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Scarecrow June 28th, 2010 21:15


Originally Posted by Azathoth (Post 1263986)
I'd be willing to buy these and shoot them. Would prefer a super heavy weight Bastard instead like a 0.80g-2.0gram BB. Preferably not metal since that is such a no no in Canada.

I know the market here is very limited for such types of ammo, but, BB Bastard now spans Canada, the US and shortly Europe. There are jurisdictions that would even use these in games - even at higher velocities, its still under ASTM F1776 for joule level paintball goggle penetration. Would I want to be tagged with one of these? Nope. Talk about hurt locker. But for accurized distance shooting or competition shooting, for sure.

I have a number of materials that form hardened crystal lattices that can be used to make various levels of weight. I'm experimenting with at least 3 more right now.

The Chad June 28th, 2010 21:15

Lead is bad, steel is fine.

Scarecrow June 28th, 2010 21:18

Most metals except perhaps aluminum are too dense and too heavy for an airsoft round. Aluminum and zinc are typical weight doping substances for heavier BBs, but they compromise material bonding (witness green .36s and tan .40s that behave like crayons), so I am not a fan of that material for adding weight.

Deadpool June 28th, 2010 21:44

I would tend to think that those are ceramic. But I may be wrong.

deep in the bush June 28th, 2010 22:01

They are Depleted Uranium airsoft bb's.

Cilantro June 28th, 2010 22:06

I'm guessing ceramic, given the crystalline form and the polish and perfection of the bb. This is really exciting news, Scarecrow. Keep raising the bar!!

Able1 June 28th, 2010 22:22

Its a new way to transport crack cocaine lol.

Sha Do June 28th, 2010 22:29

Experimenting you say...with three different weight compositions you say...
I wounder if adding incandescent dye into your mix is an option........for sniper weight tracer rounds (are they finally coming into existence??).


Scarecrow June 28th, 2010 23:57


Originally Posted by Steven (Post 1263973)
.... reusable target rounds?

Yes indeed.

Azathoth June 29th, 2010 00:54


Originally Posted by Scarecrow (Post 1263995)
I know the market here is very limited for such types of ammo, but, BB Bastard now spans Canada, the US and shortly Europe. There are jurisdictions that would even use these in games - even at higher velocities, its still under ASTM F1776 for joule level paintball goggle penetration. Would I want to be tagged with one of these? Nope. Talk about hurt locker. But for accurized distance shooting or competition shooting, for sure.

I have a number of materials that form hardened crystal lattices that can be used to make various levels of weight. I'm experimenting with at least 3 more right now.

There is a growing community of hardball players in Canada and the limits that we are playing are comparable with the Russian/norweigan limits 4-6joules. The issue is finding quality ammo at reasonable prices. and in most guns .43 is too light.

As for your target ammo. There are too many factors that affect the "accuracy" or an airsoft gun that is completely out of our control. It's not like we can go to an indoor range and zero the guns. Not many people have 200ft basements that they can accurately zero a gun. hell it's probably a challenge to find a windless environment at 100ft for most people.


Originally Posted by The Chad (Post 1263996)
Lead is bad, steel is fine.

Field owners don't want aluminum/copper BB's being shot on their property and left there forever. Indoor facilities is a different matter. you can sweep the floors, wash the BB's and after inspecting them it MAY be possible to shoot them again.

Donster June 29th, 2010 01:18


Originally Posted by Sha Do (Post 1264036)
Experimenting you say...with three different weight compositions you say...
I wounder if adding incandescent dye into your mix is an option........for sniper weight tracer rounds (are they finally coming into existence??).


+1 .30g tracer bbs, and just BB Bastard Tracer BBs in general would be awesome.

sushicake June 29th, 2010 01:24

I say .60 gram crack cocaine balls.

pusangani June 29th, 2010 01:46

I'd say they are made of the same material as Billiard balls

From ehow


Since then, the manufacturing of billiard balls has seen many improvements. A billiard ball is now made out of unsaturated polyester resins and calcium carbonate reacted with an organic peroxide catalyst.

Scarecrow June 29th, 2010 06:32


Originally Posted by Azathoth (Post 1264109)
Not many people have 200ft basements that they can accurately zero a gun. hell it's probably a challenge to find a windless environment at 100ft for most people.

Agreed, but you don't need even 100ft to improve basic accurization. Most AEGs barrels are so poorly centered and sights so off that even doing a basic accurization with the kit I'll provide will be a vast improvement.

But for those who do have access to a real steel gun range, there is plenty of distance available for far-distance accurization. I have access to several indoor and outdoor locations I can and have done accurization at.

It will be a limited appeal item, for sure, but enough to make it worthwhile in the long run. I've also not always done certain kinds of products in the BB business strictly on a supply-demand-profit basis. Some things are useful to have even if they are just low quantity items.

There is also something to be said for being a brand that sells the most accurized rounds in the world, and, pardon the pun, I aim for that.


Originally Posted by pusangani (Post 1264131)
I'd say they are made of the same material as Billiard balls

No, not Eco friendly. Also that process does not scale down easily.


Originally Posted by Azathoth (Post 1264109)
The issue is finding quality ammo at reasonable prices. and in most guns .43 is too light.

Weights are rising, but its a volume game, and the other problem is materials. Past .30g you make ugly compromises using composite ingredients that work okay in lower ratios but when you ramp up the weight and the ratios change the properties of the end result BB become progressively less desirable.

VooDooPeteK June 29th, 2010 07:44

I say keep it up, the more products you develop the better and now that you are world wide you have a larger market to appeal to.

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