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Bowers April 10th, 2008 03:36


Originally Posted by Dusti69 (Post 690885)
yea you dont even have to tell me that. i posted that cuz its crazy looking.
i was like ok so the battery is in the clip sooo.....uuummm.....where do the bbs go?
and you cant even tell it has a motor in it

i want to tackle a project like colts beretta because i can get that one on ebay for like a penny and only pay the 12 dollar shipping. that and cuz i already have a shotgun
whoa wait... if its a submachine gun why would they have it set up like a shotgun?

not a clip its a magazine or in this case a battery

the rounds go in the dot sight

Dusti69 April 10th, 2008 05:18

you guys up there dont call mags clips? we do....i dunno why though
yea i kinda figured the red dot was a fake resovoir. usually the ones like that that ive seen in walmart where the scope is a resovoir its usually clear too as its a fixed part of the entire body like the little mini steyr, which next time im at a walmart where they have one for sale im gonna take a good look at it and see how complicated it is inside and see if id be able to put that back together. it might make a decent little electric pistol with .12g bbs as a loaner gun.
what i wanna do is take a clear gun apart and paint the inside of the body so my paint job stays lookin new and never gets gooey from being touched

Bowers April 10th, 2008 05:21


Originally Posted by Dusti69 (Post 690953)
you guys up there dont call mags clips? we do....i dunno why though
yea i kinda figured the red dot was a fake resovoir. usually the ones like that that ive seen in walmart where the scope is a resovoir its usually clear too as its a fixed part of the entire body like the little mini steyr, which next time im at a walmart where they have one for sale im gonna take a good look at it and see how complicated it is inside and see if id be able to put that back together. it might make a decent little electric pistol with .12g bbs as a loaner gun.
what i wanna do is take a clear gun apart and paint the inside of the body so my paint job stays lookin new and never gets gooey from being touched

its cuz a mag is not a clip there two different things

Dusti69 April 10th, 2008 05:26

lets me guess..... a clip goes into a pistol?
i dont think people around here pay enough attention to the details to distinguish the differences between the two. i assume that they think well you put the bullets into it and it goes into the gun so a clip and mag are the same things. either that or they think its like a generic term such as band-aid. band-aid is a brand name. if you have one that isnt made by band-aid then you just have an adhesive bandage yet everyone still calls it a band-aid if you can understand what i mean by that, if not cut me some slack. its 5:30am

Bowers April 10th, 2008 05:45


clip is a device that is used to store multiple rounds of ammunition together as a unit, ready for insertion into the magazine of a repeating firearm. This speeds up the process of loading the firearm as several rounds can be loaded at once, rather than one round being loaded at a time. Several different types of clips exist, most of which are made of inexpensive metal stampings that are designed to be disposable, though they are often re-used.

A magazine is an ammunition storage and feeding device within or attached to a firearm. Magazines may be integral to the firearm (fixed) or removable (detachable).



Dusti69 April 10th, 2008 06:01

thats interesting. i would bet that most americans dont even know that
so then would it be going too far as to say a speed loader is an airsoft clip? haha

oh man im glad deftonius posted this thread. it gives me a lot of inspiration for exercising my artistic abilities. i hope people keep posting pics of their projects
i like colts beretta and shotgun. the only shotguns with stocks i can find all have pistol grips on them. he turned it into what looks like an old mans cane

Dusti69 April 10th, 2008 20:57

ok double post yea yea i know but here. i was at walmart lookin at clearsoft crap thinkin of stuff to do. i didnt actually buy anything but i did see this to prove my point that we call mags clips down here in the states.

Shrapnel[Op-For] April 10th, 2008 21:49

oh god... those look like those see through plastic cell phones filed with candy that they sell at dollar stores.

Deftonius April 10th, 2008 22:15


Clearsoft is shit. I just wanted to show off what my boredom created.

I can't believe you guys are having a serious discussion about the effectiveness of clearsoft.

Why the heck is Dusti69 still able to post?

Edit: Dusty, every American I know who knows the slightest bit about firearms, calls a Mag a Mag and a Clip a Clip. Just because some crappy company used the wrong terminology doesn't mean that's how it goes.

Here's a pictorial:



Shrapnel[Op-For] April 10th, 2008 22:41

thank god someone said somthing..

ColtFarmer April 10th, 2008 23:58

It's like when you first drink a beer, all beer tastes kinda similar, and you can't tell the difference. It's called building a "palette" for something.

I know most people think coffee is coffee but after 2+ years at starbucks I can mostly tell you where a coffee is from in the world from tasting it.

Dusti just needs some more experience with both airsoft and firearms, it's kinda sad how there is no one knowledgeable enough to take him under thier wing and show him the ropes.

TokyoSeven April 11th, 2008 00:09

Mmm beer. I know what my paleltte likes...bellevue kriek...unless Im feeling cheap, then its a local companys strawberry flavoured beer. Its a good time, 4 bucks a litre, cant complain.

Shrapnel[Op-For] April 11th, 2008 00:40


Originally Posted by TokyoSeven (Post 691698)
strawberry flavoured beer.complain.

Oh man.. i hope its only flavored stawberry.. hangover much?

six4 April 11th, 2008 01:05


Originally Posted by NDAS (Post 691719)
Oh man.. i hope its only flavored stawberry.. hangover much?

thats old news mang,,,now there's strawberry crack. oh wait isnt that airsoft? oh well nvm;)

TokyoSeven April 11th, 2008 01:38


Originally Posted by NDAS (Post 691719)
Oh man.. i hope its only flavored stawberry.. hangover much?

I havent had a hangover in forever. You have to stop being drunk to be hungover.

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