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krap101 October 20th, 2011 01:27


Originally Posted by MadMax (Post 1549355)
I didn't realize that TM made one with an extendable stock. Is your stock an aftermarket one? I think I recall G&P making a collapsible twisting stock. I don't recall if there was ever a M4 style stock.

need_a_name: I don't plan to develop anything around the 40mm Moscart until I finish my launchable grenade work. This project is taking quite a long time, but if I can pull it off, I'd consider making 40mm related products. Currently I fell the 40mm rounds are prohibitively expensive for use as a shotgun round. They're nice and loud, but I don't find the have enough reach.

Would a quad+ barrel paintball gun fit the bill? Fed with a pressurized backpack... where the paintballs filled with bb's... and candy...

TaroBear October 20th, 2011 02:04

Max, it's one of those clone ones. As far as I'm aware, it's a clone internally of the TM, with a cheaper version of the details used on the CAW M4.

MadMax October 20th, 2011 03:27

Thanks for the offer TaroBear. I think I'll stick to TM shotties because I'm familiar with them. I haven't looked at any clones and I don't want to get into any surprises.

Back on topic: how many of you have owned a shotty? How much did it cost? What model was it and were you happy with what you got for the price you paid for it?

wildcard October 20th, 2011 09:06


Originally Posted by MadMax (Post 1549376)
Thanks for the offer TaroBear. I think I'll stick to TM shotties because I'm familiar with them. I haven't looked at any clones and I don't want to get into any surprises.

Back on topic: how many of you have owned a shotty? How much did it cost? What model was it and were you happy with what you got for the price you paid for it?

Used to owned a maruzen 1100 (I think some how you end up with it) and Tanaka scattergun and all three model of the Marui shotty, got rid of the maruzen and tanaka because of leaky gas reservoir, all three Marui with the exception of the tactical launcher has broken internals now all I have left are the Custom Tanaka 870 - All metal goodness lovely with AS or madbull Shell, a really nice wall hanger and G&P 870 - Single shot, effective enough for CQB

Carl you need to make a double long barrel 40mm shotty!!

need_a_name October 20th, 2011 09:15

madmnax: well in design of it everything is pretty much ironed out so i'l give it a go for sure, but the thing is i need to get a 40mm round first.. haha unless someone can give me some mesurments of how thick it is at the lip, and the rest well excpet the cover of the gas chamber which is 40mm

Coresair October 20th, 2011 09:43

While doing some research on upgrades for marui/marui based shotgun I learned that they are derived from maruzen's design (on the exterior) and that it is a fairly easy mod to slap on a maruzen full stock on them (870).

Maybe that could be of help Max?

EDIT: found the page, I was at work this morning and didn't have it on hand, it's from france airsoft so if any of you need help translating stuff I'd be more than happy to help out! (5th post):

TaroBear October 20th, 2011 14:12


Originally Posted by MadMax (Post 1549376)

Back on topic: how many of you have owned a shotty? How much did it cost? What model was it and were you happy with what you got for the price you paid for it?

I got the Benelli for about 200. It hasn't failed me yet, but it's pretty weak in the FPS department.

I got a Marui SPAS-12 recently. Loving it. Cost me about 450 for just the gun. Maybe a bit steep for it, but there's nothing wrong with the gun. I slapped on a 150 dollar stock on it. It really doesn't feel complete without the stock, not to mention being more difficult to pump. While the rest of the gun feels well built, the pistol grip on the SPAS-12 is feels a bit fincky. When I was opening it up to install the stock, I found out that the grip is actually really thick plastic, but hollow inside. Marui has these metal weights wrapped in soft fabric to give the gun more balance (sort of like what they do with 1911s). It's game worthy, but I doubt you'd have any room to do anything creative with that. There's no room left in the grip, and the rest of the gun isn't easily accessed/has any spare room for you to work with. There's a space right under the sling mount inside the grip about the size of a golfball you could use, but even that would be eliminated if the user installed a stock (the nub that locks the folding stock in place actually has to extend completely through this hollow space). I'm told the Benelli M3s have the same design as the SPAS internally, but I sure hope it's got a bit more room for you to work with.

Edit: Ah, two little tidbits that may or may not be helpful, Max. While the Marui SPAS has a grip that is sealed at the bottom, the clone shotgun has a hollow pistol grip. The clone grip allows you to stick a shell right into the grip for storage. I'm not sure as to what the Marui Benelli grip looks like. Secondly, both the clone and Marui shotguns have dummy tubes under the barrel. You pop open the cover, and you'll find a hollow space where spare shells can be stored. These are pushed up to the user by a spring plate at the bottom of the tube. I've never seen anyone using this feature, as taking the cap off during a game to get at your shells would be like ramrodding a musket. If you removed all this, you'd have an empty tube to play around with.

Reckless October 20th, 2011 20:30


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1549420)
Carl you need to make a double long barrel 40mm shotty!!

I;ve actually been half ass messing around with a design like that... double barrel side by side 40mm styled like an old shotgun

I/We call it the FUDD gun ... as it reminds me of the horribly scaled double barrel elmer fudd would carry ... and well the sounds it would make (atleast on propane shells LOL FFUUDD! FUUUDDD! )

wildcard October 20th, 2011 20:47


Originally Posted by Reckless (Post 1549820)
I;ve actually been half ass messing around with a design like that... double barrel side by side 40mm styled like an old shotgun

I/We call it the FUDD gun ... as it reminds me of the horribly scaled double barrel elmer fudd would carry ... and well the sounds it would make (atleast on propane shells LOL FFUUDD! FUUUDDD! )

no propane, 40mm on propane are for pussies if Elmer Fudd gun are to be made then it has to be CO2 or nothing

Reckless October 20th, 2011 21:47


Originally Posted by wildcard (Post 1549832)
no propane, 40mm on propane are for pussies if Elmer Fudd gun are to be made then it has to be CO2 or nothing

hah.. yeah at the time the idea surfaced co2 40mm's were not on my/our radar ... yeah I have intent on using any 40mm not running co2 ;)

MadMax October 21st, 2011 03:18

Thanks for the market feedback guys as well as the gun offers. I've managed to secure a TM shotty and I think I'm going to go with it.

I'm not really engineering around the TM design. I'm designing an action/pneumatics assembly which should be compact enough to fit inside a TM Super 90 or many other models for that matter. I was shopping around for some furniture to frankenstein my proof of concept into for game playing. After I'm done tweaking things, I'll get around to designing the rest of the gun, but for now I'm focusing on making something that shoots just right.

As much as I'd like to make an upgrade kit to help out anyone who already has a shotgun, I can't keep track of what other manufacturers are going to do. It's hard to get airsoft guns in Canada. That gets in the way of me looking at other makers stuff and keeping track of what small changes they may make which would make my kits incompatible so I plan to design an entire model from the pneumatics to body.

Mitchell12 October 21st, 2011 03:43


Originally Posted by MadMax (Post 1549987)
Thanks for the market feedback guys as well as the gun offers. I've managed to secure a TM shotty and I think I'm going to go with it.

I'm not really engineering around the TM design. I'm designing an action/pneumatics assembly which should be compact enough to fit inside a TM Super 90 or many other models for that matter. I was shopping around for some furniture to frankenstein my proof of concept into for game playing. After I'm done tweaking things, I'll get around to designing the rest of the gun, but for now I'm focusing on making something that shoots just right.

As much as I'd like to make an upgrade kit to help out anyone who already has a shotgun, I can't keep track of what other manufacturers are going to do. It's hard to get airsoft guns in Canada. That gets in the way of me looking at other makers stuff and keeping track of what small changes they may make which would make my kits incompatible so I plan to design an entire model from the pneumatics to body.

This sounds really interesting, I hope to hear more in the future :).

Reckless October 21st, 2011 11:26


Originally Posted by MadMax (Post 1549987)
Thanks for the market feedback guys as well as the gun offers. I've managed to secure a TM shotty and I think I'm going to go with it.

I'm not really engineering around the TM design. I'm designing an action/pneumatics assembly which should be compact enough to fit inside a TM Super 90 or many other models for that matter. I was shopping around for some furniture to frankenstein my proof of concept into for game playing. After I'm done tweaking things, I'll get around to designing the rest of the gun, but for now I'm focusing on making something that shoots just right.

As much as I'd like to make an upgrade kit to help out anyone who already has a shotgun, I can't keep track of what other manufacturers are going to do. It's hard to get airsoft guns in Canada. That gets in the way of me looking at other makers stuff and keeping track of what small changes they may make which would make my kits incompatible so I plan to design an entire model from the pneumatics to body.

I was actually thinking about something like this too (I love the whole one off custom thing ) ... but I lack the machining equipment to make a reliably sealed internal system off the base guts I wanted to use ..

which was basically the guts from one of the new Wingun NBB co2 pistols

I've had nearly every tri shot spring shotgun apart on my bench and far as I can tell the differences are exterior body fit, and minor (enough to be frustrating) differences in the loading mechanism.. the actual "gearbox" of them was all the same down to the poor stupid plastic nozzles that eventually get destroyed.

if you could just make the internal box up to and including the nozzles (metal nozzles!!!! I'd rather have the odd chopped bb in a shotgun then repeatly having and destroyed top nozzle) of the double action NBB pistol type .. 12G co2 canister in the grip .. attach the pump to the hammer action .. but leave the double action trigger working... you could get the rack bang! and also have a proper M3 that is semi auto ... by the time you blast the normal 450+ fps the goes down 3 barrels it should drop it to the 300fps levels and be safe for all gaming ...

if any of that made sense LOL ...

Rumpel Felt October 22nd, 2011 20:03

One of my longest held wetdreams of airsoft is a shotgun with some balls to back up the look.

I've had the M3 Super 90 and currently have the SPAS 12 with (rare and ridiculously expensive but oh so necessary) folding stock. I love the models but yes as others have been saying, there's just something missing without that audible expression of how big your cock is after the trigger is pulled. Racking them is nice; but you can tell you're pulling a spring, and it sounds a bit plasticy.

The TM "mechboxs" are shit just waiting to happen too. Why they insist on using plastic and/or shitacular metal for highly stressed internal parts.... When they aren't even making a killing of replacements anyway, is just....annoying.

Upon ripping these things open I've imagined a GBB drop-in of sorts....not that I currently have any way in hell of bringing one to life. Both guns do have a nice empty shell tube. A storage unit of many sorts could fit right in there, which I think would be the way to go. The pistol grips are too..loaded, and cheesy, and would require drilling.

One thing about the TM I praise is the practicality with ammo. 10 x 3 shots....not bad in terms of shot count. The shell type magazine at least gets you in the realm of playing around with shotgun shells. Not ejecting spent ones is pretty well the only economic way to go without carrying a sack. This combined with a gas system would give maximum awesomeness for maximum gaming practicality.

I dunno. A "drop-in gasbox" and magazine tube-stored tank?

Mitchell12 October 26th, 2011 17:55

I wouldn't mind even running an external air tank personally.

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