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Boyso June 13th, 2011 10:40

Well normally, you use your pistol in really close range :P

MultipleParadox June 13th, 2011 11:03


Originally Posted by Boyso (Post 1482788)
Well normally, you use your pistol in really close range :P

Meh, at really close range, you freeze. :P Unless you shoot at ~200-225fps, which is pointless IMHO as it'll have a crappy trajectory at moderate distance.

If 350 is good for an AEG in CQB, I don't see why it wouldn't for a pistol really

My opinion/understanding anyways

Eeyore June 13th, 2011 11:06


Originally Posted by MultipleParadox (Post 1482798)
Meh, at really close range, you freeze. :P Unless you shoot at ~200-225fps, which is pointless IMHO as it'll have a crappy trajectory at moderate distance.

If 350 is good for an AEG in CQB, I don't see why it wouldn't for a pistol really

My opinion/understanding anyways

YOu opinion and understanding are correct for most games. Some places have a MED for everything, and they allow pistols to break it if they shoot sub 330.

Dart June 13th, 2011 15:04

most of the games out here are bush games. We do how ever have a field "hardcorps" that has a city on it... when the game moves to the city a 500fps rifle is pretty hard to deploy and keep my 60-90foot MED. So I need something that will also be effective in this environment.

Lots of good input into this thread. I have ruled out win gun revolvers for the lack of a hop up... no hop up in an airsoft gun thats not a shot gun now adays doesn't make sense.

Trying to find someone that carries the beretta seems to be a bit of a pain.

The glock seems promising.
the mp9 seems like my most likely choice if I can find a holster that won't break the bank.

I have also considered a small sawed off shot gun *pump not break barrel* But the draw on that might be a pain. Quick deployment will be my friend.

BTW I won't touch another WE gun ever. I have had 2 of them in the past and they were both the worse than herpes.

on a side note does anyone know what the german anti terror unit uses for a marksman's side arm?

Ktown Militia June 13th, 2011 15:08


Originally Posted by Dart (Post 1482939)
most of the games out here are bush games. We do how ever have a field "hardcorps" that has a city on it... when the game moves to the city a 500fps rifle is pretty hard to deploy and keep my 60-90foot MED. So I need something that will also be effective in this environment.

Lots of good input into this thread. I have ruled out win gun revolvers for the lack of a hop up... no hop up in an airsoft gun thats not a shot gun now adays doesn't make sense.

Trying to find someone that carries the beretta seems to be a bit of a pain.

The glock seems promising.
the mp9 seems like my most likely choice if I can find a holster that won't break the bank.

I have also considered a small sawed off shot gun *pump not break barrel* But the draw on that might be a pain. Quick deployment will be my friend.

BTW I won't touch another WE gun ever. I have had 2 of them in the past and they were both the worse than herpes.

You have herpes? :p

Can't go wrong with the glock, lots on classifieds. Scott also put up an MP7 for sale. Might wanna look into that, it's right in your budget.

Ballcancer June 13th, 2011 16:50

The MP9 is great .. thats what I use as my side arm now... When I have money to spend on airsoft again.. I will be adding a weapons catch with a teather for a quick release... and because the gun is already on a sling it just falls forward to my front.. right now it dangles on a sling.. and when I need it i just put a mag in ... works for me... The only thing with the MP9 is the mags are very pricy... Cheapest I have gotten them for is 60 canadian ... that was from a private sale...

Repeat June 13th, 2011 17:19


Originally Posted by Dart (Post 1482939)
the mp9 seems like my most likely choice if I can find a holster that won't break the bank.

Since non of the site retailer's cary these, it should be O.K. to post this link. My appolagies if it's not.

Dart June 13th, 2011 17:31


Originally Posted by Repeat (Post 1483001)
Since non of the site retailer's cary these, it should be O.K. to post this link. My appolagies if it's not.

thanks for the link. Means I gotta find the R version. Everyone on here seems to have the normal one...

Repeat June 13th, 2011 18:15

SaskSoft Armoury (to make up for the external link), a site retailer, has a black one in stock for a good price. $380.

Dart June 13th, 2011 18:19


Originally Posted by Repeat
SaskSoft Armoury (to make up for the external link), a site retailer, has a black one in stock for a good price. $380.

Yup. I have already talked to Jeff. But that's a mp9 not a mp9r.

iname June 13th, 2011 18:22

after reading all these posts I agree a kmp9 from KWA is a good option but if the mag issue is a problem I just picked up the PT99. It is a m93r variant that has full auto and semi and to boot it is CO2. the only drawback is you need to get the propriatary mags for it but from the reviews they also sell the exstended 38rd mags.

if you don't mind the long mags then the mp9 is what I would get.

were I work these are the price points you are looking at $199.95 for the pt99 and $499.99 for the mp9(i am sure you can find one in the $300 dollar range)

asside from that I have also a usp compact that fires full auto but is finikie.
fun tho.

Death March June 13th, 2011 18:29

For the last 5 years I'v been using the Glock 19,I'm not a Glock fan,BUT it works everytime,one gas up on a mag lasts for about 3 reloads of BB's. The only thing I'v done to mine is a metal mag. catch,tightbore and a King arms recoil spring. I'm more of a 1911 fan,but havent found one that comes close in performance to the G19 (KSC/KWA). I also started using a USP Compact with the Glock,also seems to be a sweet shooter.

Repeat June 13th, 2011 18:42


Originally Posted by Dart (Post 1483040)
Yup. I have already talked to Jeff. But that's a mp9 not a mp9r.

My bad. The pic is definitely an MP9R though. The difference between them is the MP9 has the vertical grip on the front, and the MP9R has the rail instead. The only reason the drop leg holster specifies MP9R is because the MP9 won't fit due to the front vertical grip. So..... If he can send you the one in the pic, it will fit the holster. Keep in mind the holster is for the MP7, and just happens to fit an MP9R due to it's slightly smaller size.

Styrak June 13th, 2011 19:59


Originally Posted by Repeat (Post 1483059)
My bad. The pic is definitely an MP9R though. The difference between them is the MP9 has the vertical grip on the front, and the MP9R has the rail instead. The only reason the drop leg holster specifies MP9R is because the MP9 won't fit due to the front vertical grip. So..... If he can send you the one in the pic, it will fit the holster. Keep in mind the holster is for the MP7, and just happens to fit an MP9R due to it's slightly smaller size.

Yeah I did have an R version but sold it and currently have a grip version.

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