Airsoft Canada

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-=]MH[=-RaiDen August 23rd, 2006 22:06


Kimbo August 23rd, 2006 22:10


No one would notice or care that we are playing on a busy street.

Kuraitenshi August 23rd, 2006 22:11


Originally Posted by Ibby

Originally Posted by Goldman
The "Defienbunker".

My first thought exactly.

I like the White House idea. I'd love to have a game there, but only if we can burn it down again. With George in it.

Canada has tons of good places that I'd theoretically love to have a game at:

UBC Campus, especially if the steam tunnels were included.

Storm drains of Vancouver. They're all 6 feet tall, and they're EVERYWHERE.

Riverview Psychiatric Hospital. With the patients.

Can't recall the name, but another now abandoned psych hospital in the Kamloops/Kelowna area. This one's actually possible as it's owned by a fellow who lets film crews shoot there.

Again can't recall the name, but there's an entire mining town up the coast in BC somewhere, deserted with the exception of the caretaker. Houses, mall, hospital, rec plex, the works.

Another can't remember, a place up the BC coast with so many mining tunnels one of our group called it 'Moria'. The main tunnels were apparently big enough to drive my Jeep through, from what I'm told... ;)

Kingston Pen. With the inmates. But I bet they wouldn't call their hits.

Oh, and anywhere in France. Just for the easy wins. ;)

Why worry about the mates calling their hits? Use em to sight in ur gun. run it on a points system, body=10pts, groin=50pts, and eye=100pts

thephenom August 23rd, 2006 22:14

University of Toronto Scarborough Campus.

Good mix of woods, buildings, and creepy concrete buildings that looks like jail (at night).

Korneil August 23rd, 2006 22:29

Manic 5 barrage
Sherbrooke University campus
Pierre-Laporte bridge in Québec city
Montreal's Olympique Stadium
any metro station or even all of them.

sukivan August 23rd, 2006 22:43

a shopping mall with all the glass replaced with sugar glass (easily broken and harmless)

Kerbosa August 23rd, 2006 23:03


Originally Posted by Goldman
Actually, does anyone know who owns Whitby Psych? Playing there on a dark haloween night would be the cats ass.

I think its being demoed. We used to go party in there but i think its gone now. Just what i heard but not sure. But that place would have been awesome

MrEvolution August 23rd, 2006 23:16

Niagara College, because I hate that place.

Damascus August 23rd, 2006 23:31

Paris Catacombs, would be an hella freaking game!
Area 51, just ever wanted to visit that place lol

Sgt_Lynch August 24th, 2006 00:02


Originally Posted by Gato
Rogers Center i guess

Been there, done that.


Originally Posted by Goldman
Actually, does anyone know who owns Whitby Psych? Playing there on a dark haloween night would be the cats ass.

Done that too.

I'd like to hit parliment hill.

Darklen August 24th, 2006 00:06


Originally Posted by Goldman
The "Defienbunker".

Too bad it's full of concrete.

How about the Butchart Gardens?

mcguyver August 24th, 2006 00:11


Originally Posted by CalvinTat
West Edmonton Mall + Water Park and Fantasy Land Hotel = 500 man games

And we could always assault the Galleon. How about a submarine insertion? Then after we could just go for some Chinese food.

Aaidin August 24th, 2006 00:12


Originally Posted by guiltyspark
Metrotown, in Burnaby BC

That would fucking own!

Also, I'd be a dork and rebuild the following levels from Goldeneye and play in them:

The Facility
The Complex
The Temple
The Stack

Also, Heritage Park in Mission, BC because I was just walking around in there and started stalking through the trails/bushes pretending I was playing airsoft...and it seems like a cool place to do it. Also, this one lady thought I was a bear and apparently almost had a heart-attack...which is sort of off-topic I know, but still funny.

Anyways, yeah, that's all I can think of right now.

Black_Orchid August 24th, 2006 00:13

Any empty theme park at night. All equipment and lights off (except for maybe the merry go round for a creepy factor).

Binx August 24th, 2006 00:17


Originally Posted by Whozat
Stanley Park, Vancouver

if you allow down for the Yatch Club Hellz yeah

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