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Cliffradical April 12th, 2012 19:12

Competitive players don't cheat, cheaters cheat.

Wanting to win tempered with a good attitude makes for a great game.
Needing to win is where problems crop up.

Drake April 12th, 2012 19:45


Originally Posted by Fizzmix (Post 1637231)
Alright, fair enough. I guess my question has more to do with reservations with wearing gear than the use of gear itself in airsoft. I've never worn anything camo, and the whole "army stuff" has never interested me. I guess I would feel like a ... "poser" when wearing all the gear when I am well aware I could never "hack it" in the army.

Well, if I may, I feel I need to point out a fundamental flaw in that statement: you're basically saying that camo/army gear only works for people in the military. And if you were talking about dress uniforms, ranks, ribbons/medals, etc I'd be right there with you (and if you read around the forum, you'll find this community doesn't take kindly to posers who do misrepresent themselves that way).

But for camo, hunters use camo (out of necessity), outdoorsmen use various bits of military kit because of its functionality, etc. And in paintball and airsoft there's also a legitimate need, during the game, to try and conceal yourself, carry your water, mags, etc. So the gear does have a legitimate purpose.

Now true, some people will push it further and do impressions (replicating the look of a given military group etc) but that's not everyone (guesstimate maybe 20-30% from my observations), nor is it required.

Grizzly0679 April 12th, 2012 19:51


Originally Posted by Fizzmix (Post 1637231)
Alright, fair enough. I guess my question has more to do with reservations with wearing gear than the use of gear itself in airsoft. I've never worn anything camo, and the whole "army stuff" has never interested me. I guess I would feel like a ... "poser" when wearing all the gear when I am well aware I could never "hack it" in the army.

I guess I'm just going to have to pick up some gear, try it out, and see how I feel. I am interested in airsoft to compete, and play against others. It has been a long time since i've competed in anything; I guess if I want to play the game, I should have to wear the uniform.

I'm generally long winded so brace yourself.

I fully understand your point. I've seen videos of airsofters saying, "HOOAH" to each other when I'm almost positive they're not marines, and it irks me - which is rare - because they haven't earned the right to say that. So in a sense they're posers too, and no one likes a person who isn't true to himself, but part of that is also the simulation aspect of this sport - which I'll explain later.

I really think you should reconsider the camo concept. When I have my gear on I don't look very official. Maybe similar to a Vietnam era Special Forces but certainly not anything like the soldiers today. I grew up in a different time though so Vietnam has more symbolism than any modern war for me.

I digress; part of airsoft is looking a certain way. No matter what anyone tells you it is. From the guns, to the camo, to the color of your ammo pouch, at every level there is thought and choice about what one prefers - it's just a spectrum and some are on the far end. There are the rare types who just go (by choice) at it without gear, because they love the game, are pretty indifferent to military stuff and just want to play, but for the most part Airsoft players represent combat simulation, and part of that is simulating your own experience and persona. No one is asking you to swallow a blood pill every time you get shot, pack official military gear, or learn Arabic if you play as an insurgent, but some of the gear just makes sense and adds to the immersion.

Camo works because it blends in with the environment - period. There's nothing poser about doing your best to not get killed by being concealed, and there are plenty of unofficial forces in the world who fight without military uniforms. On a related note, however, a lot of Special Forces wore jeans and camo tops in Vietnam during their ops.

Others things like ammo pouches are just logical, as one poster pointed out since his mags kept falling out of his hoodie. Practicality is the name of the game.

Once you accept some of those fundamental concepts the fun part comes in customizing yourself. Surf the internet, read some books, watch movies, whatever. Get some ideas of your favorites badass look and try to build your gear around that. I had a lot of fun surfing the net buying one thing here and another there, trying to figure what I wanted to look like. I had some ideas to start and basically just worked off of that getting new ideas every time I spotted something I hadn't seen before.

Look, at the base philosophical level, airsoft is really just "guns for adults" (if you ever played "guns" as a kid). So dig deep inside, get in touch with that creative child the technocratic society has been trying to kill and come up with some funky ideas. Don't let anyone tell you "how" to play, but do listen to some of the advice given here as it's pretty sound, and these guys know what they're talking about. Except maybe the Quebec guys. Watch out for them.

Last: Have fun. That's an order!

ThunderCactus April 12th, 2012 19:55


Originally Posted by Fizzmix (Post 1637231)
I guess I would feel like a ... "poser" when wearing all the gear when I am well aware I could never "hack it" in the army.

Don't feel bad about it, a large percentage of airsofters probably couldn't pass basic lol
Some people play airsoft because they can't get into the army
Some people play airsoft because they got kicked out of the army... lol

SHaKaL April 12th, 2012 20:01


Originally Posted by Grizzly0679 (Post 1637313)
. Except maybe the Quebec guys. Watch out for them.

Poor attempt at humor?

Grizzly0679 April 12th, 2012 20:03


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1637320)
Poor attempt at humor?

of course my friend. This is the best place on the planet! I was gonna say Montreal but I didn't want to exclude anyone. :p

SHaKaL April 12th, 2012 20:05


Originally Posted by Grizzly0679 (Post 1637323)
of course my friend. This is the best place on the planet! I was gonna say Montreal but I didn't want to exclude anyone. :p

Just checking :D

BTW seem that you like vietnam era warfare; Were having a Vietnam Game in June 16;
Thread can be found in the Quebec section. You can come if you want
60 something players as of now are in ;)

Grizzly0679 April 12th, 2012 20:10


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1637326)
Just checking :D

Roger that!

Je parles anglais mais la mere de mon pere est une Legault. Si j'insulte les Francias j'insulte moi meme. ;)

kalnaren April 12th, 2012 20:17


Originally Posted by Fizzmix (Post 1637140)

I am extremely new to airsoft - I have yet to play a game. Here is my problem.
I enjoy the thought of myself and others shooting at each other to see who's aim/positioning/etc. is best. I enjoy competition.

What I DONT want to do is dress up in army fatigues, vests, etc. Nothing against people who like to dress up in all that gear, but it just isn't for me. I fully support safety gear, but just can't bring myself to purchase "army" gear to go airsofting.

Here's where I need your opinion. Is it reasonable to have a game with others if I have no intention to wear the "gear" associated with it? Is all the "gear" necessary to attempt to have serious games with others?

Please let me know what you think. Thanks.

Sounds more like you want to play BB tag.

abbadon April 12th, 2012 21:09

Just get your gun, grab a cheep ass pair of old OD green pants at a surplus store, a green,brown or any dark color shirt, and a pair of boots hiking, combat, whatever.

after a game or 2 if you find this is what you want to get into then, grab a few more things.

you do not have to be a kit whore right off the bat, or ever to play

Grizzly0679 April 12th, 2012 21:16


Originally Posted by SHaKaL (Post 1637326)
Just checking :D

BTW seem that you like vietnam era warfare; Were having a Vietnam Game in June 16;
Thread can be found in the Quebec section. You can come if you want
60 something players as of now are in ;)

I saw! it looks great. I'm just new to the sport and don't really know anyone yet so I was hoping to play some games, get to know people then ask someone for a lift, :-D bribing them with gas money and something baked by my girlfriend.

G/f: So, why am I baking at 3:00am?
Me: The future integrity of Capitalism and the projected strength of the West depends on it.
G/F: You're so weird...

Fallen April 12th, 2012 21:27

Gear is addictive, just try it like anything else!!!!! You just want more more and more, but don't need it at all...!

You will see your bank account going very loew without knowing what you actually bought... ;)

Drake April 12th, 2012 21:29


Originally Posted by Grizzly0679 (Post 1637313)
I've seen videos of airsofters saying, "HOOAH" to each other when I'm almost positive they're not marines, and it irks me

Marines don't "HOOAH" either: if you're gonna bitch about at least get it right, cuz that shit irks me.

Jimski April 12th, 2012 21:41

I'm with the 'less gear' crowd.Gear looks cool but as soon as it gets in the way of playing I tend to get rid of it, looking like a fully geared soldier in A-stan is not my primary interest with airsoft.
I never could get used to helmets, plates, tac vests, even the chest rig got me fed up in the end.I really hate leg gear like droplegs.
the gear that proved useful was kneepads, pouches of course (on a belt), holsters, slings, rain gear, cold weather gear, gloves, soft head gear like tuques and headbands for sweat.I tried to get rid of the dump pouch but it's just too convenient.
the pouches-on-the-belt option is convenient for rain and cold, less interference with clothes.
jumpsuits are good because of the lack of belt needed on pants...

Grizzly0679 April 12th, 2012 22:08


Originally Posted by Drake (Post 1637383)
Marines don't "HOOAH" either: if you're gonna bitch about at least get it right, cuz that shit irks me.

Drake, really? You're gonna argue over semantics? Who cares if it was Hooyah, or Oaah, or HUA, or get my point.

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