2008 23:55

I was shooting full auto with the stock folded, and a jagged piece of metal from the mechbox flew back into my face (full face masks are awesome). I took these pics when I got back.

I am now sold on reinforced gearboxes. The spring guide was cracked, and shredded 4 piston teeth on the Systema gears. The gears were fine, the stock TM piston was a write off needless to say.


lord_sid June 11th, 2008 04:06

During a '04 winter game at FR, I slipped and felt. Unfortunately my aug landed on a rock. The rock didn't damage the body. However, the weight of the phantom kit and reciever torqued the body enough to crack the body the reciever. There is a nice 5-6 cm crack through the body.

Photobucket Slideshow

At the '07 May 2-4 Wolfpack game, I broke 2 aug fore grips.

jonney. June 15th, 2008 22:14

This is what canada post managed to do during shipping.

Crunchmeister June 15th, 2008 23:16

Holy shit! That's really a nasty break. How damaged was the box?

jonney. June 16th, 2008 00:23

practically torn in half! But i think canada post thought i would'nt notice after a half assed tape job! lol

Kingsix June 16th, 2008 02:05

Mailman fall on it?

Styrak June 16th, 2008 02:48


Originally Posted by jonney. (Post 744032)
practically torn in half! But i think canada post thought i would'nt notice after a half assed tape job! lol

Did you claim and get insurance?

jonney. June 16th, 2008 17:17


Originally Posted by Styrak (Post 744125)
Did you claim and get insurance?

Yes but by the time everything was finished and over with it was about 3 mounths later:(

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