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maybe debbies from the future
Debbie, I told you and everyone here the truth.
The Police Officer who watched and read this site is from the Joint Provincial Firearms task force (or whatever acronym they use today). They dont post, but they DO read. Second fact; you can monitor a site and not have someone physically look at it. The new term for this is data-mining; programs that use key words (mostly) and statistical data, matched with excellent IP tracking. If you think the authorities are not equipped or too dumb to do this, you need a reality check. If you think that anything you send out on the internet (or the phone) is safe from scrutiny, wow, how will you handle the truth? Dont want my answers because you dont like me? Too bad. Educate yourself, remove those blinders, and maybe you'll learn something. Oh, if you want proof, you'll have to show me proof of your security clearance first. |
I tried to post this a few hours ago, right after Debbie's last post, but then the site crapped out for me, so here it is now...
Well if you won't go into your reasons why you won't accept multiple accounts of people confirming their knowledge of law enforcement parusing this site, in addition to Greylocks having shown a law enforcement officer the site personally, as well as many of us being military, law enforcement, or legal-whatever in our real lives, then I don't know why we should bother. As Droc said, you're not going to get a letter from CSIS themselves saying they watch the site, so really, it seems that unless you watch an OPP/RCMP/CSIS officer view the site yourself, you're not going buying it? Hardly rational, I would think. I can't see Africa right now, and I've never been there, but I know it exists. I don't need someone to bring me home a pygmy to know for sure. |
No ones mentioned the dickwad that was arrested in Montreal last year, he was on here getting flamed for his stupidity and later on the news report about all his realsteel the news had ASC in the background with comments about how "teh intranet is watched"
I also find it amusing that some law enforcment joined some teams and after about a year left. But I'm a tinfoil hat wearer. |
Nah, saying you've been on as a guest for 7 years and having been reading constantly is horse shit. Proof of this is that he/she doesn't believe that there are people monitoring the forum. There are a few threads about it that have been on before, like the above mentioned Montreal guy ((I forget the name now... something666)) and others. Plus then add in the fact that 7 years of "reading" and "keeping up" he/she would have come across at LEAST one of the many people who are in the law enforcement and so on that are here all the time. I'm pretty sure if someone from the law enforcement end of things saw something highly illegal they'd report it, or recommend the very least what the parties involved should be doing. |
Debbie, you want proof? they show up in the ip logs. I'm not going to post the IPs of the various government agencies that view the site as the last thing we need is for some script kiddy getting it in his head to ddos them. In addition to that there have been members that have been contacted by the police etc about content of their posts.
And it's not just the police watching. Posts have been printed in the toronto star amongst other papers... You have as much privacy on ASC as you do sitting in your car in traffic with your windows rolled down and talking to your friends through a bull horn. Between the people and computers that sift through the site theres systems out there that monitor the data as it travels over the ineternet - unencrypted. Trust me, ASC sets off alot of red flags for LEO agencies. |
I would like to remind you of this paragraph on the SECURITY SCREENING CERTIFICATE AND BRIEFING FORM that you signed when you receive your clearance: If an individual fails to safeguard, releases without appropriate authority or uses information/assets for unauthorized purposes, such action may constitute a contravention of the Security of Information Act, the Access to Information Act, the Privacy Act or other Acts of Parliament, a breach of the Government Security Policy or the Oath of Secrecy. These provisions apply both during and after service to the Government of Canada. I suggest you review the Security of Information Act before perusing any action(s) related to you quoted statement. Specifically Section 4.1.A. |
Lisa, you're not giving her the proof she wants. It wont work. You have to let that poor officer out of your basement...
Digital... I just looked at your profile and job claim. You do realize that I've been working for the Federal Government for longer than you've been alive, right? |
Then one would hope that you would be aware of the associated responsibilities that go along with possessing a security clearance and thus would not be so freely suggesting that you would make information available that apparently requires a security clearance. Regardless of weather or not the receiving individual has a clearance of sufficient level, the still do not meet the "need to know" condition that is attached to designated or classified information.
Who cares if we are being watched?
It think it is excellent and maybe it can track down these retarded kids walking around with GBB pistols knocking up corner stores and bringing them to schools |
But your right, there are many airsofters who doent bother with ASC on a regular basis. Quote:
I wouldnt expect regular municipal police to be investigating airsoft anyways. Just like I wouldnt expect highway police to investigate internation drug rings. |
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