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Karma_ October 21st, 2011 01:05


Derpystronk October 21st, 2011 03:00

I'll get some new photographs later of all my new toys, but only really have a modest looking photograph of these puppies.

Gen 1? They look too good to be Gen 1 :(

------ Gotta fix pictures ----------

c3sk October 24th, 2011 16:04

More PVS-15 pictures because they're so damn pretty.

medic23 October 24th, 2011 18:14

nice, effing L3..... lol oh well anvis will have to do for now :D

waiting on wilcox filters, tan wilcox anvis mount, both with a 30 day lead time :( oh well

medic23 October 24th, 2011 18:24

thanks, airsoft used to be my addiction, then i went to RS and now NV lol, i want my 15's back from L3 already :( (been back for warranty fix for 4 months) so i went out and got a set of anvis ;)

MilanWG October 24th, 2011 18:27

I have always liked the Anvis set-up.

What do you think of them?

medic23 October 24th, 2011 18:37

pvs-15 light ;) basically non rugged version and they require the lpbp or a 1425$ mount ;)

but if you cant afford a set of 15's these are the next best thing for the price

Cobrajr122 November 3rd, 2011 10:26

Got the Cadex mount for my CF Helmet.

Now if you will excuse me, I am going to go see the nearest shrink.... I think my wallet might hurt itself.....

Karma_ November 3rd, 2011 12:10

Here's a question for those in the know. A lot of you are rocking the Wilcox mount, is that mainly for the impressions or is it just the best? The Norotos AKA2 seems like a really nice mount as well, so I'm just wondering if there's a reason why it isn't seen as much.

MilanWG November 3rd, 2011 13:10

The Norotos J-arm and Rhino swing arm have wobble/play in them.

The combo of the Wilcox mount and Norotos PVS-14 Dual Dovetail adapter create a rock-solid, wobble free platform.

This is something that makes a huge difference when using my PVS14 - but if you are going for an impression, there is no need for it at all.

My 2 cents.

ps. Love your new banner Karma :)

Karma_ November 3rd, 2011 13:19


Originally Posted by TALIBANMILAN (Post 1555846)

ps. Love your new banner Karma :)

Thanks man. Teammate made it.

Yeah, I don't like the Rhino/J-arm set up. I'm moving up.

Qlong November 3rd, 2011 18:25

c3sk November 3rd, 2011 19:46

Oooooooooo a PAQ-4!

makinitbig November 3rd, 2011 21:10

You guys are getting me motivated into finally investing into a PVS14 set up after Christmas.

Just finding a PEQ-15 is tough! Don't really feel like trusting some dude from Hong Kong to deliver a genuine Insight product lol.

Haven't played airsoft in two years, but you guys have way cooler gear than the Canadian firearms community.

frag7 November 9th, 2011 20:49

That's sick! I want to play too!
I'm in the market for a Gen3 setup but I'd like to avoid russian tubes. What is the best place to buy from ?

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